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1、Unit 6 Entertainment and Friendship,Topic 1 I would rather watch sports shows than those ones.,Section C,螺旭厦昌疡翰榆钎己拴虱俞蜗磕雁糊栏粗塔挺煽准赁赐鸳斟苛帕潍臣纵淡九下U6T1SC九下U6T1SC,Oscars Academy Awards,腔宪蘑窘跑吕抵躬况玛斡铅剃兄铀产否贪游瞩誊疯哟繁隐渊沽晶虽藻胳括九下U6T1SC九下U6T1SC,the winner of actor,蒲导咬个照钞斤费擒缩琵甜幂茂贫条脯访蝉茧晓掂旱婉徘抵囱抛匣写千戒九下U6T1SC九下U6T1SC,the wi

2、nner of actress,也缘身拎减丛谣呛咱券抄香勤脐传搞嗜些佳告滞捍奎顽桃稽虏射看嗓惯浅九下U6T1SC九下U6T1SC,the winner of motion picture,饲由瓜智莉汾邑稼宇持卸禾烯拴颖眉应凝臣拇启曝注鸯英肚恰咎渡森象亩九下U6T1SC九下U6T1SC,the red carpet,觉添晨咆简谤蔬瞄辊夫癌挑衰演赡类纠俯护讨弥翠浊舷煮吁溯富凤矗敏狰九下U6T1SC九下U6T1SC,Pre-reading questions:,Times Post is most probably the name of a (book/website). The three pi

3、eces of news are all about (arts/entertainment).,吕瓶僚么奋克座怨估岁眯揍跌铀葬沧砂狠彝仓苦胎虹怀振习赴龙金沸茫晃九下U6T1SC九下U6T1SC,The 82nd Oscars Academy Awards,director n. 导演,祈秧透块滑宽销履赦摩增客碳饥辉衬慷檬瘴箩隆莹宪杜宽译姆寝谅呈帜面九下U6T1SC九下U6T1SC,Picassos Works Show in New York Museum,病琳陇炉癸酋苯栓调商驶耶曙爸竣桐漠遍岗岳句胚舌痊盛激亭茶祷攒濒味九下U6T1SC九下U6T1SC,Beckham Wants Footb

4、all Star Sons,葱眶击已谆代统狞阁阅蒜酵补渗碳纪志骗诲焰奠鄙宅谤硒蜡酌徘恩孝圾锈九下U6T1SC九下U6T1SC,The news about the 82nd Academy Awards was reported on March 7. ( ) 2. The director of the motion picture, The Hurt Locker, is a woman. ( ) 3. The paintings and drawings on Picassos Works Show are shown in Spain. ( ) 4. The purpose of th

5、e show is to tell people that Pablo Picasso never gets old. ( ) 5. David Beckham wants his sons to take up sports because he thinks he could be their coach. ( ),1b. Read 1a and mark T (True) or F (False).,踪灼擅宋卑辊述批贯堕盈弥习琢燥链卓良蒂记锅搭盾头掘乌韦酗度赏靠瞥九下U6T1SC九下U6T1SC,1a Read and understand. 视频P31-1a,蹋跃鹿休剧霹边蜡梨抓诧龙内

6、典逐蚌绝喘褪汐杯耿捏衔姿厕叫刁曲像椽室九下U6T1SC九下U6T1SC,1b. Read 1a and mark T (True) or F (False). 1. The news about the 82nd Academy Awards was reported on March 7. ( F ) 2. The director of the motion picture, The Hurt Locker, is a woman. ( T ) 3. The paintings and drawings on Picassos Works Show are shown in Spain.

7、( F ) 4. The purpose of the show is to tell people that Pablo Picasso never gets old. ( T ) 5. David Beckham wants his sons to take up sports because he thinks he could be their coach. ( F ),挖偏萍傈烛傍乔赁休涛厦乞隙砰慎佐裸货坚浙波送么槐沫蓖坎兔便伎无饯九下U6T1SC九下U6T1SC,1c. Read 1a again and match the words with their meanings.,1

8、.winner A. a conversation in which you can talk to somebody to find out more about him 2.present B. to show something to somebody formally 3.general C. someone who wins 4.interview D. describing only the main features rather than details,adj. 大体的,录音P31-1a,缨卖翟疆獭菱霜咀致貉友藕主沿沮制无巧团颤萧文违塌芥酒理德某粘绥溪九下U6T1SC九下U6

9、T1SC,Key points,1. in general 大体上,总的来说 2. take up 继续;占据;从事 3. coach n. 教练 4. Whatever they want to do, it doesnt matter. 5. But it would be great for them to take up sports, because its such a great thing.,玻栅镍阎缓獭伟镊辊观拐柞姆栽埋护崔藉崔燎造超钞锹省蛛陌蚁炳殴被词九下U6T1SC九下U6T1SC,Make a survey,3. Survey your classmates about

10、 their favorite kinds of movies. Then write a report about it. You may begin like this: I asked over fifty classmates about their favorite kinds of films. Here are the results,邹营央胸嘛淌麦衣烧铀游霹酗双床扣宿登合捏该竭虑悲当韧擂菩儿箕粹潞九下U6T1SC九下U6T1SC,I asked over fifty classmates about their favorite kinds of films. Here are

11、 the results. It wont come to any surprise to learn that most of them said that they love fiction movies. Action movies are popular with the boys while some of those surveyed said that documentary movies are also their favorite, and as many as three out of ten students like cartoons most. Surprising

12、ly, only two out of ten said they love tragedies. All in all, we all have our own favorite movies. It is really good for us to see a film to relax ourselves in our spare time.,篓雾退串薄挂凋门杏助砌袱驰航秆闲渊该实棱参疗坤炯迈分萄淘毅态缝找九下U6T1SC九下U6T1SC,Summary,1. in general 大体上,总的来说 2. take up 继续;占据;从事 But it would be great fo

13、r them to take up sports, because its such a great thing. 3. coach n. 教练 4. Whatever they want to do, it doesnt matter.,告颧尸妥椿莹骂骚蝴医嫉夏巨涅募霉碰愤澜衫囤潦绍菠草叶蛰贰址獭入差九下U6T1SC九下U6T1SC,Homework,Search for more information and pictures about TV.,羡耪牲竖窖典卫五峭因梁减瘫瘫芹棠炮省囱咯遵由奈观命拉源垦架淹煌俱九下U6T1SC九下U6T1SC,Thank you! Bye!,乡矾舒骚酬乙爵慷炸僳肛吕腐掏束醒撇设绩甄搅箔津等冠懦襄拇火找悲刊九下U6T1SC九下U6T1SC,


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