大学英语跨文化交际chapter9 Intercultural Adaptation.ppt

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1、大学英语 跨文化交际,Chapter 9 Intercultural Adaptation,Questions for chapter 8,What is communication context? How effective intercultural communication is crucial for cross-cultural health care context? How do you think your current educational setting embodies Chinese cultural values?,Intercultural Adaptati

2、on,Acculturation,Culture shock,Intercultural Adaptation,Definition,Stages,U-Curve Pattern,W-Curve Pattern,Strategies for:,Definition,Modes,Factors,Symptoms,Forms,Effects,Avoiding Culture shock,Engaging in Intercultural Adaptation,Acculturation(文化适应)refers to an individuals learning and adapting the

3、norms and values of the new host culture.,The definition of acculturation,2. Modes of acculturation,a. Assimilation 同化 b. Integration 融合 c. Separation and segregation分离和隔离 d. Marginalization 边缘化,is a process in which members of an ethnic group are absorbed into the dominant culture, losing their own

4、 culture in the process.,is a process of desiring a high level of interaction with the host culture while maintaining identity with their native culture.,occurs when the individual chooses not to identify with neither his or her native culture or with the host culture.,is when individuals prefer low

5、 levels of interaction with the host culture while desiring a close connection with their native culture. If such separation is initiated and enforced by the dominant society, this is called segregation.,Chapter 2 Cultural Dynamics,Amish people,阿米什人,阿米什人(Amish)是美国和加拿大安大略省的一群基督新教再洗礼派门诺会信徒(又称亚米胥派),以拒绝

6、汽车及电力等现代设施,过着简朴的生活而闻 不使用汽车,而使用马车 不适用电力 崇尚简朴生活,无欲求,不浪费 男人单身时剃须,婚后蓄须 不让子女接受初中以上的教育 不避孕 不买任何保险,包括医疗保险 男性大多是无领衬衫、吊带裤,女性则穿着没有扣子、用别针之类来固定的蓝色或者黑色长袍,头上一般还要带白色的便帽,Segregation in the U.S.A,3. Factors Affecting Acculturation,Culture shock refers to the traumatic experience that an individual may encounter when

7、 entering a different culture.,Text B: Culture Shock,1. Symptoms of culture shock,physical symptoms b. psychological symptoms,Chapter 2 Cultural Dynamics,a. physical symptoms,Physical symptoms are over-concern about cleanliness of food, bedding, and dishes; extreme stress on health and safety; fear

8、or physical contact with anyone in the new country; great concern over minor pains and skin eruptions; craving “home cooking”; use of alcohol and drugs; and a decline in work quality.,Chapter 2 Cultural Dynamics,Home cooking,Alcohol,Drug,b.psychological symptoms,Psychological symptoms are insomnia,

9、fatigue, isolation and loneliness, disorientation, frustration, criticism of new country, depression, nervousness, self-doubt, irritability, anger, and emotional and intellectual withdrawal.,Insomnia,Fatigue,Disorientation,Depression,Nervousness,2. Forms of culture shock,Language shock Role shock Tr

10、ansition shock Cultural Fatigue Education Shock Adjustment Stress Culture Distance,a. Language Shock,Language shock occurs when we are unfamiliar with the host language. Many socio-relational cues lie in the domain of human language. If we do not understand the language, we lose the ability to adjus

11、t ourselves to the new symbolic environment.,b. Role Shock,Role shock refers to the feeling of loss of personal status in an ambiguous new environment in which we make efforts to switch our role in order to fit and function well in the host culture.,c. Transition shock,Transition shock is used to de

12、scribe the distress we experience when trying to cope with the multitude of changes required by the host culture. It is similar to the state of losing a close family member, divorce, or geographic relocation.,d. Culture fatigue,Culture fatigue is used to describe the physical and psychological disco

13、mforts experienced by sojourners trying to adapt to a new culture.,e. Education shock,Education shock is frequently used to describe what happens to international students who try to adapt themselves to academic life, especially when the learning situation is new and distressing.,f. Adjustment stres

14、s,Adjustment stress is a term used to indicate bodily physical tension that signals a persons readiness to face the challenges of the new cultural environment.,g. Culture distance,Culture distance refers to the distance between a sojourners culture and the host culture and signals the degree of alie

15、nation, estrangement, and psychological distress the sojourner feels as a result.,3. Effects of culture shock,Positive effects,Negative effects,Culture Shock,Definition of intercultural adaptation Stages of intercultural adaptation,Text C: Intercultural Adaptation,Intercultural adaptation refers bro

16、adly to the process of increasing our level of fitness to meet the demands of a new cultural environment.,1. Definition,2. Stages of Intercultural Adaptation,U-curve Pattern,Honeymoon Period Crisis Period Adjustment Period Biculturalism Period,W-curve Pattern,reverse culture shock,Activity: Quiz Ima

17、gine that you are going to a large urban American university for graduate study. To evaluate your adaptation potential, rate yourself on the adaptation checklist. Give yourself a score for each item according to the following scale: 1. Poor 2. Not as good as most people 3. Average 4. Better than mos

18、t people 5. Excellent Adaptation Checklist Total score Background and Preparation Age youth is an advantage Education the higher the better Urban background city dwellers do better than rural residents High level of professional skill General knowledge of the new culture, its history, custom arts, e

19、tc. Specific knowledge of the new situation; city, university, etc. Oral and written fluency in the language of new culture Previous out-of-culture experiences Similarity of home culture to new culture Personality factors Tends to be accepting of different ways of doing things Likes to meet new peop

20、le and do new things Stays calm in difficult situations Pays attention to people and not just to tasks Can tolerate ambiguous or uncertain situations Has a sense of humor Strong but flexible in character Willing to take risks; not too concerned about social and psychological security Attitudes and m

21、otivation Voluntarily chooses to be in contact with the new culture Attracted to the new situation rather than escaping problems at home Admiration and respect for the new culture No sense that one culture s superior or inferior to another Few stereotypes (inaccurate broad generalizations) about the

22、 new culture Health Robust good health Good health habits High energy level,a. Study the host culture b. Study the local environment c. Learn basic verbal and nonverbal language skills d. Develop intercultural relationships e. Maintain an intimate social network f. Assume the principle of difference/Remember your perceptual context g. Anticipate failure events,Strategies for Avoiding Culture Shock and Engaging in Intercultural Adaptation,


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