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1、 Module 3Module 3 SectionSection GrammarGrammar .单词拼写 1Have you ever listened to the bands (乐队的) concert? 2The problem is too complex for a child to understand. 3His first music teacher had a strong influence on him. 4I dont know the title but I recognize the tune (曲调) 5Who wrote the lyrics (歌词) and

2、 who composed the music of this song? 6He is a lecturer (讲师) in French at Oxford. 7She was offered the leading role in the new TV series. 8If you mix blue and yellow, you get green. 9Going away to college has made me much more independent. 10We received a warm welcome from our hosts. .单句改错 1The room

3、 is comfortable to live. live 后加 in 2I cant stand to be kept waiting for a long time. to_bebeing 3Where do you suggest should we go for our holiday? 去掉 should或改为 we_should 4This kind of apples tastes good and is sold well. is_soldsells 5Beethoven composed many piece of famous music after he became d

4、eaf. piecepieces 6. The way which he explained the question was quite simple. whichthat/in_which 7That book is very difficult to be understood. be_understoodunderstand 8. Youre always mixing me with my twin brother. me 后加 up 9. Have you made note of what you saw just now? note 前加 a 10. Influencing b

5、y the teacher,he decided to take up teaching as his career. InfluencingInfluenced .完形填空 “You can do anything you want to do as long as you set your mind to it and stick with it.” I remember hearing those words from my _1_ ever since I was a little girl. Through the years Ive grown up _2_ them and us

6、ing them to _3_ me. You see, there is no one I _4_ more than my mother. When I was four years old, my mother and father got divorced (离婚), although he didnt _5_ with us after I was two. At the time, my brother was only eight. Being a single parent is a _6_ enough job in itself but my mother also wor

7、ked fulltime. Most people who heard about this _7_ probably thought that at least one of the children would _8_ getting into some kind of _9_ whether with the law or something else, but that never _10_. My mother taught both of us about morals, goals and rules, along with many other things. Although

8、 she _11_ all week, my mom always had _12_ for us, whether it was to take us to our baseball and soccer games or if we just _13_ someone to talk to. At one point I remember clearly that I had a speech problem, and that she made me _14_ every night over and over again until I got it _15_. All in all,

9、 I feel I can _16_ with my mother about anything, with her acting 1 more as a _17_ than a parent. I realize not everyone has a mother like mine, which makes me _18_ her even more. After everything she has done for me, I want to make her _19_ by being the first woman in my family to go to college and

10、 get a(n) _20_. 【文章大意】 妈妈独自一人把作者和哥哥养大,她是世上最让作者敬佩的人。 1A.father Bmother Cbrother Dteacher 解析:从下文作者对妈妈的介绍可知,这句话是妈妈说的。 答案:B 2A.believing in Blooking into Csearching for Dthinking about 解析: 作者对这句话深信不疑。 答案: A 3A.describe Bsupport Cencourage Dprotect 解析:作者对这句话深信不疑,还常用这句话鼓励自己。 答案:C 4A.help Bunderstand Cmiss

11、 Dadmire 解析:根据第一句妈妈的话可知,没有什么人能比妈妈更让作者敬佩的了。 答案:D 5A.play Bspeak Clive Dtravel 解析:父母在作者四岁时就离婚了,但是他们在作者两岁时就分居了。 答案:C 6A.bad Bsad Crare Dhard 解析:父母离婚后,妈妈独自一人带着作者和哥哥,生活非常艰辛。 答案:D 7A.news Bsituation Copinion Drule 解析:上一段是作者小时候的家庭情况。 答案:B 8A.end up Bworry about Cdream of Dstart out 解 析:由上文作者成长的家庭环境判断,听了作者的

12、情况后多数人认为作者和哥哥最终会 遇到法律或其他方面的麻烦。 答案:A 9A.danger Btrouble Cconversation Dwar 解析: 参见上题解析。 答 案:B 10A.changed Bimproved Cended Dhappened 解析:“根据下句中的 taught”可知,这种坏情况根本没有发生。 答案:D 11A.complained Bstudied Cworked Dexercised 解析:“根据上文的 worked fulltime”可知,妈妈一周都得上班。 答案:C 12A.advice Bsurprise Ctime Dprize 2 解析:“根据该

13、空后的 whether it was to take us to our baseball and soccer games or if we just _13_ someone to talk to”可知,妈妈再忙也有时间陪他们。 答案:C 13A.called Bneeded Cfound Dwelcomed 解析:如果作者和哥哥只是需要找人谈谈,妈妈都会抽出时间来。 答案:B 14A.practise Blook Creply Dsing 解 析:“与本空前的 speech problem”构成呼应。作者说话不流利,于是妈妈就让作者晚 上反复练习。 答案:A 15A.simple Bri

14、ght Cuseful Dready 解析:练习了很多遍之后,作者说话终于正常了。 答案:B 16A.debate Bread Ctalk Dlearn 解 析:“根据该空后的 with her acting more as a _17_ than a parent”可知,作者 感觉自己和妈妈无所不谈。 答案:C 17A.friend Bvolunteer Cclassmate Dworkmate 解析:作者和妈妈无所不谈,她就像作者的一个好朋友。 答案:A 18A.pay Breward Cexpect Dappreciate 解 析:根据上文妈妈对作者的言传身教得出,作者觉得没有一个人的妈

15、妈能比得上自己的 妈妈,这让作者非常感激她。 答案:D 19A.popular Bconfident Cproud Dshocked 解析:“从该空后 being the first woman in my family to go to college and get a(n) _20_”可知,作者想让妈妈感到自豪。 答案:C 20A.degree Bchance Caward Dadvantage 解析:“承接该空前的 go to college”可知,此处的意思是取得学位。 答案:A .阅读理解 When you feel tired,how do you relax? Drink co

16、ffee,take a bath,do some exercise, or play some music and dance? For dance music fans and nightclub lovers,the world famous English DJ (disco jockey)Sasha will bring them the worlds finest dance music. He is coming to Guangzhou,Beijing and Shanghai on November 1820 as part of his world tour in suppo

17、rt of his new CD. One of the main roles of music has always been to go with dancing. However, todays dance music is very different from the past. The history of dance music goes back to the 16th century. In the Renaissance (文艺复兴) and Baroque (巴洛克) periods in Europe,rich people were expected to be ab

18、le to dance at social events. Each type of dance gave rise to its own form of music. 3 During the 18th and 19th centuries the most popular dances were the Waltz and the Polka (波尔卡舞). In this period, dances were often written for the concert hall. For example, symphonies (交响乐) would have a waltz move

19、ment, and piano pieces were sometimes in waltz or polka. In the 1970s,dance music moved into new places called Discos. The music was faster, had more bass and started to become more electric. Disco music began to develop in the US and around Europe. By the 1980s the music became much faster and even

20、 more electronic. In the 1990s,clubs took over discos. DJs mixed other peoples music. Club dance rhythms (韵律) became a major part of popular music. Club dance music has different forms,including drum and bass (低音乐器), hiphop, R & B. It makes use of technology and DJs play a bigger part in spreading t

21、he music. 1Which of the following does not show the difference between todays dance music and that of the past? A. They have different forms. B. More technology is made use of. C. The music is faster. D. Todays music is more professional. 解析:推理判断题。前三个选项的内容在文中都提到,只有 D 选项内容无从谈起。 答案:D 2Which of the fol

22、lowing is correct according to the order of each type becoming popular? a. Waltz b. Disco music c. R & B A. abc B. bac C. acb D. bca 解析:细节理解题。第四、五、六三段分别提到三者出现的先后时间。 答案:A 3From the third paragraph,we can see that _. A. dancing cannot be separated from music B. in the 16th century,people still did not

23、 have much social life C. peoples social needs resulted in the birth of different types of dance music D. the time of its birth can tell the difference between todays dance music and that of the past 解 析:细节理解题。从第三段最后一句可知人们的社会需求导致了不同类型的舞蹈音乐的 诞生。 答案:C 4Which of the following is not true about dance mu

24、sic? A. Dance music dates back to the 16th century. B. Types of dance decide the changes in dance music. C. Dance music has gone through different stages. D. In different periods,dance music is written for different places. 解析:细节理解题。从第三段最后一句 Each type of dance gave rise to its own form of music 可知,每

25、一种类型的舞蹈都产生了自己的音乐形式,但这句话不等于说舞蹈类型决定 舞蹈音乐的变化。 答案:B 5According to the passage,a DJs job is mainly to _. A. develop disco music B. create music for the club C. put different music forms together D. choose and play music using technology 解析:细节理解题。从最后一段第二句和最后一句可知。 4 答案:D .短文改错 Music plays a important role

26、in my life and listen to music is my favorite activity. Usually I preferred to express my feeling through music, and I like pop music best. I dont like rock music because of I think its too noisily. When I am tired after studying or when I am nervous before exams, music helps me feel relaxing and fr

27、esh. I am not good at singing or I can play the piano and the violin. In addition, I am fond of listening to foreign song in order to learn more about the cultures of different countries as well learning about the world better. Music makes your life more colorful. 答案: Music plays a important role in

28、 my life and liste n to music is my favorite an listening activity. Usually I preferre d to express my feeling through music, and I like pop prefer music best. I dont like rock music because of I think its too noisil y . When noisy I am tired after studying or when I am nervous before exams, music h

29、elps me feelrelaxin g relaxed and fresh. I am not good at singing o r I can play the piano and the violin. but In addition, I am fond of listening to foreign son g in order to learn more about songs the cultures of different countries as well learning about the world better. Music as makes your life more colorful. my 5


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