外研版初中英语九年级下册Module 5 《Unit 2 You mustnt move》课件.ppt

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《外研版初中英语九年级下册Module 5 《Unit 2 You mustnt move》课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版初中英语九年级下册Module 5 《Unit 2 You mustnt move》课件.ppt(46页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、外研新标准 初三下,Module 5,Rules and suggestions,Unit 2 You mustnt move.,Review,Words and expressions,单词回顾,学生早读时已预习过本单元单 词,可利用几分钟时间带学生快速回顾温习。对单词的熟练度越高,阅读的速率也越高。,Read the words and expressions loudly.,Words and expressions,fall asleep valley peaceful site gesture stick,入睡 n. 山谷 adj. 安静的;平静的 n. 场所 n. 示意动作;手势

2、n. 枝条;枯枝,reach out still woods hillside sudden blood,伸手去摸 adj. 静止的;不动的 n. 树林 n. 小山坡 adj. 突然的 n. 血,Do you know Yellowstone Park?,Yellowstone park is the first national park in the world. Its located in the United States. Yellowstone national park was established on March 1, 1872. It is known for its

3、wildlife and its many geothermal(地热的) features.,Yellowstone river 黄石河,Yellowstone lake 黄石湖,Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone 黄石大峡谷,Grand Prismatic Spring 大棱镜,Old Faithful Geyser 老忠实间歇泉,typical animals,grizzly bear 灰熊,black bear 黑熊,elk 麋鹿,bison 野牛,grey wolf 灰狼,1. What do you think the bear is doing? Th

4、e bear is around the tent to look for something to eat that the people put there. 2. What do you think the people in the tent should do? The people must stay in the tent till the bear goes far. And dont make any noise.,Look at the picture. Answer the questions.,Warming up,1. To get information from

5、the reading material about the event 2. To learn some survival skills-what you should do if there are bears near: hang food in a tree; keep the camp site clean; pick up your rubbish;make a lot of noise; if you see a bear, dont run,Objectives:,Words: valley, peaceful, gesture, stick, still, sudden, s

6、tone, touch,Phrases: fall asleep, reach out, look out of, pick up, go cold, turn around,Patterns: We soon fell asleep. We should hang the food in a tree tonight. They can smell food from a distance. You mustnt move or make any gesture.,Focus on,Skimming for general idea,Look at the title, read the p

7、assage quickly, the authors intension is that you should _ when you are in a valley.,watch out,Scanning for specific information,1. What were the three people doing in Yellowstone Park? Walking and camping. 2. How much do they know about bears? They know bears can climb trees and they know that bear

8、s can smell food from a distance. They also know that if they see a bear, they mustnt move or make any gesture and mustnt run.,Read the passage and answer the questions.,3. Where do you think is the best place to keep food safe from bears? High off the ground. 4. What was the noise behind the writer

9、? A mother bear. 5. Do you think their stay in the park was a success? I dont think their stay in the park was a success. Its very dangerous.,1. When they went to sleep on the first night, they left the food _. a) in a tree b) on the ground c) in the tent d) by a steam,Read the passage again and cho

10、ose the best answer.,2. They put the food in the tree to _. a) keep it away from the rubbish b) make it easier to open the bag c) stop the bears from smelling it d) stop the bears from seeing it,3. You should make lots of noise because bears _. a) can run faster than people b) may be afraid of peopl

11、e c) may not know where people are d) shouldnt come too close to humans,4. The writer tried to go to sleep, but _. a) was worried about the bears b) wasnt tried c) wanted to see the bears d) there was too much noise,5. The writers blood went cold because he _. a) thought the mother bear was coming b

12、ack b) was afraid of noise c) liked bears d) felt ill after running so fast,Write notes about the things you must do if there are bears near.,1. hang food in a tree. 2. keep the camp site clean 3. pick up your rubbish 4. make a lot of noise 5. if you see a bear, dont move or make any gesture, and do

13、nt run.,Writing,where it is why many tourists and visitors go there what dangerous there are how we can protect ourselves what we should do to look after the place,Think of an area of countryside near you. Make notes about:,You can use reference books or the Internet to help you., Say where it is.,L

14、ushan National Geological Park is in Jiangxi Province.,Write a passage called: Look after the countryside-and yourself, Say why many tourists and visitors go there.,People visit it to see the mountains, valleys, streams, pools and waterfalls., Say how we can protect ourselves., Say what we should do

15、 to look after the park.,We should allow only 1,000 people to visit it each week.,We mustnt walk into the grass., Say if there are any dangers from wildlife.,The fish and birds which live there are not dangerous but there are some snakes.,The sample passage,Lushan National Geological Park is in Jian

16、gxi Province. Every year, many tourists come to visit it. Because people visit it to see the mountains, valleys, streams, pools and waterfalls. As we enjoy the park, we must be careful of some dangers from wildlife.,The fish and birds which live there are not dangerous but there are some snakes. The

17、n how can we protect ourselves? We mustnt walk into the grass. At the same time, we should do something to look after the park. I think we should allow only 1000 people to visit it each week.,hang the food in a tree move on by a stream tidy up make a gesture above all play with sticks,把食物挂在树上 继续移动 在

18、小溪旁边 收拾;整理 摆手势 首先 玩枝条,Sum up,Now 2 mins to test your spelling.,Spelling Bee,1. English-Chinese still hillside site 2. Chinese-English 示意动作;手势 枝条;枯枝 血 安静的;平静的 伸手去摸 突然的 把打扫干净 每次,When finished, exchange your papers to see who does the best.,QUIZ,注: word 文档 点击此处链接,. 根据句意及汉语提示写单词。 1. Before they can talk

19、, babies use _ (手势) to communicate. 2. Then they began to walk out of the _ (山谷). 3. “Cant you sit _ (不动的), Peter,” the woman said to the boy. 4. Now lets find some _ (枝条) to make a fire. 5. Over the past 20 years, Guo Mingyi has donated 60,000 ml of _ (血).,gestures,valley,still,sticks,blood,. 用括号内所

20、给单词的正确形式填空。 1. There was a _ (suddenly) storm, and we all got wet. 2. The sea is so _ (peace) after a strong storm. 3. Our English teacher is very _ (friend) to us. 4. We arrived at Shanghai after _ (stand) for six hours on the train. 5. When Mum came in, I was lying in bed _ (cry).,sudden,peaceful,

21、friendly,standing,crying,. 用适当的介词填空。 1. We usually have a simple meal _ midday. 2. Would you have dinner with me _ Friday evening? 3. Koalas spend nearly all of their time living _ trees. 4. She sat there _ the same position, not knowing what to do. 5. Take the knife _ Alan, or he may hurt himself w

22、ith it.,at,on,in,in,from,. 从方框里选择恰当的短语,并用其正确形式填空(每条短语只能用一次)。 reach out pick up watch out, tidy up look out of 1. When I _ the tent, I saw a bright star in the sky. 2. _! That car nearly hit you.,looked out of,Watch out,3. What a mess! _ your room right now, Jeff. 4. I _ the rubbish and threw it into

23、 the waste bin. 5. The monkey _ a hand through the bars (栅栏) and took the bananas.,Tidy up,picked up,reached out,. 根据汉语意思完成下列句子(每空一词)。 1. 有时,猫喜欢跟它抓住的小动物玩耍。 Sometimes, a cat likes to _ _ a small animal it has caught. 2. 他不时转身,好像在找什么人似的。 He _ _ from time to time as if looking for someone. 3. 三更半夜给别人打电

24、话是不礼貌的。 Its impolite to call others _ _ _ _ _ _.,play with,turned around,in the,middle of the night,4. 这些舞蹈演员每天都要早起练功,很辛苦的。 Its very hard for the dancers to _ _ early in the morning and practise their skills. 5. 他跳得不够高,没能得奖。 He didnt jump _ _ to win a prize. 6. 现在大多数人都已经入睡了。 Now most people have alr

25、eady _ _.,get up,high enough,fallen,asleep,7. 参观了大英博物馆后,我们继续往前走吧。 After we have visited the British Museum, lets _ _. 8. 飞机整天在房子上空飞过,噪音很大。 Planes fly over the house all day, _ a lot of _.,move on,making noise,. 根据给出的关键词复述课文内容。 tired fell asleep strange noise nothing make breakfast hang the food vall

26、ey sound of water pick up the rubbish camp site make lots of nosie mustnt move mustnt run went for a walk in the forest friendly a loud noise ran past me turned around went cold,Homework,Finish your passage: Look after the country- and yourself. 2. Retell the story Watch out! Bears about!,1. Preview the use of modal verbs. 2. Preview the new vocabulary of next unit.,Preview,Thank you!,


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