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1、英语语法高中版 目录: 第一章 现在完成时和现在完成进行时 第二章 被动语态 第三章 动词不定式 第四章 动名词 第五章 分词 第六章 助动词和情态动词 第七章 动词语气 第八章 强调句、语序和倒装 第九章 名词从句 第十章 定语从句 第十一章 状语从句 第十二章 主谓一致,现在完成时 the present perfect tense,过去发生的而与现在的情况有关的事或状态, 或者是从过去某时到现在为止这一段时间内发生的情况。 【一定与现在有关系】 现在完成时的用法:“继续”、“完成”、“经验”、“结果”。 My father has worked here for nearly 30 ye

2、ars. 【从过去继续到现在的动作或状态】 I have visited the state of Michigan twice.【过去某时刻发生的动作使现在有某种经验】 I have just finished my homework.【现在已经完成的动作】 I have lost my dictionary.【过去发生了某动作导致现在的结果】 四种用法的时间状语: 继续 since, for, How long?, all, etc. 经验 often, ever, never, before, once, times 完成 already, just, yet, etc. 结果 不需要时

3、间状语,表示继续的现在完成时 【一定要和现在有关系,否则只需要用一般过去时】 I began to study English three years ago. I still study English now. I have studied English since three years ago. 常用的时间状语:for+时间;since+过去某时。 “for+时间”可以和各种时态连用,千万不要产生误解,认为它只用于完成时。 He studied in Beijing University for 4 years in 1960s. 此句是过去时,与现在无关,只是在过去的二十世纪六十年

4、代发生的事,同样可以用“for+时间”。 “since+过去的时间”表示从过去某时开始的动作或状态一直继续到现在,此时,since是介词。 Ive learned to dance since three years ago. We have known each other since we were children. 注意:通常since引导的从句的动词是用过去时,而主句原则上是用现在完成时,但用“its+时间”开始的句子例外。 Its ten years since we left school. 其它时间副词:always, often, these days (months, ye

5、ars), recently (lately), so far=up to now=till now=until now, in the last (past) few years,表示经验的现在完成时 1. 过去时:Helen read the novel three years ago and she read the novel again and again. 2. 现在时:Now she knows the novel (or Now she remembers the novel). 1+2=3 3. 现在完成时:Helen has read the novel three tim

6、es. 常用表示经验的时间状语: 置于句中的 时间状语(副词)often, ever, never。 注意never的位置,如, No, I never have No, I have never done that. 放在句末的时间状语:表示频率的副词,before, yet She has read the poem once. I have taught English in this school before. have (has) been辨析,表示完成、结果的现在完成时 【表示结果的完成时,往往不必用时间状语】 I finished my homework yesterday.

7、昨天做完了作业。(和现在无关,现在也许又在做作业) Ive just finished my homework. 已经做完作业。(现在没有作业可做) I opened the window. 过去的动作 The window is open now. 过去的动作对现在的影响还存在 I have opened the window. 我已经打开了窗户。 表示完成的时间状语(副词):already, just, yet. 放在句中的副词 already, just I have already written a letter to my teacher. I have just phoned h

8、im. 注意:already有时也用在疑问句中 Has she arrived at the station already? (暗示惊讶的心情,可能她动作很慢,没想到已经到了,给人出乎意料的感觉) 放在句末的副词 yet I havent had lunch yet. 在否定句中,yet译为“还”。 Has she seen the doctor yet? 在疑问句中,yet译为“已经”。 (not yet常代替否定句),使用现在完成时需要注意的事项 1. just now和just的区别 两者皆可译为“刚才”,但just now一般用于过去时,而just用于现在完成时,而且它们在句中的位置

9、也不同。(just now置于句末,just置于have/has后) 2. Today, this morning, this afternoon He didnt do his homework this afternoon. 根据时态是过去时可以推测说话时已经是晚上了,所以此句要译为“他今天下午没做作业” He hasnt done his homework this afternoon.根据时态是现在完成时可以推测现在还是下午,如果是晚上应该用hadnt,所以此句要译为“他今天下午还没做作业呢” 【下午说话时,他还有可能去做作业】 He arrived here a little lat

10、e today, because he got up late and didnt catch the bus. 他迟到了,因为他晚起,而且没赶上车。到达arrived的动作已经过去了。 He has been busy today. 仅太难很忙。【截止到说话时,仍是今天,他仍很忙。】 3. 注意地点状语的运用【有时一个地点状语会影响时态的运用,因为这个地点状语限定了时间】 I bought this watch in Shanghai. “在上海”就限定了买手表这个动作发生在过去的某个时间,而我们就不能把这个动作和现在联系起来了,所以这个句子虽然没有时间状语,但这个地点限定了此句只能用过去时

11、。 4. 几种时态表同一意思”他离开中国已经两年了” 一般过去时:He left China two years ago. 一般现在时:It is two years since he left China. 【句型:it is +时间+since+过去时态的句子】 现在完成时:He has been away from China for 2 years.,现在完成进行时 1. 现在完成时侧重于动作的结束或完成;而现在完成进行时则侧重于动作的未结束和继续进行。而且现在完成进行时基本上没有否定时态。 2. He hasnt been sleeping for 5 hours. 否定词看似否定的

12、是谓语hasnt been sleeping,但实际上却否定了状语for 5 hours。译为“他没有一直睡五个小时。”也许是四个小时,或三个小时。 3. 现在完成进行时可用于强调动作延续时间的长久或带感情色彩。 Miller has always been studying hard. 米勒学习总是非常努力。(赞许的感情色彩) 4. 动作不包含持续意思的动词要用现在完成进行时,表示延续到现在的动作。 The artist has painted the painting. 画家画完了画。 The artist has been painting the painting. 画家一直在画画。

13、5. 现在完成进行时有时也用来表示一种在现在以前这个阶段反复发生的事。 Ive always been thinking of her but I cant see her. He has been promising me to help you. Hasnt he done it? 6.用于现在完成进行时的时间状语基本上和现在完成时的时间状语相同。,现在完成时表示已做完的事情及已有的经验 但现在完成进行时则无这两种作用,被动语态 Passive voice,英语中时态的种类:过去,现在,将来,一般,进行,完成,组合十六种。 一般过去时;一般现在时;一般将来时; 过去进行时;现在进行时;将来

14、进行时; 过去完成时;现在完成时;将来完成时; 过去将来时;过去将来完成时;过去将来进行时; 现在完成进行时;将来完成进行时;过去完成进行时; 过去将来完成进行时; 被动语态的几种复杂时态: 现在完成时 The lifesaver has saved more than twenty lives. More than twenty lives have been saved (by the lifesaver). 过去完成时 They had built ten bridges by 1980. Ten bridges had been built (by them) by 1980.【by

15、them 和by 1980意义不同,后者是时间状语,不能省略】 过去将来时 Mother said she would punish the naughty boy this evening. Mother said the naughty boy would be punished. 将来完成时【使用很少】 We shall have made ten thousand DVDs by the end of this month. Ten thousand DVDs will have been made (by us) by the end of this month. 过去将来完成时【使

16、用很少】 He said he would have learned five thousand words by 2000. He said five thousand words would have been learned (by him) by 2000.,没有被动结构的时态,完成进行时的被动结构:用完成时。 The builders have been building this skyscraper for two months. This skyscraper has been built for two months. 将来完成时的被动结构:用一般将来时。 You will

17、be doing the experiment here at this time next Monday. The experiment will be done here at this time next Monday.,被动语态的几种类型,有两个宾语的句子的被动语态: 主动句:S + V + IO(间宾)+ DO(直宾) 被动句:S(原IO)+ be + 原DO + by + 原主语之宾格 S(原DO)+ be + 过去分词 + by + 原主语之宾格 可有两种被动语态的动词:award, buy, give, leave, lend, offer, pay, show, teach,

18、 tell He lent me a bike.A bike was lent to me (by him).I was lent a bike (by him). 通常用直宾做被动语态主语的一些动词:bring, do, make, pass, sell, send, sing, write, sew He wrote her a letter. A letter was written (to) her by him.She was written a letter.(不合习惯) 通常用间宾做被动语态主语的一些动词:answer, deny, envy, refuse, save, spa

19、re I refused her the invitation. She was refused the invitation by me.The invitation was refused him by me.(不合习惯) 含有宾语补足语的句子(SVOC)的被动语态:补足语放在过去分词后,其位置虽然保持不变,但语法功能变了此时的补语不在是宾语的补语,而变成了主语的补语。 He saw a thief steal something from the room. A thief was seen to steal something from the room.,由非短语动词形成的被动语态:

20、介词或副词的位置与短语动词形成的被动语态比起来很不固定,非常灵活。 The students danced around the visitors. the visitors were danced around (by the students). Around (by the students) the visitors were danced. 注意:will用于第一人称是表说话者的意志,因此改为被动语态时,其主语you, he第二、第三人称,须用shall,以表说话者“我”的意志。 I will ask him.He shall be asked (by me). 否定祈使句的被动语态

21、: 主动句Dont + V(原形) + O 被动句Dont + O(原宾语) + be + 过去分词 Dont tell him the truth.Dont let the truth be told to him. 被动语态与系表结构的区别 1. 根据状语来区别:有时间状语或方式状语的,一般为被动语态,反之则为系表结构。 2. 根据所用的时态来区别:被动语态的时态要与它的相应主动语态句子一致,系表结构不需要考虑时态一致问题;系表结构只用于一般现在时、一般过去时、现在完成时和过去完成时,不能用于其他时态。而被动语态除了不用与完成进行时和将来进行时外,可用于其它任何时态。 3. 根据动词的种类

22、来区别:不及物动词没有被动语态,除非它后面有介词或副词。所以be+不及物动词的过去分词一般不是被动语态,而是系表结构。如下: 表状态be gone, be returned, be fallen, be risen, be retired. 表智力活动结果be learned, be educated, be mistaken, be known. 表心态be ashamed, be interested, be astonished, be excited, be pleased.【有时这些表心态的动词和可接by来表达被动意义】 be+延续动词的过去分词只表被动语态,如下: be admir

23、ed, be loved, be respected, be encouraged, be praised.,学习被动语态应注意的事项,感官动词表示状态或结果时;宾语起状语作用,表示数量、重量、大小、程度时, 主动表示被动 这类动词有: smile, smell, sound, taste, look, seem, remain, prove, appear, fall, turn cost, weigh, number, keep, wash, drink, sell clean, lock, translate, read, last, write, cook, tear, cut, bu

24、rn, strike, pull, act, last, feel have/get sth/sb + 过去分词 have和get的区别是,get是出自本身的意愿,而have则出于无奈和自愿。 I had my watch stolen. 我的手表被偷了。 I got my watch stolen.我让我的手表被偷了。(自愿) 主语+want/ need/ require/ doing (= to be done) The baby wants (needs, requires) examining. The car is under repair. (being repaired now)

25、 This kind of computer is in use. (being used now),动词不定式 Infinitive,动词不定式与动名词、分词一样是动词的一种非谓语形式; 它前面一般要有一个不定时符号“to”; 为了把它与介词to区分开,也叫它“小品词”,它没有词性。 不定式在句中起名词、形容词和副词的作用,可以当 主语、表语、宾语、状语、定语和宾语补足语。 动词不定式还保留了许多动词的特点,如: 它可以有自己的宾语; He likes to play football. 可以有状语来修饰; The guard ordered me to show him my passpo

26、rt immediately. 可以带自己的主语; To draw such a picture is not easy.,不定式的名词性 不定式做主语【谓语动词用单数】 1. 常见带形式主语it的句型有: It is easy (difficult, hard, important, right, impossible, necessary, wise, kind, cruel, nice) to do It is pleasure (pity, pleasing thing, crime, an honor) to do It takes sb. some time to do sth.

27、2. for和of做不定式逻辑上的主语时的区别: for sb.的句型通常使用表示客观情况的形容词。 It is important for us to express our opinions. (to do sth. is important) of sb.的句型一般用于表示主观感情或态度的形容词。 It is clever of him to leave that country. (sb. is clever) 不定式做表语 常见的动词如be, seem, remain, appear, get等,用来说明主语的内容; 常见的主语如ones dream, business, wish,

28、 idea, plan, job, work, task, duty及what one wants to do等。 不定式做宾语【动宾和介宾】 1. 句型:主语+及物动词+ it +宾语补足语+ to + V We think it important to obey the laws. I dont think it possible to master a foreign language without much memory work. 为了避免重复,作宾语的不定式第二次出现时往往省略,只保留不定式符号to. 下列动词后:want, wish, hope, like, hate, pl

29、an, try, love; 下列助动词后:have to, ought to, need; 在be able to, used to 和 be going to 后。 2. 当介词but, except, besides前面有一个实意动词do时,介词后面的不定式可以省略to。 另外,介词instead of前后两个成分必须对等,如果前面一个成分是一个不定式,后面的不定式就可以省略to。 除but, except, besides外,个别介词可用”连接代词/副词+不定式“作宾语。 What do you like to do besides play games? We want to wat

30、ch TV instead of go out for a walk. The boy has his own idea of how to finish it.,不定式的形容词性,在他所修饰词的后面,而且往往放在其他后置定语的后面。 动宾关系 如果作定语用的不定式是不及物动词,就要在其后加一个介词,使被修饰的词成为该介词的逻辑宾语。 He is looking for a room to live in. 有时不定式所修饰的名词或代词是不定式动作的地点、工具等,不定式后面也应该有必要的介词。 Please pass me some paper to write on. 注意:当不定式修饰的词

31、是place, time, way时,不定式后边的介词可以省略。 He has no money and no place to live. I think the best way to travel (by) is on foot. 主谓关系 不定式所修饰的名词或代词是它的逻辑主语。 The factory to produce electricity will be set up next year. A factory which is to produce electricity will be set up next year. 当不定式修饰的是序数词或是形容词最高级所修饰的名词时

32、,或者这个名词被省略时,这个名词和不定式之间也是逻辑上的主谓关系。 She is always the last (person) to speak at the meeting. Li Ming was the first (person) to arrive. 不定式修饰something, anything, nothing。 句型:不定代词+形容词+不定式 I want something to read. 【此句意为“我要一些可读的东西”,to read作形容词修饰something;而“I want to read something”意为“我想读点儿东西”,to read作名词,

33、作want的宾语,而something在不定式中作to read的宾语】,不定式做定语,有时用主动语态表示被动含义 There be句型中,there is a letter to write.可以理解为“there is a letter (for me) to write.” 再如:there is no time to lose.=there is no time (for us) to lose. 比较: Im going to the post office, I know you have a letter to post. Let me post it for you. Than

34、k you, but I have no letter to be posted now. 第一句中句子的主语和不定式的主语一致,所以用主动表示被动含义;第二句中,不定式的主语不是句子的主语I ,而是第一句里的you,所以要用被动语态。 当不定式修饰want, have等动词的宾语,而句子的主语是不定式的逻辑主语时,用主动语态表达被动含义。 We have no homework to do.【主语we是不定式的逻辑主语,可以理解为“we do no homework”】 当不定式修饰buy, get, give等动词的直接宾语,而间接宾语是不定式的逻辑主语时,用主动语态表示被动含义。 Ple

35、ase buy me some newspaper to read. Ill give u some novel to read on the journey.,不定式的副词性 表原因 He is lucky to get there./ Lee seemed willing to do that. The house is very comfortable to live in./ We found him was easy to get along with. 表目的【前置以将强语气,如需进一步加强,可加in order / so as 】 (in order)To serve the p

36、eople well I study hard. 比较:so as to引导的目的状语不能放在句首,in order to可以; so as to也可以表示结果,但要分开写:soas to + do,如 They started so early as to catch the first bus. 表结果 经常和only, never连用,强调结果和失望的情绪。 I hurried to get there only to find him out. 其他用法 在too前面加only或but(相当与really)以加强语气。 He is only too glad to come here.

37、 【He is too wise not to see that.意为“他很聪明,不会不懂那一点。”】 不定式在句中作为独立成分 To tell you the truth, I dont think the film is good. To be frank, you are lying. He knows English and French, not to speak of German.,不定式作宾语补足语 可以省略to 在某些感官动词(feel, hear, listen to, watch, look at, notice, observe)和使役动词(let, have, mak

38、e)后作宾语补足语时,省去to,但在被动语态中不可省。 Did u hear anyone say anything about it? The workers were made to work day and night. to be结构 动词think, consider, find, believe, suppose, know, understand, take后,不定式作宾补时常用to be结构。 不定式作主语补足语,要符合三个条件: 句子的谓语动词是被动语态; 句子的主语必须是动词不定式逻辑上的主语; 动词不定式在主动句中作宾补。 This room was said to ha

39、ve been cleaned. It was said that the room had been cleaned. He was told to be quiet.The teacher told him to be quiet.,不定式中省去to的情况 在感官动词和使役动词之后 只有当have, make当使役动词时,才省去不定式作宾补时的小品词to,当它们为实意动词时不能省。 They made a lot of flowers to decorate the room. 两个以上不定式并列 I promised to finish my work and hand it in on

40、 time. (, and to hand it in) 但是在对照的场合,to不可以省。 Its better to laugh than to cry. 有介词but, except, besides,而且其前面有实意动词do时,不定式在介词后可以省去to。 The enemy can do nothing but surrender. The enemy had nothing to choose but to surrender. 不定式作宾语重复时可省 在go, come后作目的状语的不定式 Go ask your father./ You should go say “Thank

41、you”. 在系动词be后作表语时 What I want to do is have a good rest. 句型Why not do sth?/ Why do sth? 几个句型词组 I prefer to go to the movies rather than (to) stay home. prevent/ stop/ save/ keep sb. from doing sth. 注意:suggest的两种含义,“建议”和“表明” He suggested a way out of the difficulty. I suggest putting the meeting off.

42、 The teacher suggested that the students (should) relax themselves on Sunday. His pale face suggests he is in poor health. suggest后不跟不定式!,动名词Gerund,动名词在句中可以作主语、表语、宾语和定于。 作主语【谓语动词一律用单数】 It is no use (useless) talking too much. It is no good crying. It trains the ear listening to music. There is no do

43、ing = It is impossible to do = No one can do There is no telling what will happen. Its impossible to tell what will happen. No one can tell what will happen. 作表语【表语和主语常常可以互换】 One of his habit is not speaking clearly. =Not speaking clearly is one of his habit. 动名词和不定式做表语的区别:动名词接近于名词,所表示的动作比较抽象,或者是习惯性

44、的;而不定式多表示某次比较具体的动作,特别是将来的动作。 作宾语【注意固定搭配的词组】 动名词和不定式做宾语有区别的情况: I like skating, But I dont like to skate today. 前者表习惯,后者表暂时的动作。 She hates to smoke before other people. And she hates smoking.前者指他自己不抽,后者指她讨厌所有抽烟的人。 The girl has learned to cook.表示学会做什么事。 The girl has learned cooking.表示她学过,但不知道做得好不好。 作定语【

45、表示所修饰词的用途】 The swimming pool belongs to our school. He wants to improve his teaching method. He will be surprised at my (me) calling.动名词不作主语,可以用代词的宾格或所有格。 My presence makes them angry.但如果做主语,只能是物主代词或名词所有格。,It is no use doing sth. It is no good doing sth. It is of no use to do sth. It is useless to d

46、o sth.,动名词的主动形式代替被动形式 want need 主语(物)+ require (需要)+ doing(动名词的主动形式) deserve want need =主语 + require (需要) + to be done (不定式的被动形式) deserve 主语+ be worth doing = 主语 + be worthy to be done.(推荐)/ of being done. The book is well worth reading again. 此句中用well修饰worth而不是very,同时reading后不能加it,因为reading的逻辑主语就是句

47、子的主语the book,不能重复出现。,分词Participle,分词、动名词、不定式作定语时的区别,分词作状语和不定式作状语的区别 不定式作状语:主要是作目的状语和结果状语,还有一些作原因状语; 分词作状语:一般表示时间、原因、条件、让步、方式、伴随等情况。(很少用于目的和结果) 表原因的不定式 Im sorry to hear that./ They rejoiced to get together first. 表原因的分词短语【在句子任何位置都可以,而且要带有逗号】 The doctor, not wishing to make her nervous, didnt fully ex

48、plain the seriousness of her condition.,用作介词或连词的分词 supposing, 假设、假如、设想 according to, 按照 considering, 认为 including, 包括 granted, 认为,独立主格 分词短语作状语时,它的逻辑主语应该是句子的主语。但有时分词短语带有自己的主语,(他们之间存在逻辑上的主谓关系)。这个逻辑上的主语一般是由名词担任,在分词短语之前,我们称之为独立主格。 Because it is Sunday, you neednt go to school. It being Sunday, you needn

49、t go to school. After all the officials had arrived, the meeting was declared open. All the officials having arrived, the meeting was declared open. If weather permits, well go to the Summer Palace. Weather permitting, Well go to the Summer Palace.,情态动词和助动词 Auxiliary verb & Modal auxiliary,May not的三个意思: 作“不可以”解,表不允许(=must not) May I go? No. you may not. (=mast not) 回答can?答句中的may not为“可能不”之意 Can it


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