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1、,临朐一中 王传平,夯实基础, 发展能力, 争取复习效果最大化,一. 构建网络巩固单词 二. 理清线索疏理语法 三. 坚持不懈常练听说 四. 重中之中加强阅读 五. 多管齐下猛促写作,一. 想方设法巩固单词,单词归纳,Thank sb. for(doing ) sth. Praise sb. for(doing ) sth Scold sb. for(doing ) sth. Criticize sb. for(doing ) sth. Excuse sb. for(doing ) sth,单词归纳,1. rob sb of sth 2. rid sth of sth 3. remind sb

2、 of sth 4. warn sb of sth 5. inform sb of sth 6. cure sb of sth 7. accuse sb of (doing) sth,用于提建议的句型 1. I seggest that 2. You had better do 3. Why not do 4. Have you considered doing 5. Suppose 6. You should do 7. I seggest your doing,宾语从句中用虚拟语气的动词,1. insist 2. order, command 3. advise, suggest, pro

3、pose 4. ask, reques,require,demand urge, recommend,intend,二. 理清线索疏理语法,Subject 是 when V 的? where how 他 是 什么时候 来 的? 你 是 在哪里 买 的? 他 是 和谁 来 的?,名词 代词 数词 动词的分类 连词 被动语态 动词 时态 词法 冠词 非谓语动词 介词 派生 语音 构词法 合成 形容词 转化 副词 语法 句子的种类 句子成分 五大基本句型 主谓一致 词汇 并列复合句 名词性从句 句法 主从复合句 壮语从句 间接引语 定语从句 省略 倒装 虚拟语气 强调,淡化语法与活用语法,1.Gre

4、at changes have taken place in our country. 2. I have made rapid progress in English. 3.-Did you see an Audi car? -Is it a black one? 4. - Is everybody here? - No. Bob has asked for a leave. 5. Congratulations on your sucssess. 6. I have some trouble working out the problem.,1.Id appreciate it if yo

5、u would like to teach me how to use the computer. (06年山东卷试题it 的用法) 2. We are trying to reach the point where both sides will sit down together and talk ( 06年山东卷试题定语从句),1. I cant thank you enough . 2. John was writing a novel last year, but I dont know if he has finished it. (时态) 3. It is three years

6、 since I smoked. (汉译英). 4. If only I had followed the teachers advice. (听力理解题中望文生义的问题). 5. This coral is a gift from his father, who is a sailor. (非限制性定 语从句),虚拟语气 My teacher suggested that I should apply myself to my studies.However, I didnt take the teachers advice. If I had followed the teachers i

7、nstructions I would have performed much better in the college entrance examinations. Had I concentrated on my studies and got 50 more points, I would have passed the exams. If I had passed the exams, I would be studying in the university now . It is no use crying over the spoiled milk. So it is high

8、 time that I focused my mind on my studies. I think it is both necessary and important that I should make every effort so that I could achieve my goal next year. How I wish I could enter my ideal university next autumn.,三. 坚持不懈常练听说,1. If only I had followed the teachers instructions. (I regret not t

9、aking the teachers advice.) 2. I cant agree more. (I quite agree to it) 3. The problem was a little too difficult. All the students could not work it out.( The problem was so difficult that only part of the students can work it out, while others failed to),四. 重中之中加强阅读,五. 多管齐下猛促写作,Today nothing speci

10、al happened. I really have noting to write about. As a result, I decide not to write anything today. I am afraid that our English teacher wont be happy and perhaps he will scold me for not finishing my assignment.,I once tried writing diaries in Chinese, but I stopped writing befiore long. This is t

11、he first time that I have written diaries in English. And to my great joy, I have written more than 20 diaries without break, which greatly encouraged me. I have come to like English and I no longer feel English so dull and hard to learn. Instead, I find English is really a tool to express myself, a

12、nd that keeping diaries is an effective way to improve my English. Therefore Im determined to (insist on writing diaries in English )make it a rule to keep diaries in future.,) 审清题意、 ) 圈理要点 ) 确定基调 4) 学会“变通” 5) 套用句型 6) 慎用长句 7) 巧用连词 8) 语言得体 9) 检查修改 10) 规范抄写,怎 样 作 书 面 表 达,Dear father, My name is Zhang

13、hua. I am a Senior 3 student. I am getting along very well with my studies .,写作要点:,时间: 2007年10月9日上午8点 地点: 学校报告大厅 内容: 怎样成为一名成功的阅读者 报告人: Professor Smith 目的: 掌握阅读技巧,提高英语阅读能力 要求: 带笔记本,作纪录,会后讨论,1. 因果类 :so, therefore, thus, thanks to, because (of) , as a result, as a consequence, consequently, thus, other

14、wise, 2、对比类 : on one hand, on the other hand, on the contrary, though ,while, someothers, however, yet, in the same way, just like 3, 递进类 :even, besides, above all, in addition, whats more, moreover, worse still, what was worse, furthermore, again 4、例证类: in ones opinion, in other words, that was to

15、say, such as, for example 5、总结类: in short, all in all, in a word, to sum up, in summery, generally speaking ,as you know, in conclusion, in brief, in short, in general, on the whole 6、时序类 : first, firstly, secondly, last, then, next, finally, at the mean time, after that, before long , afterwards, g

16、radually, later, immediately 7、强调类: especially, indeed, at least, without any doubt, above all, most important 8、并列类: and, also, or, as well as,1.It is a middle school student that I am. 2. A Christmas Carrol, a famous novel written by Charles Dickens, who lived in the 19th century.,重要笔画 点.横.竖.撇.圈,横平竖直点要圆, 笔画流畅圈丰满, 先直后弯写好撇, 斜度一致才美观. 连笔书写速度快, 点画横画最后添. 书写到位很重要. 慢中求好讲规范, 好中求快多多练.,English Handwriting,THANK YOU,


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