2019英语同步人教必修二刷题首选卷(基础练+能力练):3.2.1 Word版含答案.docx

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1、试题为word版 下载可打印编辑Section The Language Points of Reading课时作业(一)对应学生用书P27完形填空(2018福建南平3月质检)Today there is more to read than ever before The websites try their best to _1_ with each other by offering reading updates The social news sites are always filled with the _2_ news and stories one can read every

2、where online _3_, there is no lasting value amid the whole competition As far as their value is _4_, I assume it makes no much _5_ whether you find one to read or _6_ it If you are someone who tends to _7_ meaning in life, I am sure youve felt this way as wellWhenever this happens, I choose to turn

3、back to the _8_, the old enduring meaningful books that have _9_ the test of time Most people believe, with our modern _10_ we have invented new life But this is not the _11_ When they think they are leading a life completely _12_ what their ancestors had decades ago, they are _13_ still surrounded

4、by minor details and their life remains _14_Everything has its particular place Old books teach you how to live and what it _15_ to be a human, with moral standards This is _16_ they still play an important part in our life Im glad that I am not _17_ in this opinion Many people agree that the wisdom

5、 of the greatest human minds _18_ through centuries is the most valuable _19_ of mankindTo make classic books _20_ to youngsters, schools should make it possible for their students to find the books recommended by their teachers on the bookshelves in the library1Astruggle BcommunicateCcooperate Dcom

6、pete答案:D句意:各个网站相互竞争,尽最大努力提供最新的阅读消息。A项意为:挣扎,努力;B项意为:交流;C项意为:合作;D项意为:竞争,比赛。根据空格后的“with each other by offering reading updates”可推知,这句话是说网站之间相互竞争。2Atemporary BfinalClatest Dpresent答案:C句意:社会新闻网站总是有着最新的新闻和故事,在网上到处都能读到。A项意为:临时的;B项意为:最终的;C项意为:最新的;D项意为:目前的。因为前面一句提到网站之间用最新消息相互竞争,所以选C项。3AHowever BThereforeCIns

7、tead DBesides答案:A句意:然而,在整个竞争中,没有久盛不衰的价值。A项意为:然而;B项意为:因此;C项意为:相反;D项意为:此外。因为空处前后有转折关系,所以选A项。4Aregarded BsuggestedCconsidered Dconcerned答案:D句意:就消息的价值而言,我认为,看某条消息或是错过它,都没有什么不同。A项意为:认为;B项意为:建议,暗示,表明;C项意为:考虑,认为;D项意为:关心,担心。因为as far as sth is concerned是固定短语,意为“就而言”,符合语境,所以选D项。5Adifference BsenseCcomment Dpr

8、ogress答案:AA项意为:不同;B项意为:感觉;C项意为:评论;D项意为:进步。因为make no difference意为“没有什么不同”,符合语境,所以选A项。6Aprevent BloseCmiss Davoid答案:CA项意为:阻止;B项意为:失去;C项意为:错过;D项意为:避免。因为此处指读了某消息或错过这个消息没有区别,所以选C项。7Agive up Bsearch forCset aside Djoke about答案:B句意:如果你是一个寻求人生意义的人,我相信你也会这样想。A项意为:放弃;B项意为:搜寻;C项意为:放在一边;D项意为:拿开玩笑。因为只有B项的search

9、for与后面的meaning in life搭配恰当,符合语境,所以选B项。8Aarticles BfictionsCexperts Dclassics答案:D句意:这时候,我会选择回归经典名著那些久盛不衰、经得住时间考验的有意义的作品。A项意为:文章;B项意为:虚构的事;C项意为:专家;D项意为:经典作品。因为空格后为“the old enduring meaningful books”,所以选D项。9Amade BstoodCcreated Dexperimented答案:BA项意为:制造,使得;B项意为:经得起,经受;C项意为:创造;D项意为:进行实验。stand the test of

10、 time表示“经受住时间的考验”,符合语境,所以选B项。10Aservice BeditionCtechnology Dconstruction答案:C句意:大多数人相信,通过现代技术我们创造了新生活。A项意为:服务;B项意为:版本;C项意为:技术;D项意为:建造。根据空格后的“invented new life”可知,C项符合语境。11Acase BbaseClife Dmatter答案:A句意:但是情况不是这样。A项意为:事例,情况;B项意为:基础,根据;C项意为:生活,生命;D项意为:事情,问题。因为case在这里意为“情况”,this is not the case意为“情况不是这样

11、”,符合语境,所以选A项。12Aequal to Bconsistent withCdifferent from Dsimilar to答案:C句意:当他们认为他们正过着与几十年前他们的长辈完全不同的生活时,实际上他们的生活还是保持不变。A项意为:和相同,等于;B项意为:与相一致;C项意为:不同于;D项意为:和相似。根据语境及上文的“invented new life”可知,此处应选C项。13Aprobably BactuallyCusually Dpotentially答案:BA项意为:可能;B项意为:事实上;C项意为:通常;D项意为:潜在地。根据语境及空格后的“still”可知,空处前后有

12、转折之意,故选B项。14Aunchanged BstableCsafe Dpeaceful答案:AA项意为:不变的;B项意为:稳定的;C项意为:安全的;D项意为:平静的,和平的。此处表示他们现在的生活其实保持不变。15Ashows BprovesCoffers Dmeans答案:D句意:古老的书籍教你如何生活,教你如何做人。A项意为:表明;B项意为:证明;C项意为:提供;D项意为:意味着。因为此处表示“做人意味着什么(怎么做人)”,所以选D项。16Awhether BwhyCwhen Dwhere答案:B句意:这就是它们现在在我们的生活中仍然起着重要作用的原因。A项意为:是否;B项意为:为什么

13、;C项意为:什么时候;D项意为:哪里。根据句意可知,B项正确。17Aalone BlonelyCdiscouraged Doptimistic答案:A句意:我很高兴,不是我一个人有这样的观点。A项意为:独自的;B项意为:孤独的,荒僻的;C项意为:泄气的;D项意为:乐观的。因为alone意为“独自的”,符合语境,所以选A项。18Agiven up Bcarried awayCpassed down Dbrought up答案:C句意:很多人同意,历经多个世纪传承下来的最伟大的智慧是人类最有价值的财产。A项意为:放弃;B项意为:带走;C项意为:传递下去;D项意为:抚养,教育。根据句意可知,C项正确

14、。19Arevolution BperformancesCbook Dpossessions答案:DA项意为:革命;B项意为:表演,表现;C项意为:书;D项意为:财产。因为此处表示人类最有价值的财产,所以选D项。20Aattractive BaccessibleCsuitable Dbeneficial答案:B句意:为了让少年儿童读到经典著作,学校应该让学生能够在学校图书馆的书架上找到老师推荐的书目。A项意为:有吸引力的;B项意为:可得到的,可到达的;C项意为:合适的;D项意为:有益的。因为accessible意为“可得到的”,符合语境,所以选B项。阅读理解AIf your child has

15、 mobile Internet access, it will be more difficult to monitor (监督) and control his or her Internet use Kids are turning to the Internet for everything from hanging out with friends to shopping, which makes it harder for parents to keep track of their online activities Fortunately, there are many cho

16、ices for controlling what your kids see on their computers, laptops, and mobile devicesContent blockers and filters are great tools to use for younger kids They allow you more control over where they go and what they do online A content blocker can block some unhealthy websites or limit a childs sea

17、rch to the kind of sites A content filter can scan sites and pictures and block those sites that contain certain words, key phrases, or contentsConsider tracking software for older teenagers This software enables you to see which sites your children have visited, tracking their path online This tool

18、 gives young people more freedom to explore the Internet, but it also allows you to check that they are using the Internet responsibly Let your teenagers know that you trust them, but that you will be regularly checking that they are visiting appropriate sites onlineEven if you use content blockers,

19、 filters, and trackers, you know that a lot of kids figure out ways to get around these, so its important to remain alert (警惕的) Remember that not all adult sites can be identified by blocker, filter, or tracker software Thats why its important to talk to your kids about what to do when something ina

20、ppropriate or scary comes up Nothing can replace involvement and supervision (监督) by adults Keep monitoring how your kids use the Internet on a regular basis without getting into the role of the Internet traffic police1What is the passage mainly about?AMore and more kids have mobile Internet accessB

21、Some choices for monitoring and controlling kids Internet useCIt is difficult to monitor and control kids Internet useDKids are turning to the Internet for everything答案:B主旨大意题。文章主要讲了监督和控制孩子使用网络的一些选择。故选B项。2How should parents monitor and control younger kids Internet use?AWith tracking softwareBWith t

22、racking software and content blockers and filtersCWith content blockers and filtersDWith filters and trackers答案:C细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Content blockers and filters are great tools to use for younger kids”可知C项正确。3The third paragraph is about _Ahow to monitor and control older teenagers Internet useBhow to mo

23、nitor and control younger kids Internet useCtracking softwareDContent blockers and filters答案:A段落大意题。根据第三段中的“Consider tracking software for older teenagers”可知,第三自然段主要讲了怎样监督和控制年龄稍大的青少年使用网络。故选A项。4Parents should remain alert when they monitor kids Internet use because _Acontent blockers, filters, and tr

24、ackers are uselessBlots of kids figure out ways to get around content blockers, filters, and trackersCnot all adult sites can be identified by blocker, filter, or tracker softwareDnothing can replace involvement and supervision by adults答案:B细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“Even if you use content blockers, filters, a

25、nd trackers, you know that a lot of kids figure out ways to get around these, so its important to remain alert (警惕的)”可知B项正确。1access n 机会;接近;使用;通道2fortunately adv 幸运地3scan v 审视;扫描;浏览4appropriate adj 合适的1keep track of 记录;追踪;了解2figure out 弄懂,弄清楚,弄明白3come up 出现;发生BFrom the beginning of the Internet, onl

26、ine dating (约会) has become one of the most popular things to all the consumers Although this may be fun, it is important to remember to think of your safety when trying to meet that certain somebody When talking about safety I am referring to taking care of your computer and yourselfBefore getting i

27、nto the world of online dating you should make sure you take care of protecting your computer A good fire wall and an antivirus program are a must These are needed to protect your emails and anywhere you surf on the Internet There are many great programs offered at your local computer store or avail

28、able to buy online With great programs often come some pretty good costs There is something that is better for the people who just cant afford the cost of a good antivirusyou can find quite a few decent ones on the Internet for freeProtecting yourself could surely be much more important than protect

29、ing your computer You want to be careful in choosing your dating sites Do some good research If you know anyone who has tried an online dating service ask them what they thought There are so many online dating sites that you should do extensive (广泛的) research Make sure you keep the web addresses Kee

30、p a list of fees, regulations and anything else that looks interesting to you If a place looks shady or makes you feel uncomfortable then you should steer clear away At the end of the day make sure you take care of yourself5When you meet somebody online you should _Atry to know something about him o

31、r herBlearn to protect yourself and your computerCremember that all of you are safe enoughDrealize that you are likely to be in trouble答案:B细节理解题。第一段中的“When talking about safety I am referring to taking care of your computer and yourself”告诉我们要注意保护计算机和自己。故选B。6The second paragraph is mainly to tell us

32、that _Ait is necessary for you to protect your emailsBgood programs are usually very expensiveCwe can buy good programs at the local storeDan antivirus is needed to protect the computer答案:D段落大意题。第二段主要谈的是为了保护计算机,需要安装反病毒的软件。故选D。7Before you visit the dating sites _Ayou should try to learn more about th

33、emByoud better have a talk with your friendsCyou can look through the web addressesDyou will collect as many sites as you can答案:A细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Do some good research”以及本段中的建议多做调查,向其他人了解,说明我们在访问一些网站的时候,需要多了解它们的情况。故选A。8The underlined word “shady” in Paragraph 3 means “_”Afunny BstrangeCunsafe Dsecret答案:C词义猜测题。根据下文中关键信息“you should steer clear away”可知,该词的意思是“不安全的”,即远离不安全网站。故选C。1consumer n 顾客;客户2afford vt 负担得起;买得起3regulation n 条例;规则;规章1refer to 提到;说起 2on the Internet 在网上3for free 免费地试题为word版 下载可打印编辑


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