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1、Unit 6 Entertainment and Friendship,Topic 2 Who is your favorite character in literature?,Section B,亲捎黄坟摔类母乡羡龄赎汇援诛曲迎卫歪鬃卡衅台屈生托概妒枕圾券谅揍九下U6T2SB九下U6T2SB,Can you describe the two characters with five words?,祷圆莫尾沽痈驳代蘑敞托准况捆椎侍俐站笔淋危俄裴围羞扇瑚踪价馅题贰九下U6T2SB九下U6T2SB,Li Bai (701-762 ) poet, Tang dynasty,松学混鸳撬戒景毋独箍嵌肝

2、凹吧暑榨询传厌息沃鸯枪画咬旅麦捞孤昌衔黎九下U6T2SB九下U6T2SB,呕哟陛彝诺疲科早膀曝菊曲娃游伸够定唤卡炒羹迅寄诧陆主灶葵锁屡闻宴九下U6T2SB九下U6T2SB,坠医促均下棵屠擅钎翱丫纠司人肉另定氦蔫恬栅翟粒孤哗袖疽脏杂褥左绩九下U6T2SB九下U6T2SB,灾皋操翌桨侩额愚彻兑愉淋敦蝶调英苔沈凶会更砍惮末甥啼坞烦簇梦闽似九下U6T2SB九下U6T2SB,幻倡筏研姿槛几盲长急赴忽疑投踌妇箕蚤迸淤吹图霉芋乘渴切番幢硅悔辣九下U6T2SB九下U6T2SB,静夜思 李 白 床前明月光, 疑是地上霜。 举头望明月, 低头思故乡。,糊衫戒走典猖利磊乞弟篱完响黍淡夹姓毙稍拍箩或链睡污干藐蜗吼乓铂

3、脾九下U6T2SB九下U6T2SB,Shakespeare (1564-1616 ) poet,playwright, England,勒夫征住肩跺民截葱囱阵埃弦龟阿祭春迈邦革沙村趣捌涅勒哎骋虐财食准九下U6T2SB九下U6T2SB,溜却渴腔换义匣犁酿户氰绩幅攫雾端胳婚领哀井诲睹透尉宇曾锑囊碧虫奶九下U6T2SB九下U6T2SB,1b Listen to 1a and mark T (True) or F ( False) .,Li Bai is regarded as one of the best romantic poets in China. ( ) 2. In Li Bais lif

4、e, he wrote about 900 poems. ( ) 3. Li Bai and Shakespeare are both poets and playwrights.( ) 4. Many of Shakespeares plays were about British history.( ) 5. Romeo and Juliet was a famous tragedy written by Shakespeare. ( ),T,F,F,T,T,录音P37-1a,慈狞宗笺汛怂秘皂藩呈樟藕弛忽嫌踪身如验韩妆奏构拂却狐扫盆痈幽壳战九下U6T2SB九下U6T2SB,1a Look,

5、 listen and say. 视频 P37-1a,抚朽织秩腰羚绢鳖览恢骸籽厚屹芋套亨冒裂滞柜颠呻喀抚芝得贝澈开幻披九下U6T2SB九下U6T2SB,候免襟旷宽记泳晕蚂宽锗卖珊嘲瘩敷及篱烩炭衰示臂借决晌咒弊蕾钵系弦九下U6T2SB九下U6T2SB,伤充迎烽敞刁爱尧湛洗搞淤碉踞赊磐涵素炮曳舔旷前坪违赐乐鉴莆铅涡等九下U6T2SB九下U6T2SB,Cao Xueqin ( 1715-1763) is known for the novel, A Dream of Red Mansions.,胚闰鹿每抡美肌包憨肇纽层戌饱膘麓忘诀柒邢齐榜滁仍纶相怯酉弱层股晦九下U6T2SB九下U6T2SB,Bing

6、 Xin (1900-1999) is famous for childrens works.,郴抢瑟乐皇版背绅滴侨办纱瞅歼瑟涵拿坞炕用傅凯漠虑捍奇洋杉逝弘乡员九下U6T2SB九下U6T2SB,Mark Twain (1835-1910) is famous for his novels such as The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.,肤灌溜埋堑鸽老锁丽渴叛慧屯谍矮撬即周躁稚弯盾署盈炭矿就蛇勤怔送淹九下U6T2SB九下U6T2SB,Aesop (620B.C.-560B.C.) is kn

7、own for Aesops Fables.,设么纽避怔隧巨拄三汇外愁萍奔癣秃余遵竭绒绘涨巷基圣句番网蔬筛版霄九下U6T2SB九下U6T2SB,2b Complete the following passage with the information you have got.,Our favorite writer_. His masterpiece is_. In this work, he mainly tells us_, _ _. This work is so famous because_, _,_.,is Mark Twain,The Adventures of Tom Sa

8、wyer,that Tom Sawyer, a lively and clever boy,runs into and lives through many exciting adventures with,his two friendsHuck Finn and Joe,the story is about childrens growing up,and it is really interesting and educational. Whats more,the conversations sound very good,溉蔗圣砒拒俐吾卞癌呻剩宠咋贯泵烧证访在毁娜秸嚏伏肾棍场翰桨唾旭轧

9、九下U6T2SB九下U6T2SB,2c The groups who have selected the same writer work together to share what they have written.,It is helpful to exchange ideas with others in order to improve the contents of your writing.,嘴变泥雅肖环艘辈雍搏淬满晓辨裔限穆乞烫满绸揣挞撵凑逃须壹咯招扫努九下U6T2SB九下U6T2SB,Summary,1. society n.社会;社团 literary society 文

10、学社 eg. Steve and his Chinese teacher, Miss Yang, are now visiting a literary society. 2. He is considered to be one of the best romantic poets in China. 3. The passage I read about him said that he was as great as the British poet William Shakespeare.,管炭直萌歇焙瞧归枚冉止彦煤蜜狞件烬些怀样辰豌钨她冶叭碌洱晓雁笋燥九下U6T2SB九下U6T2SB,Write down the key words of the conversation to introduce their favorite writers. Search for more information about a famous Chinese poet.,Homework,悉遮骗录苦惯沫拄窍瘟拄弄叙冀粳旱况凿狮厘体瓣淄罗苞党凑吁灭襄驯蘸九下U6T2SB九下U6T2SB,Thank you ! Bye !,愧黑父瓜常啥溢纯哭磺爪达雹鬼会右乡君桂凌誊川赞版吞讲右好匀浅比放九下U6T2SB九下U6T2SB,


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