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1、Chapter 1 Understanding the Financial Planning Process,What is personal financial planning? Why do you do your personal financial planning? How to do sound financial planning?,Do you believe?,富不过三代 投资银行JP摩根的最新调查显示,全球大部分超级富豪过去20年都不能守住巨额财富,“败家率”达80。 有人把福布斯杂志最新的全球400位首富排行榜与20年前的同一排行榜相比,结果发现,平均每5名榜上有名的超

2、级富翁中,只有1名能在榜上屹立不倒。,姓名:迈克-泰森 出生:1966.6.30 身高:1米80 战绩:49胜3负(43次击倒对手) 故乡:美国俄亥俄州 头衔:前WBC重量级冠军 前WBA重量级冠军 教练:罗尼-谢尔茨,2003年8月2日,泰森向纽约曼哈顿区破产法院提出破产申请,The rewards of sound financial planning: 1.Improve your standard of living (1)What is standard of living: the necessities, comforts, and luxuries enjoyed or des

3、ired by an individual or group (2)What factors affect the quality of life? Geographic location, public facilities, local cost of living , pollution, traffic, population density, wealthy. 2.Spending money wisely: current needs vs. future needs Average propensity to consume: the percentage of each dol

4、lar of income, on average, that a person spends for current consumption What is your average propensity to consume?,3.Accumulating wealth (1)Wealth: the total value of all items owned by an individual, such as savings Accounts, stocks, bonds, home, and automobiles. (2)Financial assets: intangible as

5、sets, such as savings accounts and securities, That are acquired for some promised future return. (3)Tangible assets: physical assets, such as real estate and automobiles, that can Be held for either consumption or investment purpose ,The goals of the course: 1.provide students with practical tools

6、that enable them to develop their own personal financial plans and to manage their personal finances better 2. enable students the abilities to be the counselor of personal financial planning.,Grades: Comprehensive Final Exam 70% Homework and presentation 20% Attendance 10% ,Personal financial plann

7、ing: planning that covers the important elements of an individuals financial affairs and is aimed at fulfilling his or her financial goals. Steps in personal financial planning process 1. Define financial goals. 2. Develop financial plans and strategies to achieve goals. 3. Implement financial plans

8、 and strategies. 4. Develop budgets to monitor and control progress toward goals. 5. Evaluate results by using financial statements. 6. Revise goals as situations change.,Define financial goals. The role of money The psychology of money You should know your own attitudes towards money: How important

9、 is money to u? why? What type of spending give u satisfaction? R U a risk taker? Do u need large financial reserves to feel secure? Money and relationships,Financial goals: short-, intermediate-, and long-term results that an individual wants to attain, such as controlling living expenses, managing

10、 ones tax burden, establishing savings and investment programs, and meeting retirement needs. What are your financial goals? Types of financial goals: Financial goals should be defined as specifically as possible Putting target dates on financial goals,,Age,Income,10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80,Income Stre

11、am,Personal Financial Planning Lifecycle,Retirement/ Estate,Tax,Savings/ Investment,Asset Acquisition,Liability/Insurance,Benefits,The Planning Environment,Financial planning is carried out in an economic environment created by the interactions of Government Business Consumers,,BUSINESS,GOVERNMENT,C

12、ONSUMERS,Money payments of wages, rents interest, and profit,Money payments for goods and services,Land, labor, and financial capital,Goods and services,Public goods & services, regulations, and revenues,Taxes,,Economic Cycles,Expansion,Recession,Depression,Recovery,HIGH,LOW,Levels of Employment and

13、 Production,Expansion: the phase of the economic cycle during which the level of employment and growth of economic activity are both high; generally accompanied by rising prices for goods and services Recession: the phase of the economic cycle during which the level of employment falls and growth of

14、 economic activity slows. Depression: the phase of the economic cycle during which the employment level is low and economic growth is at a virtual standstill. Recovery: the phase of the economic cycle during which the employment level is increased and the economy is experiencing increased activity a

15、nd growth.,Inflation: a state of the economy in which the general price level is rising due to excessive demand or rapidly rising production costs; usually occurs during the recovery and expansion phase of the economic cycle. Consumer price index (CPI): a measure of the cost of living and inflation

16、based on changes in the cost of a market basket of consumer goods and services. Purchasing power: the amount of goods and services each dollar buys at a given point in time.,What determines your personal income? 1.Age, marital status,2.Education,3.Geographic location-Where you live,,Economic conditi

17、ons Labor supply Industrial base Cost of living: groceries housing utilities transportation healthcare and miscellaneous goods and services.,4.Your career,,Planning your career Identify your interests, skills , needs and values Set specific long- and short- term career goals Develop and implement an

18、 action plan to achieve chose goals Review and revise your career plans as your situation changes.,,Recommend three financial goals and related activities for someone in each of the following circumstances: Junior in college 25-year-old computer programmer who wants to get a masters degree in busine

19、ss admistration couple in their thirties with two children, ages three and six Divorced 45-year-old man with a 15-year-old child and a 75-year old father who is ill,注册财务策划师资格如何取得? 教育(Education)、考试(Examination)、经验(Experience)、操守(Ethics)。 第一个“E”(教育):指学员需通过指定的财务策划师基本课程教育。作为财务策划师, 必须具备跨行业的知识,即包括财务策划、投资、

20、保险、税务、退休计划和员工福利等, 而且需要对国际和本国的法律法规都必须比较清楚地了解和掌握; 第二个“E”(考试):除注册会计师(CPA)、特许财务分析师(CFA)等专业证书持有人, 商学、经济学、管理学博士,以及执业律师可以直接报考外,所有学员必须通过课程教育 才能报考财务策划师资格考试。 第三个“E”(经验):通过上面的财务策划知识考评,结合教育与第三个“E”(经验), 才可以确保财务策划师具备适合的专业能力。在经验方面,国际财务策划师理事会要求 申请人最少有三年的相关工作经验,无大学学位者则要六年以上。 第四个“E”(操守):证书申请人同意遵守第四个“E”(操守)的规定和要求,便可申请 成为财务策划师。但由于经济环境的变化会对财务策划的知识和专业能力产生新的要 求,所以为了保证财务策划师的持续胜任能力,财务策划师还必须按照持续进修制度 接受后续教育。 www.cfp-borad.org,


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