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1、目 录,专题一 记叙文型基础写作 专题二 应用文型基础写作 专题三 说明文型基础写作 专题四 议论文型基础写作,模块5 基础写作,模块 5 基础写作,模块5 考纲解读,广东省高考英语写作分为两部分,一是基础写作,即我们常说的控制性写作,二是读写任务写作,属发散性写作。综观近年来的高考英语写作,测试的内容正在从知识型向能力型转变,写作文体日趋多元化,命题更具开放性,也就是说对考生英语写作能力的要求也在逐年提高。基础写作题目的目的是要检测考生最基础的书面语言表达能力,如用词的合理性、,模块5 考纲解读,结构的复杂性、语法运用的正确性、信息内容的完整性、句子之间的连贯性等。按照基础写作的评分标准1.

2、信息内容的完整性(Completeness);2.信息内容的连贯性(Coherence);3.句子结构的正确性(Correctness);4.句子结构的复杂性(Variety)要求考生要了解复杂句的概念、学会使用复杂句来表达信息要点,尽量避免一些易受汉语思维影响而犯的书面表达错误。总之,考生必须具备用英语熟练地表达自己所在的生活环境的能力。,模块5 命题分析,1基础写作题材贴近考生的学习和生活。历年来高考作文题的题材都非常贴近考生的学习生活,如:校园活动、校外见闻、交友、旅游以及与考生有关的话题讨论等。可以预料2011年高考写作题的题材还会在这些范围之内,并为所有考生熟悉。 2写作的体裁主要是

3、记叙文和应用文。命题形式多为看图写故事、看图表说明、根据表格信息写一篇通讯报道,写一封短信或一份通知等应用文。,模块5 命题分析,模块5 应试点睛,基础写作主要考查同学们对英语基本句型的运用,整合知识的能力和语言结构安排及基本表述的能力。此题基本不要求考生对写作内容进行发挥,只需将所给信息完整准确连贯地写出就可以了。其实际上就是翻译和连词成句,扩句成文的形式。 1仔细审读写作要求和写作内容信息; 2确定标题(如果题中要求写标题就确定标题,若题中没做要求则可以不写);,模块5 应试点睛,3写出要点(如:文中涉及到的重点词汇、短语及句型); 4. 列提纲(列提纲的过程实际上是一个谋篇布局,把内容要

4、点按恰当合理的顺序排列,使文章条理、通顺的过程); 5写草稿并对其修改润色; 6复查(复查的项目包括:格式是否正确,内容是否完整,表达是否准确,行文是否连贯等)并使用合适的方法将5个句子衔接成连贯的文章。常用的衔接手段是使用过渡词语。,模块5 题型探究,我们来谈论一下基础写作的解题方法。难点是难句的表达, 每一道题目的中文内容都有一些与英文表达稍有差异甚至大相径庭的表达形式。 例 假设你是李华, 请根据你校美化校园的规划, 用英语给你在美国的笔友Peter写一封信, 介绍该规划。信的主要内容如下:, 探究点一 难句的表达,模块5 题型探究,模块5 题型探究,写作要求 1应包含所给出的全部信息,

5、 开头和结尾已经给出。 2必须使用5个句子组成连贯的短文。 Dear Peter, I would like to tell you that our school has worked out a new program._ _ _ _ Welcome to our school if you have any chance. Yours, Li Hua,模块5 题型探究,【学生样本】 Dear Peter, I would like to tell you that our school has worked out a new program. In order to make our

6、school beautiful and clean the air, we plan to have more trees in our school now. In order to get a good place to study and live, we have many plans. First, we plan to build up a botanical garden,模块5 题型探究,and let_students_visit_and_use. Second, we plan to build up a small garden for people to rest a

7、nd study. At last, we plan to build up some statues of famous people to effect students and teachers. Welcome to our school if you have any chance. Yours, Li Hua,模块5 题型探究,【评论点拨】 我们来看看学生的样本有什么地方可以改进: 第句:“In order to make our school beautiful and clean the air ”比较生硬, to make our school beautiful应该改为to

8、 make our school more beautiful;“we plan to have more trees in our school now”中的have改为plant会好些。,模块5 题型探究,第句:是个废句, 而且还霸占了后面的信息的位置。 第句:“First, we plan to build up a botanical garden and let_students_visit_and_use.”中的画线部分没有表达出“供同学们参观、实践”的意思。 第句:“Second, we plan to build up a small garden for people to

9、rest and study.”中应删掉up, study后应该加上in。不过改为“Second, we plan to build a small garden in which we can take a rest and do some reading.”会好些。,模块5 题型探究,第句:“At last, we plan to build up some statues of famous people to effect students and teachers.”中的effect应该改为encourage。 这篇文章的主语全部都是we, 好处是可以最大限度地减少英语表达方面的错误

10、, 但是比较单调, 可能影响高分。不过, 我们只要变换句式, 例如改为被动语态, 就可以改善效果。,模块5 题型探究,【参考范文】 Dear Peter, I would like to tell you that our school has worked out a new program.The purposes of the program are to make our school more beautiful, to make the air cleaner and fresher, and to turn our school into a better place for u

11、s to study and live in. According to the program, we will plant different kinds of trees, flowers and grass in and around our school. A botanical garden will be built,模块5 题型探究,for us to visit and practise in. Besides, we are to build a small garden in which we can do some reading and take a rest. Wh

12、ats more, some statues of famous people will be set up to encourage us to work harder. Welcome to our school if you have any chance. Yours, Li Hua,【注】 由于主语灵活变动, 使文章读起来摆脱了呆板, 行文有了生气。,模块5 题型探究,有时候我们发现有些句子不能够简单地直接翻译, 我们可以运用意义对等的原则, 把原文的意义用另外一种英语结构表达出来,既意译法。 例 广州珠江钢琴厂有产品打入欧洲市场, 并且能够在欧洲设厂;在中国, 只有广州珠江钢琴厂做

13、到了。 这个意思, 我们可以这样处理:The Zhujiang Piano Factory is the only manufacturer in China with branches and business in Europe., 探究点二 意译的使用,模块5 题型探究,【评论点拨】 这个句子使用“with branches and business in Europe”意译为“有产品打入欧洲市场, 并且能够在欧洲设厂”, 使用“the only manufacturer in China”意译为“在中国, 只有广州珠江钢琴厂做到了”, 句子使用“manufacturer”一词, 与前面

14、的“factory”对应, 表示“生产厂家”的意思。至于“广州珠江钢琴厂”就好办了, 只需要翻译为“The Zhujiang Piano Factory”。,模块5 题型探究,我们认真观察, 中文使用了3个动词“做到、打入、设厂”, 英文只有一个is充当表语, 动词都变成了介词“inwithin”,提示名词之间的关系;中文使用定语中心词形式“有产品打入欧洲市场, 并且能够在欧洲设厂(的企业)”, 但是英语使用的是中心词后置定语形式“manufacturer in China with branches and business in Europe”。,模块5 题型探究,以上例子告诉我们:逐字逐

15、句死译只能是死路一条, 意译必须从整体的宏观角度把握全局, 从瞄准原文的写作目的出发, 为实现原文的交际目的而努力。 我们再来体会几个句子: 1老师的鼓励把我带进了充满挑战的科研道路。 My teachers encouragement led me down onto a path to scientific research full of challenges. (动词词组leaddown ontotofull of拖动句子, 动词少, 介词多),模块5 题型探究,2我对英文很感兴趣, 老师表扬了我。 The teacher praised me for my great interes

16、t in English. (先结果后原因, 动词词组praiseforin拖动句子。试比较:Because I was greatly interested in English, the teacher praised me. 先原因后结果。哪一个句子表达更好?),模块5 题型探究,3树上结满了果子。 The branches of the trees were heavy with fruit. (典型的意译手法, 先结果后原因, 动词词组were heavy with 生动地描述了硕果累累的情景。),模块5 题型探究,我们经常说这个句子地道, 就是因为这个句子体现了英语民族的思维方式在

17、语言表达上的投射。 例 比较以下句子: 1Clinton had wanted to collect heavy tax on the middle class. 修改后: Heavy tax on the middle class was Clintons idea., 探究点三 句子的质量,模块5 题型探究,2The people who listen to the radio have a habit of getting up early, but those who watch TV usually go to bed late. 修改后: Radio listeners are e

18、arly birds, but TV viewers are usually night owls. 3After the American farmers used the industrial methods into agriculture, they made great progress in agriculture. 修改后: The use of industrial methods was the reason for Americas great progress in agriculture.,模块5 题型探究,【评论点拨】 第1句运用“先结果后原因”的逻辑表达方式, 首先

19、呈现信息的焦点“向中产阶级征收重税”, 然后才说“这是克林顿想干的事情”。句子的was就是“曾经”的意思。,模块5 题型探究,第2句运用构词法与修辞手法。the people who listen to the radio被复合词radio listeners所代替, those who watch TV被复合词TV viewers所代替, 干脆利落。have a habit of getting up early读起来有点呆板, 使用修辞手法把早起的人比喻为early birds, 又把晚睡的人比喻为night owls, 这样读起来就饶有趣味。,模块5 题型探究,第3句运用名词化的技术。所

20、谓名词化, 就是把英文的动词改为名词, 通过介词来指示名词之间的关系。the American farmers used the industrial methods into agriculture是一个句子, 修改后变为名词短语 the use of industrial methods。句子they made great progress in agriculture变为名词短语Americas great progress in agriculture。前一个名词短语是原因, 后一个名词短语是结果, 中间用名词reason就说明了两个名词短语之间的关系。,模块5 题型探究,广东高考英语

21、基础写作的特点之一是:信息要经过处理才能够写成文章。处理的方式有两种:第一种比较简单, 我们称为“非信息选择”型, 考生只需要把题目要求的全部信息表达出来就可以了。第二种是“超量信息”型, 考生必须要进行“选择性写作”, 不需要也不能够把题目所有全部信息表达出来。这种的难度较大。“超量信息”型基础写作的最大特征是题目含有不需要的信息, 这种信息必须予以摒弃。如果含有这种不需要的信息, 其结果是“该写的没写, 不该写的写了”, 分数就会很低。, 探究点四 “超量信息”型,模块5 题型探究,例 请根据以下你在研究性学习中搜集到的小明学习英文写作的方法和心得, 挑选相关信息写一篇文章作为演讲稿。 写

22、作内容 小明说, 要背诵范文, 这样可以运用英语思维进行模仿性写作;要多阅读英文文章, 这样可以吸收语言材料;要听英文广播, 这样可以提高听力水平;要学习语法, 这样可以正确表达;要多写日记, 这样可以在练中学;要多练习口语, 这样可以提高口头技能;要参考别人的作文, 这样可以取长补短。,模块5 题型探究,写作要求 1必须紧扣题目怎样学习英文写作。 2必须使用5个规范的英语句子, 组织成连贯的短文。 3开头、结尾已经写好, 不计入总句数。 评分标准 句子结构准确, 信息内容完整, 篇章结构连贯。,模块5 题型探究,Ladies and gentlemen, Now I would like t

23、o tell you how I learn English writing. _ _ _ _ _ Thats all. Thank you.,模块5 题型探究,【评论点拨】 信息的筛选 根据题目要求, “怎样学习英文写作”只涉及与写作有关的材料, 这是一个非常重要的要求, 言下之意就是说, “听英文广播”与“练习口语”不属于学习英文写作的方法。那么, 有效的信息只有5个, 分别是:背诵范文、多阅读英文文章、学习语法、多写日记和参考别人的作文, 另外加上这些做法的目的。,模块5 题型探究,模块5 题型探究,【学生样本】 Ladies and gentlemen, Now I would lik

24、e to tell you how I learn English writing. Firstly, I will recite the model article so that I can imitate writing by English thoughts. Secondly, I will read more English article to absorb more language material. Thirdly, I will learn grammar to express in the right way.,模块5 题型探究,Whats more, in order

25、 to learn by doing, I will write some diaries. In addition, I will refer to others article so that I can gain the advantages to mend my disadvantages. Thats all. Thank you.,模块5 题型探究,【参考范文】 Ladies and gentlemen, Now I would like to tell you how I learn English writing. I often recite good English art

26、icles, which helps me think in English when I imitate English writing. I also read English articles widely to take in as many language materials as possible.,模块5 题型探究,Besides, in order to express correctly, I think it important to learn some grammar. I keep a diary every day so that I can learn by w

27、riting. Also I often refer to others articles to know what I need and what I can learn from others. Thats all. Thank you.,专题一 记叙文型 基础写作,专题一 记叙文型基础写作,专题一 专题导读,记叙文是以叙述为主要表达方式,以写人物的经历和事物发展变化为主要内容的一种文体,包括记人记事方面的故事、日记、游记、新闻、通讯等。记叙文通常要将时间、地点、人物、事件、原因和结果等六个要素交代清楚。通常使用第一人称或第三人称来写,第一人称主要是用于写自传或本人的经历,第三人称是用于写

28、他人的经历或事迹。写作时要注意以下几点:,专题一 专题导读,1.注意不要漏掉信息点,但也不要为了生动而随意添加信息。 2.信息点的表述不一定完全按照题目所给的顺序,可能要适当重组。要特别注意故事发展的线索和时间顺序等。 3.记叙文写作的时态多数是用一般过去时,但也要注意灵活运用其他时态。 4.高考中记叙文的话题通常是与中学生的生活阅历有关,如校园生活、旅游、交通、交友等,平时要注意积累这些方面的词汇和短语。,专题一 典例导练,专题一 典例导练,写作内容 根据以上情况写一篇采访报道,并包括如下内容: 1采访的时间、对象和主题; 2中小学生近视的发生率及人数; 3专家解读。 写作要求 只能使用5个

29、句子表达全部内容。,专题一 典例导练,评分标准 句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。 _ _ _ _ _ _,专题一 典例导练,【参考范文】 Last weekend, I made an interview to the wellknown eyedoctor, Professor Wang, about the shortsightedness of the middle school students of our country. From the survey, I learned that more than 50% of the middle school students

30、 are shortsighted, the number of which is the largest in the world(ranking,专题一 典例导练,the first in the world). Professor Wang told me that the reason of the shortsightedness is so complicated that no medicine can cure it. He suggested that we should participate in the outdoor activities more and not e

31、xhaust our eyes. Besides, he especially told us the way of holding the pen has much to do with the shortsightedness.,专题一 专题预测,专题一 专题预测,写作要求 只能使用5个句子表达全部的内容。 评分标准 句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。 May 20th, Wednesday Cloudy and drizzle _ _ _ _ _,专题一 专题预测,(一) 【参考范文】 May 20th, Wednesday Cloudy and drizzle Yesterda

32、y my classmates and I went to West Mountain and had a picnic. All of us set off at seven oclock from our school gate and rode to the foot of the mountain. After an hours climbing, we reached the top of the mountain and enjoyed,专题一 专题预测,the beautiful scenery. Running, singing, jumping, playing chess

33、and games and taking photos, we had a wonderful time there. After the picnic lunch at three oclock, we felt very tired, so we went down the mountain and came home.,专题一 专题预测,(二) 请根据以下的情景说明,使用5个规范的英语句子描述全部所给的信息内容。 情景说明 假如你叫孙军,是某市一所中学的学生,要给市长写一封信,反映学校门前交通拥挤现象,信须包括以下要点:,专题一 专题预测,专题一 专题预测,参考词汇:穿行 thread

34、ones way; 天桥 overpass 写作要求 1短文必须使用5个句子介绍包括以上表格中的全部内容,其中三个句子必须为复合句,可以适当增减细节,使内容连贯。 2要以书信的格式写这篇反应情况的短文。 3书信的开头及结尾已经写好,但不计入总句数。,专题一 专题预测,Dear Mayor, I am a student of No. 5 Middle School. Here I have something to tell you. _ _ _ _. I am looking forward to your reply. Yours, Sun Jun,专题一 专题预测,【参考范文】 Dear

35、 Mayor, I am a student of No. 5 Middle School. Here I have something to tell you. Beside my school there is a primary school and the gates of the two schools both face the main road. In rush hours, there are so many cars, buses and bikes on the main road that the students have to cross the road to s

36、chool. Crowds of people often thread their way through the moving cars and,专题一 专题预测,buses. Whats worse, some pupils are too young to go to school by themselves, so many parents have to go along with them to make sure that their children are safe. I think the government should build an overpass over

37、the road so that we can pass through it safely; otherwise accidents are sure to happen from time to time. I am looking forward to your reply. Yours, Sun Jun,专题二 应用文型 基础写作,专题二 应用文型基础写作,专题二 专题导读,应用文是指日常生活和工作中为某种具体的实用目的而写的文体,主要有书信、通知、海报、请柬、请假条、便条、日记、启事、祝辞、履历表等。应用文的语言力求平实,准确,简洁。由于应用文使用广泛而频繁,其表达内容结构严谨,易于

38、理解掌握。写作时要注意以下几点:,专题二 专题导读,1正式的应用文有比较规范的格式,但高考中的基础写作至今尚未考查过格式,只要求表达正文内容。 2注意时态,如日记常用过去时态,通知、请柬通常要用将来时态,而履历表用现在时态。 3应用文的写作往往有一些特定的习惯语句或套话,这些语句在考试中可能会考查到,所以要重点掌握。,专题二 典例导练,专题二 典例导练,写作内容 请根据以上内容给学校英语墙报写一篇通讯,内容包括: 1禁烟决定的内容及实施的时间和范围; 2目标和措施; 3相关数据。,专题二 典例导练,写作要求 只能用5个句子表达全部内容。 评分标准 句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。 _

39、 _ _ _,专题二 典例导练,【参考范文】 My country begins to carry out the policy that prevents smoking in public buildings since January 1st, 2011.The main aim is to make every public room have no smoke by posting the sign of preventing smoking. There are 350 million people smoking recently, in which the male hold

40、75 percent and the female hold 25 percent. Because of these smokers, about 540 million nonsmokers are influenced. More than 100 thousand people per year die because of the secondhand smoke.,专题二 专题预测,(一) 最近我国的教育专家对我国中学生所喜爱的节日进行了一项调查,北京、成都等地的1000多名中学生接受了调查。结果表明,80%以上的学生对春节等我国的传统节日知晓,50%的学生最喜爱春节,其他情况如下

41、图所示。,专题二 专题预测,专题二 专题预测,写作要求 1请根据以上内容,为学校广播站写一篇英文发言稿; 2只能用5个句子表达全部内容。 _ _ _ _,专题二 专题预测,(一) 【参考范文】 Recently some Chinese educational experts did a survey to find out which festivals are the most favorite ones among middle school students. More than 1,000 students from Beijing and Chengdu and so on par

42、ticipated in the activity. The result shows that over 80%,专题二 专题预测,of the students are familiar with our classical festivals. About 50% of the students choose the Spring Festival as their most favorite. Next comes Christmas Day, Fathers Day and Mothers Day and Midautumn Day, with 20%, 10% and about

43、8% respectively.,专题二 专题预测,(二) 假设你是吴东,拾到一部电子词典,请失主前来认领。 写作内容 时间:2010年10月10日晚 地点:学校运动场 特征:新,灰色,比名片稍大,杂志般厚 联系地址:本校学生宿舍D座502室 联系电话:22221368,专题二 专题预测,写作要求 1标题:Lost and Found; 2必须用5个句子介绍全部所给的内容; 3将5个句子组织成连贯的短文。 _ _ _ _,专题二 专题预测,(二) 【参考范文】 Lost and Found On the evening of October 10th, 2010, I picked up an electronic dictionary on the playground of our school. It is new, grey, a little bigger than a card and as thick as a magazine. The owner of the dictionary can phone me. My name is Wu Dong and my telephone number is 22221368. I live in Room


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