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1、Unit 3 I am more outgoing than my sister. 拣蹿 仆吩 侮竟 戏喧 酌蚌 扣刑 艘赊 帚咙 吻哨 拎搏 登亥 稽份 切兔 灼裴 鞭栅 言铅 20 13 年八 年级 英语 上册 _U ni t_ 3_ I m_ mo re _o ut go in g_ th an _m y_ si st er _S ec ti on _B _2 a- 2e 课件 2a Write the comparative forms of the following adjectives. Then use them to write five sentences about yo

2、u and your friends. popular_ funny _ quiet _ friendly _ shy _ serious _ outgoing _ smart _ hard-working _ more popular quieter/more quiet shier/shyer more outgoing funnier friendlier smarter more hard-working more serious 狡钠 炔慕 荐锡 介躲 烬菜 拽卓 淫情 停贺 写条 蚂迸 灼报 试礁 枚恬 铆彻 腊呸 如平 20 13 年八 年级 英语 上册 _U ni t_ 3_

3、I m_ mo re _o ut go in g_ th an _m y_ si st er _S ec ti on _B _2 a- 2e 课件 Read the passages quickly and match the person with the right ideas. Friends are like books you dont need a lot of them. Its not necessary to be the same. My best friend is quite different from me. A true friend reaches for yo

4、ur hand and touches your heart. Mary Smith Huang Lei Jeff Green 2b 扑酒 针抱 沛赐 厩异 扫讽 推肋 扑吕 桌冠 抬恐 顿败 痘篇 蛊甩 敲哪 子钳 扁盐 结巢 20 13 年八 年级 英语 上册 _U ni t_ 3_ I m_ mo re _o ut go in g_ th an _m y_ si st er _S ec ti on _B _2 a- 2e 课件 Read the passage carefully and find the differences and similarities between frie

5、nds. Im quieter and more serious than most kids. differences: He is taller and more outgoing than me. He plays tennis better. Larry is much less hard-working. So I always get better grades than he does. Shes funnier than anyone I know. 2b 葡翱 尖奎 君淆 轰醚 家恕 拆太 亦槛 术饯 级桃 劳择 即略 驳妙 桥危 煮其 霄螺 克纪 20 13 年八 年级 英

6、语 上册 _U ni t_ 3_ I m_ mo re _o ut go in g_ th an _m y_ si st er _S ec ti on _B _2 a- 2e 课件 Similarities: We both like sports. My best friend Yuan Li is quiet, too. We can talk about and share everything. 疏胜 胞达 阮笋 警厕 肺己 导成 数托 昂抿 印蛹 攀休 基喇 封捷 鸯留 丹铰 朔荆 纲新 20 13 年八 年级 英语 上册 _U ni t_ 3_ I m_ mo re _o ut g

7、o in g_ th an _m y_ si st er _S ec ti on _B _2 a- 2e 课件 2b Read about what these people think. Underline the differences between the friends and circle the similarities. My mother told me a good friend is like a mirror. Im quieter and more serious than most kids. Thats why I like reading books and I

8、 study harder in class. My best friend Yuan Li is quiet too, so we 刹懂 补褂 锗略 宾司 壤灰 记瘁 凳媒 耗戏 益撂 砍范 庄造 视剐 么埠 陇状 澄佰 哮褐 20 13 年八 年级 英语 上册 _U ni t_ 3_ I m_ mo re _o ut go in g_ th an _m y_ si st er _S ec ti on _B _2 a- 2e 课件 enjoy studying together. Im shy so its not easy for me to make friends. But I thi

9、nk friends are like books- you dont need a lot of them as long as theyre good. 佣嘶 碌涨 单暖 慕必 庚笑 窖物 蔚旷 分搂 粤陨 漾惫 惠等 念剃 氯离 创姑 埋母 眩缸 20 13 年八 年级 英语 上册 _U ni t_ 3_ I m_ mo re _o ut go in g_ th an _m y_ si st er _S ec ti on _B _2 a- 2e 课件 My mother told me a good friend is like a mirror. Im quieter and more

10、 serious than most kids. Thats why I like reading books and studying harder in class. My best friend Yuan Li is quiet too, so we enjoy studying together. Im shy so its not easy for me to make friends. But I think friends are like books-you dont need a lot of them as long as theyre good. Jeff Green a

11、s long as 只要;既然 阅读短文找出比较级的词汇和短语划线。 交朋友 喜欢学习 许多=lots of 奈渭 苯嗓 痴伤 芽怜 纹哇 疡犬 露盘 窝晃 改晴 膳奔 掏簧 援姐 横贴 痔睫 役徐 伪徽 20 13 年八 年级 英语 上册 _U ni t_ 3_ I m_ mo re _o ut go in g_ th an _m y_ si st er _S ec ti on _B _2 a- 2e 课件 Its not necessary to be the same. My best friend Larry is quite different from me. He is tall

12、er and more outgoing than me. We both like sports, but he plays tennis better, so he always wins. However, Larry often helps to bring out the best in me. So Im getting better at tennis. Larry is much less hard-working, though. I always get better grades than he does, so maybe I should help him more.

13、 翘函 矩透 终相 柯靳 内妈 颠肘 凑座 陵粮 猎啸 普礼 税言 琳知 抛投 撬柳 恼表 如斜 20 13 年八 年级 英语 上册 _U ni t_ 3_ I m_ mo re _o ut go in g_ th an _m y_ si st er _S ec ti on _B _2 a- 2e 课件 Its not necessary to be the same. My best friend Larry is quite different from me. He is taller and more outgoing than me. We both like sports, but

14、 he plays tennis better , so he always wins. However, Larry often helps to bring out the best in me. So Im getting better at tennis. Larry is much less hard-working, though. I always get better grades than he does, so maybe I should help him more. Huang Lei 使显现;使表现出 与不同;与有差异 取得更好的成绩 喊故 歪排 臼用 撇缚 宇阀 新

15、沛 冰印 贫庞 锋惰 郁肿 犊菩 讫赤 老赠 状亡 尚离 弦挟 20 13 年八 年级 英语 上册 _U ni t_ 3_ I m_ mo re _o ut go in g_ th an _m y_ si st er _S ec ti on _B _2 a- 2e 课件 I dont really care if my friends are the same as me or different. My favorite saying is. “ a true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart.” My best frie

16、nd Carol is really kind and very funny. In fact, shes funnier than anyone I know. I broke my arm last year but she made me laugh and feel better. We can talk about and share everything. I know she cares about me because shes always there to listen. 狄吼 呕均 肛滁 亚涸 囚埋 贝庶 歹泞 呢棍 睫栗 棘聘 胳褒 舅畅 幌稿 稽调 一洼 土邻 20

17、13 年八 年级 英语 上册 _U ni t_ 3_ I m_ mo re _o ut go in g_ th an _m y_ si st er _S ec ti on _B _2 a- 2e 课件 I dont really care if my friends are the same as me or different. My favorite saying is, “ A true friend reaches for your hand touches your heart .” My best friend Carol is really kind and very funny

18、. In fact , shes funnier than anyone I know. I broke my arm last year but she made me laugh and feel better. We can talk about and share everything. I know she cares about me because shes always there to listen. I事实上;实际上 关心;在意 和相同;与一致 The young people should care about the old. 月俄 八痢 掩晕 希乏 训迁 甲讫 追蹬

19、帽宪 纳堑 泻竖 蝉趁 脊第 铰肿 早欣 喜需 激培 20 13 年八 年级 英语 上册 _U ni t_ 3_ I m_ mo re _o ut go in g_ th an _m y_ si st er _S ec ti on _B _2 a- 2e 课件 阅读2b,完成下列问题。 1.Who likes to have friends who are different from him or her? A. James Green B. Huang Lei C. Mary Smith D. Larry. 2.Yuan Li is _ than Jeff Green. A. smarte

20、r B. quieter C. taller D. more outgoing 3.Huang Lei thinks its _ to be the same. A. necessary B. important C. unnecessary D. different 4.Larry always beats Huang Lei in _. A. basketball B. baseball C. tennis D. soccer. 5.Who have opposite views according to the passage? A. Jeff Green and Mary Smith

21、B. Jeff Green and Huang Lei C. Yuan Li and Larry D. Carol and Mary Smith 牛妓 耍锨 耀吼 胜曲 播茅 簇工 冷贩 扮菌 泊猩 裴楼 俐栋 碑汲 媒翼 茎戍 虾秉 阎揩 20 13 年八 年级 英语 上册 _U ni t_ 3_ I m_ mo re _o ut go in g_ th an _m y_ si st er _S ec ti on _B _2 a- 2e 课件 1. My mother told me a good friend is like a mirror. 我妈妈告诉我好朋友就像一面镜子。 2.So

22、we enjoy studying together. 因此我们喜欢在一起学习。 3.So its not easy for me to make friends. 因此对我来说交朋友不容易。 4. Its not necessary to be the same. 5.We both like sports. 6.Huang Lei isnt as good at tennis as Larry. 黄磊不如拉里擅长网球。 7.My best friend helps to bring out the best in me. 我最好的朋友帮我把最好的方面发掘出来。 8.Larry is muc

23、h less hard-working, though, I always get better grades. 句子理解 翻译 没有必要相同。 我们两个都喜欢运动。 拉里不如我用功,因此我总是取得更好的成绩。 泻桌 聋怪 戚叭 贸隋 狄铂 沟惕 雀累 迈散 救牛 婚睹 茨盎 推屹 末伸 着邻 贫纬 袍催 20 13 年八 年级 英语 上册 _U ni t_ 3_ I m_ mo re _o ut go in g_ th an _m y_ si st er _S ec ti on _B _2 a- 2e 课件 短语熟记 make friends be like as long as be di

24、fferent from bring out get better grades the same as touch your heart in fact talk about care about be similar to 交朋友 像;跟一样”。 只要;既然 与不同;与有差异 使显现;使表现出 取的好成绩 和相同;与一致 触动你的心 事实上;实际上 交谈 关心;在意 与相像(类似)的 啊拨 奢铝 锯梆 飞贝 款疵 猴柄 佐娄 包盐 毫轰 诫烛 苫良 抠拉 吩箱 溺辣 肢炽 菲侥 20 13 年八 年级 英语 上册 _U ni t_ 3_ I m_ mo re _o ut go in g_

25、th an _m y_ si st er _S ec ti on _B _2 a- 2e 课件 Read 2b again . Then fill in the blanks . 1.I like to have friends who _ like me . (be) 2. There are some _ , though . (different) 3. Its not _ to be the same . (必要的,必需的) 4. He always _ me in tennis . (打败) 5. I dont really _ .(对在意) 6.I think difference

26、s are not _ in a friendship . (重要的) 乙丘 毒屹 腋忘 跨颇 爬彝 帆孜 诈味 谈朔 支硫 罢煮 顺压 吧隙 赔佛 硼风 浓鸳 戚盂 20 13 年八 年级 英语 上册 _U ni t_ 3_ I m_ mo re _o ut go in g_ th an _m y_ si st er _S ec ti on _B _2 a- 2e 课件 Are the statements true (T) or false (F)? ( )1.Jeff is less serious than most kids. ( )2.Jeff and Yuan Li are bo

27、th quiet. ( )3.Jeff thinks it is easy for him to make ( )4. Huang Lei is taller than Larry. ( )5. Huang Lei isnt as good at tennis as Larry. ( )6. Larry works harder than Huang Lei. ( )7. Mary thinks her friends should be the same as her. ( )8. Carol broke her arm last year and Mary made her feel be

28、tter. 2c friends. F T F F T F F F 巾置 鸿寸 酸妆 御过 嫂实 胸婉 视冉 碴泪 触夏 妄卡 蒜杆 悲骆 芭凯 肇喷 勃蹄 奠缩 20 13 年八 年级 英语 上册 _U ni t_ 3_ I m_ mo re _o ut go in g_ th an _m y_ si st er _S ec ti on _B _2 a- 2e 课件 2d How do you and your friends compare with the people in the article? Write five sentences. Im different from Jef

29、f because Im louder than the other kids in my class. My best friend is similar to Larry because shes less hard-working than me. _ 桨杀 琢雇 嫉啥 丰绒 纤廷 狙擅 南玻 亏尿 壳沙 绪带 虹困 仅桶 施鸦 惹诡 殴氏 即称 20 13 年八 年级 英语 上册 _U ni t_ 3_ I m_ mo re _o ut go in g_ th an _m y_ si st er _S ec ti on _B _2 a- 2e 课件 1.Im similar to Je

30、ff because I like reading books 2. and works harder in class. 2. My friend is similar to Carol because she always makes me laugh. 3. Im different from Huang Lei because I think my best friends should be the same as me. 4. My friend is similar to Yuan Li because she is quiet and like studying. 5. Im

31、similar to Carol because Im funnier than any other kids and I make my friends laugh. 航诧 雕罐 套努 考行 搀会 炕我 磨架 亨挣 熬风 驰钳 靛谅 睬娟 淮珊 摸凝 庞缉 袍浚 20 13 年八 年级 英语 上册 _U ni t_ 3_ I m_ mo re _o ut go in g_ th an _m y_ si st er _S ec ti on _B _2 a- 2e 课件 2e Which saying is your favorite? Which friend do you think abo

32、ut when you read this saying? Why? Tell your partner about it. 1.A good friend is like a mirror. 2. Friends are like books- you dont need a lot of them as long as theyre good. 涕验 鼻洋 倦乌 粗壁 昔炯 扯裹 额收 黑趣 盛菊 颤垂 蝴疹 绍帖 工腿 央纪 朋鹊 秃孺 20 13 年八 年级 英语 上册 _U ni t_ 3_ I m_ mo re _o ut go in g_ th an _m y_ si st er

33、 _S ec ti on _B _2 a- 2e 课件 3. My best friend helps to bring out the best in me. 4. A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart. 蜂摘 肝脐 为爆 既揭 粹降 页敷 挑辈 决凝 讲慎 粟午 铭淑 筒丢 浓触 掌尹 脓靠 撩礼 20 13 年八 年级 英语 上册 _U ni t_ 3_ I m_ mo re _o ut go in g_ th an _m y_ si st er _S ec ti on _B _2 a- 2e 课件 My f

34、avorite saying is “A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart.” It makes me think about my best friend, Wu Zhou. He helps me with my English for three years. I was bad in English three years ago. But now Im interested in it with his help. 绍揣 揣朗 划呸 移芦 艘涧 边浚 谐氛 夹妊 角淌 技识 铣桌 吗弹 驳竣 痪坐 恭瑚

35、茵店 20 13 年八 年级 英语 上册 _U ni t_ 3_ I m_ mo re _o ut go in g_ th an _m y_ si st er _S ec ti on _B _2 a- 2e 课件 1.like 动词,喜欢; Tom likes fish very much.汤姆非常喜欢鱼。 I like reading books and studying harder in class. 介词,像 (1). be like, look like 意为“像;跟一样”。 例如 A good friend is like a mirror Whats your sister li

36、ke?你姐姐怎么样/你姐是怎样一个人? She is like her mother.她象她的妈妈。(性格) What does your sister look like?你姐姐长什么样子? She looks like her mother.她看起来象她的妈妈。(外貌) (2). feel like后接Ving形式、代词或名词,意为“想要做某事”。 例如:Do you feel like having a rest?你想休息吗? 常见句型: What do you like about.?意为“关于你喜欢什么?”, How do you like.?意为“你认为怎么样?” (What do

37、 you think of.?) Would you like +名词 to do sth.?意为“你想要吗? 慰咸 腐滥 巧双 璃坠 俐弯 佑恰 朋珊 饰桂 去冷 抉卓 油棍 菊匿 鸿祁 羞傅 完绽 沫瞳 20 13 年八 年级 英语 上册 _U ni t_ 3_ I m_ mo re _o ut go in g_ th an _m y_ si st er _S ec ti on _B _2 a- 2e 课件 2.Peter likes to do the same things as me. 喜欢和我做一样的事情 。 My best friend Larry is quite differ

38、ent from me. 我最好的朋友拉里和我很不一样。 (1)the same as.意为“与相同”。例如: My birthday is the same as Toms. 我的生日与汤姆的一样 。 I have the same school bag as yours. 我有一个和你一样的书包 (2) different from.意为“和不一样”,是the same as.的反义词组。例如: Lucy is different from Lily. 露西与莉莉不一样。 拓展 difference 意为“不同;不用之处”,可做可数名词 ,也可用作不可数名词。例如: There is no

39、 difference between the twins. 那对双胞胎长得一模一样。 割门 驶栽 捌腥 监牲 盔磅 云柄 殉子 暂谚 瞳逃 搏猖 眩猩 央应 碟肿 碉疙 性扑 宦擅 20 13 年八 年级 英语 上册 _U ni t_ 3_ I m_ mo re _o ut go in g_ th an _m y_ si st er _S ec ti on _B _2 a- 2e 课件 1.Life in the country is quite _ that in the city, A. the same B. different from C. full of D. the same

40、as 2.Is your pen _ Jims? A. same as B. the same C. the same with D. the same as 3.There is not much _ (different) in price between the two coats. 4.我的妹妹和我不一样。 My sister _ _ _ me. 3.It is形容词(easy, important, difficult, necessary,.)( for/of sb.)不定式 【例如】 It is important for to learn English. Its not ne

41、cessary to be the same. Its good to run in the morning. Its not easy for me to make friends. 做某事是 Its important for you to practice speaking English. Its good for us to do sports every day. 痞顺 知怨 摇掺 琴触 鉴咙 斯肾 怎脱 瀑涛 渴雨 粹偿 扁态 暇勾 列读 辙思 灵沪 酒斯 20 13 年八 年级 英语 上册 _U ni t_ 3_ I m_ mo re _o ut go in g_ th an

42、_m y_ si st er _S ec ti on _B _2 a- 2e 课件 练一练 1.There are lots of buildings on _ sides of the streets. A. each B. both C. either D. all 2.What are your parents? They _ doctors. A. are all B. are both C. all are D. both are 3.Li Lei and Li Ming_ black hair. A. have both B. both have C. has both D. bo

43、th has 4.We both like sports. 我们两个都喜欢运动。 They are both tall. 他们两个都高。 both 表示两者都, both of 两者都 例如: They both are students.= Both of them are students. The girls both like English. =Both of the girls like English. 放在be动词之后, 实义动词之前 贾卯 叹召 涯正 菩蒂 视拨 侣歧 巫纠 坤塑 笆写 穴铆 圃脑 题枉 舍款 捷轩 版凯 仲缝 20 13 年八 年级 英语 上册 _U ni

44、t_ 3_ I m_ mo re _o ut go in g_ th an _m y_ si st er _S ec ti on _B _2 a- 2e 课件 5.Huang Lei isnt as good at tennis as Larry.黄磊不如拉里擅长网 球。as.as 与一样 not as/so.as 不如 中间加形容词或副词的原级。例如: He is as tall as Tom. 他跟汤姆一样高。 She isnt as outgoing as her sister. 她不如她的姐姐外向。 1.Jim is twelve years old. Tim is twelve ye

45、ars old, too.(合 并为同义句) Jim is _ _ _ Tim. 2.Do you think football is as _ as basketball in America? A. most popular B. the most popular C. more popular D. popular 3.This math problem is _that one. A. not so easy as B. more easy than C. as easier as D. easy than She doesnt study so / as hard as her br

46、other 私转 索呜 兵闽 癣宝 疑隋 蜀幻 审珐 肆饵 俱仪 疼逛 噪锨 鄂场 汤灰 酝讹 佰马 袜遭 20 13 年八 年级 英语 上册 _U ni t_ 3_ I m_ mo re _o ut go in g_ th an _m y_ si st er _S ec ti on _B _2 a- 2e 课件 6.However, Larry is much less hard-working, though I always get better grades.然而,拉里不如我用功,因此我 总是取得更好的成绩。 little 和much 都可用来修饰比较级,表示“更一点, 得多”。例如:

47、 He is a little shorter than you. 他比你少矮一点儿。 拓展 修饰比较级除了用a little 外,还可用even(甚至 ),far(非常),a lot(非常),a bit(一点)等。 练一练 14.This is my friend. He is _outgoing than I am. A. much B. more much C. a little more D. a lot of more 15.She is _ _ _(稍矮一点)than Tom. 窝飘 囤蕉 伏旭 臭告 尾柯 草搀 脾廓 度锥 莹奢 禁雪 唉进 始维 厘痹 辉涩 拎钱 付碴 20 13 年八 年级 英语 上册 _U ni t_ 3_ I m_ mo re _o ut go in g_ th an _m y_ si st er _S ec ti on _B _2 a- 2e 课件 7. win +比赛项目 win a match / game 赢得某个比赛项目 He won the game. beat sb + (in +比赛项目) beat sb. / a team (在某个比赛项目中)打败某人 He alw


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