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1、Bribery and Business Ethics,Unit 6 Section A,AIR FORCE UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING AND RESEARCH PRESS,I. Structure Analysis,Text StudyStructure Analysis,Listing + Examples,Text,Part I (Paras. 14),Part II (Paras. 58),Part III (Paras. 911),viewpoint :,Part I . Bribery a common

2、occurrence in many countries (Paras.14),Text StudyUnderstanding,example1:,example 2:,conclusion:,bribery, on the increase, a way of life,negotiation with government official,British car manufacturer,bribery, a fact of commercial life,Text StudyUnderstanding,In this part, a writing technique is emplo

3、yed here:,Part II . Three categories of bribery (Paras.58),Listing + Examples,Part II,Category 1,Category 2,Category 3,Example 1,Example 2,Example 3,Text StudyUnderstanding,The 1st category: for _ , to _.,political purposes,secure major contracts,One US corporation offered a large sum of money in su

4、pport of a US presidential candidate,Example:,Text StudyUnderstanding,The 2nd category: to _, to _ _.,obtain quicker official approval,speed up the wheel,a sales manager who had been trying for some months to sell road machinery to the Minister of Works,Example:,of government,Text StudyUnderstanding

5、,The 3rd category: to pay people to help with the _ of a business deal.,passage,Some Middle East countries would be included on this list, as well as certain Asian countries.,Example:,Text StudyUnderstanding,1. Who is making efforts to prohibit bribery?,2. How to prohibit bribery?,3. What is the pro

6、spect?,Part III . Efforts to prohibit bribery and its prospect (Paras.911),ICC.,Set up a code of conduct that would ban giving and seeking of bribes.,Opinions differ among members of the ICC.,It is difficult to square business interests with moral conscience.,汉英互译,短语活用,句式应用,随 笔,English Equivalents o

7、f Chinese,汉英互译,短语活用,句式应用,随 笔,Creative Application of Typical Expressions,on the increase,in private,to throw out,to hit upon/on,to square with ,1. you will find, and you are also likely to avoid “procedural delays”, as he puts it. 2. The first category consists of substantial payments made for polit

8、ical purposes or to secure major contracts. 3. One US corporation when the company was under investigation for 4. A witness claimed that a “negotiator” who helped close a deal for,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,1. put state or express sth. in a particular way 2. secure obtain or achieve sth. es

9、pecially using a lot of effort 3. under in the process of 4. deal transaction,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,1. 简单地说,学英语贵在坚持。 2. 汤姆流利的英语帮他获得了这份工作。 3. 他感到他仍然受到怀疑。 4. 我们一言为定。,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,1. To put it simply, to learn English well, the most important thing is to persist. 2.

10、 Toms fluent English helped him secure the job. 3. He felt he was still under suspicion. 4. Lets make it a deal.,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,II. Focus Study,Notes to the TextFocus Study,1. Suppose that during a negotiation with some government officials, the Minister of Trade.,Practice,suppo

11、se (that) = what would/will happen if,假如你发现了你自己的同事受贿,你会不会 无动于衷呢?,假如你吸烟吸得很厉害并想戒掉这个习惯,你 从哪里可以得到帮助呢?,Suppose you found out that your colleague takes bribes, would you just ignore it?,Suppose you are a very heavy smoker and are anxious to break the habit, where could you get help?,Notes to the TextFocus

12、 Study,Notes to the TextFocus Study,2. It is easy to talk about having high moral standards but, in practice, what would one really do in such a situation?,it is + adj. + to do / that clause,Practice,Can you find out more examples in the text?,It is difficult to resist the impression that Is it poss

13、ible to devise a code of rules,了解不同的文化和生活方式是很有趣的。,她拒绝和你说话真是令人吃惊。,It is interesting to see different cultures and ways of life.,It is really astonishing that she refuses to talk to you.,Notes to the TextFocus Study,The sales manager, who was quick-witted, replied, “my company”.,quick-witted = adj. +

14、n. ed 是复合形容词,Practice,Notes to the TextFocus Study,More examples: cold-blooded; hot-tempered; open-minded; red-eyed.,他是个热心人,总是给朋友提供帮助。,他证明自己是一位机智聪明的谈判者。,He is a warm-hearted person and always offers help to his friends.,He proved himself a quick-witted negotiator.,Notes to the TextFocus Study,Old to

15、 New,Chinese to English,Word Using,I. Word Using,1. bribery n. the acting of giving or taking bribes,He was jailed on charges of bribery.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,Numerous officials get involved in the bribery scandal.,许多官员与这桩受贿丑闻有牵连。,2. ethics n. (pl.) moral rules or principles 道德 (sing.) sc

16、ience that deals with moral 伦理学,Medical ethics _ (dont/doesnt) permit the doctor to do that.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,Ethics _(are/is) a branch of philosophy.,3. on the increase increasing,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,Crime is on the increase.,据统计,中国上半年的GDP 持增长势头。,It is estimated that Chin

17、as GDP is on the increase in the first half year.,4. substantial adj. large enough to be satisfactory,Reform and opening up have yielded substantial results.,改革开放取得了丰硕成果。,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,5. stand by 1) to remain loyal to, esp. in a difficult situation; 2) to remain faithful to a prom

18、ise, agreement; 3) to remain inactive when action is needed.,His parents stood by him during his years in prison. I stand by what I said earlier. How can you stand by and do nothing when she needs help?,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,这份报告控告政府的失职。,The report accused the government of shirking its re

19、sponsibilities.,6. accuse sb. of sth. to charge sb. with doing wrong or breaking the law,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,He was accused of murder.,7. hit upon to think of an idea unexpectedly,我们终于找到了解决方法。,We finally hit upon a solution.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,She hit upon the perfect title

20、for her new novel.,8. amount to to be equal in quantity or in meaning,What does his reply mean?,His reply amounts to a refusal/approval,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,Our debts amount to over $1000.,9. behave oneself to act in a way that people think is correct or proper,He is now 20, its time that

21、 he started behaving himself. 我希望孩子们规矩点。,他现在二十岁了,该是规矩行事的时候了。 I hope the children behave themselves.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,10. square with to make two ideas, facts agree with each other; to agree or to be consistent with another idea, fact,His statement doesnt square with the facts.,Words a

22、nd ExpressionsWord Using,They have tried to persuade me to join them, but I cant square it with my conscience.,他们极力劝说我和他们一起干,但是我没办 法违背自己的良心。,pay money secretly make sth. move quickly doubtful cant get out of carry out be made up of,pay up in private speed up questionable be caught in enforce consist

23、 of,II. Old to New,Words and ExpressionsOld to New,III. Chinese to English,帐户 否认指控 撤销 某种形式 赞同,支持 一大笔钱,bank account reject charges withdraw one kind or another in support of / favor a large sum of money,Words and ExpressionsC to E,资助 完成交易 禁止 区分 贪赃枉法,finance close a deal ban distinguish between and on

24、 the take,Words and ExpressionsC to E,To Section B,The End of Section A,短语 crop up:,注释 appear or happen, esp. when it is not expected (问题等)突然发生,突然出现,如果某些批评不断出现,你就必须决定是纠正这些问题,还是尝试一些新的东西。,If certain criticisms have cropped up consistently, you must decide either to correct these problems or to try som

25、ething new.,For more,短语 crop up:,一个需要引起立即注意的重要问题突然发生了。,A major problem had just cropped up which demanded immediate attention.,短语 act out:,注释 perform the actions and speech of a situation or story 表演,act as 担任;充当 act on / against 根据 / 不按行动,当玛丽绘声绘色地描述那件事时,我们哄然大笑起来。,For more,短语 act out:,We roared when

26、 Mary acted out the episode.,They acted out the robbery in full so that when it came to describing it to the police, they would be able to describe it in perfect detail.,他们把这次抢劫案从头到尾演了一遍,这样向警察叙述时就能叙述得详细。,短语 nothing more () than:,注释 only that thing, and nothing more (interesting / important, etc.) 只不

27、过,仅仅是,这非常有趣,可是恐怕这只不过是一场表演而已。,For more,This is very interesting, but Im afraid that it is nothing more than a performance.,短语 nothing more () than:,The newly discovered notes are nothing more than Jacks personal journal.,新发现的笔记只不过是杰克的个人日记。,短语 up to scratch:,注释 good enough for a particular standard 达标

28、,合格,足够好,要使场馆达到标准还要做很多工作。,For more,Much work was needed to bring the venues up to scratch.,短语 up to scratch:,The couple said that the three-bedroom flat simply was not up to scratch for their needs.,这对夫妇说这套三居室的套房根本没有达到他们的要求。,短语 be on the wrong end of:,注释 suffer the bad effects of (sth.) 承担的不利后果,吉布森凯迪

29、遭到了痛斥,可是他压根儿不知道这是怎么发生的。,For more,Gibson Keddie finds himself on the wrong end of a tongue lashing, but he knows nothing about how it happens.,短语 be on the wrong end of:,Were on the wrong end of change this year.,我们今年正面临着于我们不利的变革。,短语 law and order:,注释 a situation in which people obey the law and beha

30、ve in a peaceful way 法律和秩序,fork and knife 刀叉 time and tide 岁月 horse and carriage 马车 wit and humor 机智和幽默 war and peace 战争与和平 bread and butter 奶油面包 a cup and saucer 茶杯碟子,For more,短语 law and order:,Every time he has used force in the past in an effort to portray himself as defender of both law and orde

31、r.,过去他每次都使用武力,力图把自己描绘成是法律和秩序的捍卫者。,暴乱过后,军队被调来重建法律和秩序。,After the riots, the military was brought in to restore law and order.,短语 throw up:,注释 produce sb. or sth., or cause them to become noticeable; make or build very quickly 产生,使突出,匆匆建造,throw down 丢掉;打倒 throw out 抛弃;扔掉;发射出 throw over 放弃;转换,For more,建

32、筑工人为地震灾民建造了一些临时棚屋。,短语 throw up:,The builders threw up some temporary huts for the victims of the earthquake.,他们匆匆地筑起了土墙,在顶上盖些毯子,给这些无家可归者提供住处。,They hurriedly threw up earthen walls, stretching blankets over the top to shelter these homeless people.,搭配 on sick leave:,注释 being away from work or study f

33、or illness 休病假,他在英国休病假时参观了许多著名大学,如牛津和剑桥。,For more,While in England on sick leave he visited many famous universities such as Oxford and Cambridge.,搭配 on sick leave:,You will be paid while you are on sick leave but obviously there are limits to this.,休病假时你是有工资收入的,但是很明显,这是有限制的。,短语 lose count of:,注释 fo

34、rget the total of sth. before you have finished counting it 数不清,不清楚的确切数目,他这种无聊话,我们不知听了有多少次。,For more,Weve lost count of the times hes bored us with his nonsensical talk.,短语 lose count of:,我已记不清我们看了多少这样的深夜电影,也记不清我们在一起迎来了有多少个这样的黎明。,Ive lost count of the number of late-night movies weve watched in this

35、 way or the number of dawns weve seen together.,短语 come up to:,注释 move towards sb., in order to talk to them 走近,靠近,课结束时,你如果有问题可以来问我,我会尽力帮助你的。,For more,At the end of the lesson you can come up to me with your questions if you have any and I shall try to help you.,短语 come up to:,他没有直接向书桌那儿走去,而是向我点了点头,开始看那些花了。,He doesnt come up to the desk straightaway, but gives me a nod and starts looking at the flowers.,


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