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1、试题为word版 下载可打印编辑高考提能练 Modules 1第一部分听力(满分30分,限时20分钟)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1What are the speakers talking about?AThe mans weekend activities.BThe womans favorite sport.CThe city they live in.2What does the

2、 man do?AHes a businessman.BHes a doctor.CHes a student.3When did the speakers start talking?AAt 2:50. BAt 3:00. CAt 3:10.4What does the woman want to do?ABorrow money from the man.BGo to the bank.CStart up a business.5What is the mans research field?AEducation. BInsects. CFinance.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,

3、满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6What kind of job did the woman take after graduation?ATeaching. BMarketing. CVolunteering.7What does the woman think the man should do?ATake his job immediate

4、ly.BNot worry about the money.CMake a decision and stick to it.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8Where does the woman advise the man to apply for a job?AIn a newspaper office.BIn a travel agency.CIn a car factory.9What does the man ask the woman about the job?AThe pay.BThe experience.CThe working conditions.听第8段材料,回答

5、第10至12题。10Why didnt the man realize his childhood dream?AHis parents didnt support him.BHe was offered another good job.CHe lost interest in it later.11What did the woman want to be when she was a little girl?AA pilot. BA scientist. CA teacher.12What languages is the woman good at?AEnglish and Frenc

6、h.BEnglish and Italian.CFrench and Italian.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13Who is Jenny?AThe mans wife.BThe mans sister.CThe womans colleague.14How long has it been since the speakers graduation?AThree years.BTen years.CThirteen years.15What do we know about the man?AHe continued his studies after graduation.BHe

7、 once worked at a law firm.CHe is working in a trade company.16When will the speakers meet each other again?AThis Saturday.BThis Sunday.CNext Saturday.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17What is Bill Gates famous for according to the speaker?AHis family background.BHis position in society.CHis educational backgroun

8、d.18What did Bill Gates do in 1975?AHe went to Harvard University.BHe began to develop new software.CHe sold his inventions to MITS.19When did Bill Gates leave Microsoft?AIn 2000. BIn 2008.CIn 2014.20Which of the following is TRUE according to the talk?ABill Gates grew up in Washington.BBill Gates m

9、other worked as a lawyer.CIBM partnered with Microsoft for a short time.答案:15ACBCB610BCABA1115BCABC1620ABCBC听力材料(Text 1)W:What do you like to do during the weekend?M:I love cycling. On Saturday morning I usually ride around the city for two hours.(Text 2)W:What kind of college are you going to apply

10、 for?M:My father wants me to go into business but my mother wants me to go to medical school.(Text 3)M:How much time has passed since we started talking?W:Its been only 10 minutes.M:So right now it should be 3:10 pm.W:Correct.(Text 4)W:Where did you get the money to start your restaurant?M:I have be

11、en saving my money for years.W:Is there any other way to get money to start up a small business?M:Yes, you can borrow some from a bank.(Text 5)W:Did you want to become a scientist when you were young?M:No. I became interested in insects only after I entered university.W:Are you happy with the workin

12、g conditions in this university?M:Yes. It provides me excellent equipment and enough funding to do my work.(Text 6)M:What did you do after graduation?W:Id planned to be a teacher, but then I was offered a good job doing marketing, so I changed my mind.M:Sounds like youre happy with your decision.W:I

13、 am. I enjoy my job very much. By the way, have you not had any job offers yet?M:I had one, but I didnt like the job very much. Id also really wanted to attend graduate school, but I was afraid I couldnt pay that much money.W:I think you need to make a decision, stick to it and dont be afraid of dif

14、ficulties.(Text 7)W:Look, Jack! Heres a job that might interest you.M:Are you sure? The last job interview you sent me to was really a disaster.W:Well, look! Its a big company. You might get to travel.M:What kind of company is it, though?W:Um, lets see. Its a newspaper office. They say the pay is re

15、ally good. And oh, look! They give you a car to travel around. Thats not bad, is it?M:Do they say anything about needing to have experience of a journalist?W:No, they want someone young and energetic. Oh, yes, they want a university graduate, so thats OK. Youve been to university. The only thing is

16、that you have to travel, but then thats what the company car is for.M:Perhaps Ill have a closer look at it.(Text 8)W:John, when you were little, what did you dream youd grow up to be?M:Oh, I dreamed that Id be a pilot when I grew up.W:So what happened? Did you just lose interest in being a pilot?M:N

17、o. My parents said it was too dangerous, and they wanted me to find a safer job. How about you? What did you dream of becoming when you were a little girl?W:When I was a little girl, I dreamed of being a great scientist, but now, as you can see, Im just a common office clerk.M:So what are your dream

18、s now?W:Well, I really want to be a translator some day, so Im working hard to learn English.M:Youre so good at language learning. Your French and Italian are already fluent. Well, I hope you succeed in that dream some day!W:Thanks.(Text 9)W:Hi, Bob! I am so glad that you came.M:Of course Id come. I

19、 couldnt think of a better chance to see all my old friends.W:Its hard to believe that its been ten years since graduation.M:How time flies! How are things going with you?W:Its only recently that Ive been able to start settling down. How about you? Are you still with Jenny?M:Yeah, Jenny and I got ma

20、rried right after graduation. It was hard for the first three years I was supporting us both while she continued her studies but now things are getting better. I work as a manager in a trade company and shes working at a law firm. Its all started to come together and were finally able to make a life

21、 for ourselves.W:Oh, that sounds wonderful. I have always known you two would make it. I hope I can keep in better contact with you.M:Definitely! Actually, we just moved into a new place. Theres a housewarming party this Saturday, if you are free? I know Jenny would love to see you again and it shou

22、ld be a good party.W:Sounds great! I am free this weekend and Ill be there.(Text 10)Bill Gates, an American inventor, computer programmer and businessman, is reportedly worth nearly $80 billion, making him one of the wealthiest people in the country today. He founded and was head of Microsoft for ye

23、ars.Gates was born into a rich family in the state of Washington. His father was a lawyer; his mother was a banker. He is famous for being taken as the father of the modern computer. He studied at Harvard University but did not graduate because of his desire to develop new software.As a 13yearold st

24、udent, Gates was introduced to computer programming. In 1975, Gates spoke to a company called Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems (MITS). He convinced the owner of the company that he had written a program that would work well and make big money. The owner bought into Gates inventions, and t

25、he two men reached an agreement to develop software for the company. Then the Microsoft Company was born. Gates went on to develop the Windows operating system with then partner IBM. The two companies had differences though, and their partnership ended quickly. Gates worked as CEO until 2000. He rem

26、ained active with the company for several years before leaving the company in 2008. In 2014, Bill Gates became the technical advisor of the firm.第二部分阅读理解(满分40分,限时35分钟)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。ADear Editor,Please publish more articles about women scientists. Women scient

27、ists have made outstanding contributions to the world. These women make excellent role models. More young women may choose science as a profession if women read featured articles on female scientists like Marie Curie and Rachel Carson. Both women were encouraged to study science, and they both accom

28、plished great things.With her fathers encouragement, Marie Curie made the world a better place through her scientific accomplishments. She studied the emission (放射) of rays from uranium (铀), a feature she called “radioactivity (放射性)”. Later, Curie and her husband, also a scientist, processed the min

29、eral pitchblende before separating two radioactive elements (元素). With this discovery, Marie Curie earned her doctorate, and shortly thereafter, both she and her husband were awarded the 1903 Nobel Prize in physics. In 1911 Marie Curie won the Nobel Prize in chemistry for her work with the newly dis

30、covered elements; this work laid the foundation for Xrays and atomic physics.When Rachel Carson was young, her mother encouraged her to study nature. As an adult, she became known as the mother of the modern environmental movement. After studying marine biology and zoology in college, Carson worked

31、as a government scientist and wrote several books on how all living things relate to each other. In 1951 her book The Sea Around Us made scientific knowledge about the sea accessible to the general reader and remained on the bestseller list for eightysix weeks. In 1962 Carson wrote Silent Spring, a

32、book that helped lead to improvements in the use of chemical pesticides (农药)Humans have benefited greatly from the work of Marie Curie and Rachel Carson. What if these women had not been encouraged to become scientists? I believe that we need to encourage young women to enter the field of science. W

33、ith that goal in mind, I sincerely hope your magazine can publish more articles about the contributions that women make to science.Sincerely,Annie Bastien, Grade 7Capistrano Middle School语篇解读:本文是一篇应用文。作者在信中建议杂志编辑多刊登一些关于女性科学家的文章,以鼓励更多女性从事科学。21According to the text, Marie Curie _.Aachieved success wit

34、h her fathers helpBseparated two radioactive elements aloneCmade contributions to the study of XraysDwon the Nobel Prize twice with her husband解析:选C细节理解题。由第二段中的“this work laid the foundation for Xrays and atomic physics”可知,玛丽居里的工作为研究X射线和原子物理奠定了基础。22What can we learn about Rachel Carson?AShe was a ph

35、ysicist and chemist.BHer books had a great influence on the public.CShe was inspired by her father to become a scientist.DHer role as an environmentalist was rarely known by people.解析:选B细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的“her book The Sea Around Us made scientific knowledge about the sea . a book that helped lead to imp

36、rovements in the use of chemical pesticides(农药)”可知,雷切尔卡逊所著的两本书对大众都产生了很大的影响。23What can we infer about the author?AShe aims to become a scientist.BShe likes reading and writing stories.CShe has a great interest in women scientists.DShe wants to publish articles in the magazine.解析:选C推理判断题。由最后一段中的“I bel

37、ieve that we need to encourage young women to enter the field of science”可知,作者对女性科学家的故事很感兴趣。BEinstein was not only the outstanding scientist of the 20th century, but also a gifted and enthusiastic musician. He once said that had he not been a scientist, he would have been a musician. “Life without p

38、laying music is unthinkable for me,” he said. “I live my daydreams in music. I get most joy in life out of music.”Einsteins mother, Pauline, was a talented pianist who brought music to life in the family home. Einstein began to learn the violin at the age of 6. However, he worked hard until discover

39、ing the joys of Mozarts sonatas (奏鸣曲) at the age of 13. From that point on, although he had no further lessons, his violin remained his companion (伴侣)When Einstein moved to Aarau in Switzerland in 1895 to complete his schooling, he seemed to have devoted a good deal of his time to music. Just before

40、 his 17th birthday Einstein played at a music examination in the school. The examiner reported that “a student called Einstein shone in a deeply felt performance of one of the Beethoven sonatas”. In addition to his great skill in playing the violin, he also played the piano and, in particular, loved

41、 to improvise (即兴创作)In later life, Einsteins reputation as a physicist often led to invitations to perform at benefit concerts, which he generally accepted happily. At one such event, a critic not knowing Einsteins real reputation as a physicist wrote, “Einstein plays excellently. However, his world

42、wide reputation is undeserved. There are many violinists who are just as good.”Probably the summary of Einstein the violinist that comes nearest to the mark comes from his friend Janos Plesch, who wrote, “There are many musicians with much better skills, but none, I believe, who ever played with mor

43、e sincerity or deeper feeling.”语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了物理学家爱因斯坦对音乐的热爱与投入。24We learn from Paragraph 1 that Einstein _.Ahad a great love for musicBenjoyed daydreaming in musicChad stopped playing music for a whileDpreferred to be a musician rather than a scientist解析:选A推理判断题。由第一段中的“a gifted and enthusiast

44、ic musician”和爱因斯坦所说的话可知,爱因斯坦非常热爱音乐。25After discovering the joys of Mozarts sonatas, Einstein _.Abegan to create his own musicBspent a lot of time playing his violinCstarted learning the piano by himselfDmoved to Switzerland to learn the violin解析:选B细节理解题。由第二段中的“From that point on, although he had no

45、further lessons, his violin remained his companion(伴侣)”可知,爱因斯坦在13岁时发现莫扎特奏鸣曲的乐趣,从那时开始,小提琴一直陪伴他左右。26What can we infer from Paragraph 3?AEinstein did excellently in the examination.BEinsteins life in Aarau affected his musical taste.CEinsteins performance disappointed the examiner.DEinstein practiced t

46、he Beethoven sonatas for his birthday.解析:选A推理判断题。由第三段中的“The examiner reported thata student called Einstein shone in a deeply felt performance of one of the Beethoven sonatas”可知,考官对爱因斯坦在考试中的表现赞赏有加。27By mentioning the critics words, the author probably wants to show _.AEinstein didnt live up to his r

47、eputationBEinstein was also an outstanding violinistCEinstein played better than professional violinistsDEinstein wished there would be more benefit concerts解析:选B推理判断题。由倒数第二段中的“Einstein plays excellently. However, his worldwide reputation is undeserved. There are many violinists who are just as good.”可知,爱因斯坦是名出色的小提琴家。CWhen a golfer plays on any golf course, he or she expects the course has a lot of hazards (障碍区) like sands, woods, and ponds of water. There is one special golf course, th


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