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1、法律用语的翻译 Richie,专门词汇的翻译,受不可抗力的影响的一方应立即书面通知另一方,解释其不能履行或延迟履行本协议的全部或部分条款的理由。,The party affected by an event of force majeure shall notify the other party in writing without delay, explaining the reason for its inability to perform or the delay in the performance of all or part of this Agreement.,法律规定或者当

2、事人约定解除权利行使期限,期限届满当事人不行使的,该权利消灭。,If the law stipulates or the parties have agreed on a time limit for exercising the right to rescind the contract, and the party with the right of rescission fails to exercise such right at the expiration of the time limit, such right shall be extinguished.,在非违约方依据普通法

3、或衡平法享有的权利和救济不受限制的情况下,本协议根据前款终止后,违约方应赔偿另一方因违约方的过失、失职或其他违约行为或非法行为致使本协议终止而遭受或发生的一切损失。,Without limiting any right or remedy available to the non-defaulting party at law or in equity, upon the termination of this Agreement in accordance with the previous Article, the defaulting party shall indemnify the

4、other party for all the losses suffered or incurred by it in connection with the termination due to the negligence, breach of duty or other default or wrongdoing of the defaulting party.,“应(该)”的翻译,ShouldMoral obligation We should help those poor people. Shalllegal obligation He who has committed a c

5、rime shall be punished by law.,以“的”字收尾为代表的偏正复句的翻译,总经理、副总经理及其他高级管理人员有营私舞弊或者严重失职行为的,经董事会决议可以随时解聘。,If the general manager, a deputy general manager or other officer commits an act of graft or serious dereliction of duty, the board of directors may adopt a resolution to dismiss him at any time.,合营各方之间没有

6、有关仲裁的书面协议的,发生争议的任何一方都可以依法向人民法院起诉。,If there is no written agreement on arbitration between the parties to a joint venture, each party may start legal proceedings with a Peoples Court according to law.,合同文本采用两种以上文字订立并约定具有同等效力的,对各文本使用的词句推定具有相同含义。各文本使用的词句不一致的,应当根据合同的目的予以解释。,Where a contract is made in t

7、wo or more languages and the parties agree that the various versions of the contract are equally authentic, it shall be presumed that the corresponding words and sentences in the various versions shall have the same meaning. In the case of a discrepancy in any word or sentence used in different versions, such word or sentence shall be interpreted on the basis of the purpose of the contract.,Thank You,


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