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1、Module 3,The Violence of Nature,Try to describe your feelings towards the film 2012.,Fast Reading Read the text quickly and fill in the blanks with your partners.,air,400,120,3 US states,6,000,Atlantic Ocean,storms,the US,Careful reading,Read Part1 and finish the following exercises with your partne

2、rs.,1. What can happen to furniture when a house is destroyed by a tornado? 2. Tornadoes can pick up cars, trains and even houses and put them down in the next streetor even in the next town. E.g. 她不断地把那些杂志拿起来又放下。 She kept _ _ magazines and _ them _ again.,It can destroy a house, but leave the furni

3、ture inside exactly where it was.,picking,up,down,putting,拾起,拿起,卷起,放下,Read Part 2 and finish the following exercises with your partners.,1. Which of the following is true according to the text? A. The violent winds of hurricanes can reach up to 400kms/h. B. Hurricanes are strong tropical storms whic

4、h usually occur in the southern Pacific Ocean. C. The worst hurricane of all time caused more than 700 deaths. D. The worst hurricane of all time destroyed 3600 buildings.,2. Winds of 200 kilometers per hour and five-meter high waves hit the city. Translation : 时速高达200公里的狂风和5米高的巨浪袭击了这个城市。,Read Part3

5、 and put the events in order .,a. A hurricane hit Galveston. b. Charles Coghlan , an Irish actor , went to live in Canada . c. He died in Galveston and was buried in Texas. . d. Charles Coghlan moved to New York and became famous . e. Charles Coghlans coffin was found in the east of Canada . f. His

6、cemetery was destroyed and his coffin ended up in the sea. Answer: _,b d c a f e,The earthquake in New Zealand,Discussion,2011年2月22 日,新西兰发生地震。假如你是CCTV 9的驻新西兰记者,新西兰地震后,你在现场为观众报道。你的报道中需要涉及以下信息: 1.新西兰地震情况。2011年2月22日中午12点51分,新西兰第二大城市克赖斯特彻奇(Christchurch)发生里氏6.3级地震(a 6.3 magnitude earthquake ; break out)。

7、地震导致高层建筑与教堂倒塌 (be destroyed)。在这次堪称新西兰最严重自然灾害之一的地震事件中(the most serious natural disaster),目前已有近200人死亡(be killed),数百人受伤(injured),上千名民众无家可(homeless)。其中中国人死伤达二十多人。 2.中国和世界的支持和援助。地震发生后,全世界人民都在努力(try ones best /make efforts / spare no efforts to do )帮助新西兰人民。月日,新西兰总理约翰基(New Zealand Prime Minister John Key)感

8、谢中国提供的支持和援助(express his thankfulness to Chinese people for our support and help)。,You can begin your report like this: Good morning, everybody. I am the CCTV reporter _. Now I am in New Zealand to report the latest news of the earthquake. ,Assignment,Please arrange(整理) your report according to the discussion and write it down on your Exercise Book B.,Love nature, cherish(珍惜) life, disasters can be avoided; Hold gratitude(感激), spread(传播) kindness, we are the world.,


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