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1、试题为word版 下载可打印编辑Section The Language Points of Reading课时作业(一)完形填空 A policeman was walking along the street. In the doorway of a shop, a man was standing in the _1_ light, with an unlighted cigar in his mouth. The policeman _2_ and then walked up to the man. “Im just waiting for a friend here,” the m

2、an said “Its a(n) _3_ made twenty years ago.” The man struck a _4_ and lighted his cigar. The light _5_ a pale face with a little white scar (疤) near his right eye. “Twenty years ago tonight, when I said goodbye to Jimmy Wells, my best friend to _6_ for the West to make my fortune, we _7_ we would m

3、eet here again exactly twenty years _8_ that date and time.” “I hope your friend will come around soon.” said the policeman, _9_.Twenty minutes later, a tall man hurried across the street. He went directly to the waiting man. “Is that you, Bob?” he asked. “Jimmy Wells?” _10_ the man with excitement.

4、 “You have _11_, Jimmy. I never thought you were so tall.”When they both looked at each other _12_, the man said suddenly “Youre not Jimmy Wells. Twenty years is a long time, _13_ not long enough to change a mans _14_.” “It sometimes changes a good man into a _15_ one,” said the tall man. “You are u

5、nder _16_ now. Well, here is a note from your friend.” His hand was steady when he began to read, but it _17_ a little by the time he had finished. It reads: “Bob: I was at the appointed place _18_. When you lighted your cigar I saw it was the face of the man _19_ by Chicago police. _20_ I couldnt c

6、atch you myself, so I went around and got a plain clothes man to do the job.” 1A.dark B.bright Cdim Dcolorful答案:C由文章第4和第5空所在的句子可知,只有那人点烟时,警察才看清他的脸,因此说明此处指灯光昏暗。故选C项。2A.slowed down Bpicked out Cwent on Dhurried up答案:A从本段开始“was walking”和结尾“then walked up to the man”可知,警察放慢脚步,然后走向那位等待的人。3A.mistake B.tim

7、e Ctrade Dappointment答案:D从本段“Twenty years ago tonight, when I said goodbye to Jimmy Wells”和“would meet here again”可知,这是他们20年前的约定,所以D项appointment正确。4A.cigarette B.match Cfire Dlight答案:B从空前的“struck”和空后的“lighted his cigar”可推知,他是在划火柴点香烟。本题中C项干扰性最大,联系空格前的struck可排除此选项。5A.formed B.appeared Creflected Dshow

8、ed答案:D从light可知,火光亮起,照亮了那人的脸,显示出眼部的伤疤,所以showed正确。其他几个选项均不合题意。6A.start B.work Clook Dsearch答案:A从上下文可知,他和朋友二十年后重回到此处见面,那么二十年前应该是动身到西部去。所以A项start符合文意。7A.insisted B.preferred Cagreed Dsuggested答案:C从文意可知,二人都同意这个想法,所以agreed正确。8A.for B.from Clater Dat答案:B分析四个选项可知,介词for和at意思不正确;later不可以再接“that date and time”

9、,所以B项from正确,表示“从那时起”。9A.speeding up B.coming to Cpulling off Dmoving away答案:D从文章的结尾可知,警察离开了。10A.cried Bsmiled Cwept Dchoked答案:A从下文“excitement”和他的问话可知,他由于激动而喊叫起来。本题中B项有较大干扰性。联系空格后的“with excitement”可排除此选项。11A.grew B.achieved Cchanged Dbecame答案:C从下句“I never thought you were so tall”可知,20年里你改变许多。故选chang

10、ed。12A.clearly B.surprisingly Cquickly Dhappily答案:A从上下文可知,开始时他没看清,以为对方是自己的朋友Jimmy Wells,现在看清后,突然发现不是,所以clearly符合文意。13A.but B.and Cor Dwhile答案:A上文提到“Twenty years is a long time”,下文又指出“not long enough to change .”。故可知,此处指二十年时间很长,但有些东西无法改变。所以but最合适。14A.character B.face Cquality Dsize答案:B上文提到此人突然认出对方不是自

11、己的朋友,应该是从面部看出的,所以face正确。15A.successful Bordinary Ctall Dbad答案:D从下文可知,此人犯了罪,变成了坏人,所以bad正确。16A.discussion B.control Carrest Dinspiration答案:C从下文可知,这人犯罪将要被捕,所以arrest正确。17A.trembled B.struggled Cescaped Dunderstood答案:A由上文的“His hand was steady when he began to read”可以推测,他读完信后,手开始颤抖。18A.in advance B.on tim

12、e Cbefore long Dsooner or later答案:B由上文可知,前面提到的警察就是Jimmy Wells,他们都彼此遵守了二十年前的约定,按时到达了这里,所以on time是正确选项。19A.asked B.wanted Cdescribed Dcaught答案:B由文意可知,这人是警察在寻找的罪犯,wanted意为“受通缉的”,此处是形容词。20A.Anywhere B.Though CHowever DSomehow答案:D由文意可知,警察Jimmy Wells顾于朋友情谊,不愿自己动手逮捕他,所以somehow是正确的,意为“不管怎么着”。阅读理解Disease, po

13、verty, hate, loveCharles Dickens stories opened his readers eyes to the most important themes of his age. Two hundred years on, his stories still speak volumes across the world, proving that Dickens legacy was far greater than just “great literature” 2012, February 7 marked the 200th anniversary of

14、the writers birthday. To mark this date, BBC writer Alex Hudson listed six things Dickens gave the modern world. Lets take a look at two of them.A White Christmas Dickens is described as “the man who invented Christmas”not the religious festival, but the cultural aspects that we associate with the f

15、estive season today. In the early 19th century, Christmas was barely worth mentioning, according to critic and writer Leigh Hunt. The committee which ran the Conservative Party even held ordinary business meetings on Christmas Dayunthinkable in the West nowadays, when everyone but the most necessary

16、 workers takes at least three days off. Many people believe that Dickens popular descriptions of the festive period became a blueprint for generations to come. In his classic novel, A Christmas Carol, he not only put forward the idea of snow at Christmas, but also painted a picture of glowing warmth

17、“home enjoyments, affections and hopes”In his biography of Dickens, Peter Ackroyd wrote:“Dickens can be said to have almost singlehandedly created the modern idea of Christmas.”“Dickensian” poverty Dickens was one of the first to take an honest look at the underclass and the poor of Victorian London

18、. He helped popularize the term “red_tape” to describe situations where people in power use needless amounts of bureaucracy (官僚作风) in a way that particularly hurts the weaker and poorer members of society.“Dickensian” has now become a powerful word for describing an unacceptable level of poverty. In

19、 2009, when the president of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers in the UK wanted to talk about poverty in some areas of Britain, she did not use words like “terrible” or “horrific”, but rather described it as “life mirroring the times of Dickens”1The article is mainly about _.Aa brief introdu

20、ction to Charles DickensBCharles Dickens impact on the worldCthe characters in Charles Dickens storiesDCharles Dickens achievements in literature答案:B主旨大意题。本文主要讲的是狄更斯对世界的影响,故选B。2Why is Dickens called “the man who invented Christmas”?ABecause he created both religious and cultural festival.BBecause hi

21、s novels have something to do with Christmas.CBecause one of his novels helped to shape Christmas celebrations.DBecause he was the first man to have proposed celebrating Christmas.答案:C细节理解题。由第五段尾句“In his classic novel, A Christmas Carol, he not only put forward the idea of snow at Christmas, but als

22、o painted a picture of glowing warmthhome enjoyments, affections and hopes”以及第六段中的“Dickens can be said to have almost singlehandedly created the modern idea of Christmas.”可知答案为C。3We can learn from the passage that _.ACharles Dickens novels reflect the true life at his ageBDickensian is widely used t

23、o describe the ChristmasCevery person can take three days off for ChristmasDthe theme of Charles Dickens stories is about poverty答案:A细节理解题。由第七段“Dickens was one of the first to take an honest look at the underclass and the poor of Victorian London.”可知,他关注的是维多利亚时期伦敦下层阶级和穷人的现实生活,故选A。4According to the p

24、assage the underlined phrase “red tape” refers to _.Arules or regulations that are required to finish a taskBa situation where poor members of society are hurtCconflict between people in power and weaker peopleDpointlessly timeconsuming official procedures答案:D词义猜测题。由倒数第二段描述可知,red tape表示的是在很多国家的官方机构里

25、的那种繁杂、毫无意义并浪费时间的“官僚作风”。1legacy n. 遗产2festive adj. 节日的;欢乐的put forward 提出七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。What is friendship? The answers may be different. _1_. We cannot live without friendship just as we cannot live without air and water. Friendship gives us a feeling of safety and warmth

26、, and friendship encourages us to go ahead all the time._2_. When we feel happy, we can share our happiness with friends. When we feel down, friends will comfort us. If we are overconfident, our friends can persuade us, and they can make us confident and brave when we are discouraged.Friendship is v

27、aluable. It can touch your heart and give you hope. Many people are proud of having a good friend. _3_. If you help your friends for no reason but simply because they are your friends, this means that you regard your friends as yourself. This is true friendship.In fact, friendship isnt always easily

28、 kept. _4_, you should treat him or her like you want to be treated. Keep the secrets that your friend tells you. Keep your promise with your friend. Share things with your friend. Stick up for your friend. We should try our best to protect the friendship from being hurt. As an old saying goes, “Fri

29、endship cannot stand always on one side.” True friendship should be able to stand all kinds of tests.Because of friendship, our lives are full of happiness. Therefore, the more friends we have, the more pleasure we can share with them. Lets say “Thank you” to our friends for their love and care. _5_

30、, never forget to keep the beautiful friendship!AWhen you want to keep a friendBIf not, their friendship still cannot last longCNo matter where we go or who we becomeDEveryone needs friends and is eager to get friendshipETrue friendship must be sincere and must not have conditionsFBut one thing is c

31、lear that friendship is the most important thing in our lifeGSometimes people have good friends when they are young and studying in school1F上文提到“友谊是什么?答案可能是不同的”,F项“但是有一点很清楚,友谊是我们生活中最重要的东西”与上文形成转折关系,再联系下文可知,应选F。2DD项“每个人都需要朋友,渴望得到友谊”是对下文“当我们感到快乐时,我们可以与朋友分享我们的幸福;当我们感到沮丧时,朋友会安慰我们”的总括,故选D。3EE项中的“True friendship”与下文中的“true friendship”相照应,故选E。4A上文讲到维护友谊不容易,下文提到你应该以一种你期望别人如何待你的方式对待你的朋友,A项“当你想留住朋友的时候”与下文形成条件关系,且承接上文,故选A。5C下文说“永远不要忘记保持美丽的友谊”,C项“无论我们走到哪里,无论我们成为谁”与之衔接紧密,故选C。试题为word版 下载可打印编辑


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