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1、教材文本解读与初中英语阅读教学,如何使用Go For It!教材上好阅读课,人民教育出版社英语编辑室 肖菲,一、关于英语阅读教学的几个问题 二、教材文本解读与阅读活动设计,一、关于英语阅读教学的几个问题,A. Reading for information. B. Reading for learning the language. C. Reading for learning cultures. D. Reading for writing. E. Reading for pleasure.,Question 1: Why do we read?,A. For general compre

2、hension. B. To search for information. C. To learn new information. D. To synthesize and evaluate information.,Question 2: What are the academic purposes for reading?,A. To teach the important language points. B. To teach reading strategies. C. To test Ss reading comprehension.,Question 3: What is t

3、he main focus when you teach reading?,A. Check the students understanding. B. Let Ss talk about the reading. C. Have students read the text. D. Explain the language points. E. Let students use the language.,Question 4: What is the major activity of the reading lesson?,Question 5: How many times are

4、students supposed to read the passage?,A. Once or twice, from the very beginning to the end. B. At least three times, but not necessarily the whole passage. C. It depends on how many reading activities you have to do during the lesson. D. It all depends.,A. Reading for information B. Reading for lea

5、rning the language C. Reading for learning cultures D. Reading for writing E. Reading for pleasure,Question 1: Why do we read?,Answer: A, E,A. for general comprehension B. to search for information C. to learn new information D. to synthesize and evaluate information,Question 2: What are the academi

6、c purposes for reading?,Answer: A, B, C, D,A. Teach the important language points B. Teach reading strategies C. Test Ss reading comprehension,Question 3: What is the main focus when you teach reading?,Answer: B,“阅读教学就应该,也必须以阅读技能的培养和提高为重点。” 英语阅读教学(Developing Reading skills) 导读,A. Check the students

7、understanding B. Let Ss talk about the reading C. Have students read the text D. Explain the language points E. Let students use the language,Question 4: What is the major activity of the reading lesson?,Answer: C,A. Once or twice, from the very beginning to the end. B. At least three times, but not

8、 necessarily the whole passage. C. It depends on how many reading activities you have to do during the lesson. D. It all depends.,Question 5: How many times are students supposed to read the passage?,Answer: D,Question 6: What level of reading competence are students required to achieve?,义务教育英语课程标准(

9、2011版) 关于阅读技能的五级目标表述,Question 7: What are the common reading strategies that can be taught to students?,Reading strategies that can be taught: Activating Prior Knowledge Predicting Skimming Scanning Guessing meaning of unknown words Recognizing text types Identifying topics and main ideas Word recog

10、nition exercises,Thomas S. C. Farrell, 阅读课的设计Planning Lessons for a Reading Class,Question 8: What kind of activities do you usually use during a reading class?,True or False? Multiple choice? Ask and answer questions? Fill in the table? Put the events in order?,Do you usually use the following acti

11、vities when you teach reading?,guess the meaning of unknown words? predict what the passage might talk about? predict how the story might end? think of a title? describe the authors viewpoint/attitude? find the topic of a paragraph? identify the main idea of a passage? create a mind map based on the

12、 passage? use their own words to retell the story? ,Do you usually encourage your students to:,The aim of the exercises must be clearly defined and a clear distinction made between teaching and testing. Testing will obviously involve more accuracy-type exercises whereas through teaching one should t

13、ry to develop the skills. The students must be taught how to approach and consider the text in order to be independent and efficient readers. ,英语阅读教学(Developing Reading skills),READING COMPREHENSION EXERCISE-TYPES,I. Sensitizing Inference: through the context Inference: through word-formation 2. Und

14、erstanding relations within the sentence 3. Linking sentences and ideas: reference Linking sentences and ideas: Link-words II. Improving Reading speed III. From Skimming to Scanning Predicting, Previewing, Anticipation, Skimming, Scanning,Reading techniques,How the aim is conveyed,I. Aim and Functio

15、n of the Text Function of the text Functions within the text II. Organization of the Text: Different Thematic Patterns Main idea and supporting details Chronological sequence Descriptions Analogy and contrast Classification Argumentative and logical organization III. Thematization,I. Non-linguistic

16、Response to the Text Ordering a sequence of pictures Comparing texts and pictures Matching Using illustrations Completing a document Mapping it out Using the information in the text Jigsaw reading II. Linguistic Response to the Text Reorganizing the information: reordering events Reorganizing the in

17、formation: using girds 2. Comparing several texts 3. Completing a document Question-types Study skills: summarizing, note-taking,Understanding meaning,Assessing the text,Fact Versus Opinion Writers Intention,Francoise Grellet, Developing Reading Skills,Question 9: What are the procedures of teaching

18、 reading?,“在具体的阅读过程中,由于阅读内容的不同,作者所采用的表达思想、陈述内容的方法也不同,而读者本身语言水平、认知能力和阅读目的也有所区别,因此阅读的方法也不尽相同。”,英语阅读教学(Developing Reading skills) 导读,二、教材文本解读与阅读策略培养,单元背景分析 阅读活动分析 语篇特点分析 教学重难点分析,教材文本解读案例 (七年级下册 Unit 11 How was your school trip?),单元背景分析,单元目标:话题,功能,结构,词汇 板块联系:先前所学,后续任务,Topic: A school trip to the science

19、 museum (diary entries) Function: Describe ones personal experience and feelings during a school trip Structure: Past tense: positive/negative sentence, was/were, past form of verbs Vocabulary: Positive/negative adjectives, other new words and expressions Writing: A diary entry of your own school tr

20、ip,阅读活动分析,阅读部分每个活动的设计意图是什么?其中渗透了什么策略? 活动的可操作性和难度如何?是否适用于现实的教学条件和课堂环境? 学生以什么形式开展活动?活动的结果是什么?想要完成该活动,学生应当具备什么语言水平和能力? 在课堂教学过程中,学生可能存在哪些困难和障碍?教师可以提供什么支持和帮助?,活动设计意图与相关策略: 激活学生已有的词汇储备,呈现部分新词汇,为下面的阅读做好铺垫 (Activating prior knowledge) 让学生学会自主整理和归纳词汇,帮助他们构建词汇体系 (Vocabulary learning strategy),Good,Bad,Pre-rea

21、ding (1),1 Let Ss get into groups and brainstorm the adjectives that can be used to describe good or bad things. Ss will make two word lists and be ready to report to the class.,2 T introduces some new adjectives by describing his/her own trip (showing some pics or photos). 3 T reads aloud the new w

22、ords and Ss repeat after the teacher. 4 Let Ss finish 2a and then check the answers. New words: lovely, expensive, exciting, cheap, slow, fast,Pre-reading (2),1 (Books closed) T tells the Ss that they will read two diary entries about school trips. Let Ss predict what the authors might write about.

23、Questions: Imagine you are going to write about your school trip, what kind of things will you write? What adjectives will you use to describe your trip?,Possible answers: Time, place, people, weather, transportation, activities, shopping, feelings When, where, who, what, how, why,2 Have Ss brainsto

24、rm adjectives for each item and write down the words on Bb. T introduces the new words if necessary. Place: beautiful, People: friendly, lovely, Weather: nice, cool, cold, terrible, rainy Transportation: clean, dirty, slow, fast, Activities: interesting, boring, Shopping: expensive, cheap, Feelings:

25、 excited, happy, interested, angry, Trip: interesting, excellent, exciting, terrible 3 Let Ss divide the words into different groups: positive, negative, neutral,语篇特点分析,题材 体裁 篇章结构 语言特色 文化内涵 人文素养,Skimming Scanning,题材:学校组织的郊游活动 体裁:日记 语言特色:第一人称,描述性形容词(褒义、贬义),一般过去时,篇章结构,Date Where did they go? How was t

26、he place? How did they go there? What did they see? / What did they learn? What did they do over there? How did they feel about the trip?,文化内涵与背景,教学重难点分析,如何进行取舍? 词汇(生词、短语、动词搭配、语块) 目标结构句型 长难句,go on a trip by train / take the train along the way play chess with sb. teach sb. how to do sth. buy sth. fo

27、r sb. take photos it is difficult to do sth not at all,How to deal with vocabulary in an intensive reading text,Justifying procedures Reasons: It is a high frequency word or will occur in other texts. It is a useful technical word. It is a low frequency word. It is important for the message of the t

28、ext. It is not important for the message of the text. It has useful parts. It is easy to guess from context. It is like a first language word.,Justifications for Procedures for Dealing with Words in Texts,Paul Nation, Managing Vocabulary Learning 中小学英语教师发展丛书:词汇教学设计,Preteach / Quickly give the meanin

29、g: robot, guide, gift (Pre-reading 3) Guess the meaning of unknown words: interested, everything, dark, hear all in all,Possible Solution,1 (Books open) Let Ss read the two diary entries quickly and find out the answers to the questions in 2b. 2 Check the answers with Ss and have them circle the clu

30、es that support their answers. June 15th, museum, robots, gift shop All in all, it was an exciting day. I think todays school trip was terrible. I didnt like the trip at all.,While-reading (1),1 (Books open) Let Ss read the diary entries and check whether their predictions are right. Tick the ones t

31、hat are mentioned in the diary entries. ( ) time ( ) place ( ) people ( ) weather ,While-reading (2),2 Let Ss read the diary entries again and answer the following questions. What was the date of the school trip? Did Helen and Jim go on the same trip? How do you know? How was the weather? Did they s

32、ee anything interesting along the way and in the museum? Was Helen or Jim interested in robots? What could they hear in the museum? What else did they do during the trip? Did they buy anything? What did they buy? Did they enjoy the trip? How do you know?,What was the date of the school trip? Did Hel

33、en and Jim go on the same trip? How do you know? How was the weather? Did they see anything interesting along the way and in the museum? Was Helen/Jim interested in robots? What could they hear in the museum? What else did Helen/Jim do during the trip? Did Helen/Jim buy anything? What did they buy?

34、Did Helen/Jim enjoy the trip? How do you know?,3 Let Ss read the diary entries again and underline the adjectives that Helen and Jim used to describe the things. Then finish 2c.,Scanning,Other while-reading activities,1. Let Ss read the diary entries again and find out the difficult sentences.,Then

35、the guide taught us how to make a model robot. All in all, it was an exciting day. Everything was about robots and Im not interested in that. I didnt like the trip at all.,T explains the difficult sentences or phrases if necessary.,2. Let Ss find out the past form of all the verbs from the text. The

36、n ask Ss to put them into different categories.,went, visited, was, got, saw, learned, taught, took, bought, were Irregular verbs: go went Regular verbs: visit visited,Let Ss read aloud the pair of verbs.,3. Let Ss read again and summarize the main idea of each diary entry.,How to summarize the main

37、 idea: When, where, who, what, how, why,Examples: Helen visited the science museum during her school trip in June and she really enjoyed it. Helen went on a school trip on June 15th. She visited the science museum with her classmates. She learned a lot about robots at the museum and she liked the tr

38、ip very much.,Examples: Helen visited the science museum during her school trip in June and she really enjoyed it. Helen went on a school trip on June 15th. She visited the science museum with her classmates. She learned a lot about robots at the museum and she liked the trip very much.,Let Ss find

39、out the useful verb phrases based on the list of verbs they made previously. Ss take notes and get ready to retell Helens or Jims school trip.,Post-reading (1),Example: went on a school trip, visited, Helen went on a school trip on June 15th. She visited the science museum and it was ,Imagine you ar

40、e Helen and Jims friend and you ask them about their school trip. Use the information in the diary entries to make up a conversation. Add more details if you can.,Post-reading (2),Questions:,Did you go on a school trip in June? How was your trip? Did you go anywhere interesting? Did you go there by

41、train/bus? Did you see anything interesting? Did you do anything fun? Did you take any photos? Did you buy anything? Were they expensive? ,Answers:,Yes, (I did.) I No, (I didnt.) I It was interesting/exciting/boring/terrible ,Strategies:,Activating prior knowlege Skimming Scanning Drawing conclusion

42、s Making comparisons Guessing the meaning of unknown words Interpreting the meaning of sentences Summarizing the main idea Recalling details Synthesizing,阅读策略教学原则,Teachers should explain the following during class to the Ss: what the strategy is. why a strategy should be learned. how to effectively

43、use the strategy. when and where a strategy should be used. how they can evaluate their successful use of the strategy.,Method for teaching reading strategies,M: Model the strategy I: Inform the students about when and how to use it R: Remind them to use the strategy R: Repeat the strategy with lots of practice O: Outline the strategys usefulness by giving feedback frequently R: Reassess the students performance as a result of using the strategy S: Stress strategy importance,感 谢 观 看 和 聆 听,


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