大学英语跨文化交际chapter 1 Culture.ppt

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1、大学英语 跨文化交际,Chapter 1 Culture,Chapter Outline,The nature of culture The definition of culture The characteristics of culture Cultural identity Cultures within culture,Lead-in Case: An Interview in India,Read the case and consider the questions in the right column. 1. Is the interviewee proud of her c

2、ulture? Why? 2. What else do you know about Indian culture? 3. If the program producer comes to China to make the program, how do you think a Chinese interviewee will answer the questions raised by the host? Try to role-play it with your partner.,Text A: The Nature of Culture,Think about the followi

3、ng similes and metaphors, how do you think culture is related to the references? 1. Culture is like an iceberg. 2. Culture is our software. 3. Culture is like the water a fish swims in. 4. Culture is the grammar of our behavior.,1. Culture Is Like An Iceberg,1. Culture Is Like An Iceberg,Some of the

4、 elements are visible, while most are not. Powerful foundation like history, norms, values, beliefs about space, nature, time, etc. The visible parts are the expressions of the invisible parts. It is difficult to understand people with different cultural backgrounds.,2. Culture Is Our Software,2. Cu

5、lture Is Our Software,The physical body is like the hardware of a computer. It is programmed by our home culture. An infant learns how to be human in a culturally specific way. We are vaguely aware of the “software” as we use it.,3. Culture Is Like the Water a Fish Swims In,3. Culture Is Like the Wa

6、ter a Fish Swims In,Human cannot live without culture. Culture is what the world is like for us. We take for granted the culture where we live in.,4. Culture Is the Grammar of Our Behavior,We have rules in doing things which is like grammar in language. We apply the rules automatically and unconscio

7、usly.,What does a white sari symbolize in India? And in the West?,CUSTOMS: WHITE DRESS?,DEFINITIONS OF CULTURE,According to The Concise Oxford Dictionary, culture is “the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively”.,Text B,DEFINITIONS OF CULTURE,1. Defining

8、 Culture from the Anthropological Perspective 2. Defining Culture from the Psychological Perspective 3. Defining Culture from the Sociological Perspective 4. Defining Culture from the Intercultural Perspective 5. Our Definition of Culture,1. Defining Culture from the Anthropological Perspective,“Cul

9、ture consists of patterns, explicit and implicit, of and for behavior acquired and transmitted by symbols, constituting the distinctive achievement of human groups, including their embodiments in artifacts; the essential core of culture consists of traditional ideas and especially their attached val

10、ues”. -Kroeber and Kluckhohn,2. Defining Culture from the Psychological Perspective,culture is “the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one category of people from another“. -Geert Hofstede,3. Defining Culture from the Sociological Perspective,According to the socia

11、l scientists: “Culture is defined as a pattern of learned, group-related perceptionincluding both verbal and nonverbal languages, attitudes, values, belief system, disbelief systems, and behavior”.,Activity: Key words Find out the key words shared by the three definitions above. Write them down and

12、try to make up your own definition of culture according to the key words. Key words:,“Culture is a system of shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviours and artifacts that are transmitted from generation to generation through learning.” Bates and Plog,4. Defining Culture from the Intercultural Persp

13、ective,How have foreign cultures influenced you? Are you adaptable to some basic changes in your life?,CULTURE IS:,We define culture as “the deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, actions, attitudes, hierarchies, religions, notions of time, roles, spatial relations, concepts of the unive

14、rse, and artifacts acquired by a group of people in the course of generations through individual and group striving.”,CONCLUSION: CULTURE IS A MANS SECOND NATURE A WAY OF OVERCOMING VULNERABILITY ACQUIRED THROUGH SOCIALIZATION THUS, MAN IS THE PRODUCER OF CULTURE AND THE PRODUCT OF CULTURE,Text C Th

15、e Characteristics of Culture,1. Culture Is Learned,Activity: Group Work Have you learned culture through the above channels? Discuss with your group members and give examples of your own experiences of learning culture.,2. Culture Is Dynamic,Activity: Exploring Ideas Do you know any other events tha

16、t have great influence on culture? Tell your partner how the following events changed culture. 1. Chinas policy of reform and opening-up 2. The United States entering WWII 3. The atomic bombing in Japan in WWII,3. Culture Is Pervasive,Like the air we breathe, culture penetrates into every aspect of

17、our life and influences the way we think, the way we talk, and the way we behave.,4. Culture Is Integrated,We sometimes break down and isolate various parts of culture and talk about them as if they are separate parts. However, in reality, culture functions as an integrated whole and it is systemic.

18、,5. Culture Is Adaptive,History abounds with examples of how cultures have changed because of laws, natural disasters, wars, or other calamities.,CULTURE: ELEMENTS,MATERIAL OR ARTIFACT music, painting, cuisine INSTITUTIONAL family, education, law VALUES AND BELIEFS freedom, democracy, equality,VISIB

19、LE material/artifact and institutional and INVISIBLE CULTURE values/beliefs BIG C CULTURE intellectual and artistic activity and SMALL C CULTURE way of life HIGH CULTURE and POPULAR CULTURE,DISTINCTION,CULTURAL IDENTITY Cultural identity refers to ones sense of belonging to a particular culture or e

20、thnic group. People consciously identify themselves with a group that has a shared system of symbols and meanings as well as norms for conduct.,Text D Cultural Identity,Jacky Chen, Chinese famous Kong Fu movie star, expresses his loyalty to Chinese culture by wearing Chinese traditional clothes and

21、advocating Chinese culture.,JACKY CHEN,Characteristics of Cultural Identicy,Central to ones sense of self Dynamic and changeable Multi-faced,Text E Cultures Within Culture,Subculture identify with distinctive values, norms and rules. Exist within dominant cultures and often based on economic or social class, ethnicity, race or geographic region. Co-culture Sub-group not accumulating values and patterns of behaviors over generation.,


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