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1、目 录,专题一 记叙文 专题二 应用文 专题三 议论文 专题四 说明文,模块 4 短文改错,模块 4 短文改错,模块4 考纲解读,高考短文改错是知识和能力的综合测试题型。主要考查考生在语篇中综合运用英语知识的准确性,考查考生的词、句、篇和语法的综合水平。高考短文改错题设置的考点灵活多变,知识层次多,覆盖面广,包括词法、句法、行文逻辑以及语篇结构等。,模块4 命题特点,从近几年的高考短文改错看,试题具有以下特点: 1选材特点 短文改错的文体多为第一人称记叙文,也有少数文章为议论文。短文一般在10行左右,每行812词,共计120词左右。短文改错的语言材料通常取材于考生自己的作品或类似于考生的随笔,

2、且话题常见,篇章结构的难易程度符合中学生的认知水平,即明白易懂,基本上无生僻的语言障碍和怪、偏、难的语句结构。,模块4 命题特点,2设置特点 试题的设置特点主要是指考点的分布状况。短文改错所考查的词类覆盖面广,分布合理。其重点是从句法、词法和行文逻辑等三个角度考查考生在语篇中综合运用英语的能力,同时兼顾句型结构、习惯搭配等。有无错、多词、缺词和纠错等四种可能。错词现象主要出现在名词单复数、动词时态、非谓语动词、连词、,模块4 命题特点,介词、主谓一致、代词、词形(指应该用动词、名词还是形容词形式以及平行结构中词的正确形式)、冠词;缺词现象主要出现在冠词(名词前)、介词(不及物动词后或固定结构中

3、)、助动词、不定式符号to、连词、语义不完整现象等方面;多词现象主要出现在冠词、介词、助动词、连词、语义重复及行文逻辑等方面。,模块4 命题特点,3难度特点 短文改错试题的难度近年来继续保持平稳,以考查考生书面表达中的常见错误为主,以动词、名词的考查较多,知识覆盖面广。短文改错的句子长度也趋于平稳,但几乎每篇都有一个长达20多个词的句子。,模块4 题型分类,短文改错的目的是测试考生发现、判断、纠正一些词法、句法以及语篇中的行文逻辑等方面错误的能力。它既能考查考生的词汇和语法方面的能力,也能考查考生的阅读理解能力。其考查的角度可以概括为以下三个方面:,模块4 题型分类,一、 词法型 词法的测试包

4、括:定冠词和不定冠词的用法;名词的单复数和名词所有格;动词的时态、语态、语气,情态动词和非谓语动词等;人称代词的格、物主代词、指示代词、连接代词、不定代词等的用法;介词的搭配;并列连词、从属连词的用法;形容词、副词的区别以及比较级和最高级的用法;固定搭配和习惯用法。,模块4 题型分类,例1 2010浙江 I noticed Mother looking at a nearby table occupied by an elderly woman and young couple.,【解析】 考查冠词的用法。young之前加上a。从下文可知是一对夫妇,所以需加不定冠词a。,模块4 题型分类,例2

5、 2010辽宁 and she never seemed to care what the rest of us thought about her like the rest of my classmate.,【解析】 考查名词的单复数用法。classmateclassmates由语境可知,其他的同学应该用复数形式。,模块4 题型分类,例3 2009浙江 I stood there and couldnt believe in that a complete stranger,【解析】 考查介词用法。去掉in。根据语境,这里应该表示“相信”,而不是“信任”。,模块4 题型分类,二、 句法型

6、句法的测试包括:主谓语在数上的一致;名词性从句;定语从句;强调句型;句子结构的连贯性、完整性、对等性及逻辑性。,模块4 题型分类,例1 2010全国 All I had to do was to write a story or present it. My teachers had been telling me how great my writing was.,【解析】 考查句意逻辑。or改为and。or表选择,and表顺接和并列。,模块4 题型分类,例2 2010重庆 Here is my idea about how a friend is like.,【解析】 考查宾语从句的引导词

7、。how 改为what 。从句中like缺宾语,应由what来引导。,模块4 题型分类,例3 2010重庆 Whats more, a good friend is willing to offer the help to which you need.,【解析】 考查定语从句。去掉to。you need是定语从句,need缺少宾语,所以应选择that或which或不填。,模块4 题型分类,三、 语篇型 语篇的测试包括:上下文中的时态是否一致;上下文中的代词是否一致;上下文中的逻辑是否一致;上下文中的词、词组、从句的替代是否正确。,模块4 题型分类,例1 2010浙江 “I didnt thi

8、nk she looked like Grandma.” “Neither did me.” said Mother cheerfully.,【解析】 考查代词的格。me改为I。 这是一个倒装句,作主语,应用主格。,模块4 题型分类,例2 2010陕西 My sister wanted get out of the shop as fast as she could when a shop assistant came over to us.,【解析】 考查词的遗漏。wanted后加 to。want to do sth.为固定用法。,模块4 题型分类,例3 2010陕西 My sister s

9、aw a lovely cup when we are shopping the other day. She liked it at once.,【解析】 考查动词的时态。are改为 were。时间状语为the other day(不久前某一天;几天以前),所以应该用一般过去时。,模块4 题型分类,例4 2010海南宁夏 Without a moments delay, his neighbor picked up the box but announced:“Ill take them.”,【解析】 考查连词。but改为and。很显然,拿起来和宣布说“我买了”是并列、承接关系,所以要用并列

10、连词and。,模块4 应试点睛,短文改错一直是考生在应考时失分较多的题型。这主要是因为设错的内容多为学生在平常进行语言操练时常犯的错误。比如:写作中用到的关键词,语言学习中的负迁移现象,容易忽视的虚词、小品词等。做好短文改错题应注重以下技巧:,模块4 应试点睛,一、谨记答题原则 1“规范性”原则:要严格按照示范规定的符号改错,切勿离开文后的 10 道横线在原文的字里行间勾勾画画、涂涂改改。要记住“”、“”、“”、“”分别表示准确无误、错词纠正、缺词填补、多词删除。切忌用文字说明或用箭头表示。,模块4 应试点睛,2“四不改”原则:单词拼写不改。大小写不改。词序错误不改(应从错词或少词方面考虑)。

11、标点符号不改。,模块4 应试点睛,3“五改动”原则:忠实于原文原则(不可改变原文的原意)。一对一原则(一行一错,一错一词)。错误以改动最少为原则。虚词以添加或者删除为原则。实词以改变形式为原则。,模块4 应试点睛,二、 规律常见错误 1“不一致性”错误 主要包括:主、谓语不一致;时态不一致;语态不一致;名词的单、复数不一致;代词指代不一致;搭配不一致等。,模块4 应试点睛,例1 2010全国 My teachers have been telling me how great my writing was.,【解析】 考查时态一致。have改为had。上下文时态要一致,原文的主时态是过去时,因

12、此have也要用相应的过去时态。,模块4 应试点睛,例2 2010全国 Before her leaving, I prepared a gift to show my best wishes to him.,【解析】 考查代词的指代一致。him 改为her。根据语境可知,后文的him其实是指her。,模块4 应试点睛,例3 2010重庆 he will say some words that is nice and warm. Still, your happiness makes him happy too.,【解析】 考查主、谓语一致。is改为are。that代指先行词words,所以谓

13、语动词要用复数。,模块4 应试点睛,2“行文逻辑”错误 这种错误主要是运用行文逻辑,考查连接手段。谨记两种句式:并列句(并列连词),复合句(从属连词);六种关系:转折关系,选择关系,层递关系,并列关系,因果关系,同位关系;一种变化:语义的曲折变化。如:肯定与否定,方位与时空的转移等。,模块4 应试点睛,例1 2010浙江 After we left, I said, “That was very nice of you, Mother. So I didnt think she looked like Grandma.” “Neither did .” said Mother cheerful

14、ly.,【解析】 考查行文逻辑。So 改为But。根据前后语境,此处应表示转折关系。,模块4 应试点睛,例2 2009全国 Besides the bookstore next to our middle school is still there.,【解析】 考查行文逻辑。Besides 改为But。根据前后语境,此处应表示转折关系而非递进关系。,模块4 应试点睛,例3 2009全国 So I helped them go to the nearest hospital. I stayed here for one and a half hours,【解析】 考查行文逻辑。here改为the

15、re。根据前后语境可知,这里的方位应是“那儿”。,模块4 应试点睛,3“平行结构”错误 平行结构是指两个或更多的词、词组或从句具有相似或相等的句法功能。在表达相互平行的概念时,要使用相同的语法结构,即动词与动词相配,形容词与形容词相配,分词与分词相配,不定式与不定式相配,短语与短语相配。平行结构经常借助于并列连词and,but,or或连词词组not onlybut also,notbut,eitheror,neithernor,as well as等。,模块4 应试点睛,例1 As we climbed the mountain, we fed monkeys, visiting temple

16、s and told stories.,【解析】 考查平行谓语结构。visiting改为visited。根据句法,visiting在时态上应和fed, told保持一致。,模块4 应试点睛,例2 Do some nice things for your parentslike cooking, doing the dishing, or clean the floors.,【解析】 考查平行宾语结构。clean改为cleaning。根据句法,clean和cooking, doing做介词like的宾语。,模块4 应试点睛,例3 Charles and Linda Mason do all th

17、eir things as well as climbed building.,【解析】 考查平行谓语结构。climbed改为climb。climb和do是由as well as连接的平行谓语,时态上应保持一致。,模块4 应试点睛,例4 On the other hand, 40% think that fees should be charged because you need money to pay gardeners and other workers, and buy plants and young trees.,【解析】 考查平行不定式结构。buy前加to。根据句法,buy应和

18、to pay gardeners保持一致。,模块4 应试点睛,4“词性、词形”错误 主要包括名词的单复数变化、代词的词形变化以及形容词和副词的词形变化。弄清词性与词性之间的相互修饰关系。比如:形容词修饰名词,副词修饰形容词、动词、分词等。,模块4 应试点睛,例1 2010四川 And after many attempts, she past her driving test and told her husband that,to release, he was going to,【解析】 考查“词形”错误。past改为passed。两个词发音上一样,此处做谓语应用passed。,模块4 应

19、试点睛,例2 2010四川 “but I still couldnt get used to itin fact, Ive nearly killed three peoples.”,【解析】 考查“词形”错误。peoples改为people。people是集合名词,本身表示复数意义,不需加“s”。,模块4 应试点睛,例3 2010辽宁 she worn black sports shoes and a black sweater, although in the summer.She was, in fact, rather attractively,,【解析】 考查“词性”错误。attra

20、ctively改为attractive。做表语,用形容词。,模块4 应试点睛,5“动词的变化”错误 主要包括时态的词形变化、被动语态的词形变化、非谓语动词的词形变化以及第三人称单数等。,模块4 应试点睛,例1 2010浙江 “Excuse me,” she said, put her arm around the unhappy old woman.,【解析】 考查非谓语动词。put改为putting。此处是分词短语作伴随状语。此时是主谓关系,故用putting。,模块4 应试点睛,例2 2010浙江 I noticed Mother looking at a nearby table occ

21、upy by an elderly woman and a young couple.,【解析】 考查非谓语动词。occupy改为occupied。此处是分词短语作后置定语,occupy 与table是被动关系,故应用过去分词。,模块4 应试点睛,例3 2010重庆 After hear your sad stories, he will say some words that are nice and warm.,【解析】 考查非谓语动词。hear改为hearing。after是介词,后接名词或动词ing形式。,模块4 应试点睛,6“特殊疑问词”“连词”和“引导词”错误 特别是which和t

22、hat引导定语从句、抽象名词后面常常跟that引导的同位语从句等。,模块4 应试点睛,例1 2010重庆 Here is my idea about how a friend is like.,【解析】 考查特殊疑问词。how 改为what。由what引导宾语从句,从句中like缺宾语。,模块4 应试点睛,例2 2009海南宁夏 No lectures this morning so I think Id email you and let you know what things are going.,【解析】 考查特殊疑问词。what改为how。句意是如何让对方知道情况的进展,故应用为ho

23、w。,模块4 应试点睛,7“多词”错误 多词错误一般有如下几种类型:1)受母语思维影响,出现汉语式结构,造成冗言;2)不明词义内涵,造成词义重叠;3)介词多余;4)助动词、系动词多余;5)多冠词;6)定语从句中的成分重复;7)程度副词和频率副词,如 much,more,often等的多余;8)多余小品词to等。,模块4 应试点睛,例1 2010浙江 The woman smiled happily as she accepted to it.,【解析】 考查多余小品词。去掉to。accept是及物动词,其后直接接名词或代词作宾语。,模块4 应试点睛,例2 2010辽宁 I never knew

24、 much about her except for that she was strange.,【解析】 考查多余介词。去掉for。except that直接接宾语从句,无需再用for,模块4 应试点睛,例3 David pointed to a path which it he thought would probably lead to a village.,【解析】 考查语义重叠。去掉 it。it与其前的关系代词 which 语义重复。,模块4 应试点睛,8“缺词”错误 缺词现象常见有:1)缺系动词;2) 缺介词;3) 缺冠词、物主代词等限定词;4) 在定语从句中缺关系代词或关系副词;

25、5) 缺连接词; 6) 缺否定词; 7) 缺不定式符号to等。,模块4 应试点睛,例1 2010全国 So if they had said was true, I would have a chance of winning the prize.,【解析】 考查连接词的缺失。if后加what。what引导主语从句,在句中意为“的话”。,模块4 应试点睛,例2 2010四川 “Well, it is all because of the business of driving on right.” She said.,【解析】 考查冠词的缺失。right前加the。方位名词前要加定冠词the。

26、,模块4 应试点睛,例3 The World Health Organization and other organizations are working improve health all over the world.,【解析】 考查词的缺失。improve前加 to。to improve此处是不定式短语作目的状语。,模块4 应试点睛,三、 尊重解题步骤 1通读全文,掌握大意 短文改错不同于单句改错,它涉及行文逻辑及句子与句子间必要的联系错误。单独看可能是对的,但从整体看可能上下文不符。做短文改错时应该树立整体意识,应从短文整体入手,因为短文改错题实际上间接地考查学生的文意理解和纠错能

27、力,所以考生必须在阅读并,模块4 应试点睛,且在理解了文章的基础上去发现并改正错误。因此,事先应该先快速粗读一遍短文,留心文中关键的词句,把握文章的大意及上下文之间的联系,为下一步判断和改错奠定基础。,模块4 应试点睛,2整句理解,逐行分析 因为短文改错题的特征是分行设置错误的,而不是以句子为一个单位设置错误的。所以考生在进行改错时必须在通读全文的基础上,对照上下文逐行逐字细读,分行判断,理清句意,找出上下文之间的内在联系及其行文逻辑关系,检查句子的结构是否完整。总之,在分析句子过程中,考生应对每,模块4 应试点睛,句话的句子成分进行分析,根据上文讲的错误类型确定主谓是否一致、动宾结构搭配是否

28、合理、时态语态是否正确、非谓语动词的形式是否正确、是否多词或少词、句子与句子之间的逻辑关系是否正确以及上下文的意思是否连贯。,模块4 应试点睛,3复读全文,检查核对 回头重读全文验证答案,将初步改错的短文再次细读。在复读检查过程中,特别是上下文的联系,既要重视文字、句子的字面意思,又要弄清文字段落的内在含义和内在逻辑关系及篇章结构。看错误类型的比例是否得当、前后逻辑是否一致、有无前后矛盾等现象。,专题一 记叙文,专题一 记叙文,专题一 真题再现,2010全国 Christie was one of my best friend at high school. 1._ At that time,

29、 we often spend time together. 2._ Thank to her help, I made great progress in my 3._ study. Last year, she decided to study abroad. In 4._,专题一 真题再现,other words, we would be separated for long time. 5._ Before her leaving off, I prepared a gift to show 6._ my best wishes to him. She said it was the

30、best 7._,专题一 真题再现,gift she has ever had. From then on, weve 8._ kept touch with each other through emails. I 9._ look forward to see her again in the near future. 10._,专题一 真题再现,参考答案: 1friendfriends one of 后接名词复数。 2spendspent at that time表示过去发生的事情。 3ThankThanks thanks to 是固定短语,“多亏了,因为”。 4 5for后加a,专题一

31、 真题再现,6去掉off leave 已经表示离开之意,off多余。 7himher 代词使用要一致。 8hashad 时态错误,应为过去完成时。 9kept后加in 10seeseeing look forward to中的to是介词,后接动词时要用动名词形式。,专题一 专题预测,(一) My classmates and I worked as volunteer in Beijing 1._ Paralympics in September 13.Early in the morning at 7:20, 2._ we gathered at the National Stadium,

32、namely the Birds Nest. 3._ Then we got into it and ten minutes late, we started to do 4._,专题一 专题预测,some cleaning.From 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, we tried our best help 5._ the disabled athletes to get ready for their competitions, leading the 6._ audience to their seats and keep order.It was until 12:00 am

33、 that we 7._,专题一 专题预测,had lunch and took a rest, which last about an hour.We stopped 8._ working at 4:00 pm.Though it was a tired job, we felt 9._ that it an honor to serve the disabled friends from all over the world. 10._,专题一 专题预测,参考答案: (一) 1volunteervolunteers 2.inon 3.4latelater 5.help前加to 6.lea

34、dinglead 7在until前加 not 8.lastlasted 9.tiredtiring 10去掉that或在it后加was,专题一 专题预测,(二) My birthday is coming. Father asked me how I would 1._ want as my birthday present. I told him I need no present but 2._ a party. Father said OK. When I recited the name of my seven 3._ friends I planned to invite, he w

35、ondered why his guest list didnt 4._,专题一 专题预测,include my new neighbor Tom. I told him I didnt like to be with 5._ a person whom I didnt know well. And father insisted that I 6._ seize the chance to make new friends. In my birthday, Tom 7._,专题一 专题预测,came besides my seven friends. Very quick we became

36、 good 8._ friends. From this I realized give others a chance means giving 9._ myself a chance. It was really unforgettable birthday. 10._,专题一 专题预测,(二) 1howwhat 2.needneeded 3.namenames4hismy 5. 6.AndBut 7InOn 8.quickquickly 9.givegiving 10unforgettable前加an,专题一 专题预测,(三) A 60yearold Australia woman ju

37、mped onto the back 1._ of a 4metre crocodile stop it from killing a 34yearold 2._ man. The crocodile grabbed one man as he was sleeping 3._ in a tent at a beaches campsite in Australia. The crocodile 4._,专题一 专题预测,entered the tent around 4 am Monday and dragged 5._ the man outside. The woman, that wa

38、s camping nearby, saw 6._ what was happening and jumping onto the crocodile. The crocodile 7._,专题一 专题预测,then let the man go and turned on the woman, pulling him 8._ towards the water. Luckily a third person shot 9._ the crocodile death just in time, saving the woman. 10._,专题一 专题预测,(三) 1Australia Aus

39、tralian 2.stop前加to 3one manthe man 4.beachesbeach 5Monday前加on 6.that who 7jumpingjumped 8.himher 9. 10death dead,专题二 应用文,专题二 应用文,专题二 真题再现,2009重庆 Dear Jerry, Im glad to know that you had an interest in Chinese 1._ food. Here Id like to tell you something about them. Chinese 2._ food is famous with it

40、s wide variety. The food in one area 3._ can be easy told from that in another. For example, Shanghai 4._,专题二 真题再现,food, a little bit sweet, differ from Sichuan food that is rather 5._ hot. However, every kind of the Chinese food is worth trying, 6._ because each has a delicious taste and good for h

41、ealth. Since 7._,专题二 真题再现,the restaurant in China usually serves special dish of different 8._ areas, you can enjoy various Chinese foods whenever you 9._ are. Im looking forward to meet you here so that I can tell 10._ you more about Chinese food at table. Best wishes. Jin,专题二 真题再现,参考答案: 1hadhave 由

42、本句知是叙述一个客观事实,故用一般现在时。 2themit it指代Chinese food。 3withfor be famous for因为而出名。,专题二 真题再现,4easyeasily 本句中应用副词修饰动词。 5differdiffers 本句中主语为Shanghai food,是单数名词,故谓语动词用单数。 6去掉the food为不可数名词,表泛指时前面不加冠词。,专题二 真题再现,7and后加is 本句是由and连接的两个并列句。并且第一个句子是主谓结构而第二个句子是主系表结构,谓语不同,所以不能省略。 8dishdishes 前面无冠词,所以用复数形式表泛指。,专题二 真题

43、再现,9wheneverwherever 此处为让步状语从句,无论你身在何处,都可以吃到中国的各种美食。 10meetmeeting look forward to中to为介词,所以后面应跟名词或动名词。,专题二 专题预测,(一) Dear Grandpa, Thank you for your letter. My school is organizing a basketball team and theres just a chance which I can join it. Im short, of 1._ course, so terribly quick and brave. W

44、hile the others 2._,专题二 专题预测,are jumping about in the air, I can run under my legs 3._ and get the ball. It will be lots of fun for practicing out 4._ on the playground in the afternoon with the tree 5._,专题二 专题预测,around us all red and yellow and everybody laughing 6._ and shouting. These are the hap

45、pier girls Ive ever 7._ seen and Im the happiest in all!I meant to write 8._,专题二 专题预测,long letter and tell you all the things Im doing at school, 9._ but the bell was ringing, so I just have to stop here. 10._ Love, Judy,专题二 专题预测,参考答案: (一) 1whichthat 2.sobut 3.mytheir 4.去掉for5treetrees 6. 7.happierhappiest 8.inof 9long letter前加a 10.wasis,专题二 专题预测,(二) Hello! Welcome to England. We ho


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