2019英语同步人教必修三刷题首选卷(基础练+能力练):4.4 Word版含答案.docx

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1、试题为word版 下载可打印编辑Section Learning about Language & Using Language基础题单词拼写1As we all know, the moon is a _ (卫星) of the Earth.答案:satellite2She was always _ (温和的) with the children in the kindergarten, never hitting or scolding them.答案:gentle3He had _ (使精疲力尽) himself carrying all the boxes upstairs.答案:ex

2、hausted4The young woman was interested in _ (生物学) when she was at the university.答案:biology5Dinosaurs have been _ (灭绝的) for millions of years.答案:extinct6The plane c_ into a mountain.答案:crashed7The train p_ in the station and the passengers got off one by one.答案:pulled8With the weather becoming hotte

3、r and hotter, we need curtains to b_ out the sunlight.答案:block9When he looked up while walking, he noticed that a beautiful white cloud was f_ in the sky.答案:floating10As we all know, Qian Sanqiang is a famous p_ in the world.答案:physicist选词填空cool down, depend on, get the hang of, get close to, preven

4、t . from, watch out, break out, now that, in time, cheer up1It was at noon that a fire _ in the neighbourhood.答案:broke out2_ you are here, why not have a drink?答案:Now that3Did you catch your plane?Yes, we got there just _.答案:in time4The dish tastes good after it _ .答案:cools down5Will you go fishing

5、this afternoon?Well, it all _ the weather.答案:depends on6It seems difficult at first, but youll soon _ it.答案:get the hang of7The fans _ when they saw the famous film star coming along.答案:cheered up8As everyone knows, walking in the open air can help us to _ nature.答案:get close to9We should find some

6、ways to _ the harmful gas _ spreading.答案:prevent; from10_! There is a car coming!答案:Watch out单句语法填空1As soon as the fire broke _, it spread quickly.答案:out2Since the house price in the city may be _ high as we cant imagine, I suggest that we rent an apartment to live in first.答案:as3Please keep your wo

7、rd now that you _ (promise) to come.答案:have promised4After fighting with his illness many years, the patient pulled _ finally.答案:through5Im thinking of tomorrows test. Im afraid I cant pass this time.Cheer _! Im sure youll make it.答案:up6All the visitors were told to watch _ for those dangerous anima

8、ls while visiting the zoo.答案:out单句改错1Measures should be taken to stop the river from being polluting._答案:pollutingpolluted2The gardener explained us the development of a seed into a plant._答案:explained后加to3I will, by my turn, clean the blackboard next week._答案:byin4Visitors are often amazing to disc

9、over how little the town has changed._答案:amazingamazed5He seems that he has worked in sales for several years._答案:HeIt能力题完形填空One person known for his strong wish to help was Fiorello LaGuardia, mayor of New York City during the worst days of the Great Depression and the whole of World War .On a cold

10、 night in January of 1935, the mayor turned up at a _1_. Within a few minutes, a poor old woman, charged _2_ stealing bread, was brought in front of him. She told LaGuardia that her daughters husband had _3_ her and their children, her daughter was sick, and her two grandchildren were _4_.But the st

11、orekeeper from whom the bread was stolen _5_ to drop the charge. “Its a _6_ neighbourhood,” the man told the mayor. “She had got to be punished to _7_ other people a lesson.”LaGuardia _8_, and then he turned to the _9_ and said, “I have got to punish you. The law makes no _10_. Ten dollars or ten da

12、ys in _11_.” But as he passed sentence, the mayor was already _12_ into his pocket. He took out a _13_, saying, “Here is the tendollar fine which I now _14_ for the defendant (被告), and I am going to _15_ everyone here fifty cents for living in a _16_ where a person has to steal bread so that her gra

13、ndchildren can eat. _17_ the fines and give them to the poor family.” Then, those at present gave the mayor a standing ovation (起立鼓掌)Someone _18_ said, “Sympathy sees and says, Im sorry. Compassion sees and says, Ill help.” Only when we learn the difference, we will make a _19_. So sometimes it just

14、 takes the _20_ to help and you can find a way.1A.bread shop Bfarm family Ccourt room Dcity hall 答案:C由第11空后面一句可知,市长Fiorello LaGuardia对那妇女偷面包一事作出判决,所以他应该是出现在法庭上。2A.of Bwith Cfor Dover答案:Bcharge sb. with sth.“指控某人某事”。3A.disliked Bfrightened Cdoubted Dleft答案:D这个妇女在诉说她的困境:她女儿的丈夫抛弃她的女儿以及他们的小孩。4A.starving

15、 Bcrying Cstruggling Dsuffering答案:A从第16空格后的内容可知,这个妇女偷面包是为了给她的外孙吃,所以这里意思是她的外孙们在挨饿。5A.promised Bpretended Crefused Ddecided答案:C从前文表示转折关系的but可知,那个面包店主拒绝撤诉,想要那个偷面包的妇女受到惩罚。drop the charge “撤诉”。6A.greedy Bunique Cbad Drude 答案:Cthe man指的是面包店主,他认为这个街区不好。7A.teach Bpromise Chave Dprepare答案:A这里意思是要杀鸡儆猴,给别人一个教训

16、,所以用短语teach sb. a lesson。8A.complained Bsighed Cshouted Dcried 答案:B市长Fiorello LaGuardia遇到这种情况,对妇女所述的遭遇感到同情,同时对面包店主坚持要依法惩罚也感到无奈,运用逻辑推断可知,他是在叹息。9A.audience Bneighbour Cowner Dlady 答案:D由下句直接引语中“I have got to punish you .”可知,市长是针对偷面包的妇女在说话,故此处他应该是转向这个妇女,故选D。10A.excuse Bmistake Cexception Dsense答案:C法律面前人

17、人平等,是没有例外的,所以选项C符合语境。11A.prison Bchurch Ccash Dlaw答案:A这个妇女偷了面包,触犯了法律,应该是要被罚款或坐牢。12A.checking Breaching Cturning Dlooking答案:B此处表述那个市长把手伸进口袋里把钱拿出来,所以答案选B项。reach into “把手伸进”。13A.key Bcard Cticket Dbill答案:D由下文提到的“tendollar (10美元)”可知,市长掏出的是钱,bill “钞票”符合文意。14A.ask BpayCkeep Dsave答案:B此处是说市长替那位被告交罚款。pay for

18、 “为付钱”。15A.donate Bfine Caward Dhelp答案:B由第17空格后的“fines”可知答案选B,此处为动词,市长也要“罚”在场的所有人每人50分钱。16A.town Bfamily Cstreet Dcountry答案:AFiorello LaGuardia是纽约市长,所以这里到法庭的是本城镇里的人,故答案选A项,town此处意为“城镇”。17A.Provide BCollect CHand DCount答案:B根据空格后面的宾语fines可知,市长说把这部分罚款收集起来,捐给贫困的家庭。18A.naturally Bhappily Cbeautifully Dho

19、pefully答案:C作者认同下文这种说法,即某人说得好极了,所以答案选C项。19A.profit Bdifference Cdecision Drule答案:B这是短语“make a difference (使不同、有影响、起作用)”的固定搭配,意思是:只有当我们明白这两者的区别时,我们才能有所作为。20A.patience Btrouble Cduty Ddesire答案:D从第一段中的“strong wish to help”可知,选项D符合文意。七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。How to improve your study h

20、abitsPerhaps you are an average student with average intelligence. You do well enough in school, but you probably think you will never be a top student. _1_ You can receive better grades if you want to.Plan your time carefully_2_ Then make a schedule of your time, and decide on good, regular times f

21、or studying. Be sure to set aside enough time to complete your normal reading and work assignments._3_It may be a desk or a chair at home or in the school library, but it should be comfortable, and there should not be those things that make your attention wander. When you begin to work, you should b

22、e able to concentrate on the subject.Skim before you readThis means looking over a passage quickly before you begin to read it more carefully. _4_ Later when you begin to read you will recognize less important material and you may ignore some of these parts.Study regularlyGo over your notes as soon

23、as you can after class. Review important points mentioned in class as well as points you remain confused about. Read about these points in your textbook. If you know what the teacher will discuss the next day, skim and read that material too. _5_AMake good use of your time in class.BThen youll get t

24、he main idea of the text.CThis is not necessarily the case, however.DThis will help you understand the next class.EStudying shouldnt occupy all of the free time on the schedule.FFind a good place to study.GMake a list of your weekly tasks.1C由该空格前的“you probably think you will never be a top student”和

25、该空格后的“You can receive better grades if you want to.”可知,这里表示转折关系,意为“然而,情况并非如此”。2G由该段标题Plan your time carefully及该空格后的“Then make a schedule of your time”等信息可知,G项内容符合此处语境。3F由该段中的“at home or in the school library”和“there should not be those things that make your attention wander”等信息可知,本段主要是说选择一个适合学习的好地方。4B由该段标题Skim before you read及该空格前的“This means . read it more carefully.”可知,在你仔细阅读一篇文章之前,先快速浏览一下可以帮助你获取文章的主要信息。5D由该空格前的“If you know what the teacher will discuss the next day, skim and read that material too.”可知,提前预习有助于你理解老师下节课要讲的内容。试题为word版 下载可打印编辑


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