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1、Module 2 Company benefits,Contents,Presentation & Memo,Benefits and Incentives,Useful Terms,Company Benefits,Relevant background,conveyance,n.传送;运送;表达;运输工具 Transfer from one conveyance to another for shipment. 把货物从一个运输工具转到另一个来装货。 The sum charged for riding in a public conveyance. 乘坐公共交通工具的费用。,Releva

2、nt background,Useful Terms,Pension (养老金/退休金) A pension (also known as superannuation) is a retirement plan intended to provide a person with a secure income for life. The common use of the term is to describe the payments a person receives upon retirement, usually under pre-determined, legal and/or

3、contractual terms. Pensions have traditionally been payments made in the form of a guaranteed annuity 年金/养老金 to a retired or disabled employee, or to a deceased employees spouse, children or other beneficiaries. A pension created by an employer for the benefit of an employee is commonly referred to

4、as an occupational or employer pension. Labor unions, the government, or other organizations may also sponsor pension provision.,Useful Terms,Incentive (激励/奖励) An incentive is any factor that enables or motivates a particular course of action. It is an expectation that encourages people to behave in

5、 a certain way. Incentives usually fall into three broad classes: Remunerative incentives (or financial incentives/material reward); Moral incentives; Coercive ku:siv(强制的,强迫的;高压的) incentives (e.g. punishment, imprisonment, confiscation of properties, etc.),Remunerative:酬报的;报偿性的;付酬的;有利可图的 He makes hi

6、s living by accepting any remunerative chore. 为了生计,他准备接受任何有酬报的杂活。,Useful Terms,Perks (津贴/额外补贴) In addition to company benefits, many employers also offer “perks “ to their employees. Typically limited to employees in management positions, these perks include such benefits as country club or health c

7、lub memberships, a company car, special parking privileges at work, tickets for sporting events, first-class travel accommodations, and generous expense accounts.,Case Study 1,Expatriation(外派) costs for an Australian expatriate manager in Hong Kong earning an annual salary of $200,000.,Useful Terms,

8、Perks (津贴/额外补贴) However, certain types of perks are also being extended to employees in many different types of positions. One type of perk that is common in many retail stores is an employee discount on merchandise bought from the place of employment.,Merchandise: 商品 Get rid of all ones merchandise

9、.卖掉某人所有的商品。 We often call these goods merchandise.我们通常把这些货叫做商品。,Case Study 2,Avon Each employee of the company is authorized to make a maximum of RMB 1000 worth purchases every month at the in-house store of the company at 30% off. The purchases shall be paid with the company designated bank card.,U

10、seful Terms,Cash Bonus (现金分红/现金红利) Compensation paid to an employee or employees for achieving a particular sales goal or organizational objective. This is above and beyond either a Commission or a Salary. A corporation achieving a 10% increase in profits may distribute part of the earnings as a cas

11、h bonus to its employees.,Useful Terms,Recognition reknin (表彰/认可/奖励) Recognition is the act of acknowledging someone for great work or accomplishments. Being recognized builds the morale and self-worth of a person. Recognition programs at workplaces are important because they encourage employees to

12、work harder and build up appreciation for the company from workers. A recognition program might include rewards and prizes, a day off, additional pay or even just a mention of the persons good work in a public forum/gathering.,Morale mr:l : 士气,斗志; Desire, can stimulate a persons morale.欲望,可以激发一个人的斗志

13、。,Useful Terms,Call Center (客户服务呼叫中心) A call center is a physical place where customer and other telephone calls are handled by an organization, usually with some amount of computer automation(自动化(技术),自动操作). Typically, a call center has the ability to handle a considerable volume of calls at the sam

14、e time, to screen calls and forward them to someone qualified to handle them, and to log calls. Call centers are used by mail-order catalog organizations, telemarketing companies, computer product help desks, and any large organization that uses the telephone to sell or service products and services

15、.,Screen (vt.) : 甄选;筛查 The United States has sent a team of experts to Yemen to help screen U.S.-bound air cargo following a plot to mail bombs to U.S. destinations.一个以美国为目的地的邮件炸弹阴谋被破获后,美国已派遣一个专家组到也门,帮助筛查发往美国的航空货物。,P.16 Part 2,答案解析,P.16 Part 2,答案解析,What is important when choosing a job?,relevant wor

16、ds and expressions,Useful Terms,Distribution Center (配送中心) A distribution center is a warehouse or other specialized building, often with refrigeration(制冷)or air conditioning, which is stocked with products (goods) to be re-distributed to retailers, to wholesalers or directly to consumers.,Useful Te

17、rms,Holding Company (控股公司) A company that owns enough voting stock (有表决权的股票) in another firm to control management and operations by influencing or electing its board of directors(董事会). Also called parent company.,Useful Terms,Subsidiary (子公司/附属公司) A subsidiary corporation or company is one in which

18、 another, generally larger, corporation, known as the parent corporation, owns all or at least a majority of the shares. As the owner of the subsidiary, the parent corporation may control the activities of the subsidiary. This arrangement differs from an acquisition, in which a corporation purchases

19、 another company and dissolves the purchased companys organizational structure and identity.,Useful Terms,Turnover Turnover is sometimes a synonym for revenue, especially in European and South African usage. Great Britain: annual sales volume (annual sales turnover).(销售量/营业额) Turnover (employment):

20、relative rate at which an employer gains and loses staff, especially in North American usage. (人员流动或更换率),Useful Terms,Final-salary Pension Scheme (最终薪金退休金计划) A pension scheme in which the amount of an employees pension is based on the number of years that they worked for each employer, multiplied by

21、 the salary s/he had at the end of each period of employment.,Useful Terms,Vice-president Incumbent Programme (副总裁任职资格培训计划) A training program designed to develop eligibility of candidates for VP/for pre-service VP.,Useful Terms,Brainstorm (脑力激荡/头脑风暴) Brainstorming is a group creativity technique de

22、signed to generate a large number of ideas for the solution of a problem. There are four basic rules in brainstorming intended to reduce social inhibitions among groups members, stimulate idea generation, and increase overall creativity of the group. 1. Focus on quantity 2. Withhold criticism 3. Wel

23、come unusual ideas 4. Combine and improve ideas,Useful Terms,Breakout Area (休息区) The breakout area is to provide a space that staff can visit to grab a coffee or have an informal meeting. Common uses for breakout areas include: Casual Meetings Relaxation Private Time One-To-One Meetings Informal Dis

24、cussions Visitor Waiting Areas,Benefit Package,Life Insurance, Holidays, Health Insurance, Medical Insurance, National Insurance, etc. (statutory & inflexible),Annual leave, company car, accommodation subsidy, meal allowance, 13th month pay, bonus, stock options, childcare /retail vouchers, relocati

25、on allowance, etc. + 20% base pay,Case Study 3,PricewaterhouseCoopers PricewaterhouseCoopers offers vouchers to maternity returners at the rate of 20% of the monthly pay for the first 12 months following their return to work. It also offers them as an option within the companys flexible benefit plan

26、 to mothers and fathers outside the initial 12-month period. Typically the vouchers pay 100% of the childcare and, not surprisingly, the scheme is very much valued by employees.,reading,p.17,Part 4 答案解析,Part 4 答案解析,Useful Expressions,take with a pinch of salt (有保留地, 不全信地): not completely believe som

27、ething is true or likely cant say enough nice things about (赞不绝口): full of praises for amazement at her colleagues longevity: astonishment at her colleagues long duration or continuance of service in the company a new provider in the canteen: a new food caterer in the snack bar or cafeteria who is i

28、n for the long haul: joins in for long service in the company,要点解析,要点解析,要点解析,要点解析,要点解析,37,Wordlist,38,Wordlist,39,Wordlist,40,Wordlist,41,Brainstorming activity,2.1 Company benefits,take,off,for granted,advantage of,up,responsibility for ,down,root,away,effect,in,into account/ consideration,over (fr

29、om sb.),2 minutes for you,44,Sentence-making practice,2.1 Company benefits,45,Translation practice,2.1 Company benefits,The finding of this study failed to _(将人们的睡眠质量考虑在内). take peoples sleeping quality into account/consideration. Youd better take a sweater with you _ (以防天气变冷). in case it get(s) col

30、d/in case it turn(s) cold/ lest it (should) get cold The more exercise you take, _ (你越不大可能得感冒). the less likely you are to catch a cold,46,_ (为了挣钱供我上学), mother often takes on more work than is good for her. In order to earn enough money to afford my education The victim _ (本来会有机会活下来) if he had been

31、taken to hospital in time. could/would have had a chance to survive could/would have survived,Translation practice,2.1 Company benefits,p.17 part 5,Answers,P13. part 3 The past,一般过去时,过去进行时,过去完成时,Answers,1.has been working,2. joined,4. have been considering,3. have had,Answers,5. has expanded/ has be

32、en expanding,6. completed,8. has agreed,7. have been studying,Dear Sir or Madam, I saw your advert for the post of Personal Assistant to Overseas Sales Manager in yesterdays morning/evening post and I would like to apply for the position. As you can see from my attached CV, I have been working for a

33、 travel agency for the last six months, which I have really enjoyed. Before that I worked as a receptionist and secretary for two years. I have a good knowledge of English as I completed a course at college and I am also fluent in Italian because I have lived in Rome for the summer in 2006. Please note that my current manager has agreed to write me a reference. I look forward to your early reply. Yours faithfully, Lucy,Thank You!,


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