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1、,Q4 lecture-based or academic R.L.S 第四题中首先是一篇学术类短文,75100个词,45秒种读完。然后听一个教授就此类话题的讲座,大概两分钟左右。然后准备30秒种,response time is 60s. 一般来说,阅读文章会讲一个或两个概念或定义,一般比较笼统和抽象,但有时也会给出原因或者例子;在教授的讲座中将会通过举例(包括反例)等方式来使阅读材料中的内容更具体,更详实。问题一般会是让你总结一下教授讲座的内容,也就是让你用具体的例子来说明一下文章中的概念。,. Summary: A summary is a concise description of

2、the major point of something read or listened to. A good summary should focus on the major points of the source material and therefore, a good summary should : 1. convey the speakers original meaning or intent 2. read like a coherent and unified paragraph.,Note-taking: During the process of reading,

3、 we should write down: 1. main idea 主题 title 2. Read through the whole paragraph 3.在文章的前面两句话中一般会出现一到两个concept or definition, 要记下来,因为在后面的听力材料中会出现examples 4.阅读材料中出现的reasons 或者是options。,Ani domestication (OG 217) Tame mammals 农 通 Not easy Indicator Suitability 1 protective territory non live close 2. h

4、ierarchical social follow leader,(1) examples: 标志词: for example, for instance, let me show you an experiment process 举两个相反的例子做对比。 例子不可能全部记下来 但只要主谓宾要记下来,或者要把实验或者进程的过程要记下来。 (2) 因果关系:ETS更倾向于问原因。 标志词有 the reason is that why is .因果关系是句子关系中比较重要得关系。 (3) 其他的标志词: The best the biggest the most but however fur

5、thermore, and also besides in addition The special feature of is the function of sth is the quality of sth is,Notes for listening: Live togh in herds Horses move dominant male-domi fe young second fe yong Program follow lead Overlap areas fight off other same 安特劳 fight another male no social hier fo

6、llow leader,Summary : one example Original text: When a herd moves, the dominant male leads, with the dominant female and her young immediately behind him. The dominant female and her young are followed immediately by the second important female and her young, and so on. This is why domesticated hor

7、ses can be harnessed one after the other in a row. Theyre programmed to follow the lead of another horse. my summary: When horses move, they always follow a leader and they have a hierarchical social structure.,Template: 1.Topic: 分成两部分: (1)The reading passage describes a concept or a definition of o

8、r The reading passage mentions that/sth. (2) In the listening passage the professor uses two examples to explain or refute the definition or concept. Or the professor talks about an experiment or one of his or her experiences. 2. Supporting details: (1). examples (2). examples 或者把实验或者进程或者经历的过程说清楚 3.

9、 Conclusion 可以省掉了。,Attention: 1. The ratio between Reading material and listening material. 1:5 reading 15秒以内,10 之内最佳。 2. 无论是阅读还是听力中的笔记,不一定要全部用在speaking中。尤其是听力笔记记得比较好的情况下,听力笔记中很多内容都不能用到speaking中。 3. 要学会适当的把阅读材料中的部分重要信息加到听力这部分中去,Topic 7: human genome project notes: (reading) genome project ideal perf

10、ect humam disease master race end immoral not wrong the way perfect what ultimate X humanity,Listening: control genome good: use bene elimi disease Parkin evil: mould who what human none conclusive no sciece value gove 限 cloning 忌 lose fund,Speaking sample: The reading material talks about human gen

11、ome project and the ideal was to make perfect human without diseases. But for some reason, the research on human genetics was considered immoral and was destroyed. In the listening passage, the professor talks about the good and the evil the human genome project can do to human beings. First of all,

12、 the benefit is the research can help get rid of many human diseases. However, if the project is left to the wrong hand, it will affect who and what human beings will be. The professor also talks about the reasons why none of the genetics research is conclusive and has any scientific value because o

13、f the government restrictions and the fear of losing fund by researchers.,15% Human; 85% Sheep. Yeah, you gotta hear this. Scientists have created the worlds first human-sheep chimera. 客迈拉希腊神话(狮头、羊身、蛇尾的吐火女怪“喀迈拉”是生物学上非常常用的一个术语,也是在生物界非常普遍的自然现象。“喀迈拉”一般意译成“嵌合体”,指的是来自不同个体的生物分子、细胞或组织被结合在了一起成为一个生物体- which

14、has the body of a sheep and half-human organs. The sheep have 15 per cent human cells and 85 per cent animal cells - and their evolution brings the prospect of animal organs being transplanted into humans one step closer.,1. Oh noes! Its the rise of the Manimals! 2. Every time you kill 6.666 of thes

15、e sheep you kill a human! 3. It is a government conspiracy - they want a nation of sheeple. 4. Animal organs being transplanted into humans means more people feeling sheepish.,Topic 8: Animal Rights Group notes: reading animal rights advocates boycott industries use animal 1. farming industry meat m

16、ilk eggs vegetarian vegan 2.fur leather skin,listening: animal advocacy group passi free unharm against food clothing entertain zoos confine natural beha circus stress trained fur Indus opponent: annoying danger dark side: fire bomb private home dama car eggs mail fake explos pamphlets,speaking samp

17、le : The reading material talks about animal rights group and advocates and they boycott industries that use animal, such as the farming and fur industies. In the listening passage, the professor gives a balanced talk on the actions of these animal advocacy members. The professor thinks that these m

18、embers are passionate about giving freedom to animals and they are against the practice of using animals as food, clothing or in entertainment industries because by doing so, those animals will be restricted and have to undergo a lot of pressure of being trained. The the professor switches sides and

19、 brings up the opponents view on these groups. He says that these advocacy groups are criticized for being annoying. They have resorted to fire bombing and other bad means to get their point across to the public.,Listening: Last year Public school TA Protest Sign pamphlets Public school disrupt clas

20、ses Official have to leave Sidewalk again successful Public school X side walk ,Summary: 1 考过的主要内容: a. psychology尤其喜欢谈小孩子的心理教育 会谈到reward和punishment。 b. biology:botany and zoology c. economics: enterprise management,2.无论是阅读还是听力中的笔记,不一定要全部用在speaking中。尤其是听力笔记记得比较好的情况下,听力笔记中很多内容都不能用到speaking中。要学会适当的把阅读材料中的部分重要信息加到听力这部分中去。 3.在听力的过程中,主要精力要放在听解上,也就是对教授讲座的主要意思的理解上,在此基础上,能记下来多少细节就记多少。,4. 模版是初学者的工具,随着水平的提高,要突破模版的限制。 The professor talks about sth, which is defined as (in the reading material),


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