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1、引子1(introduction one),谈判在日常生活中随处可见,事实上人们每天都在进行着谈判。 Negotiations take place in our routine life and occur everywhere 例1:上街买菜、到个体商店买衣服等 例2:在家里为做家务事与父母兄弟协商 例3:同学在宿舍里出现矛盾而进行协商。 例4:房屋拆迁与拆迁公司就补偿进行谈判 例5:工商企业从国内外采购原辅材料 例6:中国加入WTO的谈判; 例7:中国商务部就中欧纺织品的反倾销谈判 例8:朝核六方谈判与伊朗核危机谈判等 Example 9: Copenhagen climate talk

2、s pertain to the global climate warm tendency OR trends,引子2(introduction two),我们来做一个实际案例演练(practice for bargaining): 请两位同学上台,一方是卖衣服的个体老板,另一方同学要去买一件时装。假设衣服的进货价100元;而老板开价400元;买衣服同学心理成交价位在150元。试演练价格谈判的过程。 Pls perform the whole procedure for cloths bargaining. Talking about the difference between” barga

3、ining” and “negotiation “-page 4,案例演练总结(summary),1、总是让对方先自己降低价格。 Always price reduction by his opponent 2、讨价过程中“事不过三”原则。 Never exceed three during bargaining 3、讨价过程中不断找出不同理由。 Finding out the different reasons during bargaining 4、还价要低,出价要高。 Counteroffer with lower limitation ,as offer with higher lim

4、itation,案例演练总结(summary),5、要善于在谈判中说服对方。 To be good at persuading opponent during the negotiation 6、有时要欲擒故纵 playing hard is necessary sometimes 7、抬价压价策略的运用 Applying the strategy of high ball and low ball 8、要善于对标的挑缺点。 Critical attitude towards the objects,1. Concept of Negotiation,Relevant reading mate

5、rial 1 Introduction to Negotiation Then tell us “What is negotiation?” in your opinion? Next pls read some listed definition (定义) of “negotiation” by authorized (权威) scholars Compare the difference between your definitions and scholars,Whats about negotiation,Nierenber state:Whenever people exchange

6、 ideas with the intention of changing relationships ,whenever they confer for agreement, then they are negotiating. negotiation takes place between human beings. It is the most common form of social interaction. “ the ability to deal with business affairs;to arrange by discussion the settlement of t

7、erm ;to reach agreements through treaties and comprise, and to travel through challenging territory. All of these suggest a purposeful effort to resolve problems through talking and intellectual maneuvering.” Generally speaking: Negotiation is the process we use to satisfy our needs when someone els

8、e controls what we need,1. Concept of Negotiation,To sum up, all the definitions include the following 3 points Purpose Interactive Conferment (exchange views)商谈 So we defies “negotiation” as “an activity between two or more parties who confer together in order to reach a satisfying purpose ”,2. Mot

9、ives of Negotiation,Pursue interest-purpose The Maslows need theory/ in terms of time/in terms of main body Seek corporation-interaction Division of social work, development level, resource scarcity,geographical restraints,people always develop various reliance Strive for consensus (common understan

10、ding )-conferment,3. Fundamental Elements of Negotiation,Negotiator Those who are engaged in negotiation. On-table/off-table negotiator Negotiating topic Specific problems that should be discussed Topic should be common interest Negotiating background Objective condition of negotiation Environment/o

11、rganization/staff background,案例讨论(case discussion),例:由于国内对石油化工产品需求日益增加,其中甲苯产品广泛运用于建筑、涂料、轻工、化纤等行业;而国内的现有产能远不能满足市场的需求。中化国际公司是中国世界强中化集团的子公司,长期从事化工产品的进出口业务,该公司抓住这一市场机会,在国际市场询价采购,并最终与美孚爱克森石油公司达成合作意向;并准备进行谈判,拟从这家跨国石油公司进口一万吨甲苯。 Students: Pls discuss the subject of negotiationnegotiators backdrop.,INTRODUCT

12、ION TO NEGOTIATION,2.按谈判的态度与方法分(according to attitudes and methods) :classification A 软式谈判(soft /easy negotiation-compromising style):关系型/合作型谈判(collaborative negotiation), feature 1:将对方当朋友,强调建立良好的关系,互谅互让,友好协商。 to consider opponent as friend, emphasis to build mutual good relations ,strengthen mutual

13、 understanding and Friendly consultations,INTRODUCTION TO NEGOTIATION,Feature 2:一方实力较弱或双方已是多年合作伙伴的基础;为了实现长期利益; the power of one party is inferior to anothers;or both parties had been making friends for many years; to take effort to pursue the long-term of interests operating procedure:信任对方提出建议作出让步达成

14、协议维系关系。 trustproposal concession agreement maintain relations Advantage: easy to approach agreement ,high efficiency, maintain and strengthen the bilateral relation disadvantage:一味妥协、退让给对方可乘之机。 Blindly compromise and concessions to give the opponent opportunity,INTRODUCTION TO NEGOTIATION,B 硬式谈判(har

15、d bargaining)(立场型谈判)(position style or competitive style) : 视对方为敌人,重立场而非利益(focus on positions ,not interests),认为谈判是意志力的较量(willpower contest)、将自己的立场强加给别人。 To consider the opponent as enemy ,pay more attention to the stand position rather than interests gain, focus to willpower test so as to impose se

16、lf position on the other.,INTRODUCTION TO NEGOTIATION,Advantage: 给对方以压力,促进协议达成much more pressure imposed on the opponent ,to promote the agreement disadvantage:容易导致僵局(deadlock),影响长期关系,影响协议的履行(perform)。 Easy to cause deadlock and lead to failure of performing agreement and maintaining the long-term c

17、ooperation. 适用:己方实力超强,一次性合作、在无可退让的情形下、在对方玩弄阴谋时。 Suitable for super power by self;one time cooperation ,the situation of no concession and the opponent playing the plot during negotiation,Introduction to negotiation,C、原则式谈判(principled negotiation)(价值型谈判)(value negotiation):强调公平价值(fair value )与公正原则(fa

18、ir principle),哈佛谈判术。 to strengthen fair value and fair principle derived from Harvard negotiation technique feature:在平等基础上(the basis of equality)进行谈判。 to negotiate based on equality 对事强硬、对人温和,将人与事分开。 to separate the people from the problem 按客观标准来达成协议。 To insist on using objective criteria,INTRODUCTI

19、ON TO NEGOTIATION,谈判开诚布公,不搞阴谋诡计。 To talk Frankly and openly instead of being engaged in intrigue 寻求共同点,消除分歧,争取双赢 (seek commonalities, take as much more effort as possible to eliminate difference and strive for win-win 求同存异、互谅互让。 (invent options for mutual gains;mutual understanding) 例:周恩来总理参加1955年的不

20、结盟会议。运用原则式谈判获得国际上的尊重。 该方法受到国际谈判界的推崇。 The method of value negotiation was highly praised by the international negotiations experts,case introduction,中国加入WTO就农产品谈判中,龙永图先生与美国商务助理的谈判方式. 中美就猪肉检疫问题进行协商,美方代表说:我来谈判前,到贵国的菜场去看了一下,你们猪肉的质量还比不上我们美国的狗食,所以我国出口到中国的猪肉,应该免检。龙永图先生拍着桌子大怒:GET OUT OF MY OFFICE 。并取消了下一轮会谈

21、;在这种压力下,美方不得不向龙先生表示抱歉,重新回到原则性谈判的轨道上来。 案例启示:立场型,原则性谈判,软式谈判,International Business Negotiation,国 际 商 务 谈 判,Chapter 1 Fundamentals of International Business Negotiating 第一章 国际商务谈判概述,11 Concepts and principles of negotiation 基本概念与谈判原则 12 Correct understanding of negotiation 对谈判的正确理解 1 3 Stages of negoti

22、ation 谈判的几个阶段 14 Psychology in negotiating 谈判的心理,Introduction,Everybody negotiates all the time, at work, at home, and as a consumer. We can say that since the beginning of time, or since the development of human language, there has been negotiations made amongst humans. Negotiating as a significant

23、 social activity is a means of dealing with human relationships and resolving conflicts and has never been nonexist. On the other hand, negotiation as a product of social competition has got its different meaning and content with the development of the times.,Key concept of negotiation,Four concepts

24、 are important for establishing fundamental framework: (1)best alternative to a negotiated agreement(BATNA)达成协议的最佳选择 (2)reservation price底线价格 (3)zone of possible agreement (ZOPA) 潜在协议区域 (4)Value creation through trades通过交换创造价值,1.1 Concepts and principles of business negotiation,What is business nego

25、tiation? “Recently two of my sons were squabbling over some apple pie, each insisting that he should have the larger slice. Neither would agree to an even split. So I suggested that one boy cut the pie any way he liked, and the other boy could choose the piece he wanted. This sounded fair to both of

26、 them, and they accepted. Each felt that he had gotten the square deal.”,“fundamental principles” of negotiation:,First, “negotiation” is an element of human behavior. Secondly, “Negotiation” takes place only over issues that are “negotiable”. Thirdly, “Negotiation” takes place only between people w

27、ho have the same interest. Fourthly, “Negotiation” takes place only when negotiators are interested not only in taking but also in giving. Finally, “Negotiation” takes place only when negotiating parties trust each other to some extent.,As the stakes in some of these negotiations are not so high, pe

28、ople need not have to get preplans for the process and the outcome. There are other cases like international business negotiations in which the stakes are too high to be ignored, people have to be more cautious.,In negotiations, both parties should know: a. why they negotiate b. who they negotiate w

29、ith c. what they negotiate about d. where they negotiate e. when they negotiate f. how they negotiate,Characteristics of business negotiation,Some of the characteristics of business negotiation include: Negotiation is at the heart of every transaction and, for the most part, it comes down to the int

30、eraction between two sides with a common goal (profits) but divergent methods. These methods (the details of the contract) must be negotiated to the satisfaction of both parties. It can be a very trying process with confrontation and concession., Both parties share open information. In this case, bo

31、th sides sincerely disclose them and listen to the others objectives in order to find something in common. Both sides try to understand each others point of view. Both parties know that they have common and conflicting objectives, so they try to find a way to achieve common and complementary objecti

32、ves acceptable to them both., Whether its trade or investment, one side will always arrive at the negotiation table in a position of greater power. That power (e.g., the potential for profit) may derive from the extent of the “demand“ or from the ability to “supply.” The purpose of negotiation is to

33、 redistribute that potential. Theres no such thing as “take it or leave it” in international business. Everything is negotiable. It all depends on the expertise of the negotiators. International business negotiation is known as the zero-sum game. One sides gains are directly the other sides losses.,

34、To summarize: no matter what kind of negotiation it is, we can say that negotiation is a cooperative enterprise; common interests must be sought. Negotiation is a behavioral process, not a game; in a good negotiation, everybody wins something. Its important to realize that while the size of the play

35、ing field may vary from venture to venture, the overriding concept remains the same: Success isnt winning everything, its winning enough.,The basic principles of negotiation,(1) Equality principle (2) Sincere cooperation (3) Keep it flexible and fluid,1.2 Correct understanding of negotiation,1.2.1 C

36、onflict 1.2.2 Key aspects of negotiation 1.2.3Tips for a successful international business negotiation mission 1.2.4 About translators in international business negotiation,conflicts,1 Parties in conflicts are interdependent , which means there remains a kind of relationship developed by interrelate

37、d interests and concerns. There would be no conflict if two parties were not interrelated and had nothing to do with each other. 2. Contradictions and interests coexist. If there are only contradictions and no sharing of common interests, negotiation becomes groundless and unnecessary. 3. Two partie

38、s in a conflict will naturally fight for each others own interests and make every effort to gain more from the other side, as a result it will reduce gain of interests expected initially.,Key aspects of negotiation,1 Interdependence相互依存 2 Concealment and openness隐藏与开放 3Different negotiating situatio

39、ns变化的谈判情境 4 Bargaining mix and creativity讨价还价与创造性 5 Representative and constituency代表与委托人 6 Personal relationships between both sides 双方间的私人关系 7 Proposal exchange建议交换 8Winner or loser赢家与输家,1.2.3Tips for a successful international business negotiation mission,1.A small delegaton is more manageable th

40、an a large one . 2.Delegation leader should be a high ranking and recognized public figure. 3.Identify a couple of dependable contacts in the host country and work with them on logistics prior to your visit. 4.Take advantage of your countrys contacts in the embassy and chambers of commerce in the ho

41、st country. 5.Organize a permission briefing prior to your departure to inform participants about protocol, itinerary updates, and basic cultural advice. 6.Bring along a qualified interpreter on your trip. If you cannot afford one, then make sure you have one waiting overseas. 7.Create a mission pro

42、file book that contains pictures, names, and descriptions of participating companies and personnel. 8.Learn how to pronounce names of host contacts correctly and clarify their positions and job titles. 9.Gifts are appreciated in every culture. So bring small, tasteful gifts for each contact. 10.Do n

43、ot discuss political ideology and religion.,Interpreters in international business negotiation,(1) Interpreters must also be adept at comprehending the intricacies of everything from body language to seating arrangements. (2)Interpreters should be treated as regular and essential members of the team

44、 and included in social events related and unrelated to negotiations . (3) Interpreters must be well informed.,1.3 Stages of negotiation,Pre-negotiation Face-to-face negotiation Post-negotiation,Pre-negotiation,The pre-negotiantion stage begins from the first contact between the two sides whose inte

45、rest in doing business with each other is shown. It is from this stage on that both sides begin to understand one anothers needs and evaluate the benefits of entering into the process of negotiation. The main issue here is to define the problem to be jointly solved for it . environmental factors and

46、 information collection are two main task during this stage,Face-to-face negotiation,(1)Introducing team members (2) Discussing agenda (3)five phase will proceed: A exploration 探索/试探 B bidding 报价/招标 C bargaining 讨价还价 D settling & ratify 搞定/认可,Post-negotiation,Post negotiation or wrapping up is the l

47、ast phase of a negotiation: (1) The contract is being drawn up and to be signed. (2)the terms agreed on should be read to each after the concessions are exchanged. (3)Pay enough attention to details to make sure the perfect implementation of the contract; the performance of the contract that is sign

48、ificant,not just the negotiation itself. In a word, the main thing at this phase is to review and confirm the agreement and result of talks on each issue so that no ambiguity of understanding exists. Also wrapping up includes follow-up work for future.,1.4 Psychology in negotiating,The need theory O

49、ne of the key theories about “People at work” is Maslows “hierarchy of human needs”. Maslow suggests that human beings take actions in order to satisfy essential needs. He classifies human needs under five main headings:,(1) Physical or survival needs (2) Security and safety needs (3) Social needs (4) Ego or esteem needs (5) Self-realization needs,Need theory and negotiating,(1) Survival needs and negotiating (2) Security needs and negotiating (3) Social needs and negotiating (4) Ego needs a


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