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1、刷题大卷练(三)第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A2019淄博市高三模拟考试Give It a Go! Oneoff VolunteeringOur Oneoff programme allows you to take part in volunteering activities with no regular commitment such as dog walking, helping your local community and so on.Transport is

2、 provided from campus when activities cant be reached by public transport or on foot from campus.Canley Pop Up Cafe:Chinese New Year Special!Date: Saturday 17 February 2018Time: 10:3015:30Help run fun games and activities for Canley citizens.Canley Pop Up Cafes aim to initiate community interaction

3、and raise awareness of cultural diversity and difference as being positive by creating spaces that encourage neighbours to meet, talk, share talents, histories and knowledge.Dogs Trust Volunteer DayDate: Friday 23 February 2018Time: 09:5516:00Join us for a day with the Dogs Trust. Help exercise the

4、dogs, prepare food and clean the dog shelter.Transport and lunch will be provided by Warwick Volunteers.Kings Hill NurseryDate: Wednesday 16 May 2018Time: 09:0513:15Kings Hill Nurseries provide placements, training, work experience and jobs for people with learning disabilities. Volunteers will help

5、 support adults with disabilities with gardening tasks. No previous experience required.Transport from campus provided.Friends of Canley Green Spaces Woodland Path Clearance Date: Saturday 10 March 2018Time: 10:3013:30Help clean a woodland pathway by removing a mass of dead wood from low lying tree

6、branches. By cutting away the wood, walking along the path will be much easier. A more attractive pathway will also encourage people to explore Park Wood, one of Canleys ancient bluebell woodlands.Please wear suitable outdoor clothing and strong shoes or boots that you dont mind getting a little mud

7、dy.【文章大意】本文是一篇应用文,主要为在校学生介绍了几种课余时间可以参加的志愿活动。【长难句分析】Canley Pop Up Cafes aim to initiate community interaction and raise awareness of cultural diversity and difference as being positive by creating spaces that encourage neighbours to meet, talk, share talents, histories and knowledge.(Canley Pop Up Ca

8、fe: Chinese New Year Special!部分第二段)分析:that引导定语从句,修饰和限制先行词spaces。译文:Canley Pop Up Cafes旨在通过创造空间鼓励邻居见面、交谈、分享天赋、历史和知识来积极发起社区互动,提高对文化的多样性和差异性的认识。1What is the purpose of Canley Pop Up Cafes?ATo provide jobs for volunteers.BTo improve the neighbourhood.CTo ask for help from neighbours.DTo encourage neighb

9、ours to consume.答案与解析:B考查细节理解。根据 Canley Pop Up Cafe: Chinese New Year Special部分中的“Canley Pop Up Cafes aim to initiate community interaction and raise awareness of cultural diversity and difference as being positive by creating spaces that encourage neighbours to meet, talk, share talents, histories

10、and knowledge.”可知,Canley Pop Up Cafes旨在促进邻里关系,故选B。2Which activity lasts longest?AKings Hill Nursery.BCanley Pop Up Cafe.CDogs Trust Volunteer Day.DFriends of Canley Green Spaces.答案与解析:C考查细节理解。通过比较这几项活动的举办的时间可知,第二个活动Dogs Trust Volunteer Day是活动中持续时间最长的,故选C。3What is the main task in the last activity?A

11、Planting trees.BWidening the path.CGuiding the tourists.DClearing the path.答案与解析:D考查细节理解。由Friends of Canley Green Spaces Woodland Path Clearance部分第一句Help clean a woodland pathway by removing a mass of dead wood from low lying tree branches.可知,最后这项活动的主要任务是清理道路,故选D。B2019成都市毕业班摸底测试When Jessica came in

12、as a baby in 2010 she could not stand. Both wings were broken. I took her to the vets office to give her a chance at life.Six weeks later, she still couldnt stand. It got to the point where an awful decision had to be made if she couldnt stand in a week. It looked like death was winning. She was goi

13、ng to be put_down that Friday. I didnt want to go to the center. But I went anyway, and when I walked in everyone was smiling widely. I went immediately back to her cage; and there she was, standing on her own, a big beautiful eagle. I was just about in tears.We knew she could never fly, so the dire

14、ctor asked me to use the glove to train her. I got her be used to the glove, and we started doing education programs for schools. Miracle Pets even did a show about us.In the spring of 2016, I was diagnosed with cancer. I had been in stage 3,which was not good. When I felt good enough, I would take

15、Jessica out for walks. Jessica would also come to me in my dreams and help me fight the cancer time and time again.Fast forward to November 2016, I went in for my last checkup. I was told that if the cancer was not all gone, my last choice was a stem cell transplant. I went in on Monday, and I was t

16、old all the cancer was gone!The first thing I did was take the big girl out for a walk. I hadnt said a word to Jessica, but somehow she knew. She stared into my eyes and wrapped me with her wings. We just stood there like that. That was a magic moment. We have been soul mates ever since she came in.

17、【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文。一只名为Jessica的鹰出生时无法站立,双翅折断,医生对此也无能为力,不料后来它竟然能够站立了。6年后,“我”患了癌症,Jessica陪“我”度过了那段人生的艰难时期我们从初次见面时就已成了知己。【难句分析】It got to the point where an awful decision had to be made if she couldnt stand in a week.分析:该句为主从复合句。句中“where an awful decision had to be made if she couldnt stand in a week”为wher

18、e引导的定语从句,修饰先行词“the point”,where在从句中作地点状语;“if she couldnt stand in a week”为if引导的条件状语从句。译文:如果她一个星期后站不起来,那就到了不得不做一个很坏的决定的地步了。4What does the underlined phrase “put down” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?ASet free. BKilled painlessly.CTaken home. DBuried underground.答案与解析:B考查词义猜测。根据第二段第二、三句“It got to the poi

19、nt where an awful decision had to be made if she couldnt stand in a week. It looked like death was winning”可知,如果她一个星期后站不起来,那就到了不得不做一个很坏的决定的地步了,看来死神就要赢了。结合该句“She was going to be put down that Friday”可知,那个星期五,她将被杀死。故B项“无痛苦地被杀死”符合语境,故B项正确。5How did the author feel when seeing the bird standing on her ow

20、n?ASurprised. BExcited.CHopeful. DEncouraged.答案与解析:B考查推理判断。根据第二段尾句“I was just about in tears”可知,当看到她能站起来时,“我”快要哭了。据此可以推断,看到她站起来时,作者感到很激动,故B项正确。【干扰项分析】A项意为“惊讶的”,C项意为“抱有希望的”,D项意为“受到鼓舞的”,都与语境不符。6What happened after the author was diagnosed with cancer?AJessica tried her best to cheer up the author.BThe

21、 author was too weak to care about Jessica.CThe author gained spiritual support from Jessica.DJessica continued to do education programs for schools.答案与解析:C考查细节理解。根据第四段第三、四句“ When I felt good enough, I would take Jessica out for walks. Jessica would also come to me in my dreams and help me fight the

22、 cancer time and time again”可知,当“我”感觉足够好的时候,“我”会带Jessica出去散步,Jessica也会出现在“我”的梦中,一次又一次地帮助“我”与癌症作斗争。据此可知,当作者被诊断为癌症后,作者从Jessica那里得到了精神支持,故C项正确。其他三项文章中都没有提及。7Which is the best title of the text?AJessica and Me BA Magic MomentCA Brave Soldier DMy Soul Mate答案与解析:A考查标题判断。通读全文可知,本文主要讲述了一只名为Jessica的鹰和“我”的故事,

23、故A项最适合作为本文标题。C2019太原市高三阶段性测评Nothing succeeds like success, as every parent of a straightA student knows, but trying to stress academic excellence by telling your child “Youre so smart!” may be counterproductive. Why? According to a 2017 study, children who think their intelligence is fixed are less

24、likely to pay attention to and bounce back(重整旗鼓) from mistakes than children who think intelligence can grow and change.In the study, researchers looked at 123 children. The team assessed the children to determine whether they had a “growth mindset”(believing that you can work harder to get smarter)

25、, or a “fixed mindset”(believing that your intelligence is unable to change). They then asked the children to complete a fastpaced computer accuracy task while their brain activity was recorded. During the recording, researchers noted that brain activity stopped within a halfsecond after making a mi

26、stake, as children became aware of their mistake and paid closer attention to what went wrong. The larger the brain response was, the more the child focused on the mistake. Based on the data, they concluded that children with a “growth mindset” were much more likely to have a larger brain response a

27、fter making a mistake. While children with a “fixed mindset” were able to “bounce back”, only if they gave their full attention to the mistake.For parents, the lessons are clear: Dont pay your children compliments that suggest that intelligence is fixed. If your children hands you an A score, dont s

28、ay, “Youre so smart!” Instead, say, “Wow, that studying really paid off!” or “You clearly mastered this material way to go!”Note the effort, not the intelligence.Besides, many parents shy away from addressing their childrens mistakes, telling them “Its OK. Youll get it the next time” without offerin

29、g them the chances to figure out what goes wrong. Instead, its better to reassure your children that mistakes happen, and work to figure out where and how they make the mistake.【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文,主要讲了父母要留意孩子的努力而非智力,在孩子犯错后,父母要引导孩子正确地对待错误。【难句分析】According to a 2017 study,children who think their intelligen

30、ce is fixed are less likely to pay attention to and bounce back(重整旗鼓) from mistakes than children who think intelligence can grow and change.分析:本句是一个主从复合句,包含两个who引导的定语从句,两个定语从句分别修饰其前的先行词children。译文:根据2017年的一项研究,那些认为自己的智力是固定的孩子比那些认为智力是可以成长和改变的孩子更不可能将注意力集中于错误,并从错误中振作起来。8Which of the following best exp

31、lains “counterproductive” underlined in Paragraph 1?AOpposite. BCompetitive.CSuccessful. DUnknown.答案与解析:A考查词义猜测。根据第一段最后一句“According to a 2017 study,children who think their intelligence is fixed are less likely to pay attention to and bounce back(重整旗鼓) from mistakes than children who think intellige

32、nce can grow and change”可知,根据2017年的一项研究,那些认为自己的智力是固定的孩子比那些认为智力是可以成长和改变的孩子更不可能将注意力集中于错误,并从错误中振作起来。再结合语境可推知,画线词与A项“相反的”含义相近。9How did the children with a “growth mindset” react in the study?AThey made fewer mistakes.BThey tried to avoid mistakes.CThey had a smaller brain response.DThey focused more on

33、the mistake.答案与解析:D考查推理判断。根据第二段倒数第三句“The larger the brain response was, the more the child focused on the mistake”和倒数第二句“Based on the data,they concluded that children with a growth mindset were much more likely to have a larger brain response after making a mistake”可推知,具有“成长思维模式”的孩子更加关注其所犯的错误。10Wha

34、t should be avoided according to the study?AOverstressing the intelligence.BPaying children compliments.CAddressing childrens mistakes.DOffering chances to find mistakes.答案与解析:A考查细节理解。根据第三段最后一句“Note the effort,not the intelligence”可知,应避免过分强调智力。11What should parents say when children make a mistake a

35、ccording to the text?AYou are so careless.BYour studying paid off.CYoull get it the next time.DLets find out how you made it.答案与解析:D考查细节理解。根据第四段最后一句“Instead,its better to reassure your children that mistakes happen,and work to figure out where and how they make the mistake”可知,当孩子犯错误时,父母应与其一起弄清错的位置以及

36、如何犯错的。D2019贵阳监测A new library in Tianjin Tianjin Binhai Public Library recently became an online hit. The Daily Mail described it as the “worlds ultimate (终极的) library”, while the word “breathtaking” was the choice of Newsweek magazine. One look at the library and youll see why. With its futuristic (

37、未来派的) design and walls loaded with books, its the dream library of every book lover.But as the surprise continues, theres a burning question lying in the back of our minds: When physical bookstores are closing down one by one, what makes libraries safe from the wave of digitization (数字化)? And do we

38、really still need libraries now that weve got the Internet in our hands?Reporter Ian Clark has the answer. “Libraries are not declining in importance people are simply changing the way they use them,” he wrote on The Guardian website. What Clark means is that libraries have shifted from simply being

39、 storehouses of books to a medium to help “bridge the gap between the haves and the havenots”, according to website Libraries Are Essential. Since not everyone can afford a smartphone, a tablet or an Internet connection, and not everyone has the knowhow to search the Internet correctly and efficient

40、ly, its public libraries that make sure that these resources and technologies are available to a larger group of people.“Nobody is trying to sell you anything in the library. There is no pressure to buy and there is no judgment of your choices,” Anne Goulding, a professor at Victoria University of W

41、ellington in New Zealand, wrote on the Newsroom website. “There are few other spaces that you can just be in without somebody questioning your presence or your motivation.”【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文,主要说明了在数字化时代,图书馆存在的原因。【难句分析】Since not everyone can afford a smartphone, a tablet or an Internet connection, and no

42、t everyone has the knowhow to search the Internet correctly and efficiently, its public libraries that make sure that these resources and technologies are available to a larger group of people.分析:本句是一个复合句,其中包含Since引导的原因状语从句,原因状语从句中又包含由and连接的两个并列句,主句为its public libraries. people,是强调句型。译文:因为不是每个人都能买得起

43、智能手机、平板电脑或能连接到互联网,而且不是每个人都知道正确和高效地搜索互联网的窍门,正是(有了)公共图书馆(才)确保这些资源和技术可以提供给更大的人群。12What cause book lovers to like Tianjin Binhai Public Library?ABreathtaking magazines.BWorlds ultimate buildings.CDesign and book walls.DDigitization.答案与解析:C考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“One look at the library and youll see why. With it

44、s futuristic (未来派的) design and walls loaded with books, its the dream library of every book lover”可知,让图书爱好者喜欢上天津滨海公共图书馆的是它的设计和书墙。13Where does the text most probably come from?AA fiction. BA tour guide.CA newspaper. DA book.答案与解析:C考查文章出处。根据第一段中的“A new library in Tianjin Tianjin Binhai Public Library

45、recently became an online hit. The Daily Mail described it as the worlds ultimate (终极的) library”可知,这篇文章可能出自报纸。14Why are physical libraries necessary to exist?AEveryone has a phone with them.BSome people are still used to the old ways.CMore and more people use computers.DPeople can buy what they want

46、 there.答案与解析:B考查推理判断。根据第四段中的“Since not everyone can afford a smartphone, a tablet or an Internet connection, and not everyone has the knowhow. are available to a larger group of people”可知,由于并不是每个人都能通过网络获取知识,所以一些人依然在使用老方法,即去图书馆获取知识。15What does the text mainly talk about?ALibraries living on in the di

47、gital age.BInternet libraries nowadays.CPhysical libraries in the past.DPeoples dream libraries.答案与解析:A考查主旨大意。根据全文内容尤其是第二段中的“When physical bookstores are closing down one by one, what makes libraries. now that weve got the Internet in our hands”可知,这篇文章的主旨是在数字化时代,图书馆仍将继续存在。第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容

48、,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。2019昆明市高三调研How to Be a Good Listener to Your Family Communication is important for strong family relationships. _16_ Working on your listening skills can help you communicate better and form stronger bonds. Listen actively. When listening to a family member, do not let your mind wander to other things. Its important to make


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