幼师英的语Unit 1 儿童的独特性.ppt

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1、The Uniqueness of Each Child,儿童的独特性,Unit 1,Read the expressions for classroom management. (1)小朋友早。Good morning, kids. (2)小朋友好。Hello, kids. / Hi, kids. (3)你好吗?How are you? (4)向问早安。Say good morning to . (5)和妈妈/爸爸/爷爷/奶奶再见。Say good-bye to your Mummy/Daddy/Granny/Grandpa,1,(6)请进。Come in, please. (7)请坐。Si

2、t down, please. (8)点名。Take roll. / Roll call. (9)都到齐了吗?Is everyone here? (10)谁没来? Who is not here? / Who is absent? (11)为什么迟到了?Why are you late?,Play the following game for children.,2,Have You Seen My Rabbit?(你看见我的兔子吗?) Let the children sit in a circle. Teacher will move around outside the circle a

3、nd taps somebody on the shoulder, asking, “Have you seen my rabbit?” The child be tapped should answer, “Yes, I have.”Teacher asks, “What is he/she wearing? ”This child should describe someones clothes in the circle, eggreen shirt, brown shoes, long trousers As soon as the one described recognizes h

4、imself/herself, she/he must run away from the teacher.,For example: Teacher: Have you seen my rabbit? Child: Yes, I have. Teacher: What is he/she wearing? Child: Hes wearing .,Read the following story.,3,When I Get Bigger(当我长大) When I get bigger Ill be able to do lots of things. Ill go to the corner

5、 store by myself and spend my allowance on things I want. Ill wait until the light is green. Then Ill look both ways for cars before I cross the street. Ill have my own watch and Ill tell everyone what time it is. Ill go on a bus to Grandma and Grandpas . Ill go to first grade.,When I get bigger Ill

6、 have a real leather football, my own radio, and a pair of super-pro roller skates. Ill have a two-wheeler and a paper route. Ill make lots of money. At the playground, Ill help the little kids on the swings. Ill pick out my own boots at the shoe store.,Ill make a phone call and dial it myself. Ill

7、order something from a catalog and it will come in the mail. When I get bigger Ill camp out in the backyard all night long. Or Ill stay up to see the end of the late movies. Even if I get sleepy, I wont go to bed. But right now I have to go to bed, because Mom and Dad say, Im not bigger yet.,Read th

8、e following rhymes.,4,There Was a Little Girl(有一个小女孩) There was a little girl, and she had a little curl, Right in the middle of her forehead. When she was good, she was very, very good, And when she was bad, she was horrid. There Was an Old Lady(有一个老妇人) There was an old lady who swallowed a fly, I

9、dont know why she swallowed a fly. Perhaps shell die.,There was an old lady who swallowed a spider, That wriggled and wriggled and jiggled inside her. She swallowed the spider to catch the fly. I dont know why she swallowed a fly. Perhaps shell die.,There was an old lady who swallowed a bird, How ab

10、surd, to swallow a bird! She swallowed the bird to catch the spider. etc. There was an old lady who swallowed a cat, Well, fancy that, she swallowed a cat! She swallowed the cat to catch the bird. etc,There was an old lady who swallowed a dog, What a hog, to swallow a dog! She swallowed the dog to c

11、atch the cat. etc. There was an old lady who swallowed a cow, I dont know how she swallowed a cow. She swallowed the cow to catch the dog. She swallowed the dog to catch the cat. She swallowed the cat to catch the bird.,She swallowed the bird to catch the spider. That wriggled and wriggled and jiggl

12、ed inside her. She swallowed the spider to catch the fly. I dont know why he swallowed a fly. Perhaps shell die. There was an old lady who swallowed a horse, Shes died of course.,When I Was a Baby(当我是个婴儿时) When I was a baby, a baby, a baby, When I was a baby, I used to cry. When I was a baby, a baby

13、, a baby, When I was a baby, I used to cry.,5,Read the following chants.,Humpty Dumpty(矮胖子) Humpty Dumpty Sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty Had a great fall. All the kings horses And all the kings men. Couldnt put humpty Together again.,Sing the following song.,6,The More We Get Together(大家在一起越多) 1=F 3/4

14、 1 3 | 5. 6 5 4 | 3 1 1 | 2 5 5 | 3 1 1 3 | . . The more we get to - ge- ther, to - ge ther, to - ge ther. The 6 5 4 | 3 1 1 | 2 5 5 | 1 1 | . . more we get to - ge - ther, the hap-pier well be. For 2 5 5 | 3 1 1 | 2 5 5 | 3 1 1 3 | . . . . your friends are my friends, and my friends are your friend

15、s, The 5. 6 5 4 | 3 1 1 | 2 5 5 | . . more we get to- ge-ther, the happier well be.,Questions for text discussion Do you think it is important to develop childrens individuality? Why or why not? 2. In what ways can you help children demonstrate their individuality?,?,uniqueness n. 唯一性, 独特性 individua

16、l n.个人, 个 adj. 个别的, 单独的, 个人的 preschool adj. 未满学龄的, 入学前的 n.幼儿园 shine v.照耀, 发光 olive n.橄榄树, 橄榄枝, 橄榄色 researcher n.研究员 heredity n.遗传,形质遗传,influence n.影响, 有影响的人(或事) vt. 影响,改变 appreciate vt.赏识, 鉴赏, 感激 sequence n. 次序, 顺序,pattern n.式样,模式, 样品 temperament n.气质, 性情,similar adj. 相似的, 类似的 timing n. 适时, 时间选择 spe

17、cific adj. 特定的, 明确的,reaction n. 反应 curiosity n. 好奇心 contribute v. 捐助, 贡献 participate vi. 参与, 参加, 分享 factor n. 因素, 要素,norm n. 标准, 规范 indicate vt. 表明, 显示 range n. 范围,achievement n. 成就, 功绩 crawl vi. 爬行 solo n. 独奏 adj. 单独的,demonstrate vt. 示范, 证明 support vt. 支撑, 支持 various adj. 不同的, 各种各样的 divide v. 分, 划分

18、 examine v. 检查, 检验 blond hair 金发 rate of growth 成长率, 生长速度,Each Child is an Individual Have you ever wondered why some children are so different from their parents or their brothers and sisters? Four-year-old Jason has blond hair and blue eyes and holds his little sisters hand as they enter the presc

19、hool. Emilys big dark brown eyes shine against her black hair and olive skin. Have you ever wondered how your life now would be different if your living environments were different while you were growing up? These questions make researchers to study the heredity influences and to what degree our fam

20、ilies and environments continue to influence us,As a teacher of young children, you will be surprised to see each child as an individualYou will appreciate that each childs development-the sequence of changes and patterns of his growth-is his ownTemperament, reaction, and level of curiosity all cont

21、ribute to the childs own way of participatingThe childs rate of growth is also a factor in the childs individualityMost children who are about the same age follow a similar sequence in developmentHowever, the timing of specific achievements,such as crawling and reading, is highly individual. This me

22、ans that Hector might begin to walk at nine months but Marc might not take his first solo steps until sixteen monthsThe norm indicates that the most children begin to walk at twelve months,However, the timing of specific achievements,such as crawling and reading, is highly individual. This means tha

23、t Hector might begin to walk at nine months but Marc might not take his first solo steps until sixteen monthsThe norm indicates that the most children begin to walk at twelve monthsBoth Hector and Marc are within the normal range for walking but also demonstrate individualized behaviorsDevelopment o

24、f specific abilities can occur within two years,from one year before the age to one year beyond,Both Hector and Marc are within the normal range for walking but also demonstrate individualized behaviorsDevelopment of specific abilities can occur within two years,from one year before the age to one y

25、ear beyond,However, although we 1ook at each child as an individual, each child develops as a whole person. The idea of the whole child by educators and care-givers indicates that there is interest in supporting the development of the children all areas of growth. There are various ways to divide th

26、ese areas of growth in order to examine the outcome of research studies.,individual ,ndvdul a. 1. 个人的,个体的 2. 个别的,单独的3. 特有的,独特的 n. 个人 individuality ,nd,vdult n. 1. 个性;个人(或个体)的特征2. 个体;个人 3. 个体状态;独立存在 individualized ,ndvdul,azd a. 1. 有个性的,具有个人特色的 2. 个人的,个体的,wonder wnd vi. 1. 纳闷;想知道(+about)2. 觉得奇怪;不明白(+

27、at)(+to-v) I wonder at her rudeness. 我对她的粗鲁感到惊讶。 3. 感到疑惑 vt. 1. 想知道+wh-2. 对.感到奇怪+(that) We wonder that the little boy is a university student. 我们很惊奇这小男孩是大学生。 3. 对.感到怀疑+wh n. 1. 惊奇;惊异;惊叹 There was a look of wonder in his eyes. 2. 奇迹;奇观;奇事 3. 奇才 a. 1. 非凡的 2. 奇妙的,你曾经想要知道为什么有些孩子与他们的父母和兄弟姐妹差别那么大吗?4岁的杰森是黄

28、头发蓝眼睛,在和妹妹一块去幼儿园的时候会拉着妹妹的手。艾米丽深棕色的大眼睛闪烁着,映衬着她的黑色头发和橄榄色肌肤。,Have you ever wondered how your life now would be different if your living environments were different while you were growing up? 虚拟语气 在含有虚拟条件句的复合句中,主句和从句的谓语都要用虚拟语气。,heredity hrdt n.遗传 influence nfluns n. 1. 影响,作用 (+on/upon) 2. 影响力;势力,权势(+ove

29、r/with) 3. 有影响的. vt. 1. 影响,感化;左右 to some degree 在某种程度上,你有没有想过在你的成长过程中如果你的生活环境不同,你现在的生活会有什么不一样吗?这些问题使研究者去研究遗传的影响 ,在何种程度上我们的家庭和环境继续影响着我们。,appreciate pri,et vt. 1. 欣赏,赏识 Her talent for music was not appreciated. 她的音乐才能无人赏识。 2. 感谢,感激 They deeply appreciated his kindness. 他们对他的好意深表感谢。 3. 体会,领会,察知+(that)

30、I am afraid you have not appreciated the urgency of the matter. 恐怕你还没有意识到这件事的紧迫性。 4. 正确地评价,鉴. vi. 1. (土地、货币等)增值(+in),Sequence sikwns n. 次序, 顺序 pattern ptn n. 式样, 模式, 样品 temperament tmprmnt n. 气质, 性情 reaction rkn n. 反应 Curiosity ,kjurst n. 好奇心 contribute to 有助于,similar sml a.相像的,相仿的,类似的(+to) specific

31、 spsfk a. 1. 特殊的,特定的 Education should not be restricted to any onespecific age group. 教育不应限制在任何特定的年龄组上。 2. 明确的;具体的 The trouble with Bill was that he never had a specific aim in life. 比尔的问题是他从未有过明确的人生目标。 3. 有特效的 4. 独有的 Fins are a feature specific to fish. 鱼鳍是鱼类特有的特征。 n. 1. 特性 2. 特效药 3. 详情;详细说明书,withi

32、n wn prep. 1. 在.范围内;不超过 2. 在.里面,在.内部 ad. 1. 在里面;在内部;在心中 2. 在户内 n. 1. 里面,内部,range rend n. 1. 排, 行; 一系列 2. 山脉 3. (变化等的) 幅度; (知识等的) 范围; 区域 The houses are sold out within this price range. 在这个价位范围之内的房子已售完。 vt. 1. 排列, 将.排成行 2. 使并列; 使进入行列 3. 把.分类; 使系统化 . vi. 1. 平行; 列成一行 2. 绵亘, 延伸 3. 漫游; (范围) 涉及 (+over) 4.

33、(在一定范围内) 变动, 变化 The temperature ranges between 30 and 40 degrees centigrade. 温度在摄氏三十度与四十度之间。,作为一名幼儿老师,你将会惊讶地看到每个幼儿都是一个单独的个体。你会欣赏到每一个孩子的发展-变化的顺序和成长的模式,性情、反应和好奇心的强度都造就了孩子自身特有的参与方式。大多数年龄相仿的幼儿以相同的顺序发展。但是,特定的获得时间,比如爬、阅读,是非常个性化的。这意味着,赫克托尔可能在9个月是开始会走路,而马克指导16个月时才迈出个人的第一步。,indicate nd,ket vt. 1. 指示;指出+(that

34、)+wh- 2. 表明;象征;暗示+(that)+wh- vi. 1. (人,车)亮起指示灯表示转向 achievement tivmnt n. 1. 达成;完成 2. 成就,成绩 demonstrate dmn,stret vt. 1. 论证,证明+(that)2.(用实验,实例等)说明, 3. 示范操作 vi. 1. 示威,举行游行示威(+against),Beyond bijnd ad. 1. 在更远处;往更远处;再往后 The dog came to the front door, but not beyond. 狗走到前门,但没有再向前走。 2. 此外 They provided t

35、he essentials of education but nothing beyond. 他们提供教育的要点,但仅此而已。,prep. 1. 在.的那一边;向.的那一边;越过 Beyond the mountains is a thick forest. 山那边是一片浓密的森林。 2. 迟于,晚于 Dont stay there beyond the visiting hours. 呆在那儿别超过会客时间。 3. (指程度)深于;(指范围)越出 Its benefits go beyond this. 它带来的好处还不止于此。,4. (指品质等)处于.之外,超脱于 She has inte

36、lligence beyond the ordinary. 她聪明过人。 5. (常用于含疑问或否定意义的结构中)除.之外 He has nothing beyond the house. 除这幢房子外,他别的什么也没有。 n.远处 Young Columbus dreamed of crossing the ocean someday to the great beyond. 年轻时的哥伦布梦想有一日渡过大洋到达远方的彼岸。,常模标准说明大多数孩子在12个月时开始会走。赫克托尔和马克都在会走路的正常年龄范围,同时也说明具有个人特色的行为。具体能力的发展可能在2年之内发生,从这个年龄的前一年到

37、这个年龄的后一年。,然而,虽然我们把每个孩子都视为一个独特的个体,每个孩子都是作为完整的人而发展的。教育者和照顾者完整的幼儿的观念表明是兴趣支持着孩子在成长的各个领域中的发展。为检验研究的结果,有多种方式将成长划分为不同领域。,Remove the Rock,移 石,Spend sometime (in) doing sth 花费去做某事 In the process of doing sth 在做的过程中 Truck 卡车 Pail 桶 Shovel 铲子 Discover dskv vt. 1. 发现 2. 发觉;找到,在一个周六的早上,一个小男孩在他的沙箱里玩耍,还带了一盒子的玩具车、一

38、只塑料桶和一把闪闪发亮的塑料小红铲。在柔软的沙中堆砌道路和隧道的过程中,他在沙箱的中央发现了一块大石头。,dug挖掘 dislodge dsld vt. 1. 用力(或设法)移动;逐出 (+from) vi. 1. 离开住处,小男孩在石头的周围挖呀挖,成功地把它从泥沙中挖了出来。接着,他有点吃力用脚把石头往沙箱上推。(他只是个小男孩,石头显得很大。)当他把石头推到沙箱的边缘时,却发现自己没办法把石头滚过沙箱那堵矮小的墙。,Made some progress取得一些进步 grunt grnt vi. 1. 作呼噜声 2. 咕哝,发哼声 vt. 1. 咕哝着表示;咕哝着说 (+out)+that

39、 Smash vt.粉碎;打碎,打破(+up) 击溃,击毁 chubbytbi a. 圆胖的;丰满的,小男孩下定决心要把石头移走,他推了又推,但每次自以为取得一些成果时,那石头又滚了下来掉回沙箱中。小男孩咕哝着,使尽全力去推。但唯一的结果就是石头滚回来,撞到他胖胖的手指上。,burst into tears 突然哭起来 Frustration沮丧 All the time 一直 Available adj.可用的,可得到的 Sob 呜咽,最后,小男孩沮丧地大哭起来。小男孩的父亲一直在客厅的窗户旁注视着这一幕。当小男孩开始掉眼泪的时候,一个大大的身影落在小男孩和他的沙箱上。那是父亲的影子。,他温和而坚定地问: “儿子,为什么你没有用尽你所有的力量?”小男孩很受挫,呜咽地回答道: “我用了,爸爸,我用了!我用尽了我全身的力量。”“不,儿子,”父亲温和地纠正他说: “你没有用尽你所有的力量。你没有叫我来帮你。” 父亲边说着边弯下腰,捡起那块石头丢出了沙箱。,在你的生命中,你也遇到过需要移开的“石头”吗?你有没有发现你缺少挪动它的力量?但无论如何,总会有某个人在我们需要帮助的时候愿意向我们伸出援手。,


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