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1、Chapter 4 Community,Section 1 Community Introduce,The character of Community,1.Species diversity(物种多样性),2.Dorminance (优势度),3.Integrity (整体性),6.Succession (演替性),5.Fuzziness (模糊性),4.Spatial and Temporal (时间与空间分布),Community classification,1.Major community(主要群落) and minor community(次要群落),2.Autotrophic

2、community(自养群落) and heterotrophic community(异养群落),Community denomination,1.According to dominant species,2.According to life form,3.According to environment,Community compose,1.Dominant species(优势种)and subordinate(从属种),2.key-stone species(关键种),3.Redundancy species(冗余种),Community structure,1.Physiogn

3、omy (物理结构或外貌结构),2.Vertical stratification (垂直结构),Therophytes (一年生植物),Infauna (底内生物),Community structure,3.Horizontal pattern(水平结构),4.Temporal pattern(时间结构),5.Trophic structure(营养结构),Mossicism (镶嵌性)and patchness (斑块性),Ecotone(群落交错区),Effect factors,1.Competition (竞争),2.Predation (捕食),3.Disturbance (干扰

4、),4.Spatial heterogenity (空间异质性),Intermediate disturbance hypothesis(中度干扰假说),Community gaps(群落断层),5.Equilibrium theory and no-Equilibrium theory (平衡学说与非平衡学说),Community succession,Definition,Classification,According to inducement(诱因),According to originate region(起源地),According to process (过程),Accord

5、ing to metabolism(代谢特征),The characters of Community succession,Directivity (演替的方向性),Speed (演替的速度),Effect (演替的效应),The process of Community succession,Bared land (裸地形成),Invade、reside and propagate(侵移、定居和繁殖),Environment change(环境变化),Competition (竞争),Equilibrium (平衡),Climax Community,Classification,The

6、climatic community(气候顶极群落),The edaphic climax community(土壤顶极群落),The zootic climatic community (动物顶极群落),The topographic climatic community (地形顶极群落),The climatic community,The theory of climatic community,Polyclimatic theory(多顶极学说),Monoclimatic theory(单顶极学说),Climax-pattern theory(顶极群落-格局学说),Community

7、succession model,Facilitation model(促进型模型),Inhibition model(抑制型模型),Tolerance model(忍耐型模型),Examples of Succession Case Study: Old-field Succession,The Piedmont is the physiographic region between the Appalachian mountains and the southeastern Coastal Plain (from NJ to GA). It has a rolling terrain an

8、d a long history of settlement and agriculture (many small farms unlike midwest). Following abandonment, agricultural land on Piedmont farms proceeds to an old-field stage and ultimately develops in to a hardwood forest. This process has been very well studied.,Section 2 Biodiversity,农学院农业生态学课程组,Bio

9、diversity (Species diversity),Biodiversity Species level: sp diversity Sp level: community diversity, ecosystem diversity,etc.,Definition of biodiversity,Community diversity,Species diversity,Ecosystem diversity,Landscape diversity,Genetic diversity,Measurement of species diversity,Index of Species

10、Diversity,Term (术语),Species Diversity,Two factors define species diversity: Species Richness (S): Number of species in the community. Species Evenness: Relative abundance of species.,Index for Species diversity - Shannon-Wiener Index,Shannon-Wiener Index =Shannon-Weaver diversity index (=Shannon div

11、ersity index), (H) s H = -pi logepi i=l H = Value of Shannon-Wiener diversity index. Pi = proportion of the ith species. Loge= natural logarithm of pi. S = number of species in the community.,Shannons diversity index,Hmax=?,Sp evenness/ Equitability index -from Shannon,A B Species 1 90 30 Species 2

12、5 25 Species 3 3 20 Species 4 1 15 Species 5 1 10 Total 100 100,EXAMPLE:,Species Diversity & Abundance - Log-normal species curve,Preston developed concept of : Distribution of commonness and rarity. Fisher lg-normal abundance class (fisher 对数级数),How to make Lognormal distribution?,Lognormal distrib

13、ution “Octave”: an abundance class (x), the no. of individual is 2x Prestons graphs: Log2 (sp abundance) against # sp,=octave,Rank-abundance Curves,3 models: Geometric model (niche preemption) Random niche model (Broken stick model) Lognormal model,Community diversity,Theory for community diversity

14、class,Community analysis,Community quantity characters,Presence (存在度),Community analysis methods,Coefficient analysis(相关分析),Cluster analysis(聚类分析)(自学),The relationship between Biodiversity and community function,Biodiversity and productivity,Productivity and richness,Factors:,Spatial level:species-a

15、rea theory(种-面积关系),Niche and Niche Metrics,Definition of niche,Niche Metrics,Homework,阅读生态位及其生态位测度的研究论文10篇,其中外文资料1篇,撰写读书报告1份。,3. Biodiversity is disappearing fast!,Habitat destruction and degradation (pollution) Forest (especially tropical forests) Wetland (river, lake, marsh, mudflat) Marine habita

16、t (coral reefs) Atmosphere (Acid rain, global warming, desertification),Source: Chapin III et al. 2000. Consequences of changing biodiversity. Nature 405: 234-242,Species loss,Many scientists suggest that we are now entering the 6th major species extinction. See “The Sixth Extinction” by Richard Lea

17、key!,Pinguinus impennis Great Auk Once common in the Northern hemisphere Became extinct 1844 See this web site for more information and picture http:/www.rom.on.ca/biodiversity/auk/,Raphus cucullatus, Dodo Family Raphidae (3 species) First found in 1600 on Mauritius Became extinct in 80 yrs See this

18、 web site for more information and picture http:/www.oum.ox.ac.uk/dodo.htm,Examples of human driven extinctions,Nature Reserve National Park Nature Park Forest Park Natural Heritage SSSIs Ramsar site,Nature Reserve Restricted Area Country Park Marine Park SSSIs Conservation area, green belt, coastal

19、 protection area, SSSIs etc.,Advantages and disadvantages,Habitat protection -protected areas,保育生物多樣性的方法,Protecting species,Local legislation e.g. Wild Animals Protection Ordinance, Forestry regulations b. International convention e.g. CITES; RAMSAR c. Red data list e.g. IUCN, China Red List,Advanta

20、ges and disadvantages,保育生物多樣性的方法,In-situ conservation Protected area Management needed,Ex-situ conservation Zoos, captive breeding Botanical garden, artificial propagation Gene bank, seed bank,Philautus romeri 盧氏小樹蛙 Romers Tree Frog,Species under imminent threats,保育生物多樣性的方法,Status assessment Ecologi

21、cal assessment In-situ and/or ex-situ conservation Habitat management/ enhancement Re-introduction,Local example, Conservation Plan for the Black-faced Spoonbill (Platalea minor 黑臉琵鷺) in Hong Kong,http:/www.afcd.gov.hk/conservation/con_e.htm,Species action plans,保育生物多樣性的方法,Giant Panda 大熊貓 Crested Ib

22、is 朱睘鳥 Tiger 老虎 Golden Monkey金絲猴 Tibetan Antelope 藏羚羊 Chinese Alligator 揚子鱷 Asiatic Elephant 亞洲象 Tibetan Gazelle 原羚 9. Gibbon 長臂猿 10. Musk Deer 麝 11. Deer 鹿 12. Crane 鶴 13. Pheasant 雉 14. Orchids 蘭花 15. Cycad 蘇鐵,The 15 wild animals and plants protection plans (Action plans):,National wild animal and

23、 plant protection and nature reserve development plans,Example: species action plan,The holistic approach!,Convention on Biological Diversity, Rio, 1992 Biodiversity status report National conservation strategy Biodiversity inventory (database); invasive species, bio-safety; cross-boundary trade,Sustainable development,http:/www.biodiv.org/,保育生物多樣性的方法,


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