初中英语八年级下册Module 10 《Unit 2 It seemed that they were speaking to me in person》课件.ppt

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1、外研 八年级 下册,Module 10 On the radio,Unit 2 It seemed that they were speaking to me in person.,Review,Read the words and expressions loudly.,Words and expressions,seem listener in person part-time article studio purpose,v. 看来;似乎 n. 听众;听者 亲自;本人 adj. 兼职的 n. 文章;报道 n. 录制室;录音室 n. 意图;目的,Do you know some broad

2、casting corporation in the world?,世界著名广播公司,1. 美国之音(Voice of America) VOA是美国政府的无线电广播机构, 也是美国对外宣传的主要工具之一。 VOA每天用38种语言向世界各地播放 新闻、音乐和其他节目。VOA节目中 有“标准英语”(Standard English)和 “特别英语”(Special English)。“标准 英语”广播的语速快、句子长、词汇量 大,适合中级以上英语水平的人;“特 别英语”广播语音清晰、语速慢,适合 初级英语水平的人。,2. 英国广播公司(British Broadcasting Corporati

3、on) BBC是提供广播、电视服务的非商业 性公立组织,BBC最早是作为私人企 业成立的,1922年2月14日开始广播, 1927年改组为英国广播公司,1936年 11月成为世界上第一个正式播送电视 节目的电视广播公司。,Listen to the VOA Special English program WORDS AND THEIR STORIES. Then speak out the word talked about in this passage.,注: word 文档 点击此处链接,Objectives:,1. To understand the passage about rad

4、io 2. To understand the sequences of events 3. To be able to describe important events in the past and give background information,Words: seem listener article studio purpose part-time,Phrases: in person close to ask for do research on,Patterns: 1. It seemed that they were speaking not to lots of li

5、steners but to me in person. 2. , and hoped someone might be listening.,Focus on,Look at the photo and say what it shows.,Read the passage and decide where you are likely to see the photo.,a) In a book about the history of radio. b) In the life story of a famous radio presenter. c) In a book on how

6、radio works. Answer: b),Skimming to get general idea,What do you think the authors dream is?,The authors dream is to be a radio presenter.,Scanning to get detailed information,Listen and complete the sentences. The winter met _in a radio station. The manager asked why he wanted a job_. At the age of

7、 four, the writer_, listening to his favorite programmes.,a radio manager,in radio,sat close to the radio in the,living room,4. At the age of nine, he asked for part-time jobs in_. 5. As he grew older, he learnt about _. 6. This was how the writers _began.,small radio stations,Internet radio,first r

8、eal job in radio,Careful reading to solve difficult points,Language points,The radio manager looked down at me. 播音主任低头看着我。,look down at 朝下看;俯瞰,They dont look down at all except to be content to live on hills. 他们根本不朝下看,除非为了体会住在山上的心满意足。 As you are traveling down your road, dont look down at your feet.

9、 当你沿着自己的道路走下去时,不要低头看自己的脚。,2. I still remember, when I was four years old, I sat close to the radio in the living room, listening to my favorite programmes and to the voices of my favorite presenters. 我仍然记得在我四岁的时候,紧挨着客厅的收音机坐着,听我最喜欢的节目和最喜欢的主持人的声音。,close to 在附近;接近于,We were close to when it happened. 事情

10、发生时我们正在附近。,3. It seemed that they were speaking not to lots of listeners but to me in person. 我感觉好像他们不是在和广大听众说话,而是在亲自和我说话。,in person 亲自;本人,If you are in a city, pick a few restaurants to try while you are walking and make your reservations in person. 如果你是去到一个城市,当你在散步和亲自去订房间时,选几个餐馆尝试一下。,4. At the age

11、 of nine, I asked for part-time jobs in small radio stations. 九岁的时候,我去小电台找过兼职工作。,ask for 请求;要求,Therefore, do not ask for whom the bells tolls, it tolls for you. 所以,不要问丧钟是为谁而鸣它就是为你而鸣。,Practise,当你做决定时,可以询问父母的意见。 When you make a decision, you can ask for your parents opinions.,part-time 兼职的,My part-tim

12、e job has nothing to do with my major. 我做的兼职工作跟我的专业毫无关系。 For most products, this is more than a part-time job! 对于大多数产品,这可不是一份兼职工作!,Practise,What experience have you gained from your part-time work? 你从兼职工作中获得了什么经验?,5. We prepared a programme once a week, doing research on articles about music 我们每周准备一

13、期节目,内容包括音乐文献的研究,do research on 考查;研究,We can do research on disease prevention and weather modification and global warming. 我们可以研究疾病预防,人工影响天气,预防气候变暖。,Tips for teacher,Let the word fly板块是帮助学生学 习一些一词多义、熟词生义的词汇。 通过此环节,学生可以对一些常见 词的用法、意思有一个透彻的了解。,Let the words fly,1. look forward to 期待;盼望 Im really lookin

14、g forward to our vacation. 我真心盼望假期的到来。 look forward to doing sth. He was looking forward to working with the new manager. 他很期待和新经理一起工作。 My mother says shes looking forward to meeting you. 我母亲说她正期待着与你见面。,2. look after 照顾;照看 I love looking after the children. 我喜欢照顾孩子们。 My job is to look after these pa

15、tients. 我的工作就是照顾好这些病人。 They think about survival. They look after their own people. 他们考虑的是生存,关心的是自己 的人民。,3. look ahead 向前看;考虑将来 This brings me to an important point: when it comes to our career, it is critical to look ahead. 这给了我一个很重要的提示:当谈到我们的事业时,展望未来非常重要。 Nobody gets to live life backward. Look ah

16、ead, that is where your future lies. 没有人过着缅怀过去的生活。展望未来,那是你的未来所在。,4. look back 回忆;回顾 When I look back on those days I realized I was desperately unhappy. 当我回想起那些日子,我觉得自己痛苦极了。 What does the song mean to you now, as you look back on it? 当你现在回头看时,这首歌目前对你是什么意义?,5. look down on 轻视;瞧不起 Mr Garcia looks down

17、 on anyone who hasnt had a college education. 加西亚先生看不起任何从未受过大学教育的人。 I dont think people will look down on you because you are serving the customers. 我认为人家不会因为你服务他们而看不起你的。,Learning to learn,When you read a story, it is important to understand the order in which different events happen. You may find i

18、t useful to draw a timeline and write notes about each event.,Complete the passage with the correct form of the words and expressions in the box.,article at the age of listener purpose seem studio,Peter(1)_to be very happy with his new job. He works in the(2) _ of a local radio station. He is lucky

19、that(3) _ only twenty he is doing something he loves and has a,seems,studio,at the age of,real(4)_. Every morning when he starts work, he does a sound check and then he looks for interesting newspaper(5)_to talk about on the show. The(6) _can phone in to talk to Peter or they can send emails to ask

20、him to play their favourite songs. At the end of the show, he closes down all the equipment and goes home.,purpose,articles,listeners,Writing,Now find sentences in the passage in Activity 2 which show:,Write a passage describing an important event in the past and giving background information.,I fir

21、st appeared on TV at the age of thirteen. A television presenter stopped me in the street, and started to interview me,1. look down at 2. close to 3. in person 4. ask for 5. do research on 6. It seemed that,本课时主要短语和句型,Now 2 mins to test your spelling.,Spelling Bee,1. English-Chinese seem listener pa

22、rt-time article studio 2. Chinese-English 亲自;本人 意图;目的,When finished, exchange your papers to see who does the best.,注: word 文档 点击此处链接,Quiz,.根据提示,写出适合的单词。 I _ _ _(向下看) my watch, then back at his house a few blocks away. She lives _ _ (靠近) her company.,look down at,close to,3. Then I wish you were my

23、first _(听众). 4. You _(似乎) too strict with your young ones. 5. Many college students often take _(兼职的) jobs in their spare time. 6. For me, my_(目标) is to have lasting lifetime happiness. How do I do it?,listener,seem,part-time,purpose,. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 He is a very good _(listen) and he knows how to

24、 cheer me up when Im down. I saw you before. You _(seem) hesitant. I fell upon a beautiful passage in one of his _(article).,listener,seemed,articles,. 完成下列英语句子。 1. 他亲自邀请我参加他的生日派对。 He invited me to attend his birthday party _ _. 2. 我并不要求主席职位,我是被迫接受的。 I didnt _ _ the chairmanship. I was pitched into

25、it. 3. 好像我所做的一切工作,生孩子并照顾他们。 It _ that all I did was work, have babies and take care of them.,in person,ask for,seemed,4. 他与朋友合作研究野生动物。 He cooperated with his friends to _ _ _ wildlife. 5. 我心情沉重地朝火车窗外望去。 I _ _ _ the train window with a heavy heart. 6. 很高兴您能来到我们的演播室。 So glad you could come to the _.,do,research on,look out of,studio,Homework,发挥想象, 连词成文 (50-100字)。 remember, love, at the age of, programme, presenter, interview.,1. To preview the use of the object clause. 2. To practise the use of new vocabulary.,Preview,


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