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1、第一讲 七年级(上) Units 16,复习目标导航,考点完全攻略,同步训练,friendly,friendship,knowledge,knowledgeable,interested,interest,bored,bore,fun,funny,difficulty,hard,relax,relaxed,tomatoes,too/either,as well,重点短语,用英语 电话号码 看电视 进行体育运动 许多;大量 一套;一副,为而感谢 姓氏 请原谅;打扰了 他的全家福 失物招领,Whats,Nice,These are,for,Wheres,under the table,Do,lik

2、es,doesnt like,1Look!注意!(Unit 1) look v意为“留神;注意”。如: Look where you are going!当心走路! 与之意思相近的短语有look out,意为“当心;小心”。如: Look out!Theres danger ahead!小心!前面有危险! look更为常见的意思为“看”,强调看的动作。 【辨析】 look,see,watch与read,2Please take these things to your sister. (Unit 4) take sth. to. “把某物带到去”,take意为“拿走;带到”。如 Youd be

3、tter take your coat to your bedroom. take out take care of take place take some medicine take photos take it easy Take care take away take after= be similar to,3I need my hat.我需要我的帽子(Unit 4) need在本句中是实义动词,意为“需要”,常见的固定搭配有:need sth. “需要某物”;need to do sth. “需要去做某事”;need doing “需要被做”。如: Her bike needs r

4、epairing.她的自行车需要修理。 【拓展】 need还可作情态动词,此时没有人称和数的变化,多用于否定句和疑问句中。否定句中用neednt;疑问句中直接将need提前即可。对其肯定回答用must;否定回答用neednt。如: Need I do the work at once? 我需要马上做这项工作吗?,Yes,you must.是的,你必须(马上做)。 No,you neednt.不,不需要。 4Lets play soccer.让我们踢足球吧。(Unit 5),这是一个表示邀请、提议的祈使句。lets是let us的缩写,表示“让我们”,后面跟动词原形。 【拓展】 let作动词,常

5、用于let sb. do sth. 结构中,表示“让某人做某事”。这里sb.可以是名词,也可以是代词,此时代词作宾语,要用宾格。如: My mother lets me go to the park once a week. 我妈妈允许我每星期去一次公园。 5That sounds good.听起来很好。(Unit 5) 本句中sound是系动词,后接形容词,构成系表结构,意为“听起来”。如:,Her songs sound beautiful.她的歌听起来很美妙。【拓展】 很多感官动词都可以作系动词,如look(看上去),feel(觉得),smell(闻起来),taste(尝起来)。后跟形容

6、词,构成系表结构。如: The dish tastes delicious.这道菜尝起来味道好极了。 6Yang Fan likes soccer. I also like. 杨帆喜欢足球。我也喜欢(Review of units 16) also adv.意为“也;亦;并且”。如: My sister has also gone to town.我妹妹也进城了。 【辨析】also,too,either与as well,also一般用于肯定句或疑问句中实义动词前,系动词助动词情态动词。 too一般用于肯定句句末,也可用于疑问句,一般用逗号与前面的句子隔开 either用于否定句句末。 as w

7、ell与too在句中的位置相同,两者可以互换,但as well前不需加逗号 He enjoyed the trip.I enjoyed it,too.(=I enjoyed it as well.)他喜欢这次旅行,我也喜欢。 as well as,He didnt enjoy the trip. I didnt enjoy it, either. 他不喜欢这次旅行,我也不喜欢。,七年级上(16单元) (训练时间:60分钟 分值:100分),1How do you s_ your family name? BLACK. 2Although my uncle is old, he looks ve

8、ry strong and h_. 3Id like to ask you a few q_ if you dont mind.,一、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词(10分),pell,ealthy,uestions,4Do you want to see the documentary? No, I think it is b_. 5As soon as you get there, please c_ me. 6Please write down your t_ number. 7L_ at the picture on the wall. 8Do you have a s_ ball,Pe

9、ter?,all,elephone,ook,occer,oring,9That s_ good. 10We should eat all kinds of v_ every day.,ounds,egetables,二、用所给单词的适当形式填空(10分) 1Nice _(meet) you. 2Lets _(play) basketball. 3They _(be) Mary and Tom. 4Is that _(you) brother? 5We should keep _(health,are,your,healthy,to meet,play,三、按要求完成句子(10分) 1We ha

10、ve many sports collections. (改为否定句) We _ many sports collections.,dont have,2Look at the photo, please. (用lets改写句子) _. 3His English book is _. (就画线部分提问) _ his English book? 4His brother can play basketball. (改为一般疑问句) _ 5This is a tomato. (改为复数形式) _,Can his brother play basketball?,These are tomatoes

11、.,on the desk,Where is,Lets look at the photo,四、请根据语境,将方框中的单词填入下列各句中(10分) 1Do you like western food? Yes,I like _,_ and _. 2We usually drink milk for _ and _. 3What vegetables do you like? We like _ _ and _. 4Mary likes fruit,so she likes _ and _.,D,J,A,F,C,E,G,B,H,I,【解析】考查礼貌用语。Sorry“对不起”;Yes“是的”;Ex

12、cuse me“对不起,打扰了”;Thank you“谢谢”。句意为“打扰了,请问这附近有饭馆吗?”故选C。【答案】C,1_, is there a restaurant near here? ASorry BYes CExcuse me DThank you,一、单项选择(10分),【解析】email是以元音音素开头的单词,其前应用不定冠词an。故选B。【答案】B,2(2011贵阳)“Cindy,do you have _ email address?I want to send you some photos.” “Yes,I do. Its Cindy .” Aa Ban Cthe,【解

13、析】考查交际用语。Nice to meet you.“见到你真高兴。”的答语应为“Nice to meet you,too.”,故选C。【答案】C,3Lucy, this is my new friend, Jack. Hi, Jack. Nice to meet you. _. AIm OK BMy names Leo CNice to meet you, too DHow do you do,【解析】考查代词的用法。it指上文提到过的事物,one指上文提到过的同类事物。根据句意应选B。【答案】B,4(2011昆明)Yesterday I lost my pencil sharpener.

14、I couldnt find _. Oh,its a pity. Youd better buy _ this afternoon. Ait;it Bit;one Cone;it Done;one,【解析】考查动词的辨析。taste“尝起来”;smell“闻起来”;feel“感觉起来”;sound“听起来”。C、D两项明显不符合句意。根据后半句“我可以再来点吗?”可知已经吃过,排除B,选A。【答案】A,5The cookies _ good. Could I have some more? Ataste Bsmell Cfeel Dsound,【解析】考查interest的用法。be inte

15、rested in是固定用法,意为“对感兴趣”;修饰物时用interesting。故选B。【答案】B,6My hobby is changing all the time. Now I am _ in collecting coins. Its_ and valuable. Ainteresting; interested Binterested; interesting Cinterested; interest Dinteresting; interesting,【解析】考查交际用语。B项“没关系”;C项“不客气”;D项“非常感谢你”。根据句意“考试过后,我和我的阿姨打算去海南度假”得出答

16、案A“祝你们玩得开心”。【答案】A,7(2011聊城)Im going to Hainan with my aunt for my holiday after the exam. _. AHave a good time BIt doesnt matter CYou are welcome DThanks a lot,【解析】考查交际用语。根据句意“如果你犯了错,要说对不起。”A项“别担心。”,C项“真可惜。”,D项“我不关心。”均不符合题意,故选B。【答案】B,8If you make a mistake, just say “_.” ADont worry BSorry CIts a gr

17、eat pity DI dont care,【解析】考查动词辨析。表示看医生用“see the doctor”;look at是单纯的“看”,watch是“观看”。故选B。 【答案】B,9(2011湘西)You are ill. You had better _ the doctor right now. Alook at Bsee Cwatch,【解析】本题考查名词所有格作定语的用法。当名词为复数作定语时,直接在后面加即可。故选A。【答案】A,10(2011安顺)Can you imagine what life will be like in _ time? A50 years B50 y

18、ears C50years D50years,二、完形填空(20分) My name is Bill. Im an American boy. Im twelve. Im a student _1_ a middle school. Im in Class 4,Grade 1.Li Lei is my friend. Were in the _2_ class. He is eleven. Here is a picture of _3_ family._4_ look at it. His father,the one behind the tree,is a policeman. His

19、mother,the one in the red hat,is a teacher of Chinese. He has _5_ sisters. They are twins. Their names _6_ Fangfang and Lingling. They have a cat._7_ name is Mimi. Look!Its _8_ the floor under the table._9_ twins are middle school students,too. They are in different _10_. They look after me at schoo

20、l. We are good friends.,1A.of Bto Cunder Dbehind 【解析】of表示名词所有格。 【答案】A 2A./ Bsame Csome Done 【解析】in the same class表示“在同一个班上”。 【答案】B 3A.her Bhim Chis Dhe 【解析】Li Lei是男孩,其物主代词应是his。 【答案】C,4A. Its BLet us CIt DLet 【解析】Let us.表示“让我们”。 【答案】B 5A. two Bthree Cfour Dfive 【解析】由下文They are twins.可知。 【答案】A 6A. is

21、 Bbe Cam Dare 【解析】主语their names是复数。 【答案】D,7A. Its BIt CIts DIts 【解析】a cat的物主代词为its。 【答案】C 8A. in Bon Cbehind Dto 【解析】on the floor表示“在地上”。 【答案】B 9A./ BThe CAnd DA 【解析】此处表示特指。 【答案】B,10A. grade Brow Cschools Dclasses 【解析】in different classes“在不同的班里。” 【答案】D,三、阅读理解(10分) Do you often play football?Many pe

22、ople in the world like playing football. They often call British soccer football. But they are different games. Do you know the differences between them? A soccer ball is round(圆的),but an American football is oval,like an egg. Soccer teams have eleven players on the field. American football teams ha

23、ve forty players. But only eleven players are on the field at one time. In a soccer team,the good keeper tries to stop the ball,from going into the goal. He is the only player to stop and pick up the ball with his hands. In American football,players can catch the ball with their hands. They can run

24、with it and throw it to other players. Both the British soccer and the American football are very interesting. They can make you fit and healthy.,( )1.Are the British soccer and the American football the same games? AYes,they are. BNo,they arent. CWe dont know. 【解析】由第一段中“But they are different games

25、.”得知。 【答案】B,( )2.Which do Americans call football? 【解析】由第二段中“.but an American football is oval,like an egg.”(“但美国足球是椭圆形的,就像鸡蛋一样。”)得知。 【答案】B,( )3.Do they have the same numbers of players on the field? AYes,they do. BNo,they dont. CNo,they arent. 【解析】由第二段中第二、三、四句得知。 【答案】A,( )4.In which team can the pl

26、ayers catch the ball with their hands? AAmerican football team. BBritish soccer team. CBoth A and B. 【解析】由第三段中“In American football,players can catch the ball with their hands.”得知。 【答案】A,( )5.Whats the best title(题目)of the passage? AAmerican football BBritish soccer CThe differences between American

27、 football and British soccer 【解析】由第一段中“Do you know the differences between them?”可知,本文主要讲述了美国足球和英国足球之间的不同点。 【答案】C,四、书面表达(20分) 假如你叫李红,你的英国笔友Mary正在学习汉语。她在给你的来信中介绍了她的汉语老师的情况。请根据以下信息用英语写一封回信,向她介绍你的英语老师Miss White的情况。,要求: 1词数6080。开头和结尾已给出,不计入词数。 2所给信息要全部用上,可合理发挥。 Dear Mary, Thank you for telling me someth

28、ing about your Chinese teacher. I think you have a good teacher. Now let me tell you something about my English teacher, Miss White.,Miss White is from America. She is tall and slim. And she is very beautiful. She has taught us English for two years. She is always in blue, because blue is her favorite color. She likes reading and she also loves traveling when she is free. She is kind and helpful. As a teacher, she is successful. She teaches so well that she won the first place in the teaching competition last year. All of us like her very much.,_ Best wishes! Yours Sincerely, Li Hong,


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