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1、,Basic bricks for rotary kilns 回转窑用碱性砖,Cement 水泥,ICTM. R. Krischanitz March 08,2,Presentation Title,Contents 目录,Raw materials 原料 Magnesia 氧化镁 Properties 特性 Sources and Production 来源及生产 Types of magnesia 氧化镁的种类 Quality criterias 质量标准 Spinels 尖晶石矿物 Spinel types 尖晶石的种类 Flexibilizing effect 弹性效果 Wedge s

2、plitting test 楔形劈裂试验 Products and properties 火砖及其特性,3,Presentation Title,Magnesia 氧化镁,4,Presentation Title,Properties of MgO 氧化镁MgO的特性,high melting point of 2,800C 熔点高达2,800C (refractoriness depends of type and quantity of secondary oxides) (耐火度取决于氧化镁的类型以及二次氧化物数量) good resistance to basic slag and o

3、ther hot-chemical attacks 对碱性炉渣以及其他热化学侵蚀具有良好的抵抗性 high thermal conductivity 导热率高 high thermal expansion 热膨胀率高 poor thermal shock resistance 抗热震能力不足 Improvement 改善措施 addition of a 2nd less expansive component “controlled inhomogeneous microstructure” 添加另一种膨胀率小的组分,(形成)“可控的不均匀微观结构” Spinel 尖晶石,5,Presenta

4、tion Title,Production of MgO from magnesite 用菱镁矿生产氧化镁,mining of magnesite 开采菱镁矿 Crushing 破碎 / sorting 选矿 Calcining煅烧 + sintering烧结 rotary kiln回转窑 or shaft kiln立窑 MgCO3 MgO + CO2 magnetic separation 磁选 sintered magnesia 烧结氧化镁,6,Presentation Title,Production of sintered magnesia from sea water 烧结海水氧化镁

5、的生产,MgCl2 + Ca(OH)2 Mg(OH)2 + CaCl2 Mg(OH)2 MgO + H2O (Kauster) D2 g/cm3 Sintering 烧结 (1700 2000C) D 3,4 g/cm3 or fusing 电熔(2800C) D 3,5 g/cm3,1000C,Briquetting 滤块,7,Presentation Title,Raw material magnesia 氧化镁原料,natural 天然氧化镁 synthetic 合成氧化镁: 89 - 97% MgO 97,7 - 99,3% 6 - 0,2% Fe2O3 0,5 - 0,1% 1,5

6、- 0,1% Al2O3 0,1% 0,5 - 1,9% CaO 0,5 - 1,9% 0,5 - 2,5% SiO2 0,1 - 0,2% 3,05 - 3,40g/cm bulk density 容重 3,40-3,45g/cm,8,Presentation Title,Quality criteria 质量标准,Chemical Composition 化学成分 Amount of Secondary Phases SiO2, CaO, Fe2O3, Al2O3, MnO 二次相SiO2, CaO, Fe2O3, Al2O3, MnO 的量 CaO/SiO2 ratio 钙/硅比 Bor

7、on content 硼含量 Periclase Crystal Size 方镁石晶体尺寸 Bulk Density / Apparent Porosity 容重/显气孔率,9,Presentation Title,Periclase crystal size 方镁石晶体尺寸,Standard Sintered magnesia 标准烧结氧化镁 RD 3,38 g/cm3 Crystal size: 60 120m,Fused Magnesia 电熔氧化镁 RD 3,38 g/cm3 Crystal size: 500m 晶体尺寸: 500m,Large Crystal Sintered Ma

8、gnesia 大晶体烧结氧化镁 RD 3,38 g/cm3 Crystal size: + 150m,10,Presentation Title,Secondary phases of MgO 氧化镁的二次相,11,Presentation Title,CaO/SiO2 ratio 钙硅(重量)比,12,Presentation Title,Spinels as flexibilizers 尖晶石作为弹性改良剂,13,Presentation Title,Types of spinels 尖晶石的种类,14,Presentation Title,Chromite 铬铁矿,Chromite 铬铁

9、矿 A2+ B23+ O4 A: Fe, Mg B: Cr, Fe, Al Typical composition of chromite for use in refractory industry: 在耐火材料工业中使用的典型的铬铁矿成分,15,Presentation Title,MA spinel 镁铝尖晶石,Spinel 镁铝尖晶石 MgAl2O4 In-situ: 原位结合 addition of fused alumina or calcined alumina 添加电熔氧化铝或烧结氧化铝 Pre-reacted: 预制尖晶石 sintered spinel or fused s

10、pinel 烧结尖晶石或电熔尖晶石,formation of MA-spinel during firing 在烧成过程中形成镁铝尖晶石,16,Presentation Title,Hercynite, Galaxite “Active Spinels” 铁铝尖晶石, 锰铝尖晶石-“ 活性尖晶石”,Hercynite FeAl2O4 铁铝尖晶石 Galaxite MnAl2O4 锰铝尖晶石,Production of hercynite and galaxite via electro fusion in plant Radenthein 在奥镁Radenthein工厂,使用电熔方法生产铁铝尖

11、晶石和锰铝尖晶石,17,Presentation Title,Mechanism of conventional spinels 传统尖晶石的机理,For MA spinel bricks, the expansion results from the lower thermal shrinkage of the spinel component relative to the magnesia matrix during cooling (Thermal Misfit). By acoustic emission measurements, microcrack formation can

12、be observed in a temperature range of app. 900-200C. 对于镁铝尖晶石砖,由于镁铝尖晶石和氧化镁膨胀率的不同,在冷却期间,镁铝尖晶石相对于氧化镁基质较低的收缩率,会形成(热错位). 通过声学检查,在温度为900-200C范围,可观察到微裂纹的形成。,crack initiation and crack opening due to thermal misfit 由于热错位,产生裂纹和裂缝,firing curve 烧成曲线,18,Presentation Title,Active spinel 活性尖晶石,active spinel“ deve

13、lops additional flexibility during practical service through diffusion of Fe2+ and Mg2+ ions, even when pores are filled with alkaline compounds. “活性尖晶石” 通过Fe2+ 离子和 Mg2+ 离子的扩散,在实际使用过程中可以产生额外的弹性,即使碱化合物充满了(火砖的)孔隙。,Alternative spinel technology patented by RHI Refractories 替代尖晶石技术是RHI奥镁公司的专利,active spi

14、nel 活性尖晶石,Magnesia 氧化镁,diffusion zone 扩散区域,19,Presentation Title,Wedge splitting test 楔形劈裂试验,20,Presentation Title,Force vs. displacement 力对位移曲线图,structural flexible 结构弹性好,High force until crack initiation High stored elastic energy Spontaneous crack propagation,Slow crack propagation through the wh

15、ole sample desirable,Brittle 脆,位移,力,21,Presentation Title,Excellent fracture mechanical behaviour 出色的断裂机械性能,Conv. Magnesia-Spinel-Brick 传统的镁铝尖晶石砖 Magnesia-Herzynit-Brick 镁铁尖晶石砖 Magnesia-Galaxite-Brick 镁锰尖晶石砖,位移,力,22,Presentation Title,Raw materials combinations brick types 原料 - 组合 火砖类型,Component A 组

16、分A Resistor 耐火主材料,Component B 组分B Flexibilizer 弹性改良剂,80 95 %,5 - 20 %,MgO,Synthetic 合成原料,Natural 天然原料,Chromite 铬铁矿,Spinel 尖晶石,Zirconia氧化锆,IN SITU 直接结合 During burning process 在烧制过程中: Corundum 刚玉 Tabular alumina 片状氧化铝 Calcined alumina 烧结氧化铝,Prefabricated 预制 Electrofused or sintered 电熔或烧结,CaO*ZrO2,ZrO2

17、,MA镁铝尖晶石,Hercynite 铁铝尖晶石,Galaxite锰铝尖晶石,23,Presentation Title,Typical microstructure of rotary kiln bricks 回转窑耐火砖典型的微观结构,Reflected light microscopy 20x () and 100x () magnification. 反光显微照片20倍(上图) 及100倍(右图) Sintered magnesia (1). Hercynite (2). Preparation resin filled pores (3). 烧结氧化镁(1),铁铝尖晶石(2),制备样

18、品的树脂(3)填充在孔隙中,24,Presentation Title,Product overview plant Dalian 奥镁大连工厂产品,25,Presentation Title,Brick properties overview 耐火砖特性概况,26,Presentation Title,Brick properties overview 耐火砖特性概况,27,Presentation Title,Lining proposal 衬砌建议- 奥镁大连工厂碱性砖,ANKRAL SC,NORMAL CONDITIONS / Preheater 正常工况/预热器窑,CRITICAL KILN WITH EXTREME HOT - CHEMICAL AND MECHANICAL STRESSES 恶劣工况, 极热,化学及机械应力极高。,NR LTZ CBZ UTZ SZ PHZ ILZ,ANKRAL ZC/RC/RN HM,ELEVATED THERMAL LOAD / Precalciner 较高的热负荷/预分解窑,BASIC 碱性砖区域,NONBASIC (Alumina) 非碱性砖区域,ANKRAL R1/R2/Z1,28,Presentation Title,www.rhi-,Thank you for your attention!,


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