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1、,第五組報告,Vocabulary,open up打開 close up 使變狹窄;靠攏 yield (v.)產生 =produce infringe (v.)違反 =violate,break sanctity (n.)神聖 = godliness burial (adj.)葬禮的 (n.)葬禮 remains (n.)遺跡 =ruins track (n.)足跡,痕跡,Penn State 賓州 Sequence (v.)按順序排列 extinct (adj.)絕種的 geneticist (n.)遺傳學家 fragment(n.)碎片 clone(v.)複製 interbred(v.)種

2、間雜交,Idiom,Open up 開放 All over 到處 Relative of 親戚 At least 至少 Related to 與有關 As well 同樣的,TRANSLATION,The success of ancient DNA analysis is likely to open up valuable new sources of archaeological information in the United States.,分析出古老DNA的成功實例很有可能開啟一些在美國具有價值且新的考古學資訊。,Coprolites-stored in the thousand

3、s in museum all over the country-may yield answers from the distant past without infringing on American Indian belief about the sanctity of burial remains.,遍佈於國家的博物館中的上千件文物中所儲存的糞化石,糞化石可能會使我們找到有關遠古過去的相關答案,而不會去侵犯到美國印地安人對於已埋藏的物體為神聖的信念。,The technique has promise-and a quickly growing track record-in oth

4、er arenas ,as well.,這項有著高成長紀錄的技術在其他的領域中也是令人值得期待。,In 2002,Penn State researcher Beth Shapiro,then at the University of Oxford,successfully sequenced the DNA of the dodo bird,extinct for more than three centuries-and discoverded it was a close relative of the pigeon.,在2002年時,目前就讀於牛津大學的賓州研究員Beth Shapir

5、o成功地解開了已消失三個世紀多的豆豆鳥的基因,而且發現他和鴿子的親緣關係非接近。,In 2006,Hendrik Poinar,a geneticist at McMaster University in Canada,sequenced most of a woolly mammoths genome from fragments of bone,proving-at least in theorythat cloning one might be possible.,在2006年時,一個位在加拿大McMaster大學的遺傳學者Hendrik Poinar 從長毛象的骨頭碎片中解開了大部分長

6、毛象的基因,至少從理論上證實,複製長毛象是可能發生的。,And a lab in Germany has been researching the genetics of Neanderthals to see how closely they were related to modern humans-and if the two species interbred.,到目前為止,德國的實驗室仍持續在研究尼安德特人的基因與可能為兩種生物混種的現代人類的基因之關係有多親近。,Main idea,The main idea of the two paragraph is using ancien

7、t DNA analysis to answer archaeological mystery.For example,coprolites may yield answers from the distant past,dodo birds are considered a close relative of the pigeon beacause of their DNA,a woolly mammoths genome from fragments of bone providing-at least in theory-that cloning one might be possibl

8、e,and we also can know how closely Neanderthals were related to modern humans and if the two species interbred.Therefore,with the technique of DNA analysis progressing,we may know more about past and even do the least damage on objects,creatures,and environment.,Sentence evidences,In 2006,Hendrik Po

9、inar, a geneticist at McMaster University in Canada, sequenced most of a woolly mammoths genome from fragments of bone, proving-at least in theory-that cloning one might be possible. Sequenced: 為主要動詞 Proving: 為分詞構句,原式為: ,and proved,分詞構句: 兩個句字,若主詞相同,則第二個主詞和連接詞省略,保留動詞 Ex: After you take the medicine,

10、youll feel better. Taking medicine, youll feel better. 有時連接詞也可以保留,做強調 After taking medicine, youll feel better.,Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species,Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species,Domain,Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species,Domain,Domain Archaea Domain Bacteria Domain Eukarya,Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species,Domain,Domain Archaea Domain Bacteria Domain Eukarya,Species: Two organisms that are able to reproduce naturally to produce fertile offspring of both sexes.,


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