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1、Do You Know? 你知道吗?,78,000 MNCs, with 780,000 foreign affiliates, generate over 70 million jobs overseas 78,000个跨国公司有780,000个国外分公司,创造了7亿个的海外就业岗位 One-third of global trade is intra-firm trade 有三分之一的国际贸易源自跨国公司的内部贸易 Over $1.3 trillion FDI inflows per year 每年有1.3万亿以上的外国直接投资来自跨国公司 2/3 of FDI stock now in

2、the services sector; 1/3 in manufacturing 外国直接投资的三分之二集中在服务行业,三分之一集中在制造业 Sales by foreign affiliates: $25 trillion in 2006 (double than 2006 GDP of all developing countries) 2006年外国分公司的销售额为$25万亿(是发展中国家2006年GDP的两倍) Assets of foreign affiliates: $50 trillion as of 2006 ( GDP worldwide - $47 trillion -

3、in 2006) 2006年外国分公司的资产值为$50万亿(大于2006年全世界的GDP 47万亿) Wal-Mart, Exxon-Mobil, or Shells annual sales exceed GDP of 50 least developed countries combined ($339 billion in 2006) 沃尔玛,埃克森美孚或壳牌的年销售额超过最欠发达50个国家GDP总和(3390亿2006年),许多跨国公司富可敌国,2003年,全球最大的100个经济实体中,沃尔玛是第20大经济实体(小于瑞典的国内生产总值,大于奥地利的国内生产总值)。亚太地区最大的跨国公司

4、丰田汽车,销售额高于泰国、马来西亚、新加坡、菲律宾和新西兰的国内生产总值。全球最大的三家石油公司英国石油公司、埃克森石油公司和壳牌石油公司销售额高于全球最大的石油生产国沙特阿拉伯的国内生产总值。,3,世界经济2005-2010 (GDP增长率),4,大宗商品价格指数 (2008年底为100),5,Overview of the World Economic Outlook (Percent change, unless otherwise noted),世界经济前景(GDP增长率),6,Overview of the World Economic Outlook (Percent change

5、, unless otherwise noted),世界经济前景(国际贸易、商品价格、利率水平),IM Landscape 国际管理的新特征,Increasing integration of world economy 世界经济的整合 Globalization-regionalization mix 全球化-地区化的混合 Escalated roles of MNEs 跨国企业扮演着日益重要的角色 Increasing importance of emerging markets 新兴市场重要性的不断增加 Coopetition with governments, suppliers, p

6、artners, competitors and corporate members 政府、供应商、合作伙伴、竞争者和企业成员之间的合作与竞争 Driving force of technologies 技术的驱动力 Changes of MNE strategies 跨国企业经营战略的改变,Changes of MNE Strategies 跨国企业经营战略的变化,International outsourcing (OEM) 国际性业务外包(OEM) Global vertical integration 全球垂直一体化 Globalizing R&D 全球化的研发 Coopetition

7、 in global competition 全球商业竞赛中的竞合关系 Global strategic alliances & acquisitions 全球性的战略联盟和收购 Investment in emerging markets 新兴市场的合作和经营 Global network system 全球网络系统 Global knowledge management & dynamic capability 全球知识管理和动态能力,OEM (0riginal Equipment Manufacturing) ODM (Original Design Manufacturing) OBM

8、 (Original Brand Manufacturing),Types of Multinational Corporations 跨国公司的类型,The multidomestic firm has multiple international subsidiaries independent of headquarters 多国公司在海外设立的众多子公司独立于母公司(高度分散性) The transnational firm has subsidiaries that fulfill a variety of strategic roles typically performed by

9、 headquarters 跨国公司母公司授权海外子公司担任许多原来总部所要完成的角色 The global firm has integrated international subsidiaries controlled by headquarters 全球公司众多子公司的经营和业务由总部统一整合(高度整合性),The Degree of Internationalization 国际化的程度,Transnationality Index (TNI) the level of MNE internationalization. 跨国性指数(TNI)描述跨国公司国际化的水平 Calculat

10、ed as the average of three ratios: Foreign assets to total assets Foreign sales to total sales Foreign employment to total employment 由以下三个比率平均计算得出: 国外资产在总资产中所占的比率 国外销售额在总销售额中所占的比率 国外雇佣人数占总雇佣人数的比率,若干跨国公司“跨国度”指标( Transnationlity Index, 2004),Why Do Firms Expand Internationally? 为什么企业要进行国际扩展?,Market M

11、otives: 市场动机: Offensive motive seize market opportunities in foreign countries through trade or investment. 进攻性动机企业希望通过交易或投资来抓住其他国家的市场机遇而进行海外扩张 Defensive motive to protect and hold a firms market power or position in the face of threats from domestic rivalry or changes in government policy. 防御性动机企业在

12、面对国内竞争加剧或政策变化时,为了保护和维持企业的市场支配力或地位而进行海外扩张,Strategic Motives: 战略动机: Capitalize on distinctive resources or capabilities already developed at home 充分利用母公司已发展成熟的特有资源或能力 Be the first mover in a target foreign market 成为海外目标市场的第一个进入者 Benefit from vertical integration involving different countries 从包含不同国家在内

13、的垂直一体化中获利 Follow the companys major customers abroad 遵循企业主要海外客户的需要,Economic Motives: 经济动机: Increase return through higher revenues and/or lower costs. 通过增加收入和降低成本来提高利润 Enables the company to benefit from the differences in: 使企业能够从以下的差异化中获利: Costs of labors 劳动力成本 Natural resources 自然资源 Capital 金融资本 D

14、ifferences in regulatory treatment 规章待遇方面的差异,日本小松公司和美国的联邦快递公司要进入一个新市场阿富汗,美国的卡特彼勒公司和敦豪快递公司被迫紧跟着进入该国市场。 美国得州仪器公司杀入日本不是为了赚钱,而是为了赔钱;德州仪器公司在许多市场中遭到日本的低价较量,其竞争对手(日本电气公司和东芝公司)在日本进行高价销售,再利用国内利润交叉补贴其海外扩张。德州仪器公司通过挤入日本本土,杀低对手本土售价,给竞争对手带来损失以实现报复,迫使日本公司回过头来捍卫其国内根据地,否则损失更加惨重。,Molecule (Alkane) Model of Internatio

15、nal Management,Discuss,中国企业为什么要走出去? 中国企业进行跨国经营的好处和坏处(对企业、国家等)是什么?,Wanxiang Group: exploring the international market CASE DISCUSSION,Three stages,For wanxiang group, an early start on the road to international expansion was critical. Though its export activities, wanxiang built its brand and receive

16、d recognition from the government and the players in the industry. The export business also helped wanxiang to avoid the highly competitive domestic market and, instead, maintain steady growth for more than 20years. Wanxiangs significant moves since the 1990s marked a new phase in its international

17、markets. It was no longer content to simply sell products to international market. It tried to integrate resources and build manufacturing and sales systems beyond borders across the supply chain. During this phase, wanxiang made full use of capital to accelerate its expansion. In the early years of

18、 its export business, wanxiang acquired dozens of companies and transferred the orders from Zeller, UAI and Rockford to its domestic manufacturing base. Using this approach, wanxiang did not have to passively wait for orders or compete only by price; instead, the international companies fueled the g

19、rowth of the key businesses of the parent company.,strategy,The acquisitions made by wanxiang demonstrate the companys guidelines for its international expansion. 1, wanxiang obeyed the rule of “step by step moves.” -Gradually built its brand and grew in china -setting up overseas companies and dire

20、ct sales overseas. -use mergers and acquisitions 2, wanxiangs M&A s were always centered on its main business. 3, wanxiang created a so-called reverse OEM mode of acquisition. 4, the acquired companies were mature or even declining companies in the same industry. 5, wanxiang adopted flexible tactics

21、 in acquisitions.,Risks and problems,Lu guanqiu, chairman of the board, and Wei Ding, president, still had to think carefully about the future of wanxiang. They had to deal with the following issues: 1, integration of the international business was a long-term commitment. The successful acquisition

22、of international business was just the start. The follow-up work if integration was a critical factor in whether the deal would turn out as expected. After making many acquisitions within a short time, how would wanxiang organize all the companies and absorb them into a combined force to move the wh

23、ole group forward?,2, the relation between the domestic and international business remained a question. So far, the international business had not become the largest source of income for wanxiang. If wanxiang followed the current trend, it would surely need the Group to invest more and more resource

24、 for international expansion. How the domestic and international business should be balanced remanined a question for wanxiang.,3, to any company, an acquisition, especially an international acquisition, was highly risky. The company needed to have the ability to manage high-risk ventures, with the

25、appropriate talents in finance, legal as well as general management functions. Those talents and a sound management system were still being ought by wanxiang. If those financial, legal and management issues were not resolved early in a project, they could cause potential risks for wanxiangs future d

26、evelopment.,国际管理环境 International management environment,3.1,22,23,Part 31 Country competitiveness 国家竞争力,Country Competitiveness 国家竞争力,国家竞争力,生产力,产业层级决定因素,企业层级决定因素,国家层级决定因素,个人层级决定因素,金融,法律环境,经济稳健,政治环境,文化环境,社会环境,国际化,科技、教育和创新,国家竞争力,生产力,经济增长和稳定性,Country Competitiveness: National-level determinants 国家竞争力:国

27、家层级的决定因素,Country Competitiveness: Industry-Level Determinants 国家竞争力:产业层级的决定因素,需求条件,生产要素条件,竞争和商业政策,相关产业和支持产业,国家竞争力,生产力,微观经济商业环境,Country Competitiveness: Firm-Level Determinants 国家竞争力:企业层级的决定因素,技术革新,组织原则,国家竞争力,生产力,通过企业提高 国家能力,影响生产要素,Country Competitiveness: Individual-Level Determinants 国家竞争力:个人层级的决定要

28、素,员工,企业家,国家竞争力,生产力,人力资源,工程师,管理者,政治家,教育者,29,Part 32 Socio/cultural 社会/文化,Culture and International Business 文化和国际商务,With globalization, national-level cultural distance becomes less important but corporate-level and individual-level culture become more critical as more interactions occur at these lev

29、els 随着全球化的进程,国家层级的文化差距已相对减弱,而企业和个人层级的文化重要性却日渐凸现,因为大多数的互动都发生在这两个层级。 Culture is what makes international business practice difficult or easy, depending on how similar or different cultures are; early MNCs were generally evolutionary in international expansion 文化是导致国际商务运作的难易程度,正因如此早期跨国公司的海外拓展通常是渐进式的。 C

30、ulture is both unifying (e.g., regional blocks and treaties) and divisive (e.g., many IJVs failed) 文化既有统一作用(如地域性的壁垒和条约),又有分裂作用(如许多国际合资企业失败了)。 Culture can virtually influence all key decisions and activities in IB (from negotiations to location selection; from partner selection to expatiate assignmen

31、t) 文化可以影响国际商务中的几乎所有关键决定和行动(从谈判到选址;从合作伙伴选择到员工选派)。,National Cultural Clustering 国家文化集群,Underlying dimensions: power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism vs. collectivism; masculinity (care success & money) vs. femininity (care others and life quality) 文化构成:权力距离,风险规避,个人主义与集体主义,男性特质(关心成功和金钱)与女

32、性特质(关心别人和生活质量)。,北欧文化群 芬兰 挪威 丹麦 瑞典,日尔曼文化群 奥地利 德国 瑞士,英式文化群 美国 加拿大 澳大利亚 新西兰 英国 爱尔兰 南非,欧洲拉丁文化群 法国 比利时 意大利 西班牙 葡萄牙,美洲拉丁文化群 阿根廷 委内瑞拉 墨西哥 智利,秘鲁 哥伦比亚,远东文化群 新加坡 马来西亚 香港 菲律宾 越南 印度尼西亚 台湾 泰国,阿拉伯文化群 巴林 阿布扎比 阿联酋 科威特 阿曼 沙特阿拉伯,近东文化群 土耳其 伊朗 希腊,独立的文化 巴西 以色列 日本 印度,丹麦的权利距离最小,皇家宫殿与外界之间没有门或篱笆(有一名士兵把守),在哥本哈根,坐车或步行可以穿过皇家广场

33、。 瑞典的权利距离不高。瑞典国王为全家过圣诞节而去购物。国王想使用自己的信用卡,销售人员要求他出示“政府发行的带有照片的身份证”。 三分血缘,三分关系,三分做人,一份运气 亚洲管理图谱,Cultural Values: US, Japan and Arab comparison 文化价值观:美国,日本和阿拉伯的比较,US Japan Arab Freedom自由 Belonging归属 Family security 家庭安全 Independence独立 Group harmony团队协调 Family harmony家庭和谐 Self-reliance自我依赖 Collectiveness

34、集体主义 Parental guidance亲人指导 Fairness公正 Seniority资历 Age年龄 Individualism个人主义 Group consensus团队一致 Authority权威意见 Competition竞争 Cooperation合作 Compromise折衷 Efficiency效率 Quality质量 Devotion投入 Time时间 Patience耐性 Patience耐性 Directness直率 Indirectness间接 Indirectness间接 Openness开放 Go-between中间人 Hospitality好客,所谓天堂,是

35、一个有着美国式的房屋、中国食物、英国警察、德国汽车和法国艺术的地方。所谓地狱,是一个有着日本式的房屋、中国警察、英国食物、德国艺术和法国汽车的地方。 社会学家罗伯逊(Robertson,1987)提到:美国人吃牡蛎但不吃蜗牛。法国人吃蜗牛但不吃蝗虫。祖鲁人吃蝗虫但不吃鱼。犹太人吃鱼但不吃猪肉。印度人吃猪肉但不吃牛肉。俄国人吃牛肉但不吃蛇肉。中国人吃蛇肉但不吃人肉。新几内亚的加尔人却觉得人肉很美味。,Corporate Culture 企业文化,Corporate culture is a pattern of basic assumptions (1) that are developed b

36、y an organization as it learns to cope with problems of external adaptation and (2) that are taught to employees as the correct way to perceive, think, and act in relation to these problems 企业文化是一种模式:(1)它是企业在学习如何处理外部适应问题的过程中发展起来的;(2)它被企业传授给员工,为员工提供一种在遇到类似问题时正确的认识、思考和行动的方式或标准。 Corporate culture becom

37、es increasingly important in shaping foreign employees behavior and in integrating worldwide operations 企业文化在外国雇员行为塑造和全球运作整合方面的作用越来越重要。 Corporate culture types: Family-oriented; Hierarchy-oriented; Task-oriented 企业文化的类型:家庭导向;等级导向;任务导向。,Corporate Culture Practices 企业文化实践,Practices 实践 Process-oriented

38、 vs. results-oriented 过程导向 vs. 结果导向 Employee-oriented vs. job-oriented 雇员导向 vs. 工作导向 Parochial vs. professional 狭隘的 vs. 专业的 Open system vs. closed system 开放系统 vs. 封闭系统 Loose control vs. tight control 宽松控制 vs. 紧密控制 Normative vs. pragmatic 标准化的 vs. 实用性的 How to Curtail Cultural Barriers in IB 如何减少国际商务中

39、的文化壁垒 Acculturation (e.g., selection, training, rotation) 文化导入(举例:挑选员工,培训,换岗) Communication (e.g., openness, feedbacking) 沟通交流(举例:公开性,反馈) Socialization (e.g., personal links, informal ties) 个人交际(举例:人际关联,非正式联系) Adaptation (e.g., learning language, norms) 适应环境(举例:学习语言,当地文化习俗),37,Q: How should Chinese

40、firms culturally adapt to foreign environments when going global? 问题:在走向全球化的过程中,中国公司将如何在文化上适应外国环境?,38,Part 33 Political/regulatory 政治/制度,Political Risk 政治风险,Political risk is the probability of disruption of operation from political forces or events and their correlates 政治风险指的是企业的运营受当地政治势力或相关政治事件破坏的

41、可能性。 Risk comes from instability, whether that is political, legal, economic, and regulatory 风险来自于不稳定性,无论在政治、法令、经济还是制度方面。 Political image or stereotype can transform to political risk (e.g., Chinese firms in US) 政治形象或原有印象会转化为政治风险(例如美国对中国企业的看法) Types of Political Risk: 政治风险的种类: Ownership Risk potenti

42、al threats to ownership from nationalization or seizure. 所有权风险资产遭到国有化或查封的潜在威胁 Operational Risk threats governments impose for “changing the rules of the game.” 运营风险政府改变当地市场的游戏规则所带来的威胁 Transfer Risk impediments to the transfer of production factors, products or capital. 要素转移风险妨碍生产要素、产品或资产转移的威胁,Risk i

43、n the International Environment 国际环境中的风险,政治风险,经济风险,911恐怖事件之后在伊拉克和阿富汗爆发的战争,巴勒斯坦和以色列之间的持续武装冲突,巴基斯坦和印度之间的潜在战争威胁,南北朝鲜半岛可能会统一,中国在加入世贸组织协定的过程中遇到的挑战,欧盟新设立组织和新加入成员国巩固了欧元的地位,强化了新老欧盟国家之间联系,东欧国家在企业私有化和重组上取得的成功,The MNE-Government Relationship 跨国公司和政府的关系,Governments affect the economic and legal environment: 政府对

44、经济和法律环境的影响: They set monetary and tax policies, price controls, and intellectual property regulations. 政府负责设置金融和税收政策、价格管制、知识产权法规。 They also influence labor relations, trade policies, capital and exchange controls, and transfer pricing policies. 政府还对劳资关系、贸易政策、资金外汇管制和转让定价政策产生影响. Government can be a re

45、gulator, a legislator, a competitor, a customer, a distributor, and a potential partner. 政府扮演着多重角色:调节者、立法者、竞争者、消费者、分配者和潜在伙伴。 The relationship between MNCs and host governments are both competitive (e.g., in establishing policy) and cooperative (e.g., improving infrastructure, industrialization, empl

46、oyment, etc.) 跨国公司和当地政府之间的关系是既存在竞争(在政策制定方面),又存在合作(在基础设施建设、产业化和就业率的改进方面),壳牌20世纪60年代起在非洲尼日利亚的欧可尼省大量开采石油,造成当地生态环境严重破坏。当地少数部族在族长肯萨维瓦的带领下反对壳牌继续开采而被当地军政府绞死。 70年代智利经民主选举产生出的总统阿连德是位社会主义者,他曾威胁没收ITT(美国一家跨国公司)及其他跨国企业的资产。据称ITT曾与美国中央情报局联系,积极策划使阿连德总统倒台,后来阿连德在一次政变中被杀。 中国欧洲年轻外交官被对方要挟之例 中国大使馆办公桌下几十个窃听器,空中客车在全球30多个国家

47、有着1500多家供应商,它与美国40多个州的供应商之间的采购合同占到采购预算的40%。尽管空中客车没必要正式签订那么多分包合同,但它在采购决策时会受到一些非正式的互惠约定的影响:如果空中客车将某国纳入到供应商大名单中,那么该国的航空公司许多是国有或国有控股的公司会更倾向于购买空中客车制造的飞机。,44,Q: Do you agree that all countries (including Western) have political risk? In what ways would you recommend to mitigate such risk for Chinese firms

48、 investing in US or Europe? 问题:是否同意该说法:所有的国家(包括西方国家)都存在政治风险 ?中国企业应该通过什么方法减轻在美国或者是欧洲的投资风险?,45,Part 44 Legal Systems 法律,46,Types of Legal Systems 法律制度的类型,Common law based on precedent - case law - UK, US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India, HK, etc 普通法(基于以往判例的法律) - 英国,美国,加拿大,澳大利亚,新西兰,印度,香港,等等 Civil

49、 law based upon a set of laws that comprise a code Roman law - Germany, France, Japan, South Korea, etc 大陆法(基于一系列法律组成的法典-罗马法) - 德国,法国,日本,韩国,等等 Socialist law based on Marxist-Leninist ideology, used in community countries 社会主义法律(基于马克思主义-列宁主义思想,社会主义国家使用) Theocratic law based upon religious precepts Islamic law 神权法(基于宗教准则-伊斯兰教戒律),47,Legal Systems in the World Today 当今世界的法律制度,48,Lega


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