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1、(二)资源整合,4.本单元教材整合的建议: 第五课时:听说课 (Listening and speaking、 补充新英语900句Lesson 20、跟杨澜学口 语No Smoking的视听材料),Listening,The listening is a conversation between Tina and Sara about going to a disco. Lets predict: What kind of advice will Tina give to Sara?,1 Tick the things Sara is worried about. ( ) AIDS ( ) d

2、rugs ( ) abortion ( ) smoking ( ) alcohol ( ) strangers ( ) money ( ) dancing ( ) orange juice ( ) cigar,(1)Just say “no”. You _ _. (2)Its OK to _ _.,dont have to do anything you dont want to,to drink orange juice or something instead,2 Listen again and complete Tinas sentences:,W:That was a good me

3、al. M:Yes, it was. _some dessert? W: _, but first I want to smoke this cigar. M:I dont think_. W:Why not? Its a nice cigar. M:In this restaurant, the sign says “_”. W:They _me from smoking. M:They can make you leave._, its bad for your health. W:Let me_ my own health. M:Its bad for my health too _ev

4、eryone else here. W:Okay, okay. Ill _the cigar. M:Good. Now lets have some dessert.,How about,That would be nice,you should do that,NO SMOKING,cant stop,Anyway,worry about,as well as,put out,新英语900句 Lesson 20 Warnings and Prohibitions 警告和禁止,Ask for permissions and answer the requests: 1. Im afraid n

5、ot. 恐怕不行。 2. May I put it here? 我可以把它放在这儿吗? 3. Can I put it here? 我能把它放在这儿吗? 4. I dont understand. 我不明白。 Permissions and suggestions: 5. Please dont sit there. 请不要坐在那儿。 6. Please keep off the grass. 请勿踩踏草坪。 7. You cant do that in the park. 在公园里你不能那样做。,跟杨澜学口语 Permission允许,小结:禁止、警告和允许的日常交际用语,Situation

6、1: your friend wants to smoke on your birthday party, but you dont permit. (asking for permission and giving some prohibitions),Speaking(Role play),Situation2: your friend tries to cross the road and you see a car speeding towards him/ her. (giving some warnings),(二)资源整合,4.本单元教材整合的建议: 第六课时:写作课 (Writ

7、ing),This is Li Xiaolei. He has become addicted to smoking !,Dear Liu, Can you help me please? I have tried to stop smoking several times. I am OK for two days and then I feel really sick and irritable and I have to start smoking again. I also know smoking is a bad habit and harmful to others, but I

8、 just cant seem to give it up. Do you have any useful tips? With love Yours Li Xiaolei,Writing,Dear_, Yours truly, signature(签名),Letter body ( 2.tips / suggestions),Greeting sentences (1.greetings),Ending sentences(3.encouragement),Writing,1.Thanks for trusting and writing to me.,Greeting sentences:

9、,2. I am sorry you have had so much trouble trying to stop smoking.,3. Ive got to know you have tried to stop smoking several times but failed. Actually, It needs your great efforts and determination. ,back,on quitting smoking,Make a plan,Be determined,Break the habit,?,Relax,?,?,Suggestions,back,It

10、 is helpful to have a plan for quitting smoking.,Make a plan,Fix a date to stop smoking and stick to it.,Make a list of all the benefits,back,Make a plan,Throw away your last packet of cigarettes.,Never reach for a cigarette .,Remind yourself that you are a non-smoker.,Be determined to,back,Do somet

11、hing else to keepbusy.,Instead of smoking a cigarette, Do something else, such as going for a walk, drinking some water and cleaning the house, etc.,back,relaxation exercises ,Try some deep breathing and relax instead.,back,1. Keep up until you have managed to quit it.,2. Yet there is no quick and e

12、asy way of quitting smoking. Keep up the good work.,Sentences to end the letter: ( for encouragement ),3. Dont give up until you are surely a healthy non-smoker. ,back,Expression,Do,Dont forget to,You should,It would be a good idea to,Besides, Moreover, In addition,I think, In my opinion, I believe,

13、You dont have to,Its OK/ all right to,But, on the other hand, otherwise,Dont,There is no need to,Its not necessary to,In short, In brief, In all,Dear Zhou Wei, Im sorry you have had so much trouble trying to stop smoking, but I am glad you are still trying. I hope the tips below will help you. First

14、ly, you should be determined and dont give up.The more often you try, the more likely you are to succeed. Secondly, its helpful to make a plan to quit. Dont forget to fix a date and do it step by step. It would be a good idea to do something else, such as listening to music, do some walking, drinkin

15、g some water, etc. Never reach for a cigarette.,Besides, its necessary to relax. If you feel stressed, take some relaxation exercises. Relax by breathing deeply. Yet there is no quick and easy way of quitting smoking. Its normal to feel sick during the first few days. Therefore, It needs your great efforts and determination. Keep up the good work until you succeed eventually. Good luck and best wishes. Liu Qiang,总结:如何做到有效备课?,一、 备课三要素 教材、学生、教师 二、 备课两步骤 (一)教材分析 (二)资源整合,思考题,在教学实践中,你是怎样开发和利用相关教材,如何整合课程资源?请举例说明。,Thank you !,


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