大学外贸英语chapter 15 WTO2— Chief WTO Rule.ppt

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1、Chapter 15,WTO(2) Chief WTO Rule 世界贸易组织(2) 主要规则,Warm-up Questions,What do you know about the WTO rules?,Can you name some of them?,New words,1. full-fledged a. 正式的,完全有资格的(aworker 正式工人,熟练工人) 2. to administer vt. 实施,执行 3. to maximize vi 充分重视(tothe experience of veteran workers 充分重视老工人的经验) 4. neutralit

2、y n. 中立性,中立 5. non-discriminatory a. 无歧视的 6. sanitary a. 卫生的 7. phytosanitary a. 植物检疫的 8. quarantine n. 检疫 9. embargo n. 禁运,禁止贸易令,New words,10. to abuse vt. 滥用 11. substantative a. 实质性的 12. patent n. 专利 13. privilege n. 特权,优惠 14. national n. 国民 15. convention n. 公约 16. exhaustion n. 耗尽,枯竭 17. adjudi

3、catory a. 判决的 18. eligibility n. 合格性,Economic Terms,1. free trade area 自由贸易区 2. customs classification 海关分类 3. designated organ 指定的机构 4. material damage 严重损害 5. forced labor(prison labor) 强迫劳动,劳役犯 6. BOP trouble 国际收支方面的麻烦 7. grace period 宽限期(extra time granted for payment of a loan after due date) 8

4、. exhaustion of right 权利耗尽,Useful Phrases and Idiomatic Expressions,1. in conditions of 在情况下 2. to slap an embargo on goods 对货物实行禁运 3. at the urging of在 强烈要求下 4. to be frustrated at sth. 因感到灰心 5. to become a major bone of contention 成为争论的主要原因 6. upon accession 一旦加入(某组织) 7. to probe into 对进行探查,1. dis

5、guised restriction 伪装的限制 2. public moral 公共道德 3. “green” barrier“绿色”障碍 4. supranational treatment 超国家待遇 5. to levy on any dumped product an anti-dumping duty 给倾销的产品征反倾销税 6. to lose its novelty失去其新颖性 7. to be patented被授予专利权 8. first-to-invent rule发明在先规则 9. first-to-file rule注册在先规则,申请在先规则 10. to pirat

6、e foreign technology盗用外国技术,Notes,WTO Chief WTO Rules,Standardization rules with regard to non-tariff barriers(NBs) Import licensing procedure rules in the WTOs Import Licensing Procedure Agreement Aim of the Import Licensing Procedure Agreement Making all the necessary information public Practicing

7、no discrimination against importers in supplying them with the necessary foreign exchange Customs valuation rules The basic method used for customs valuation Aim of the WTOs Place of Origin Agreement,Rules for Trade in Goods,Rules for place of origin Aim of the WTOs Place of Origin Agreement Scope o

8、f application of the Place of Origin Agreement,Rules for Trade in Goods,Rules for preshipment testing Aim of the Preshipment Testing Agreement Scope of application,Rules for Trade in Goods,Rules regarding technological trade barriers The legal objectives of the Technological Trade Barriers Agreement

9、 The principles for formulating, adopting and carrying out technological measures Other rules regarding technological measures,Rules for Trade in Goods,Rules for trade in agricultural products and rules for market access to agricultural products The current non-tariff measures must be changed into g

10、eneral tariff measures Restraining all agricultural tariffs including those transformed ones Export subsidies,Rules for Trade in Goods,Sanitary and phytosanitary rules Sanitary and phytosanitary measures must be taken in compliance with the WTOs SPS (the sanitary and phytosanitary) Agreement. The re

11、lative nations shall provide other members with all the necessary information concerning their health and quarantine rules,Rules for Trade in Goods,Rules for trade in textiles and apparels Aim Elimination of quantitative restrictions Transitional safeguard measures There is a sudden increase of impo

12、rted textiles and clothing The related domestic industry of the importing country has suffered material damages or a real threat of such damages,Rules for Trade in Goods,Rules for trade in goods made by forced labor An embargo can be imposed on goods made in conditions of forced labor(or prison labo

13、r) There are some legal exceptions to such a rule to slap an embargo on goods made in conditions of forced labor,Rules for Trade in Goods,Aim The objective of the GATS is to establish multilateral rules for trade in services and boost global service trade under the conditions of transparency and gra

14、dual liberalization.,Rules for Trade in Services,Rules for Trade in Services,Basic Principles Transparency More participation from developing countries Gradual liberalization Discipline for domestic laws and regulations Discipline for monopoly and restrictive commercial practice Exceptions Disciplin

15、e for safeguard and subsidies,Rules for Protection of Intellectual Property Rights,Meaning of TRIPS Basic Principles The MFN principle The National Treatment principle The Exhaustion of Rights principle,Using WTO Rules to Protect Its Legitimate Rights and Interests,General Exception Provisions Safeg

16、uard Provision Disputes Settlement Mechanism Provisions of National Treatment and Nondiscrimination Principles Antidumping Provision TRIPS Provision,Questions to be Answered,What are the WTO rules for import licensing procedure? What can you tell about the WTO rules regarding technological barriers? How can we use the WTO rules to protect our farmers interests? What are the basic principles governing trade in services? Tell briefly the WTO rules for protection of intellectual property rights. How can you use the WTO rules to protect your legitimate rights?,This is the end of Chapter 15,


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