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1、,Exercises,Reading Comprehension,Structure of the Text,Unit 8: Exercises,Vocabulary,Cloze,Translation,Unit 8: Reading comprehension,1. What can be found along the Left Bank at night?,People dancing and having fun.,Reference,Ex. I, p.114,2. What evidence contributes to the authors conclusion that “Eu

2、rope is enjoying itself”? (Para. 3),People dancing and having fun.,Reference,Unit 8: Reading comprehension,They are pleasure seekers.,Reference,Unit 8: Reading comprehension,3. What was the image of typical Americans in peoples eyes as far as pleasure seeking is concerned?,The decline of the Protest

3、ant small-town ethic had unhinged American capitalism from its moral foundation in the intrinsic value of work, and this cultural justification of capitalism had become hedonism.,Reference,Unit 8: Reading comprehension,4. What underlies the American hedonism, according to Daniel Bell? (Para. 4),No.

4、They work longer hours, and fill a day off with one appointment after another.,Reference,Unit 8: Reading comprehension,5. According to the author, are Americans living the life Daniel Bell expected? What evidence can you find in the passage to support your answer?,No. This is for two reasons. First,

5、 the crowded confines of Western Europe and the expansive space of North America have led to varied consumer preferences. Second, Americas sense of itself as a religious nation has revived.,Reference,Unit 8: Reading comprehension,6. Do Europeans and Americans share the same value? Why or why not?,Ha

6、rd work is good for the soul.,Reference,Unit 8: Reading comprehension,7. What religious message has always appealed to Americans, according to the author?,It is usually ignored or sneered at.,Reference,Unit 8: Reading comprehension,8. What attitude do Americans have towards work-life balance?,Ex. II

7、, p.114,1. Introduction (Paras. 12),2. Body (Paras. 36),3. Conclusion (Paras. 78),Text Outline,Unit 8: Structure of the text,1. Introduction (Paras. 12),Following the suggestion of a friend in Paris, I took a stroll along the left bank and found people enjoying themselves at parties.,Text Outline,Un

8、it 8: Structure of the text,Body (Paras. 36),1) The different attitude toward work and leisure between Europeans and Americans. (Paras. 35),Text Outline,2) The reason for the different attitudes. (Para. 6),Unit 8: Structure of the text,Body (Paras. 512),Text Outline,1) The different attitude toward

9、work and leisure between Europeans and Americans. (Paras. 35),Unit 8: Structure of the text,A. _. (Para. 3) B. Americans were supposed to pursuit pleasure, but _. (Paras. 45),Europe is enjoying itself,they didnt turn out as we expected,Body (Paras. 512),Text Outline,2) The reason for the different a

10、ttitudes. (Para. 6),Unit 8: Structure of the text,A. 1) The crowded confines of Western Europe and the expansive space of North America _ _. B. _ _.,have led to varied,Americas sense of itself as a religious nation has revived.,consumer preferences,Text Outline,3. Conclusion (Paras. 7-8),Though the

11、staple of European discourse, work-life balance, is sneered at in America, it might still catch on.,Unit 8: Structure of the text,Part A, Ex. V, p.116 Complete the sentences with words given below, making sure that each word is used in the right form.,1. Slender and graceful in light furs, the model

12、 wore a jeweled girdle, fine clothes and a _ hat.,gorgeous,Unit 8: Vocabulary,Unit 8: Vocabulary,2. During these amazing years of _ expansion, Greater London grew at a much faster rate than the national population as a whole and faster than the suburbs of any provincial city.,unprecedented,Unit 8: V

13、ocabulary,3. Complete your visit with a leisurely _ around Cardiff Bay and enjoy the remarkable historic buildings and the delightful specialty shops.,stroll,Unit 8: Vocabulary,4. As a judge who believed that there was either good or evil, with no gray area in between, he was _ with lawbreakers but

14、generous to the poor.,stern,Unit 8: Vocabulary,5. The new ruler was condemned for his introduction of a _ political system that allowed no freedom.,repressive,Unit 8: Vocabulary,6. The pressure of population growth within the _ of a small island of only 29 square miles led to the development of an i

15、nnovatory, intensive system based on very effective soil conservation techniques.,confines,Unit 8: Vocabulary,7. Then I pretended to notice him for the first time and engaged him in conversation in an _ manner.,impromptu,Unit 8: Vocabulary,8. Roughly one-half of the worlds population, including almo

16、st all of East and Southeast Asia, depends on rice as its principal _ food.,staple,Unit 8: Vocabulary,9. The bank planned to charge card holders a ten-yuan _ fee from next year, which invited strong opposition from its customers.,annual,Unit 8: Vocabulary,10. _ motivating activities are those in whi

17、ch people will engage for no reward other than the interest and enjoyment that accompanies them.,Intrinsically,Part B,Part B, Ex. V, pp.116-117 Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined part of the sentence.,1. While the new college was being built in Oxford Street, the

18、students worked in a makeshift laboratory in apartments rented in a nearby street. A. alternate B. alternative C. poorly-equipped D. temporary,1. While the new college was being built in Oxford Street, the students worked in a makeshift laboratory in apartments rented in a nearby street. A. alternat

19、e B. alternative C. poorly-equipped D. temporary,Unit 8: Vocabulary,2. He has great zeal for nature and dreams to be a biologist when he grows up. A. demand B. diligence C. eagerness D. warmth,Unit 8: Vocabulary,2. He has great zeal for nature and dreams to be a biologist when he grows up. A. demand

20、 B. diligence C. eagerness D. warmth,3. It is only when foreign brands land on our doorsteps and people flock to buy them that the local manufacturers will respond to the competitive threat. A. begin B. gather C. prefer D. refuse,Unit 8: Vocabulary,3. It is only when foreign brands land on our doors

21、teps and people flock to buy them that the local manufacturers will respond to the competitive threat. A. begin B. gather C. prefer D. refuse,4. She refused to travel abroad unless accompanied by massive quantities of prescribed drugs because she could only survive the small hours by swallowing inca

22、utious numbers of sleeping tablets. A. the early morning B. the flight time C. the short journey D. a very short time,Unit 8: Vocabulary,4. She refused to travel abroad unless accompanied by massive quantities of prescribed drugs because she could only survive the small hours by swallowing incautiou

23、s numbers of sleeping tablets. A. the early morning B. the flight time C. the short journey D. a very short time,5. Nearly everyone had a very positive outlook and the plans for action to revive the area were discussed. A. animate B. explore C. rescue D. revitalize,Unit 8: Vocabulary,5. Nearly every

24、one had a very positive outlook and the plans for action to revive the area were discussed. A. animate B. explore C. rescue D. revitalize,6. When she stayed away from him, he would wander out into the stony streets, hoping to bump into her, to glimpse her sitting in a bar or on a park bench. A. blow

25、 into B. collide into C. run into D. shake into,Unit 8: Vocabulary,6. When she stayed away from him, he would wander out into the stony streets, hoping to bump into her, to glimpse her sitting in a bar or on a park bench. A. blow into B. collide into C. run into D. shake into,7. Many Fine Art gradua

26、tes take up professional practice as artists, and this course encourages them to consider their role as artists in the community by providing opportunities for short-term placements outside the Faculty. A. accept B. adopt C. occupy D. start,Unit 8: Vocabulary,7. Many Fine Art graduates take up profe

27、ssional practice as artists, and this course encourages them to consider their role as artists in the community by providing opportunities for short-term placements outside the Faculty. A. accept B. adopt C. occupy D. start,8. I was in some doubt as to whether the Corporal had stumbled upon us accid

28、entally on his way out of the town. A. crashed on B. bumped into C. fell against D. puzzled about,Unit 8: Vocabulary,8. I was in some doubt as to whether the Corporal had stumbled upon us accidentally on his way out of the town. A. crashed on B. bumped into C. fell against D. puzzled about,9. She to

29、ok the report, went out into the department and threw herself into her work with tight-lipped determination. A. brought herself back to B. busied herself with C. freed herself from D. rushed herself towards,Unit 8: Vocabulary,9. She took the report, went out into the department and threw herself int

30、o her work with tight-lipped determination. A. brought herself back to B. busied herself with C. freed herself from D. rushed herself towards,10. The statement said the people of Srebrenica appealed to the presidents of the United States and France to help halt the offensive. A. aroused B. attracted

31、 C. used D. urged,Unit 8: Vocabulary,10. The statement said the people of Srebrenica appealed to the presidents of the United States and France to help halt the offensive. A. aroused B. attracted C. used D. urged,Ex. VI, pp.117-118 Choose an appropriate word from the following list to fill in each o

32、f the following blanks. Each word can be used only ONCE. Change the word form where necessary.,Japans rise from the devastation of World War II to economic prominence was not without human cost. People cannot work for ten or twelve hours a day six and seven days a week, year after year, without suff

33、ering 1)_ as well as mentally. But during the first three postwar decades no one paid any special 2) _ to the larger than usual number of men in their 40s and 50s who died of brain and heart ailments.,Unit 8: Cloze,physically,To be continued .,attention,Unit 8: Cloze,To be continued .,It was not 3)

34、_ the latter part of the 1980s, when several high-ranking business executives who were still in their 4) _ years suddenly died without any previous sign of 5)_ , that the news media began picking up on what appeared to be a new phenomenon.,until,prime,illness,Unit 8: Cloze,To be continued .,This new

35、 phenomenon was quickly 6)_ karoshi, or “death from overwork”, and once it had a name and its symptoms were broadcast far and wide, it just as quickly became obvious that Japan was 7)_ a virtual epidemic. It is 8)_ in 1990 that over 10,000 people were dying each year from overwork.,labeled,experienc

36、ing,estimated,Unit 8: Cloze,To be continued .,A recognized authority on karoshi says that most of the victims of death from 9)_ had been putting in more than one hundred hours of 10)_ each. He said the 11)_ did not receive any overtime pay for their 12)_ work, but were members of the lite managerial

37、 class who 13)_ themselves to death “out of a samurai-like pride”.,overwork,overtime,victims,extra,worked,Unit 8: Cloze,Because of 14)_ pressure to keep up with 15)_, out-do competing groups and 16)_ market-share at the expense of competitors, hundreds of thousand of Japanese managers are 17)_ up in

38、 a vortex(漩涡)of psychological pressure that forces them to work 18)_ a frenzied pace. After years of such 19)_ over-work, most managers find that they cannot 20)_ even when they do take time off. They are so wound up that not working leaves them disoriented and suffering from serious stress.,peer,co

39、-workers,increase,caught,at,intense,rest,1. 现在人们谈论的不再是如何享受校园生活,而是怎样发表论文,怎样找到一份好工作。,Nowadays what get talked about is not how to enjoy life on the campus, but how to have a paper published, or how to find a good job.,Part A, Ex. VIII, p.119 Translate the following sentences into English.,not but ,Uni

40、t 8: Translation,2. 大学生活应该是轻松愉快的,充满各种有趣的活动,但我的生活却充满压力。,Campus life is supposed to be happy and relaxed, full of fun activities, but my life is under great pressure.,Unit 8: Translation,be supposed to,3. 如果你还不清楚这个实习生项目究竟是怎么回事, 查阅一下公司的网站,项目负责人约翰布朗先生在网页上有更详尽的介绍。,If youre still wondering what this inter

41、nship program is all about, check out the company website, where the director of the program, John Brown, gives a more detailed description.,what is all about,Unit 8: Translation,4. 很多年轻人相信,一个人只有拼命工作,疯狂玩乐,才会幸福。,Many young people believe that one could be happy only if one work hard and play hard.,on

42、ly if,Unit 8: Translation,5. 我的研究生生活和我所希望的并不完全一样,但我努力适应,并且很乐意接受每一个意想不到的挑战。,My new life as a postgraduate student didnt quite turn out as I hoped, but I tried to adapt myself to it, and enjoyed meeting every unexpected challenge.,turn out as I hoped,Unit 8: Translation,6. 老板常常谈论周末的工作计划,就好像周末与平时的工作日没有

43、什么不同。,The boss often talks about work plans for the weekends as if they were no different from the ones for weekdays.,as if,Unit 8: Translation,7. 仅仅因为职业运动员的收入甚至远远高于获诺贝尔奖的科学家,我们就能断言我们所处的社会对体育的重视远甚于对科研和教育的重视吗?,Can we conclude that we are in a society which values sports more than research and educati

44、on just because the professional athletes are paid much more than even Nobel Prize winning scientists?,value,Unit 8: Translation,8. 现在就业市场上激烈竞争的根源,如果还有人提及的话,是迅速增长的人口。,The root of the fierce competition in the present job market, when it is mentioned at all, is the booming population.,when its mentio

45、ned at all,Unit 8: Translation,9. 经过一段短暂的打工生涯,我组建了自己的公司。但这次投资却惨遭失败。,After a brief period in the employment of others, I set up my own company, but the venture ended in tears.,end in tears,Unit 8: Translation,10. 这个领域的杰出的研究者史密斯教授全面考察导致这种变化的各种因素。,Prof. Smith, the leading researcher in this field, stud

46、ied all the factors at play for the change.,factors at play,Unit 8: Translation,Part B,Part B, Ex. VIII, p. 119 Translate the following selected paragraph into Chinese.,Funny. This is how the U. S. was supposed to be. In a famous series of essays collected in his 1976 book, The Cultural Contradictio

47、ns of Capitalism, Daniel Bell noted how the decline of the Protestant small-town ethic had unhinged American capitalism from its moral foundation in the intrinsic value of work.,真是可笑!这本该是美国的模样嘛!丹尼尔 贝尔1976 年出版资本主义文化矛盾一书, 书中收录的一系列著名文章,他描述了新教徒小镇式道德观的衰落怎样动摇了美国资本主义的道德基础和对工作内在价值的认识。,Unit 8: Translation,By the 1960s, Bell argued, “The cultural justification of capitalism (had) become hed


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