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1、首钢融创西北旺项目推广概念提报 Financial record Xibei Wang Shougang submit the project to promote the concept of,打造北京西部首席豪宅品牌 提升首钢融创市场品牌价值 Western part of Beijings chief luxury brand building to enhance the brand value Shougang financial hit the market,第一部分、策略我们对于项目的认识 First part of the strategy - our understandin

2、g of the project 第二部分、销售我们对于销售的建议 The second part of the sales - we sell recommendations 第三部分、品牌如何提升首钢融创品牌 The third part of the brand - how to upgrade the Shougang melt brand 第四部分、团队我们的团队提供的服务 Part IV, the team - our team the services provided by,第一部分、策略我们对于项目的认识 First part of the strategy - our un

3、derstanding of the project,西区豪宅原则: The principles of Western luxury 低调的张扬、平和的霸气、优雅的俯视 Display of low-key, calm domineering, elegant look down,均质论 Homogenization theory,产品,环境,均质论,决定了项目推广的切入角度。 Homogenization theory, decided to cut into the angle of the project promotion.,People,Products,Environment,H

4、omogeneous symbiotic,环境:西山御景。 Environment: Xishan Scenic. 三山五园皇家风景区,龙脉之地,西山之龙嘴之像。面向山水,百望山和京密引水渠。身处园抱,有代征公园紧邻,有植物园苗圃一墙之隔,区域从来就是豪宅聚集之地。西山二字足以标定价值,皇脉根植更是源远流长。 3 5 Park Royal Mountain Scenic Area, DragonVenture land, the Western Hills of the mouth of the dragon like. For the landscape, 100 Hope Hill and

5、 Jingmi diversion canal. Live garden hold, there is levied by the park adjacent to that wall separates the Botanic Gardens nursery, the regional has always been a gathering place for luxury. Xishan word enough to calibration values, it is a long history deeply rooted imperial veins.,产品:大院文化。 Product

6、: compound culture. “大院”毫无置疑是产品最突出之处。不只是它有精神上的依托,源于西区独特的大院人文,而更重要的是在产品上形成连接。在规划中,以钓鱼台为主线索形成的院落式组团,每一个建筑拥有独立入户小院,大院成为产品的璀璨亮点。 “Compound“ There is no doubt that is the product of the most prominent of the Department. Not only it has the spiritual backing, a unique compound derived from Western culture

7、, but more important is the formation of connections in the product. In the plan, the main clues to the formation of the Diaoyutai courtyard-style organizing groups, each one building to form independent households of small homes, the product compound as bright highlights.,人:权贵人文 Person: bigwigs Hum

8、anities 毫无疑问,我们的客群:大权在握的政要,西边客群的顶峰。那些院内的人掌控者院外的世界,党政军学研。而且从之前其他项目的客群来看,在我们项目这个价值量的客群,是权贵中的权贵,老板背后的老板。他们具有强烈的圈层意识,聚合意识。 There is no doubt that our customer base: the powerful politicians, the pinnacle of western clientele. Those who control those hospital courtyard outside world, both military and po

9、litical science research. But also from other items before the customer base and looking at our project of this magnitude of value of the customer base is the elite of the elite, the boss behind the boss. Their circle of awareness and consciousness aggregate.,这是个完全不同的豪宅市场 This is a completely differ

10、ent luxury markets 这里居住的是看不见的顶层 这里演绎的是中国顶级财富的盛宴 这里必将成为未来中国社会的焦点 Live here is the invisible top-level Here is the interpretation of Chinas top wealth Feast Here will become the focus of the future of Chinese society,富人的很多做法 在我们常人来看好像反常和不合情理 Many practices of the rich In our ordinary people it seems t

11、hat unusual and unreasonable,我们需要 We need to 在根植环境理解的基础之上,从产品的角度切入, 来表达项目的核心价值,让客群强烈感受到项目的魅力和价值,来追随项目,赢得认同并产生美好的向往。 In the deeply rooted understanding of the basis of the environment, from the perspective of the product Cut, To express the core values of the project, so that customer group strongly

12、felt the charm and value of the project, to follow the project, winning recognition and produce a better for himself.,三者形成均质,达成推广目标 The three form a homogeneous, achieving targets of promotion,本项目推广无须言它。 It is not made to promote this project. 高级的包装与对外形象, 高度的品牌与社会影响。 Advanced packaging and the exter

13、nal image, A high degree of brand and social impact.,豪宅营销之道 Luxury marketing Way,营(外) Camp (outside),销(内) Pin (I),对外建立大的形象 五个一工程,对内配合销售现场 销售工具的呈现,一个名字(案名) 一句话(SLOGAN) 一个LOGO(视觉系统的建立) 一套平面(对外主形象的确立) 一个行为(事件行销的表达),一本楼书、现场包装、远程中程近程的户外引导、手提袋、折页、户型册等等。,圈层营销的掌控 Spheres of marketing control,销售现场的仪式化 Sales

14、of on-site ceremony,对外建立大的形象 五个一工程 The establishment of a large image of the external - Five-One Project,一个名字(案名) A name (case name),一个LOGO(视觉系统的建立) A LOGO (the establishment of visual system),案名 Case Name 文化的。皇家的。内敛的。政要寓意的。想象力的。价值感的。厚重的。有分量感的。权贵底蕴的。 重要性,提供选择的可能性。 Culture. Royal. Restrained. Politic

15、ians implied meanings. Imagination. Value of sense of achievement. Thick. Weighty sense of achievement. Dignitaries inside information.,案名1 Case Name 1,案名1、西山阙 Case Name 1, Xishan Que 1、西山代表着项目最本真的价值。 2、“阙”字释义:古代皇宫大门前了望的楼,泛指帝王的住所。 3、西山阙代表着西山的帝王居所。 4、无可置疑的从容,与生俱来的霸气。 1, Western Hills represents the b

16、est of the true value of the project. 2, “Que,“ the word Interpretation: Ancient Palace of the floor in front of observation, refers to the emperors residence. 3, represents the Western Hills Western Hills Que imperial residence. 4, no doubt calm, innate domineering.,西山阙视觉 Case Name 1, Xishan Que,视觉

17、缘起 Visual Origin,一次关于西山/“大院”/门第/阶层的精神符号探寻。 Meeting on Xishan / “compound“ / Door No. / sectors to explore the spiritual symbol.,西山氛围:这里拥有曾经的龙脉山水、“三山五园”的西山皇家气象 御制与顶级,庄重与威仪, 是这里的气质与调性。 核心词:龙脉、御制、庄正,壁,大院的 隔绝、划分、,大院/家族: 豪门望族,建筑礼制,高墙深宅的围合间, 外面的人,只能猜测但却无可探视高墙院内 “钟鼎之家”的华贵世界,能看到的,只是外表的深墙静肃。 只其形,含万千气度。 核心词:高

18、墙、神秘、形制感,外在的视角,人们最直观看到“大院”的元素 影壁高墙,故宫宫殿前御制影壁 阻挡凡人的透视 隐藏院内天子的起居。 神秘、威严,“九龙壁”是人们头脑中的最熟悉的影壁 “九五”之数,人中之极,代表了隐藏其后的院中的生活。,紫禁城 皇家“大院”,龙脉之最,“龙壁” 合西山龙脉,也是大院的院墙,代表了我们客群当世顶级阶层的人群属性。 更重要的是,表达了项目背后这样一个大院,围合的是另一个神秘的阶层。,“龙壁”如墙,代表了“大院” 的视觉符号; 威严如仪,只见其表,联想院内目空一切,掌握 所有的神秘力量; 大中至正,兼顾西山皇家龙脉的御制感; 产品特征与客群气质的对位表达,“一面墙围合着不

19、同的世界”。 “Dragon Wall“ If the wall, on behalf of the “compound“ of the visual symbols; Dignity as a ritual, we saw the table, Lenovo hospital supercilious, master All the mysterious forces; Dazhong to positive, taking into account the Royal Dragon of the imperial Western Hills sense; Product character

20、istics and temperament of the right customer base have expressed, “co-walled side of a different world.“,案名2 Case Name 2,案名2、西山的院子 Cases were 2, Western Hills yard 大院是项目的基础和特色。西山是项目的价值核心。二者结合,形成西山的院子。院子并不显赫,但是西山的院子就是显赫中的权贵,权贵中的显赫。一切因西山而不同,因院子而从容。 Compound is the basis for the project and characteris

21、tics. Western Hills is a core value of the project. A combination of both to form a courtyard of the Western Hills. The yard is not prominent, but the courtyard of the Western Hills is a prominent in the power and privilege in the prominent elite. All because of the Western Hills is different, and b

22、ecause of the yard and calmly.,西山的院子视觉 Cases were 2, Western Hills yard,案名3 Case Name 3,案名3、山外山 Case Name 3,Shanwai Hill 权贵中的权贵,老板背后的老板,领导上面的领导。山外有山,山外更有山。面向西山,此山是山,此山亦非山。山外山,不只是物理属性的归纳,更是精神高度的使然。它是高度,却比高度更高。 Dignitaries of the elite, the boss behind the boss, the leadership of the top leadership. H

23、ill outside the hill, mountain and more mountains outside. For the Western Hills, this mountain is the mountain, this mountain nor hill. Hill outside the mountain, not just the physical attributes of the induction, but also the spirit of a high degree of Shi Ran. It is the height, higher than high.,

24、山外山视觉 Case Name 34,Shanwai Hill,国画锦绣江山图中的山峦叠影。,案名5 Case Name 5,案名4、濯缨台 Case were 4, Zhuo Ying Taiwan “濯缨”,是中国传统文化中君王高洁人格与济世进取之精神的写照。孟子、孔子、屈原都有词曰“沧浪之水清兮,可以濯吾缨。沧浪之水浊兮,可以濯吾足。” 此处“水清”喻治世。 “濯吾缨”,缨指帽子;帽子又名“冠”,是权力与功名的象征。盛世的“濯缨”,功成名就之后洗去官气,藏此韬略。 台,是皇家御用的建筑型制。在公元前11世纪,周天子就以土木“筑高台、兴宫榭” 。 “Zhuo Ying“ is a virt

25、uous kings in traditional Chinese culture and enterprising spirit of Personality and save the world itself. Mencius, Confucius, Qu Yuan have a word, called “Kaleidoscope Qing Xi, you can wash I tassels. Kaleidoscope is turbid, I wash feet.“ Here “discerning“ Yu Zhi Shi. “Zhuo Wu Ying,“ Ying means th

26、e hat; hat also known as “crown“, is a symbol of power and fame. Shengs “Zhuo Ying,“ who went after the gas wash away the officer, possession of this military strategy. Taiwan, the Royal Queen of construction-type system. In the 11th century BC, Zhou emperor Take Civil “built a high platform, Hing T

27、emple pavilion.“,濯缨台视觉 Case were 5, Zhuo Ying Taiwan,一句话(SLOGAN) Sentence (SLOGAN),门泊山河,院藏国基 Gate Park mountains and rivers, the hospital Tibet IMF 门泊山河,从物理的属性来讲,门对着百望山和京密引水渠,山河以此。从精神的角度来讲,山河寓意着江山社稷,政要掌控的天下,山河意此。 院藏国基,院子是项目的重要属性,院子里面的人掌控着外面的世界, 院子里藏着国之脊柱,国之基石。这些人,才是掌握国家命脉的西贵。 有张有弛,是为项目传神之语。 Gate Par

28、k mountains and rivers, from the physical properties of terms, the door front of 100 Mount Hope and Jingmi diversion canal, mountains and rivers in order. From the spiritual point of view, mountains and rivers symbolize the Jiangshan boat, political leaders control the world, mountains and rivers me

29、aning of this. Possession of the IMF Institute, the courtyard is the projects key attributes, the people inside the courtyard to control the outside world, hidden in the courtyard country spine, the cornerstone of the country. These people are the lifeblood of the western state of your control. Ther

30、e Zhang relaxation, is expressive of the language for the project.,一套平面(对外主形象的确立) Of a plane (outside the main image of the establishment of),请稍等,在下文。 Please wait, below.,一个行为(事件营销的表达) A behavior (the expression of event marketing),事件营销: 首钢融创回购国宝,西山阙迎来镇阙之宝 Event Marketing: Shougang financial record

31、buy-back national treasures, ushered in the town of Que Que Xishan treasure 回购流失海外的中华国宝,以千万级别的价格,由融创集团出面,将常年流失在外的中国国宝进行拍卖中回收。 回购成功后,在北京,将国宝安置于项目售楼处,从此成为项目的镇阙之宝。形成一条完整的事件营销线索。 Repurchase of Chinese national treasures lost overseas, to 10 million level of prices, from the Shougang Group financial reco

32、rd come out, the loss of the outer annual auction of Chinese national treasures recovered. After the success of buy-back in Beijing, will be placed in the project sales offices national treasure, she became the project of the town of Que treasure. The formation of a complete event marketing clues.,事

33、件营销执行过程 Event marketing execution,第一步、首钢融创回购海外流失国宝 First step, the Shougang Groups purchase of overseas financial record loss of national treasures 舆论点: 1、爱国之热忱,忠国之盛世,一个有责任心的开发商,回购流失的中国国宝。 2、千万价格拍卖举槌落定,海外国宝终回祖国。 3、首钢融创走保利路线,回购国宝为中国荣耀。 Public opinion points: 1, patriotic enthusiasm, loyalty and the c

34、ountrys peace and prosperity, a sense of responsibility of the developer to buy back the loss of national treasures of China. 2, 10 million price auction Juchui settled, foreign national treasure finally back to our motherland. 3, Shougang financial hit to go Poly line, buy-back national treasures f

35、or China glory.,回购国宝建议: Buy-back David recommends that: 比如:乾隆玉玺“八徴耄念之宝”。类似的国宝。 For example: Qianlong imperial jade seal, “8 Mao-Nian treasure.“,关于它的拍卖 伦敦苏富比拍卖行于当地时间11月4日14时举行了一场中国瓷器及工艺品拍卖会。拍卖会共推出261件珍品,其中乾隆玉玺“八徴耄念之宝”是其中最珍贵的一件拍品,起拍价达60万英镑。 八徴耄念之宝”已经在拍卖开始后的3小时内,以3,569,250英镑的价格被拍出,折合人民币4000万元左右。 这枚起拍价6

36、0万英镑的玉玺是乾隆在位55年,为庆祝其80寿辰制作的,在乾隆玉玺中算是比较大的一枚。印文在许多重要清朝宫廷藏品中,比如北京故宫博物院收藏的秋山暮霭图卷,上海博物馆收藏的柳鸭芦雁图卷上,都印有这枚“八徴耄念之宝”。 在得知伦敦苏富比拍卖行要拍卖这枚玉玺后,很多门户网几乎都给予了头条关注,网民的讨论也十分热烈。不少网民认为,这是对中国的再度挑战,有关方面应该出面来要回这些文物;甚至还有人呼吁,要按照对上次法国佳士得拍卖圆明园兽首铜像的行为,群起抗议。,或者乾隆的白玉玺。 Or the Emperor Qianlongs jade-xi.,乾隆帝御宝交龙钮乾隆御笔白玉玺以6338万港元成交,刷新白

37、玉世界拍卖纪录。 乾隆御笔白玉玺是乾隆皇帝在继位初期制作的重要宝玺之一。玉玺质地温润,通体洁白致密,且印面达到12.5平方厘米,是所有乾隆帝名号玺中最大的一方。,清康熙黑漆金彩龙纹大宝座 Qing Emperor Kangxi black paint Gold color dragons Throne,在海外回流宫廷精品专场众多精彩的拍品中,清康熙黑漆金彩龙纹大宝座最为引人注目。宝座是皇帝的专座,是皇帝权力和威望的象征,无论在选材、造型、装饰至整个制作过程都相当严格。 这件宝座从整体造型、纹饰风格、色彩及质感上看,应为清代康熙晚期的制品。故宫博物院也收藏一件清康熙晚期剔黄五屏式龙纹宝座,该宝座

38、与此次拍卖的这件在造型、风格、纹饰、色彩上都极为相似,只是工艺手法有所不同,两件宝座应为同时代作品。,清乾隆御制紫檀木雕八宝云蝠纹水波云龙宝座 Qing Dynasty imperial red sandalwood wood bat pattern Babao Wave Clouds throne Yunlong 以高价格成交,创出新的中国古典家具的世界拍卖记录。中国大陆买家竞投踊跃,对顶级中国御制工艺品趋之若鹜,如清乾隆御制紫檀木雕八宝云蝠纹“水波云龙”宝座,就是由一名中国买家以高价投得,令人兴奋。,第二步、首钢融创回购国宝北京新闻发布会 The second step, creating

39、 buy-back David Beijing Shougang financial press conference 回购成功之后,在北京召开盛大的新闻发布会,然后在故宫博物院进行为期一个月的国宝展览。 After the success of buy-back, in a grand press conference held in Beijing, and then the National Palace Museum, a one-month exhibitions of national treasures. 舆论点: 1、新闻发布会 1, press conference 2、故宫

40、巡展 2, Forbidden City Tour 3、国宝回北京 3, national treasure back to Beijing 4、国宝最终将去往何方? 4, David eventually be going?,第三步、西山阙迎来镇阙之宝,国宝最终落户西山 The third step is ushered in the town of Que Que Xishan treasure, David finally settled down in Western Hills 国宝巡展完毕,最终引入西山阙的售楼处,以后的会所。永久珍藏于此,成为一个这个项目的镇阙之宝。 舆论点: 1

41、、项目和国宝的关系 2、客户一到售楼处就看到了国宝在售楼处 3、堪舆风水之学,国宝对于风水的利好。 4、首钢融创开发的西山阙才有资格收纳此宝物。 National Treasure Tour is completed, the final introduction of the Western Hills Ques sales offices, after the club. Permanent collection of this, to become a town of this project imperial city treasure. Public opinion points:

42、1, the relationship between projects and national treasure 2, the customer has a sales office to see David in the sales office 3, geomancy feng shui of the study, national treasure for the good feng shui. 4, Shougang financial record developed in the Western Hills Que eligible for admission to this

43、treasure.,第四步、故宫专造出品宝物仿制品,赠送西山阙购房客户 The fourth step, the Forbidden City treasures designed Zaochu imitation goods, gift Xishan Que purchase customers 由故宫专造出品,大约是几万元一个,宝物的仿制品,凡购买项目,都将赠送给客户宝物。并且宝物上可制有客户姓名专属的印记。 舆论点: 1、宝物和客户的关系; 2、镇宅之宝的引入; 3、高端礼品和项目的契合度; 4、客户专属身份的高端定制。 Zaochu items from the museum prof

44、essionals which is about a few million to one, treasure imitation, where the purchased items will be presented to the customer treasures. And the treasure can be a dedicated system, a customer name of the imprint. Public opinion points: 1, treasures and customer relations; 2, the introduction of tre

45、asures of the town house; 3, high-end gifts and projects fit; 4, the identity of the high-end customer-specific customization.,故宫专造介绍 The Imperial Palace built specifically introduced 故宫存有大量瓷器藏品。由于经费匮乏,这些国宝长期得不到整理和修缮/故宫记录片的播出,让它成为了当前社会上的重大文化话题。故宫在景德镇烧制这件藏品的唯一宫瓷仿品,把它留赠消费者,并颁发故宫授权“故宫专造证书”。也可以制造同类产品。 P

46、alace have a lot of porcelain collections. Due to lack of funding for these national treasures are not a long time to collate and repair / “Forbidden City“ documentary aired, it became a major current social and cultural topics. National Palace Museum collection in Jingdezhen burn this the only pala

47、ce porcelain imitation goods, gifts to leave it to consumers, and to authorize issuance of the National Palace Museum “National Palace specifically made certificates.“ It can also create similar products.,对内配合销售现场 销售工具的呈现 Internally with the sales of on-site - The presentation of sales tools,楼书调性:自信

48、、平和、淡定天下 Loushu tonal: self-confidence, calm, Dan Ding world 楼书线索:由外而内,从大到小 Loushu clues: from the outside, the biggest to smallest,楼书架构:四部分组成。 Loushu Architecture: four parts. A.天与地。B.山与水。C.院与园。D.鉴与藏 A. heaven and earth. B. Mountain and Water. C. House and garden. D. Kam and Tibetan,功名之外,山水之间。载鉴华夏层

49、峰的精神归隐。 Out of the success, between the hill and water. 11 leaders of chinas spiritual home,推广阶段划分 Promotion Stages,西山阙,门泊山河,院藏国基,04,03,02,2010/01,06,07,08,12,2010/2-14 春节,2010/10 一期开盘,2010/08 售楼处开放 样板示范区开放,准备期,开盘期,强销期,蓄水期,蓄势待发,大隐,大院,大家,05,09,10,11,大国,亮相期,准备期(2010-0103) Understand the period (2010 01-03) 深入了解产品,产品说明会,全方位了解产品 确定项目策略、案名以及推广思路 In-depth understanding of products and materials basis for the preparation period. Determine the project strategy, the case na


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