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1、,大客户销售谋略,,Objective of Workshop,Understand Characteristics of Major Account Selling Strategies in Whole Lifecycle, thus to Shorten bid-to-win ratio Shorten selling cycles Minimize discounts and negotiated concessions Establish clear, unique business value with the customers Reduce selling costs thro

2、ugh more effective sales strategies Increase sales per employee - Develop expected relationship with the customers. Eg. Strategic Partnership etc.,Agenda,Day 1 How the Customer Make Decisions SPIN Question Strategy Account Entry Strategy Understand Your Customer & Their Business How to Make Your Cus

3、tomers Need You Day 2 Influence the customers choice Differentiation & Vulnerability Overcoming Final Fears Sales Negotiation How to Ensure Continued Success,客户是如何做决策的,How Customer Make Decisions,The Research Base The Customer Decision Process Account Strategy in the Recognition of Needs Phase Accou

4、nt Strategy in the Evaluation of Options Phase Account Strategy in the Resolution of Concerns Phase Account Strategy in the Implementation Phase Summary,Overview of Major Account Sales Strategy,Sales Strategy should be about customers and how to influence them. Understanding and Well Prepared are ma

5、ndatory to form a effective sales strategy Customer Behavior goes through three distinct phases in making a major purchasing decisions Recognition of Needs Evaluation of Options Resolution of Concerns A fourth phase, follow-up in implementation phases, if it is well handled, can generate significant

6、 additional sales opportunities. Each of four phases required a different set of strategies and skills.,What is Sales Strategy & What is Major Account,Sales Strategy A way of thinking and directing your actions to effectively influence customer purchasing decisions. Focus on Understanding Customer B

7、ehavior Not Procedure or technique Major Accounts 20/80 rules New Customers Potential Customers,Exercise: A Typical ERP Deal Lifecycles,What is typical ERP Deal Selling Cycles Customer Decision Process Who is Major Account of ERP S/W Traditional Mfg Others,Customer Decision Process Research Base,Nei

8、l Rackham Huthwaite 35,000 sales calls in 27 countries 10,000 sales SPIN (Situation, Problem, Implication, Need Pay-off),A Typical Purchase Decision,New Purchase Request Of Procurement Department What A Procurement Manager Say: Problem, Dissatisfaction, can not solve with existing equipment or suppl

9、ies Spec.; Objective; Must carefully resolve all concern.,Exercise 1. Procurement Process,Read Appendix A: Procurement Process Do you know it before, and how you know which phase you are in while you bid, and your strategies on each phase. 10 minutes,Account Strategy in the Recognition of Needs Phas

10、e,The Most Effective Selling Strategy During the Phase: To uncover dissatisfaction in the account and to develop that dissatisfaction until it reaches the critical mass. When dissatisfaction reaches a sufficient level of intensity or urgency, the account makes a decision to change. Success sales ask

11、s a lot of questions during sales calls than do their less successful colleagues Questioning Skills (SPIN),Account Strategy in the Evaluation of Options Phase,The Most Effective Selling Strategy During the Phase: To Centralize On Understanding, Influencing, and Responding to Customer Decision Criter

12、ia. Differentiate your solution with your competitors is one of your effective selling strategy. Common Faults during the period is failure to recognize that a shift has taken place in customer concerns. Not try to uncover customer guideline, or criteria, for making the decision.,Account Strategy in

13、 the Resolution of Concerns Phase,The Most Effective Sales Strategy During the Phase To uncover and help resolve perceived risk Last minutes fears and concerns arises that can block the decision or cause customers to re-open discussions with competitors. A successful sales normally works to uncover

14、and resolve issues that are troubling the customer, even if these issues are uncomfortable and difficult to discuss. Negotiation is key selling tool of the phase.,Account Strategy in the Implementation Phase,Most Effective Strategy of the Phase Follow-up after post implementation leads to continued

15、success. Very Few major sales stop when the customer signs the contract. How to build up long term relationship with the customers? Think About How to Build Up Strategic Relationship with the Customer?,Customer Decision Phases,强大的销售工具 提问策略,准备,SPIN Questioning,Situation Questions Questions that gathe

16、r data and background facts. E.g: How many people do you employ? Whats your present ERP system? Problem Questions Questions that uncover problems, difficulties and dissatisfactions. E.g: Are you happy with existing ERP system? Does the existing ERP system has reliability problems.? Implication Quest

17、ions Questions that explore the consequences or implications of customers problem E.g. Does this problem leads to increased costs As a result of the problem, do we get more down time. Need-payoff Questions Questions that explore the value or usefulness of solving a problem Eg. Why is it so important

18、 to you.? Would it be useful if ?,Implied Needs, Explicit Needs, Benefit, Advantage, Features,Implied Needs Statement by the customers about problems, difficulties or dissatisfactions with the existing situation. Eg. I always get behind schedule. We have been lost a lot of money in this area. Explic

19、it Needs Statements of a customers wants or intentions. Eg. What I need is I want some to Benefits Statements which show how a product, a product feature or advantage meet explicit need which has been stated by the customer. Eg. You have said you need fast turnaround, we can give it to you by the en

20、d of the month Advantage Statement showing how a product, product feature can be used or help the customer. Most advantages can be expressed in the form : because of feature, you can ” Eg. Because of our ERP product finance module, you can get . Our new model can save additional 8% material cost. Fe

21、atures Characteristics of a product or services Eg. This unit cost $400. This is a closed loop feedback system.,SPIN Form,Situation Question,Problem Question,Implied Needs,Explicit Needs,Implication Question,Need-Payoff Question,Benefits,Advantage,Feature,Normal Sales Call Planning Form,Situation: T

22、he background information I need before probing for the problem: - -,Problems The difficulties the customer has that I could solve. - - - - - -,Implications “Knock on” effects for each problem stated - - - - - -,PayOf The Value to the customer of solving these problems. -,SPIN Questioning Strategy,S

23、ituation Question,Problem Question,Implication Question,Need Pay Off Question,Achieve fact finding objectives Have low selling impact Useful at focus of receptivity Achieve uncovering dissatisfaction objectives Have moderate selling impact Useful at focus of dissatisfaction Achieve Objective s of de

24、veloping and channel satisfaction Have high selling impact Useful at focus of dissatisfaction and focus of power Achieve objectives of rehearsing and selectively channeling customer attention Have high selling impact Useful at focus of dissatisfaction and focus of power,强大的销售工具 理解你的客户,准备,Account Fun

25、damental,Ownership Location Corporation Actions Financial Performance Future Prospects Timing Organization Top management cadre,Understanding Your Customers : Organisation Structure & Dynamics,Objectives,Purpose Provide a framework for better understanding of the clients organisation and how they ma

26、ke decisions Output Organisation Map & People Profiles Benefits Improve your view into the clients organisation for improved relationship management Develop relationships with the right people who can provide insight and direction,Key Components of Understanding Customers Organisation,Macro Formal S

27、tructure Political Structure Inner Circle Influence Networks,Micro Coverage Status Decision Orientation Innovation / Change,Maslows Hierarchy of Needs,Character Profile,Maslow,Adaptability,Decision Orientation,Levels of Contact,Your Position,Chen Yuan CEO,#,%,B,V,E,Maslows Hierarchy of Needs,Physiol

28、ogical,Safety,Belonging,Esteem,Self-Actualisation,SA : Self Actualisation E : Esteem B : Belonging S : Safety P : Physiological,Mapping Needs,SA : Self Actualisation E : Esteem B : Belonging,Adaptability to Change - Technology Adoption Lifecycle,Innovators,Visionaries,Pragmatists,Conservatives,Lagga

29、rds,Adaptability to Change,Mapping Adaptability to Change,I : Innovator V : Visionary P : Pragmatist C : Conservative L : Laggard,C,Decision Orientation,“On what factors does our client base their decision on ?”,Financial $,Technical T,Relationship R,Business B,Mapping Decision Orientation,B : Busin

30、ess R : Relationship F : Financial T : Technical,Level of Contact,No Contact !,Brief Contact %,Multiple Contacts *,In-Depth ,“How often do we meet with our client ?”,Mapping Contact Coverage,! : No Contact % : Brief Contact * : Multiple Coverage : In-Depth,*,%,Your Position,Enemy X,Non- Supporter ,N

31、eutral #,Supporter ,“Where are we with the client ?”,Mentor M,Mapping Our Position,X : Enemy : Supporter M: Mentor,#,#,X,M,#,#,M,M,%,Position in Organisation & Influence,Inner Circle,Political Structure,Influence Structure,Physical Structure,Position,Influence,Mapping The Informal Structure,#,#,X,M,

32、#,#,M,M,You,%,Inner Circle and Political Structure,Inner Circle,Political Structure,Business Value,Define the organisations business objectives and strategy,Responsible for executing the objectives and strategy,Philosophy,Defined organisations culture based on their philosophy and values,Understand

33、and assimilate into the organisations culture View policy and procedures as a guideline,Recognised as consistently successful in the past and sought out by others for advice,Recent successful performance instils confidence in their ability to handle new, highly visible projects,Partners,Centre of th

34、e organisations informal communications network,End nodes of the informal communication network collection and providing information to the inner circle,Track Record,Trust & Influence Networks,You,X,M,#,#,M,M,%,Exercise III : Mapping The Organisation Take 20 minutes to analyse your customer.,Mapping

35、 Your Clients,Step 1 : Define the formal Organisation Structure For each individual : Step 2 : Identify their needs level Step 3 : Identify their adaptability to change Step 4 : Identify their Decision Orientation Step 5 : Identify your level of contact Step 6 : Identify your position Step 7 : Prese

36、nt your map to your account team,强大的销售工具 了解你的客户的业务,准备,Objectives To build an overview awareness of customers business activities To know how to track customer information To know where to find customer information To know how to use frameworks to keep track of customers business,Understanding Your C

37、ustomers Business,Understanding Your Customers Business,Collect & Monitor Information from HP Sales Track local news and media Track your customers competition Keep a diary of events Read Customers Annual Business Report / Financial Statements Go to : ,Understanding Your Customers Business,Business

38、Performance Factors : Political, Economical, Social, Technical Customer Business Structure Map : Systems, Style, Staff, Strategy, Skills, Staff and Shared Vision 7s Model,Summary Understand how to track customers business information Use PEST & 7S model Know where to get customer information,Underst

39、anding Your Customers Business,进入客户策略 追根溯源,投标前阶段,Account Entry Strategy: Getting to Where It comes,The Purchase Channel Where is the Decision Maker Entry Strategy The Three Focus Points of an Entry Strategy The Focus of Receptivity The Danger of Receptivity Moving From Receptivity to Dissatisfaction

40、 Identifying the Focus of Dissatisfaction Influencing the Focus of Dissatisfaction Moving to the Focus of Power Selling at the Focus of Power When the Focus of Power Changes Developing Entry Strategies,The Purchasing Channel,Routine Account Penetration Channel Sales - Gate Keeper - Influencer - Deci

41、sion Maker Hardest way to allocate purchase channel for a new innovative products and services in Selling Cycles E.G. Mfg. Barcode Printing Outsourcing Solution Success sales normally find a focus (sponsor) within account helping him move towards a point from which they should begin developing needs

42、. 3 focus model for successful people to find sponsors The focus on receptivity The focus on dissatisfaction The focus on power,Where is decision maker,Exercise Who is the decision maker for ERP project bid. CEO CFO CTO or others. What is your passing experience to connect to decision maker?,Entry S

43、trategies,Successful people tended to seek a sponsor Sponsor An Individual within the account who helped them, advised them, and if necessary, represented them in place where they could not gain access Not only individual, But more a particular function or area of an account as sponsor. Focus Focus

44、A “ Focus” Within Account a person, a committee or a department who would help them move toward a point from which they could begin developing needs,The Three Focus Points of An Entry Strategy (I),Sales People normally could find sponsors from 3 focus points: The focus of receptivity: the point in a

45、n account where there were receptive people who were prepared to listen sympathetically The focus of dissatisfaction: the point in an account where there were people unhappy with the present system or supplier. The focus of power: the elusive point in an account where there were people able to make

46、decision. Especially for account, no purchasing channel existed.,Entry Strategy Model,Focus of Receptivity,Focus of Dissatisfaction,Focus of Power,Leads you to,Leads you to,The Individual, functional area or location most likely to Listen receptively Provide you with information,The Individual, func

47、tional area or location most likely to Perceive problems and dissatisfaction in an area where you can help.,The Individual, functional area or location most likely to Approve action Prevent action Influence action,The Focus of Receptivity,Easiest starting point for your account penetration The reason why they want to listen Objective of sales to focus on receptivity Find out information Gain access to focus of dissatisfaction,Danger of Focus of Receptivity,Do not misinterpreted the interest as


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