商务礼仪实务英语Module 1 Project 1. Image Management 形象管理.ppt

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《商务礼仪实务英语Module 1 Project 1. Image Management 形象管理.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《商务礼仪实务英语Module 1 Project 1. Image Management 形象管理.ppt(114页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、商务礼仪实务英语 Practice of Business Etiquette in English,对外经济贸易大学出版社,全国高等院校基于工作过程的校企合作系列教材,课程导入(理解礼仪及其重要性),孔子云:“不知礼,无以立” 意思是说,你如果不懂礼貌和礼节,就难以在社会交往中立足。 礼仪的含义 在中文里,最早的 “礼” 和 “仪” 是分开的。 “礼”的三层意思: 1)政治制度 2)礼貌、礼节 3)礼物,“仪” 也同样有三层意思: 1)容貌和外表 2)仪式和礼节 3)准则和法度 应该说,中国古代的“礼仪”从本质上更偏重于政治体制上的道德教化。 西方“礼仪”一词始于法语”Etiguette”,

2、原意是”法庭上的通行证“。后来慢慢演变成“人际交往的通行证”。,课程导入,纵观中外对“礼仪”的理解,归纳出以下意思: 1)是一种行为规范或行为模式 2)是大家共同遵守的 3)有它存在的合理性 (保证社会秩序),课程导入,模块1 综合素养,了解形象管理和情绪管理的内容,学习仪容、仪表和仪态礼仪以及如何有效进行情绪管理。,Project 1. Image Management 形象管理,The way you look directly affects, the way you think, the way you feel, the way you speak, the way you act

3、or behave, and then the way others react or respond to you Judith Rasband,Task Three Manners Etiquette,Task Two Appearance Etiquette,Task One Grooming Etiquette,I. Lead in,Activity 1: Discuss the following questions with your partner.,1. What does a personal image constitute? 2. Does your image have

4、 the desired influence on people?,商务人员形象,何为形象?外界对我们的印象和评价 形象的两点重要性 1、角色定位 2、初次亮相、第一印象(首轮效应) 第一印象 可以先声夺人 造就心理优势 “首因效应” 人与人见面的最初印象取决于 最初的7秒-2分钟 32%的口语 68%的态势语 形象就是宣传 形象就是效益 形象就是服务 形象就是生命 形象重于一切,1、首因效应 强调初次打交道时第一印象非常重要。 2、近因效应 强调在交往中人们更关注交往对象最近一次的表现。 3、定型效应 简而言之,人们业已成型的某一印象很难改变了。,II. Reading: Read the

5、following passages and have a group discussion.,Image Management is the ongoing, pro-active process of evaluating and controlling the impact of your appearance on you, on others, and the achievement of your goals.,Image Management is not personality development, which focuses only on the self, and i

6、t is not makeover or grooming which focus on the outside.,People recognize that the right image makes people attribute confidence, superior ability and other positive elements to them.,1. What is image management? 2. Why is image management important?,Activity 2: Group discussion.,pro-active adj. in

7、tending or intended to produce a good result or avoid a problem, rather than waiting until there is a problem 积极的 framework n. a structure around or over which something is built 框架;结构 groom v. to make yourself ready to be seen; put in order 使做好准备;修饰 enhance v. to improve the quality, amount, or str

8、ength of something 提高 downplay v. to make something seem less important or not as bad as it really is 不予重视 optimal adj. optimum 最佳的,New Words,Task One Grooming Etiquette 仪容礼仪,1. 首因效应这是一个两分钟的世界,First impressionswhat people think of each other when they first meetcan greatly help or hurt a relationshi

9、p.,David J. Liebermans book “Get Anyone to Do Anything”:,“Regarding first impressions, there is something called the primacy effect: the process whereby our first impression of another person causes us to interpret his or her subsequent behavior in a manner consistent with the first impression.”, wa

10、y of talking clothes and accessories face hair posture (how a person sits or stands) body shape,Activity 3: How do you form the first impression about a person? Check () three things you notice.,2. 修面:男士魅力的亮点,An electric shaver is a convenient way to get a quick, close shave in the morning before yo

11、u go to work.,Preparation Soften the hair and the pores on your face. Technique Begin with your neck and work your way up. The neck can be a hard place to shave. Rotate the razor in a circular motion as you shave, and move it quickly around. Press firmly on the shaver while youre shaving, but not so

12、 hard that it hurts. Finishing Use a little moisturizer or aftershave on the areas that youve shaved.,Activity 4: Group discussion.,1. Is it important for male to get a quick, close shave in the morning before going to work? 2. For boys, have you ever used an electric shaver?,3. 化妆:女士职业形象的标志,1.Apply

13、 an oil-free moisturizer all over your face. Next, apply a primer and let it it absorb for about one minute. A primer is essential because it will make your foundation last longer.,2.Dip a flat-top brush in liquid foundation. Apply the foundation all over your face, making sure to blend away any har

14、sh edges. Next, dip your concealer brush in cream concealer. Gently pat your brush on areas you want to conceal, such as under-eye circles and blemishes. Smile, and apply peach blush on the apples of your cheeks with a blush brush.,3.Pat eyeshadow primer on your eyelids gently, using your fingers. L

15、et it dry for 30 seconds. Dip a small eyeshadow brush in some white eyeshadow. Apply the eyeshadow all over your lids and slightly above your crease. Apply two coats of black mascara on your top and bottom lashes.,4.Apply nude lipstick directly on your lips. Finish off with a clear lip gloss.,礼仪知识小贴

16、士,职业女性化妆禁忌: 一忌浓妆艳抹 二忌盲目模仿 三忌当众化妆 四忌残妆示人 五忌借用他人化妆品 六忌非议他人妆容,,1. What do you do for daily makeup? 2. How to makeup?,Activity 5: Group discussion.,4. 职业人士的发型要求,The bob hairstyle works for the business woman because it is a flexible hairstyle that looks polished. To get the bob hairstyle, ask for a blun

17、t cut with no layering. If the hair is extra thick, you can ask the stylist to thin out the hair and ends underneath for a smoother look. An inverted bob, where the hair is longer in the front and cut shorter in the back, is another option for a business haircut that gives a the modern look with pro

18、fessional polish.,Bob Hairstyles,Long Layered Hairstyles,Long layered hairstyles will work for business situations as long as the hair and layers are kept in top shape. Layers are shorter lengths of hair cut throughout longer hair lengths for a more manageable hairstyle. Extra styling time and styli

19、ng products may be required to keep layers in shape. Long hair can be worn straight, wavy, or extra curly. Find picture examples online of “long layered hairstyles“ by typing those keywords into an image search engine.,Ponytail Updos and Chignon Bun Hairstyles,Quick hairstyles that always look profe

20、ssional are the ponytail or the classic chignon bun. The ponytail has come a long way. Previously considered as a hairstyle for leisure activities, the refined ponytail has made its way into formal events and the workplace.,1. Do you like your current hair styles? 2. Which hair style is suitable for

21、 you?,Activity 6: Group discussion.,Task Two Appearance Etiquette 仪表礼仪,1. 职业着装,Men and women alike should choose tailored, neutral-tone suits for business.,1.Business dress today is more formal than it was before 1960. 2.Whether already in the workforce or preparing for a job interview, professional

22、s should present an image of proper business attire and feel confident with their appearance. 3.When selecting clothes, both women and men should avoid flashy colors, fad styles, and clothes that are too tight or too baggy. 4.Women can choose extreme styles, bright hair colors, overly ornate hair ac

23、cessories and heavy makeup in order to shine in the workplace. 5.When choosing dress shoes, women can choose open-toe and open-back dress heels or pumps. 6.When choosing accessories to customize business dress, you should select items that are conservative and not overly flashy.,Activity 1: True(T)

24、or False(F).,F,T,T,F,F,T,2. 男士服饰的选择与搭配,Make an Impression in Professional Attire,商务服饰礼仪男士篇,基本要求 选择正装:正式、角色、实用、规范 制作精良 外观整洁 讲究文明,You are what you wear! 英国谚语,一个人其实就是服装! 范思哲,商务便装,商务便装的基本要求 - 可不着西装上衣; - 可不打领带,但衬衣第一个扣子应解开; - 可穿质地好带领的T恤衫,不要透明或上面有字; - 可穿非运动类的便装皮鞋,不能穿运动鞋和布鞋; - 最好不穿牛仔裤。,2、西装的颜色、款式、质地和身份场合的搭配

25、 三一定律 “三色”原则 1)黑色属礼服类颜色,最沉稳。黑色西装适合的场合,一是隆重的庆典场合,二是婚礼和丧礼场合。 2)深蓝色 (推荐颜色) 3)深灰色 4)避免浅色西装。浅颜色给人轻浮的感觉,不适合正式场合,但是可以在休闲场合穿。,2、合体 1)穿西装,首先要合体。 2)注意西装的长度、西装长袖的位置、西装的肥瘦,西装的穿法 拆除商标 熨烫平整 扣好钮扣 不卷不挽 慎穿毛衫 巧配内衣 腰间无物 少装东西,着西装八忌: 西裤过短 衬衫放在西裤外 不扣衬衫扣 西服袖子长于衬衫袖 领带太短 西服上装两扣都扣上(双排扣西服除外) 西服的衣、裤袋内鼓鼓囊囊 西服配便鞋,西装怎样穿? 扣子系法 衬衫的

26、搭配品位 领带的搭配原则 鞋子的搭配 商务用包,扣子系法 1)常见的西装,是双排扣,或者是单排扣,以两粒到三粒为主。 2)西装扣子可以不系,特别是一种单排款的西装可以不系(特别宽松的场合说,表达自己的潇洒和自如的时候,完全可以不系) 3)如果要系的时候,应该是怎么样系? 两粒扣的西装,只系上面一粒,下面一粒不要系;三粒扣的西装要么就系住中间的一粒,要么系住上面的两粒扣子。 4)各种款式的西装,最基本的原则就是下面的一个扣子永远是不系的,包括双排扣的西装。,衬衫的搭配品位 在一个男人的一个身上,只能允许有这种三种色系,衬衫的选择是以白色和纯棉的衬衫最为正式。 白色的衬衫是最安全的,也是最为国际上

27、所公认的,最为正统的,最为正式的衬衫的颜色。,衬衫 面料:高支精纺的纯棉纯毛制品为主。以棉、毛为主要成分的混纺衬衫亦可。绒布、水洗布、化纤、真丝、纯麻的不可。最好穿质地好的长袖衬衣;浅颜色衬衣不要太薄。 色彩:色彩单一。蓝、灰、棕亦可。杂、红、粉、紫、绿、黄、橙有失庄重,不可取。图案:无图案为佳,尽量不要穿带有明花、明格的衬衣。 立领、翼领和异色领的衬衫,不适合与正装西装配套。领角有扣的衬衫即使不打领带也要扣上;不打领带时,衬衣第一个扣子要解开。 衣袖:正装必为长袖,袖口要系好,袖子应比西装的袖子长出1公分,并能盖住手背。 衣袋:以无衣袋为佳。有袋也少放东西。,领带的搭配原则 1)领带的质地一

28、定要优良 2)领带的颜色一定要比衬衫的颜色深 3)领带的长度,到达皮带扣的长度,领带可以提升男士阳刚、自信的形象 要改变一套西装给人的整体观感,最简单的方式就是改变领带的款式,领带西装的灵魂 面料(真丝或羊毛。) 色彩(单色和多色之分。蓝、灰、棕、黑、紫红等单色均可。切勿多于三色,尽量勿浅色、艳色。色调应与衣装一致。) 图案(单色无图案、条纹、圆点、方格为主图案) 款式(箭头) 配套,vb,配饰: 手表 领带夹和装饰性袖扣,三种常用的领带结法,平结(简式结,马车夫结) 半温莎结(十字结,老爷节) 温莎结;,平结 平结为最多男士选用的领结打法之一,几乎适用于各种材质的领带。 要诀:领结下方所形成

29、的凹洞需让两边均匀且对衬。,半温莎结 (老爷结) 适合搭配浪漫的尖领及标准式领口系列衬 衣,温莎结 温莎结适合用于宽领型的衬衫,该领结应多往横向发展 应避免材质过厚的领带,领结也勿打得过大,领带 - 领带的颜色不要浅于衬衣,尤其不要黑衬衣白领带;不要带怪异的领带(如:皮的、珍珠的);除本公司统一配置领带外,最好不要带印有其它公司名称的领带;穿毛衣或马甲时,领带应放在毛衣、马甲的里面即贴住衬衣。,鞋子的搭配 鞋子是最能够反映出一个男人修养和品位的东西。 正式的鞋子是黑色的、系带的、制式的皮鞋 建议每个男士至少要有一双这样的正规的制式皮鞋,以应对生活中可能会出现的某些场合。,皮鞋 - 男士的皮鞋应

30、以深色为主,如黑色、棕色或灰色,不要穿太陈旧的皮鞋,要干净,跟不要太高。,袜子 - 应穿深色质地好的袜子,棕、深蓝、黑或灰色,无图案最好,几何图案亦可。切勿赤脚穿皮鞋,勿尼龙、丝袜。如不要穿质薄透明的袜子,尤其是不能穿白袜子。,腰带 - 一定是黑色皮腰带,腰带扣不要太花,不可打其它色腰带,也不能太旧。,裤子 - 裤子不得有褶,要有裤线,不要太短,应盖住鞋面。,商务用包 1)正式的包应该是:四四方方的、带着手柄 2)现在流行的腋下夹包多属于休闲款,不适合正式场合,1.Everyone will dress the same in different firms. 2.In the financi

31、al, legal and management arenas, you can dress casually. 3.As long as you make an investment in your appearance for the interview, you can get the job. 4.Black and navy are classic colors for suits. 5.When wearing shirts you will never go wrong with white, light blue or pink. 6.In order to impress o

32、thers, the tie should be fashionable and flashy.,Activity 2: True(T) or False(F).,F,F,F,T,F,F,3. 女士服饰的选择与搭配,Choose classic colors in business attire.,职业女性着装要点,西服正装 鞋袜 配饰 妆容 发型 商务休闲装 晚装,职业女性着装要点,西服正装 上衣 大领、小领、圆领、方领、鸡心领、一字领和平领长袖、中袖和短袖 深色、浅色和彩色,职业女性着装要点,西服上衣,职业女性着装要点,西服正装 套裙 老年女士可以穿平于或者低于膝盖的裙子 在职的女士穿在膝

33、盖以上三到六公分长的裙子可以表现出女士干净、利落和优雅的感觉 女士西服套裙的开叉在什么位置并不重要,前开、后开和侧面开都可以。,职业女性着装要点,鞋袜 长筒袜 首选肉色,其次是黑色。 冬天穿不透明的保暖丝袜,夏天穿透明的丝袜。 职业女士穿正装的时候,千万不要穿带网眼儿的丝袜。,职业女性着装要点,长筒袜,职业女性着装要点,鞋袜 高跟鞋 五公分。 粗跟和细跟之间,最好选择细跟。,职业女性着装要点,高跟鞋,职业女性着装要点,配饰 首饰 三件首饰,戒指、耳环和项链。 白色系列,比如珍珠、白金、白银、水晶和钻石。 同一系列更能体现品位。,首饰,职业女性着装要点,手表 两块,正装手表和休闲手表。 正装手表

34、是钢表壳,造型中规中矩、富有女士色彩; 休闲手表可以是如运动表、时装表或各种造型夸张的手表。,手表,手提包 正式场合以提公文包的方式提着自己的包,不要背在肩上。 特别高级的休闲包,也是以皮包和公文包的方式提着比较好。 至于包的大小和式样,以在视觉上不太夸张为宜。,职业女性着装要点,手提包,Can you make a list of things that a womans business wardrobe needs according to the passage?,Activity 3: Discuss the following question with your partner.

35、,4. 不同场合的不同着装,Dress Professionally For Different Occasions,1._ can represent you as someone who doesnt take his/her job seriously. A. A casual or sporty dress B. Wearing formal dresses C. A tidy suit D. Getting dressed professionally 2.What kind of dress is suitable for the interview according to th

36、e passage? A. sneakers B. a clean, long sleeved shirt with black or navy pants C. jeans D. collarless shirts,Activity 4: Reading comprehension,A,B,3. This passage offers some suggestions on how to dress professionally for some occasions, including _. A. interviews and business meetings B. office or

37、workplace C. both A and B D. Dating 4.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? A. Your attire and your appearance doesnt play an important role in your business world because inner beauty is more important. B.Once you have got the job, you can easily ask about (or just obs

38、erve) the dress code at workplace and follow that. C. If you see senior ones wearing casual stuff, you can put on street wear next week. D. All business meetings require formal attires.,C,B,Task Three Manners Etiquette 仪态礼仪,You communicate with others through your posture and movement.,令人生厌的仪态,表情严肃,

39、架子十足,轻视的眼神,不礼貌 的动作,双手抱胸,坐姿不雅,目光游离,坐姿不端,弯腰驼背,漫不经心地倾听,神态疲惫,赢得好感的仪态,1. 仪态礼仪,Definition Posture and movement etiquette means the way you use your stance and body to communicate nonverbally with others.,Stance Posture is one of the first things another person will notice about you. Communicate confidence

40、 by standing tall and maintaining your space by keeping your feet about 8 inches apart, with one slightly in front of the other. Your stance can also indicate whether you are open to being approached.,Movement Hand movement is natural for some people, but it can be viewed as aggressive or intrusive

41、by others. Body movement can also signal aggression if you step toward the other person, so be careful to maintain your space. Maintain eye contact without moving your eyes away or blinking excessively. Looking away can signal boredom or inattentiveness, and excessive blinking can make you appear ne

42、rvous. Dont fidget, as this can also make the other person think you are bored or not listening. You can show your attention through appropriate head movements like nodding slightly in agreement or shaking your head slightly to subtly show disagreement or disapproval.,Space It is good etiquette to r

43、espect another persons space. Some people dont mind if you get close, but others are uncomfortable when you get into what they perceive as their personal space. Keep some distance when standing near another person to talk. Watch for any nonverbal cues that might indicate discomfort, and adjust your

44、space accordingly.,1.How can posture and movement etiquette benefit you? 2.What is the definition of posture and movement etiquette? 3.What should you do if you are talking to someone and want to remain approachable? 4.How can you respect another persons space when talking?,Activity 1: Discuss the f

45、ollowing questions with your partner.,2. 仪态,One of the first key things people notice is how you carry and present yourself.,Posture One of the first key things people notice is how you carry and present yourself. Stomach in Chest out Shoulders back Head up,女士站姿,头部抬起,面部朝向正前方,双眼平视,下颌微微内收,颈部挺直。 双肩自然放松

46、端平且收腹挺胸,但不显僵硬。 站立时不要身斜体歪,双臂自然下垂,处于身体两侧,双手在身前自然交叉,右手叠放在左手上置于小腹前。 两腿并拢,两脚呈“丁”字或“V”字型站立。,男士站姿,双眼平视前方,下颌微微内收,颈部挺直。 双肩自然放松端平且收腹挺胸,不僵硬。 双臂自然下垂,处于身体两侧,右手轻握左手的腕部,左手握拳,放在小腹前,或者置于身侧。 脚跟并拢,脚呈“V”型分开,两脚尖约成45度角;或双脚平行分开,与肩同宽。,端姿,横摆式,标准坐姿,坐下时注意:1、平;(双肩平) 2、正;(上身要正) 3、稳;(重心要稳)4、顺。(服装要顺),坐姿的基本要求,头部挺直,双目平视,下颌内收; 身体端正,

47、两肩放松,勿倚靠座椅的背部; 挺胸收腹,上身微微前倾,但与桌边应保留一拳左右的距离; 手的姿势:双手自然放在双膝上,双手自然交叠,腕至肘部的三分之二处轻放在柜台上; 腿的姿式:男士双腿可并拢,也可略微分开,距离不得超过20cm。女士双腿并拢垂直于地面。 坐姿通常分为三种,深坐(坐时将椅面全部坐满)、中坐(坐时占椅面2/3)、浅坐(坐时占椅面1/3)。在与人交谈或为客户办理业务时应选用浅坐,身体微微前倾,表现出积极的工作状态;在没有客户坐的时间较长时可调整为中坐。,坐姿的基本要求,无客户时,应自然抬头挺胸端坐;有客户时,上身微向前倾,用柔和的眼光目视对方; 在面对客户操作电脑处理业务时,应微侧坐

48、,脸和身体朝向电脑与客户的中间方向,眼神兼顾; 入坐后可将小臂的3/2放于桌上,但不可将身体的重心压于桌面,双手不可支于桌上; 如座位可旋转,则不得左右转动身体; 双脚禁止抖动,双手禁止不停摆弄物品; 禁止叠腿坐,忌双腿叉开、将双腿平伸、将脚伸入座椅下面以及用脚勾住椅子腿。,入座和离座的礼仪,入座: 从椅子的左侧入座; 入座时应保持平稳、轻松,避免座椅发出声响; 男士可将西服的钮扣解开,防止衣服堆积在胸前; 女士入座时应用右手轻轻按住上衣前襟,用左手抚平后裙摆,以优雅姿态缓缓坐下; 女士可以将双腿向左或向右自然倾斜,但双腿不得分开。 离座: 离座时,身旁如有人在座,须以语言或动作向其先示意,随

49、后方可起身; 起身离开座位时,应动作轻缓,尽量不发出声响; 离座时,应先起身站定后再离去。 起身离开座位时,动作轻缓,不可突然起身离开,离位后要将座位轻推回原处。,标准行姿,行姿要求 面带微笑,身体协调,姿势稳健,仪态大方。 步伐从容,步态平衡,步幅适中,步速均匀,走成直线。 双臂自然摆动,挺胸抬头,小颌微收,目视前方。 注意事项: 行走幅度不可过大或过急; 避免并排行走; 不得将任何物品夹在腋下行走; 在行走时,不得横穿客户队列; 禁止在服务现场内奔跑(紧急情况下除外)。,一脚在前,一脚在后, 两腿向下蹲,在后的一只脚前脚着地,后脚跟提起,在前的一只脚脚掌全部着地; 上身保持直立,臀部向下。,标准蹲姿,30致谢式鞠躬,45致歉式鞠躬,鞠躬礼,15致意式鞠躬,鞠躬礼,头、颈、背成一条直线 身体前倾15度(30度)(45度) 行礼时不要注视对方 起身后目光与对方交流 微笑! 鞠躬礼切忌 不低头的鞠躬礼 只低头的鞠躬礼 驼


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