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1、安东尼高迪与扎哈哈迪德,作 品 评 析,直线是人类创造的,曲线才属于上帝。 大自然是我一生的情人。 Antoni Gaudi,过去我认定有无重力的物体存在,而现在我已经可以确信建筑就是无重力的,是可以漂浮的。 Zaha Hadid,安东尼高迪 (Antoni Gaudi,1852- 1926) 西班牙建筑家,毕业于巴塞罗那建筑学校,是新艺术运动的代表性人物之一。 高迪以独特的建筑艺术称荣,城市几乎所有最具盛名的建筑物都出自他一人之手,被称作巴塞罗那建筑史上最前卫、最疯狂的建筑艺术家。,共同点 1 :创作的地域特色,高迪在巴塞罗那学习时期,参与了一些以本土主义(regionalist)和分离主义

2、(separaists)为主要内容的“民族主义保护运动”(umbrella nationalist movement)。由此唤起了他对加泰罗尼亚的民族热爱之情。 这种强烈的民族情绪深深的影响到了他的建筑风格与手法,并始终贯串于他的一生和建筑事业之中。 高迪迷恋上了这种把传统的形式,材料和技术赋予地域特色,并重新精心加工制作,将基督教与阿拉伯、波斯与北非的文化元素结合为一种充满生机的装饰风格。今天走在巴塞罗那街头,随处可见不规则的曲线建筑风格与碎彩装饰,这正是高迪的风格。我没见过一个人爱一个城市到如此地步,也未曾见过一个城市这样强烈地烙上一个人的痕迹世上只有高迪和巴塞罗那。,共同点 1 :创作的

3、地域特色,萨拉戈萨桥 Zaragoza Bridge Pavilion,布加勒斯特塔Dorobanti Tower,共同点 2 :亢奋的感官作用,Kartal Urban Renewal Project by Zaha Hadid,Rabat Grand Theatre Following a recent ceremony in Rabat, Morroco, Agence pour lAmnagement de la Valle du Bouregreg (The Bouregreg Valley Development Agency) verified that architectura

4、l designs will be provided by Zaha Hadid Architects. The program will include three theater spaces, indoor spaces consisting of 2,050-seat and a 520-seat, and a fully-equipped outdoor amphitheater holding up to 7,000 people. The theaters will share back of house facilities, efficiently reducing the

5、size of the building services needed. Creative studios will also be incorporated into this cultural venue. Estimated cost is at 120 Million Euros for the Rabat Grand Theatre. In the Bouregreg Valley at the heart of Rabat, The Grand Theatre will be part of one of the largest developments in Morocco.

6、This theater, with its innovative design and cutting-edge infrastructure will surely be a landmark for the city and the region. Taking its direction from the adjacent Bouregreg River, the design in one fluid sweep traverses from the ground extending into the sky. The auditoriums are enveloped within

7、 the sculpted building that moves back to the ground, melting into the landscape. Mr. Essakl, Managaing Director of The Bouregreg Valley Development Agency said, “The Grand Theatre is part of a national programme of cultural development initiated by His Majesty King Mohammed VI. The construction of

8、the Grand Theatre will allow Rabat to showcase its rich cultural heritage as one the worlds greatest cultural centres.” Zaha Hadid shared her willingness stating, “I am delighted to be building the Grand Theatre in Rabat. Moroccos unique musical traditions and rich cultural history in the performing

9、 arts are renowned throughout the world. I am honoured to be part of the cultural development of the nations capital.”,First stone of the Spiral Tower by Zaha Hadid in Barcelona,Central Bank In what will be her first project for her native country, Zaha Hadid will design the new headquarters for the

10、 Central Bank in Baghdad.,The Hague Dance and Music Center Finalist: Zaha Hadid Architects,共同点 3 :结构与艺术的统一,Sagrada Familia church,A drawing that shows Gaudis ideas for the exterior of the church as of about 1906. Note that the pinnacles are of a foliated Gothic form, not the final type.”,Two schemat

11、ic plans of the projected church of the Sagrada Familia: (top) drawn at floor level, shows the liturgical use of the internal parts and explains the symbolism of the piers and portals; (bottom) drawn at heights that reveal the different vaulting forms, gives the names of the towers and cupolas.,One

12、of two engravings of del Villars first project for the Sagrada Familia church as published in El Propagador, official organ of the enterprise, in 1882.,Transverse section of the nave of the church of the Sagrada Famlia as it is now planned. Here can be seen the structure of the roof, composed of a s

13、eries of pyramidal units rising more than 75 feet above the vaulted ceiling.,Early model for the Sagrada Familia church (c.1910). This model employs parabolic arches, but otherwise uses Gothic structure with vertical piers.,Present model for the nave of the church. It uses inclined tree-like support

14、ing piers as well as vault and wall surfaces made of hyperbolic paraboloids that produce attractive star-like patterns. It is based on Gaudis last model of about 1925 (destroyed).,Architectural drawing of a pinnacle of the Sagrada Familia church. Front, side and back views with five sections drawn a

15、t points A, B, C, D, and E. Note the hole for searchlight installation two-thirds of the way up.,对旋柱 两根相反方向上的所罗门式柱子相交而成。如果我们将两个正方形旋转45,就可以得到一个八角形,22.5十六边形,11.25三十二边形以此类推,每次升高两米。,圣家族大教堂悬链拱模型 把铁链挂起来,均匀的挂上小铁坠,这时候铁链的形状是受力最均匀的;用镜子或照片的方法,把模型翻转过来,按照它作拱顶,拱的受力就是最均匀的。,高迪说自己是名几何研究者,他对几何表现出强烈的迷恋。,双曲拱顶当一条直线在空间中围

16、绕一条轴线平行旋转时,那么会生成圆柱形。当它不平行旋转时,会生成单曲面,单曲面的一半是大钟的最佳形状。这种柔和的平面在传统建筑中没有应用过,但是由于它具有良好的采光、传音、和散重能力所以高迪在柱子,柱头,屋顶,天窗和大钟中曾多次使用。,相交抛物面圣家族教堂中所有屋顶,塔楼和圆顶都是由弯曲平面拼合而成。,螺旋面暨蜗牛楼梯模型,支撑蜗牛楼梯的平面(螺旋面),也是由支撑在中轴线和周边螺旋的直线组成。在古尔公园中似乎用到过这样的墙。,共同点 3 :结构与艺术的统一,扎哈哈迪德获得2010年钢结构设计奖项(the Structural Steel Design Awards)。钢结构设计奖项已有42年历

17、史,专门授予那些在建筑与建筑结构上巧妙利用钢结构设计。伦敦奥运会水上运动中心London Aquatic Center因其宏大壮观的工程而被授予此奖。在与Arup,Rowecord Engineering公司及Balfour Beatty Group的合作中,团队为其做出了令人惊叹的钢结构设计。,Legacy Roof 在游泳中心上部覆盖了一个跨度为160米,最宽处达90米的复合钢屋顶。三个实心混凝土柱子轻松的支撑起重达3000吨的屋顶结构。抛物线形的结构在视觉上让人联想到起伏波浪,与水上运动中心的功能相呼应。,游泳池表面、更衣室和地面共铺设了850000块瓷砖。一系列混凝土比赛设施包括三米跳

18、板和跳台都在现场浇注。,共同点 3 :结构与艺术的统一 另一人:,圣地亚哥卡拉特拉瓦(Santiago Calatrava),圣地亚哥卡拉特拉瓦(Santiago Calatrava,1951-) 生于西班牙巴伦西亚市,在巴伦西亚修完建筑与城市设计专业以后,于1979年获得了瑞士苏黎世联邦工学院的结构工程博士学位,随后留校任教,并开始参加建筑设计竞赛,1981年在苏黎世(Zurich)开了自己的建筑和土木工程事务所。 拥有建筑师和工程师的双重身份,他对结构和建筑美学之间的互动有着准绳的掌握。他认为美态能够由力学的工程设计表达出来,而大自然之中,林木虫鸟的形态美观,同时亦有着惊人的力学效率。所以

19、,他常常以大自然作为他设计时启发灵感的泉源,还有人体的动态结构分析。,密尔沃基美术馆新馆 Milwaukee Art Museum ,Quadracci Pavilion, 2001,A building inspired by the wings of a bird A flight into Milwaukee takes you over Lake Michigan and its shoreline. Look out the window and youll see an ultra-modern white structure that looks like the prow of

20、 a ship jutting out into the water. Morespecifically, a ship with wings. It is the Calatrava addition to the Milwaukee Art Museum a structure proclaimed by Time Magazine as the Best Design of 2001. It is also the first U.S. project designed by the internationally celebrated Spanish architect, Santia

21、go Calatrava.,The new Conference and Exhibition Center ,2011 The Conference and Exhibition Center is an elliptically-shaped building covering a total of 15.640 square metres. It will consist in three floors, a huge lobby and a main hall with a capacity for holding 2.050 individuals. It will also hav

22、e another 14 modular meeting halls. The most spectacular part of the structure will be its mobile roof (in the form of a dome, with steel ribs ranging from 50 metres to 100 metres in length). The use of a mobile dividing partitioning walls will allow the building to be adapted to the requirements of

23、 the events that it will host.A three-floor, multi-storey car-park is also planned, holding up to 1.777 cars and a shopping are of almost 52.000 square metres, distributed over three, underground floors.The large capacity of this center will provide the city with the necessary facilities allowing it

24、 to play host to large-scale national and international conferences (which it is currently unable to do, due to a lack of suitably-sized facilities). In fact, operators and organisers of large events are already awaiting the entry into operation of the building so as to include Oviedo in their sched

25、ule of events. It is expected to be totally operational in 2011. The elliptically-shaped Conference Center (which gives the impresin of being some kind of huge, prehistoric egg in the center of the complex), is surrounded by a U-shaped building, whose base of 7.000 square metres, will primarily be u

26、sed as a hotel, providing 144 rooms (including 36 suites).The arms of the U-shaped building will be used as the offices for the Asturian Regional Government (covering a surface area of 11.000 square metres). The entire building will be constructed from white concrete, white-painted steel and glass.,

27、位于西班牙瓦伦西亚的艺术及科学之城(City of Arts and Sciences)中有科学博物馆、剧院、表演厅和一个水族馆。其教育和娱乐相结合的风格是由西班牙建筑师圣地亚哥卡拉特拉瓦设计的。建筑在流经瓦伦西亚市的杜利亚河床。杜利亚河因为曾经泛滥,早已被引导到城外,原来河流所在位置的河床,现在成为公园、运动场、音乐厅,是当地居民休闲运动的好去处。,WTC Transportation Terminal Critics praised Santiago Calatrava for bringing a sense of spirituality to his sweeping design

28、for the transportation terminal serving the World Trade Center.,不同点 1 :随性率真的设计路线,结识莫逆之交 1878年是高迪职业生涯中最为关键的一年。这年,他不仅获得了建筑师的称号,更主要的是结识了欧塞维奥古埃尔这位后来成为他的保护人和同盟者的朋友。 古埃尔(Eusebio Guell)一位纺织、航业巨子,热心社会改革, 欣赏霍华德的花园城思想,1881年委托高迪为他在巴塞罗那郊区的纺织工业区设计一个工人村,后取名古埃尔领地。1900年古埃尔又委托高迪为他设计一处供中产阶级居住的小区,取名古埃尔公园。他既不介意高迪那落落寡合的

29、性格,也不在意他那乖张古怪的脾气,因为他深信,站在他面前的是一位建筑学天才。 除了工作,高迪没有任何别的爱好和需求。在生活上他真显得有点傻气、疯癫。他常年留着大胡子,成天是一副阴沉沉、让人捉摸不透的表情。除了古埃尔,他没有别的朋友。他只说加泰罗尼亚语,对工人有什么交代就得通过翻译。他只带了两个学生在身边,多一个他都嫌烦。他似乎觉得,只要与这两个学生交往,就能保持他与整个世界的平衡了。,guell park,“正常人往往没有什么才气,而天才却常常像个疯子。” 达利,圣家族教堂是建造耗时最长的教堂,从1884年开始建造,至今尚未完工。高迪人生的最后43年,都投身于教堂的建设。他把自己所有的一切都献

30、给了圣家族教堂的伟大事业,连同生命。,不同点 1 :商业化的设计路线,作为在建筑设计和创新方面具有全球领导地位的杰出女建筑师,扎哈在世界各地建筑作品大量涌现,在中国的作品除了广州大剧院,还有 北京的银河SOHO 望京SOHO 上海的虹桥SOHO 3个项目均地处城市核心地段,无与伦比的区位优势,配合扎哈的参数化设计,使上述商业项目具备了多维的、自由的、开放的、融合的城市空间,人们在这样的空间里可以充分地聚集、伸展、交往、产生智慧的火花,改变固有的生活方式。 扎哈在建筑设计中将自然地貌和人文景观融为一体,使建筑呈现出前沿的科技感,同时也孕育出意想不到却又活力无限的建筑形态。 银河SOHO将于2012年完工,望京SOHO和上海虹桥SOHO计划于2013年竣工。,北京银河SOHO,北京望京SOHO,上海虹桥SOHO,不同点 2 : 对待作品的态度,不同点 2 : 对待作品的态度,就设计本身而言,我一直都坚持原则,我不会因预算而妥协。 Zaha Hadid,扎哈早期设计多为直线条的解构主义风格,之后便开始在设计中引入大量曲线和复杂曲面,扎哈本人称这个时期的特点为“流动”。正是这种“流动”的建筑让扎哈获得了业内的广泛认可,并获得了建筑界的最高荣誉普里兹克奖。 伴随着得奖,扎哈受到了更多圈外人的关注,质疑声也在接下来的几年逐渐出现,主要集中在形式大于功能和成本严重超支两方面。,


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