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1、山西省怀仁县2016-2017学年高二英语下学期期末考试试题(实验班)注意事项:1. 本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。2. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名和准考证号填写在答题卡和机读卡上相应的位置。3. 1-40小题填涂在机读卡上。第I卷(共两部分,共100分)第一部分 第一节 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题3分,满分45分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在机读卡。AThere was once a man who had a donkey and a beautiful lapdog. The donkey was kept in

2、a barn and had plenty of corn and hay to eat. Indeed, he was just as lucky as any donkey could be. The little dog stayed in the house and was well liked by the master. He was always playing and jumping about in an funny way and was allowed to lie in his masters lap(膝盖). Meanwhile, the donkey had ple

3、nty to do. He pulled wood all day long and had to take his turn at the mill during the night. He often complained about his problems, and it bored him to see the lapdog living such an easy life, while he had to work so hard. Finally he thought to himself that if he acted the same way as the lapdog t

4、o his master, he would be treated the same way. So, one day he ran out of his barn and went fast into the house, where he began to kick about in a very strange way. Then, swaying his tail and imitating the funny behavior of the pet lapdog, he knocked over the table where his master was eating. He al

5、so broke all the dishes into very small pieces and did not stop until he jumped onto his master, trying to lick and paw him with his rough feet. Seeing their master in great danger, the servants thought it was time to help him. They beat the foolish donkey with sticks until he could not get up again

6、. As he was about to die, he cried, “Why couldnt I have remained satisfied the way I was? Why did I try to imitate a creature who was nothing but a lazy puppy after all?”1. The underlined sentence in the first paragraph probably means _. A. the donkey was treated well by his master B. the donkey was

7、 treated badly and cruelly C. other donkeys were satisfied with their lifeD. the donkey was not satisfied with his life 2. According to the passage, we know that every day, _.A. the dog turned around the millB. the donkey jumped in the houseC. the donkey imitated the dog D. the dog accompanied the m

8、aster 3. The reason why the donkey felt angry was that _. A. he had to do a lot of boring workB. he envied the easy life the dog livedC. he was often beaten by the servantsD. he was tied and couldnt move freely BA dam is a man-made structure built across a river. Most dams are built to control a riv

9、ers water flow, improve navigation and control flooding. However, some dams are built to produce hydro-electric power. Hydro-electric power is produced as water passes through a dam, and into a river below. The more water that passes through a dam, the more energy is produced. Once a dam is built, a

10、 man-made lake is created behind the dam. Electricity is produced by a kind of equipment called a turbine(水轮机). Turbines contain metal coils(线圈) surrounded by magnets(磁铁). When the magnets move round rapidly over the metal coils, electricity is produced. Turbines are located inside dams. The falling

11、 water makes the magnets go around the coils. Dams provide clean energy, but they can also harm the environment. Species that use rivers to reproduce are often hurt by dams. In the Northwest of the US, the population of fishes has dropped from 16 million to 2.5 million since hydro-electric plants we

12、re built on the Columbia River. Dams all over the world have hurt some species. The highest dam in the Unites States is located near Oroville, California. The Oroville Dam towers 230 meters and is more than a mile wide. This dam was built in 1968, 22 years after the Hoover Dam. The Hoover Dam, on th

13、e Nevada-Arizona border controls the Colorado river. It is 221 meters high and has 2.6 million hectare-meters of water.The highest dam in the world is the Nurek Dam on the Vakhsh River in Tadzikistan, a country in central Asia. This dam is 300 meters tall. 4. Which of the following statements is NOT

14、 true according to the passage? A. Some dams are built for controlling a rivers water flow.B. Hydro-electric power is usually produced through a dam.C. Dams can offer energy and they are harmless to the environment. D. Generally speaking, where there is a dam, there is a man-made lake.共4页5. The thir

15、d paragraph mainly tells us _. A. how hydro-electric power is produced B. What a turbine is and how it works C. how the magnets and the metal coils workD. how the falling water passes through a turbine 6.The dam which controls the Colorado river is _. A. the Oroville Dam B. the Hoover Dam C. the Nur

16、ek Dam D. the Vakhsh Dam CThe Great Wall of China, one of the greatest wonders of the world, was enlisted in the World Heritage by the UNESCO in 1987. Just like a gigantic dragon, the Great Wall winds up and down across deserts, grasslands and mountains, stretching about 6,700 kilometers from east t

17、o west of China. With a history of more than 2,000 years, some parts of the Great Wall are now in ruins or even entirely disappeared. However, it is still one of the most appealing attractions around the world.No one can tell for sure when the building of the Great Wall was started, but it is popula

18、rly believed that it originated as a military fortification(要塞) against intrusion by tribes on the borders during the earlier Zhou Dynasty. Late in the Spring and Autumn Period, some states extended the defence work to prevent the attacks from other states. It was not until the Qin Dynasty that the

19、separate walls were connected to form a defensive system by Emperor Qin Shi Huang. After the emperor unified the country in 214 BC, he ordered the construction of the wall. It took about ten years to finish and the wall stretched from Gansu Province to Jilin Province. The wall not only served as a d

20、efence in the north but also symbolized the power of the emperor.Further construction also experienced several dynasties. The present Great Wall in Beijing is mainly remains from the Ming Dynasty. Today, the Great Wall has become a must-see for every visitor to China. Few can help saying “Wow” when

21、they stand on top of a beacon tower and look at this giant dragon. It has become a national pride of Chinese people. 7. The underlined word “appealing” probably means “_”.A. huge B. attractive C. ordinary D. moving 8. In the Qin Dynasty, _.A. the construction of the Great Wall was finished in 204 BC

22、B. the emperor wanted to invade other minor states C. the defensive system of the Great Wall was separatedD. the Great Wall began its way from Jilin Province 9. According to the passage, the Great Wall _.A. is from the west to the east B. is as long as 6,700 miles C. was built in several dynasties D

23、. was begun in the Qin Dynasties10. The best title for the passage probably is _.A. History of the Great Wall B. Culture of the Great WallC. Construction of the Great Wall D. Projection of the Great Wall DWe used to go into different chat rooms on different websites. If you wanted to meet someone on

24、 the Net, you had to go into the same chat room. But now regular Net surfaces chat in OICQ. OICQ is an online chat software which is invented by Tencent Computer System Company of Shenzhen in February, 1999. Since then it has swept the country. Its symbol is a penguin wearing a red scarf(围巾).Net fri

25、ends can be divided into a buddy list (for good friends), a stranger list (for people you dont want to talk with at once), or an ignore list (for people you want to avoid on the Net). You can also build up family lists, co-worker lists, etc.You can know whether listed friends are online as long as y

26、ou use it. The cartoon portrait(画像)of the person turns bright if he is online. And the portrait turns dim if he is not there.Traditional public chat rooms are often chaotic. It is difficult to focus on a conversation. OICQ can conduct a focused talk without interruptions by other chatters.OICQ acts

27、as a regular daily communication tool. What is your OICQ number? has become a modern topic.11. OICQ is .A. a special chat room for all cyber citizens (网民)B. a cartoon portrait to recognize friends on the NetC. an online chat software that helps you talk on the Net more freelyD. a modern phone number

28、 used by more and more people12. OICQ has been well received . 共4页A. since long ago B. for many years C. for several years D. since nine years ago13. With the help of OICQ, if you dont want to chat with someone, you can put him in .A. a buddy list B. a strange list C. an ignore list D. a co-worker l

29、ist 14. In the fifth paragraph, the underlined word chaotic means .A. crowded B. dark C. dirty D. disorderly15. The passage mainly tells us . A. how to chat with people in the Net B. how to use OICQC. how to choose a regular daily communication toolD. some advantages about OICQ第二节(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)根

30、据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(注意:如果选择AB,AC,AD这三个选项,必须在卡上同时涂两个字母) Small talk is a good way to make friends. If you travel to other countries or have friends from abroad, do you know how to use small talk to make conversation? In Britain, the best topic is the weather. British weather is ch

31、anging all the time. 16 Besides weather, its good to talk about gardens with British. You could say “Those roses look really beautiful, dont they?” 17 .So its also nice to start with “What a lovely dog! What is his name?” In America, people like to talk about sports news ,such as American football a

32、nd basketball. 18 So you might say “Its a nice shirt! Where did you get it?” Weather is a safe topic there, too. 19 Dont ask people “How old are you?” Never ask: “How much money do you make?”It makes people uncomfortable. Dont ask strangers weather they are married. 20 There are others in our daily

33、life.A. You can start chatting by saying “Its a lovely day today, isnt it?”B. There are also a lot of topics to avoid during small talk.C. Friends are important to us all, but how to make friends is a problem.D. Americans also talk about clothes.AB. Politics or religion is not a good topic.AC. Engli

34、sh people love their pets.AD. Only a few topics are not used for small talk.第二部分 完形填空(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在机读卡上将该项涂黑。“I didnt do anything!” “Say youre sorry!” “Its not my fault!” Sound familiar? If so, you are like a lot of kids who sometimes _21_ with t

35、heir friends or family members. Its not always easy to get _22_ with others. Kids arent _23_, so they sometimes do things that get them into _24_. Saying “Im sorry” can help. Saying youre sorry is called apologizing. When you apologize, youre telling someone that youre sorry for the _25_ you caused.

36、 When you apologize to someone, you stop to think about the other persons _26_, and you begin to feel sorry for your _27_. You may even feel _28_ or ashamed if you did something that you knew was _29_ even if what happened was an accident or you didnt do it _30_. You would probably _31_ feel sorry i

37、f you knew the other persons feelings were hurt. Kids might need to apologize if they did something they knew was wrong. _32_ can apologize, too to other grown-ups or even to _33_. After all, grown-ups also make _34_ sometimes. By apologizing when they are wrong, grown-ups can _35_ a good example an

38、d show kids how to do the right thing and apologize when they _36_.Sometimes a heartfelt “Im sorry” _37_ everything right away. Other times, it might take a while for a person to feel friendly after you _38_. You might need to give them _39_. Even after you say youre sorry, you might still feel _40_

39、 for what you said or did, but you can feel good about apologizing and about making up your mind to do better.21. A. discussB. argue C. talk D. agree22. A. get along B. catch up C. go on D. keep on23. A. good B. kind C. perfectD. successful24. A. anger B. difficulty C. danger D. trouble25. A. damage

40、B. injury C. hurt D. harm26. A. feelings B. opinions C. dreams D. memories 27. A. idea B. fighting C. manner D. fault28. A. embarrassedB. happy C. disappointed D. serious29. A. unfair B. wrong C. right D. reasonable30. A. under way B. in need C. by chance D. on purpose31. A. sometimesB. never C. har

41、dly D. still32. A. Children B. Grown-ups C. Friends D. Citizens 33. A. parentsB. workmatesC. kids D. managers 34. A. moneyB. mistakes C. differences D. changes35. A. setB. take C. follow D. stand36. A. want B. need C. expect D. like 37. A. removes B. ends C. fixes D. changes38. A. excuse B. apologiz

42、e C. decide D. regret39. A. energy B. space C. helpD. time共4页40. A. bad B. relaxed C. awakeD. hurt第II卷(非选择题,共50分)第1节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下列材料,在空白处填上适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式In my free time, I really like surfing the InternetWhen I get home from work, I turn on my computer, wait 41it boots up completely, a

43、nd then I go onlineI usually check my email first and then write a few messages 42 family and friendsI sometimes scan the local news headlines at 43 (me)favorite news Website and read up on the latest local and international newsThis Website often provides video news clips that 44 can view onlineI s

44、ometimes order products or service online to save money and time instead of going to a store and 45 (buy)what Im looking forFor example, 46 (order)a digital camera online the other day and saved about 50Whatever I do, I realize that there are problems 47 using the Internet including scams, identify

45、theft, and viruses, so Im very careful not to give out my 48 (person)informationFurthermore, I dont download or open files I dont recognizeUsing the Internet can be fun and 49 convenient way of shopping and finding out new information, 50 you just need to be careful.第二节 短文改错(共10小题;每l小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌中间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:把缺词处叫个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分John Brown is a London taxi driver who love going to the


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