导游英语Chapter 4 English for Sightseeing.ppt

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1、Chapter Four English for Sightseeing,In this chapter, you will learn:,how to understand the sections of service for conducting a tour, including: on the way introduction, introduction to a natural and artificial scenery; how to deal with the questions from the tourists during the tour; how to identi

2、fy the maps of the scenery; how to write the tour guide commentary.,Part one Open Your Toolkit,Situation I on the way to an artificial scenery Situation II introduction to a natural scenery,Situation I Background Information,the peace hotel,a cruise trip down Huangpu River,the Bund,Oriental Pearl TV

3、 Tower,Situation I Background Information,Conducting a tour from the hotel to the scenic spot is a prime time for tour guides to make an indelible impression on tourists. At that time you should introduce the common thing about the scenic spots. You can also intersperse the tour narration with comme

4、nts on the local history, geography, population, size of the place, climate, culture, customs, cuisine and so on. The following tips are worth referring: arrive the hotel ahead of time, greet the tourists and do the counting; give commentaries to sightseeing spots, use the microphone correctly and m

5、ake yourself heard by every tourist; initiate entertainments to promote friendship between tourists; remind the tourist to take their valuables; warn the tourists of safety,Situation I,J: Jane, a local tour guide H: Mr. Hoover S: Mrs. Hoover J: (after recounting the number of the tourists) Hello. Fr

6、iends, I will reconfirm the itinerary for today. Firstly well take a cruise trip down Huangpu River and enjoy the famous Bund of Shanghai. Then well go through the under river tunnel and get to the Pudong Area and climb the Oriental Pearl TV Tower. Well have lunch in the tower, then after lunch, go

7、the Yuyuan Garden by coach. H: I have heard a lot about the Bund1. It must have a long history. J: Oh, yeah. After the first Opium War in 1840, the bund gradually became the British Concession and International Settlement2. H: Hum, no wonder we can see many buildings with European style. Some are in

8、 British style, and some are in French Style while others are in Greek style. C: Most of the old buildings in Europe were destroyed in the Second World War. Fortunately the grand buildings that their forefathers built in Shanghai have survived. It sounds like we will enter both Paris and New York. J

9、: Old and new ones. We can appreciate European-style buildings while watching the skyline of the skyscrapers. Mrs. Hoover, I think you will feel yourself at home when you cruise on the Huangpu River. (to all tourists)Attention, please! The ferry boat starts and we begin our cruise on the Huangpu Riv

10、er.,Situation I,H: What a beautiful city landscape! Look at the building before us, is it the hotel we stayed in last night? J: Yes, the one facing the north was built in 1906 in British Renaissance3 style. It was the earliest hotel in Shanghai. It is really a great works. S: what about the building

11、 facing the south? I see a pyramid on the top. It looks more magnificent. J: It was originally called Sassoon House built in 1928. It has an “A” shape, a typical building of Chicago school style. The famous 19-meter tall pyramid-shaped roof is covered with copper. H: I see the golden roof is shinnin

12、g under the sun. It simply looks like a small Egyptian pyramid in the air. J: Thats right. And the interior decoration of the building is also extraordinary. Can you imagine what its interior looks like? It was decorated in different styles of nine countries! The original owner of Sassoon House inte

13、nded to show how rich he was in this way.,Situation I,S: He must be an upstart in Shanghai at that time. How could he get instantly rich? J: I dont know. Shanghai used to be the paradise for those adventurers to seek fortunes and enjoy themselves. It was called “Oriental Paris”. H: I see. I have bee

14、n traveling around China for about two weeks. I feel little bit homesick when I see this old building. J: Ladies and gentlemen, the wide road in front of us is the Zhongshan Road where you can see the marvelous European-style buildings. Please turn around, at the other side of the Huangpu River is t

15、he Lujiazui Finance Trade District in Pudong where you can see the Oriental Pearl TV Tower and other modern buildings. The tower is piercing straight into the clouds and sky4. H: I know. This morning weve already watched it before we have our breakfast. It is an amazing modern TV tower. I see some g

16、iant balls just surround the body of the tower. What are they?,Situation I,J: They are 11 spheres. The spheres have different sizes, and are arranged at different levels, hanging from the sky down to the green lawns just like big and small pearls dropping on a jade plate5. S: Thats really a vivid de

17、scription of the tower. I cant wait climbing up the tower to have a birds eye-view of Shanghai. J: In the upper sphere at the 267-m level, there is a revolving restaurant. Well have our lunch there. I hope you can have a panoramic view of both the old Shanghai and new Shanghai. H: Thank you very muc

18、h. J: OK. Ladies and gentlemen, it is the place we get off the ferry boat. Lets take your things with you and take good care of your certificates and valuable, in case of picking and stealing.,Situation I Vocabulary,indelible adj. 不可磨灭 intersperse v. 散布、点缀、简单描述 narration n. 叙述 commentary n. 注释、解说词 p

19、anoramic adj. 全景的 key card 房卡 certificate n. 证件 burning sun 烈日 parking lot 停车场 reconfirm v. 再证实 picking and stealing 扒窃 upstart n. 暴发户 sphere n. 球、球体,Situation I Notes,the Bund 外滩 International Settlement 国际租界 British Renaissance 英国文艺复兴 piercing straight into the clouds and sky 直插云霄 big and small pe

20、arls dropping on a jade plate 大珠小珠落玉盘,Situation II Background Information,There are also some suggestions not related to the sightseeing sports itself for you to remember: do not talk with the driver long and leave tourists alone on the coach; do not harm the interest or the dignity of the nation; d

21、o not talk about something superstitious or obscene; do not discriminate the religion, customs and habits of ethnic groups.,Situation II,R: Rebecca, a clerk at a travel service H: Mr. Hoover, the group leader H: Its such an exciting place. Ive never seen water so clear and blue. R: Youre right. The

22、former President of the USA, Bill Clinton1 came here in 1998 and he was deeply impressed by the beautiful views here. H: The combinations of hills and waters are really fascinating. R: Please come over here and take a look. The sun gives a lustrous coating to both the nearby and distant peaks and to

23、 the clouds floating high and low. What a view of hills upon hills the sunshine has revealed! H: Great. Look, the sunshine has dyed the river. It looks like a green satin belt winding amidst the green hills. S: I can see through the river. I can see the bottom the pebbles, fish, and weeds. H: Its li

24、ke seeing the aquarium through crystal clear glasses.,Situation II,R: You know, we see the hills more clearly in their reflection on the water than the hills on the riverbank. As the water flows, the hills seem to move as well. The landscape in Guilin is characterized by its “green hills, clear wate

25、rs, pretty rocks, and grotesque caves”2. Each hill in Guilin has caves. These exquisite scenes and objects are a feast for the eyes. H: Ive heard another scenic spot “Yangshuo”. Is it worth seeing? R: Yes. If you miss it, you will feel sorry. As the saying goes, “The landscape in Guilin is the best

26、in China, and the landscape in Yangshuo is the besting Guilin.3”Compared with those in Guilin, the hills in Yangshuo are closer to each other, and are more peaceful and secluded. You can miss the West Street (Xi Jie)4, which the small town is famous for. The street is regarded as the biggest “foreig

27、n language center“ in China, which attracts the foreign visitors by by its unique mix of cultures. H: You have given us such a good guide that wed like to go there soon. R: The ideal traveling route is to take a ferry trip from Guilin along the Li Rive down to Yangshuo, and meanwhile appreciate the

28、beautiful view along the banks.,Situation II Vocabulary,to give a lustrous coating 涂上了光彩 a green satin belt 一条透明的青丝罗带 crystal clear 清澈透底 pebble n. 卵石 grotesque adj. 奇形怪状的 a feast for the eyes 大饱眼福 secluded adj. 僻静的,Situation II Note,1998年7月2日美国总统克林顿夫妇,携女儿、岳母从上海来到桂林,是他们那次中国之行第四站。克林顿总统与7 位中国环保人士举行了座谈,

29、并就环保问题在桂林著名的七星岩公园内骆驼峰前发表了演讲。过后, 驱车前往磨盘山码头游览漓江风光。曾赞叹道:“桂林山水使我想起了传统的中国山水画。” “green hills, clear waters, pretty rocks, and grotesque caves” 桂林风景的特点是山青、水秀、石美、洞奇 “The landscape in Guilin is the best in China, and the landscape in Yangshuo is the besting Guilin.” 桂林山水甲天下;阳朔山水甲桂林 the West Street (Xi Jie):W

30、ith a history of more than 1,400 years, Yangshuo West Street is scattered by over 1,000 bars, restaurants, coffee shops, folk crafts shops, painting and calligraphy shops, hotels and gymnasiums of Chinese Kung Fu.,Part Two Practice the Following,Listening Practice Role play Matching Practical Readin

31、g Translation Writing,Listening Practice,Listen to this tour guide commentary and fill in the blanks,Beijing Olympic Park is a big _1_ bar of the city. It is a leisure park with scenery similar to classical Chinese landscape painting. Beijing Olympic Park lies in the north of the central axis(中轴线) o

32、f the city. Covering an area of 1215 hectares, with _2_ hectares set aside for woods and grass, 405 hectares for the International Exhibition and Sports Center and 50 hectares for the Chinese Nationalities _3_, Beijing Olympic Park is larger than the total of the Summer Palace and the Yuanmingyuan P

33、ark. Beijing Olympic Park is the central area for holding Olympic sports. It contains _4_ of the total Olympic sports venues and most of the service _5_. The area will contain 14 sports venues(比赛地点)(including The Beijing National Stadium (国家体育场) or “Birds Nest“ (鸟巢) and The Beijing National _6_ Cent

34、er (国家游泳中心) or “Water Cube” (水立方), an Olympic Village for 16,000 athletes, coaches and accompanying staff, _7_ village with a floor space of 400,000 square meters, as well as a news center an international _8_ and TV center.,The Olympic Park undoubtedly becomes the model of “Green Olympics”. The _9_

35、 of “green” of the Park has far exceeded the category of “growing trees, grass” and “landscaping”. The Park also pays attention to economizing on use of energy and water, wind and solar energy, and use of _10_ building materials. Besides, the Olympic Park gives a full play to high and sophisticated

36、technology. Digital wide-band network communication, wireless transmit, electronic information technology, Internet technology, intelligent technology, etc, are widely used in the Park.,Role play On-the-way Introduction,A general introduction of the destination location, distance and the expected ar

37、rival time of the destination scenic spots en route travel schedule,Imitate the on-the-way introduction according to the key elements listed below.,Matching Choose the Locations of the following Famous Bridges in the world from A-J,Guizhou Province Sydney Hebei Province Hong Kong London Macau New Yo

38、rk Baltimore San Francisco Jiangsu Province,Brooklyn Bridge,Matching Choose the Locations of the following Famous Bridges in the world from A-J,Guizhou Province Sydney Hebei Province Hong Kong London Macau New York Baltimore San Francisco Jiangsu Province,Friendship Bridge,Matching Choose the Locati

39、ons of the following Famous Bridges in the world from A-J,Guizhou Province Sydney Hebei Province Hong Kong London Macau New York Baltimore San Francisco Jiangsu Province,Wind-rain bridge,Matching Choose the Locations of the following Famous Bridges in the world from A-J,Guizhou Province Sydney Hebei

40、 Province Hong Kong London Macau New York Baltimore San Francisco Jiangsu Province,Harbor Bridge,Matching Choose the Locations of the following Famous Bridges in the world from A-J,Guizhou Province Sydney Hebei Province Hong Kong London Macau New York Baltimore San Francisco Jiangsu Province,Golden

41、Gate Bridge,Matching Choose the Locations of the following Famous Bridges in the world from A-J,Guizhou Province Sydney Hebei Province Hong Kong London Macau New York Baltimore San Francisco Jiangsu Province,Tower Bride,Matching Choose the Locations of the following Famous Bridges in the world from

42、A-J,Guizhou Province Sydney Hebei Province Hong Kong London Macau New York Baltimore San Francisco Jiangsu Province,Hangzhou Bay Bridge,Matching Choose the Locations of the following Famous Bridges in the world from A-J,Guizhou Province Sydney Hebei Province Hong Kong London Macau New York Baltimore

43、 San Francisco Jiangsu Province,Chesapeake Bay Bridge,Matching Choose the Locations of the following Famous Bridges in the world from A-J,Guizhou Province Sydney Hebei Province Hong Kong London Macau New York Baltimore San Francisco Jiangsu Province,TSING Ma Bridge,Matching Choose the Locations of t

44、he following Famous Bridges in the world from A-J,Guizhou Province Sydney Hebei Province Hong Kong London Macau New York Baltimore San Francisco Jiangsu Province,Zhaozhou Bridge,Practical Reading:Circle Line Tours,Arrange the following letters representing different sights in the correct order accor

45、ding what you have read above. Statue of Liberty Brooklyn Bridge Ellis Island Empire State Building United Nations U.S.S.Intrepid at Pier 86 Chrysler Building Fulton Fish Market,Circle Line Tours,Translation,A. Translate the following sentences into English 1.桂林到处有奇异的景观,是吗? There are fantastic scene

46、ries everywhere in Guilin, arent there? 2.一会儿我们就会看到长城了。 We will be able to see the Great Wall in a minute. 3.在西安这个季节阳光明媚、微风宜人,非常美。 Xian is very beautiful with its bright sunshine and delighted breeze in this season.,Translation,4.在奥林匹克公园里游客们常去的景点有鸟巢(国家体育场) 水立方(国家游泳中心)。 The scenic spots in the Olympi

47、c Park favored by travelers include the Beijing National Stadium and the Beijing National Aquatics Center. 5.东方明珠塔位于上海黄浦江畔,塔高468米,是亚洲第一、世界第三高塔。 The Oriental Pearl TV Tower, 468meters high, stands by the bank of the Huangpu River. It is the highest TV tower in Asia and the third highest in the world.

48、,B. Translate the following into Chinese: The first known city built at the site of Guangzhou was Panyu (蕃禺, later simplified to 番禺; Poon Yu in Cantonese) founded in 214 BC. The city has been continuously occupied since that time. Panyu was expanded when it became the capital of the Nanyue Kingdom (

49、南越) in 206 BC. The Han Dynasty annexed Nanyue in 111 BC, and Panyu became a provincial capital and remains so until this day. In 226 AD, the city however became the seat of the Guang Prefecture (廣州; Guangzhou). Therefore, “Guangzhou“ was the name of the prefecture, not of the city. However, people grew accustomed to calling the city Guangzhou, instead of Panyu. In 2000, Huadu and Panyu were merged into Guangzhou as districts, and Conghua and Zengcheng became county-lev


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