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1、2019/7/29,名词性从句考点归纳及应用,阳信一中英语组 张淑芝,2019/7/29,1. The reason why I love my hometown is that I love my hometown. Thats because 3.My hometown Thats why I love it.,2019/7/29,名词性从句 Noun Clause,主语从句 Subjective Clause,宾语从句 动词后 介词后 Objective Clause,表语从句 Predicative Clause,同位语从句 Appositive Clause,2019/7/29,指出

2、下列各名词性从句的种类,1. It depends on whether he will agree to the plan. 2. She sensed that she was being watched by a tall man in a dark coat. 3. The truth is that the fog is too thick for the bus to run that far. 4. When we will start is not clear. 5. Theres a feeling in me that well never know what a UFO

3、is.,介词宾语从句,表语从句,动词宾语从句,主语从句,同位语从句,2019/7/29,名词性从句中的连接词: 从属连词: 连接代词: 连接副词:,that / whether(if),what / who/ which / whose / whatever / whoever / whomever / whichever,where / when / why / how / wherever / whenever,2019/7/29,一、语序,名词性从句考点归纳及应用,1.It makes no difference where shall we have the meeting. ( )

4、2.It makes no difference where we shall have the meeting. ( ),_,_,2019/7/29,一般情况下,主语从句均看作单数概念。 “what”引导主语从句时,谓语动词:1)常与其后作表语的名词一致 2)根据句子的语境而定。,1.When he will hold the party _ not clear yet. (be) 2.What we need more time. (be) 3.What you left only several old books. (be) 4.What I say and think _ none

5、of your business. (be) 5.What he says and does agree. (do not),is,were,is,dont,二、主谓一致,is,2019/7/29,三、形式主语(宾语),1. is certain that he will succeed. 2. is not known whether he will go there. 3. has not been decided yet when theyll start the project. 4. We must make clear that we mean what we say. 5.You

6、 may depend on _ that I shall always help you.,It,It,It,it,it,2019/7/29,It代替that从句句型荟萃,1. It is likely /possible /certain /clear that 2. It is said/ reported that 3. It is suggested /reqested that sb.(should) do 4. It seems/ appears/ happens that 5. Its a pity/a fact /an honour that 6. (Its) no wond

7、er that 7. Sb. take it for granted that 8. Sb. make it clear/known/a rule that 9. Sb. think/ feel/ believe/ consider it important/ difficult that,2019/7/29,1. I asked her _ she had a bike. 3. I dont know _ or not he is well. 2. I dont know _ he is well or not. 4. Were worried about _ he is safe.,if

8、/ whether,whether,whether / if,if / whether,四、引导词的选用,动词后宾语从句, if / whether皆可,介词后宾语从句,用whether,与or not 连一起,用whether,动词后宾语从句, or not 在句末,if也可用,whether,2019/7/29,that/whether,1.(09天津)It is obvious to the students _ they should get well prepared for their future. A. as B. which C. whether D. that 2.(08上

9、海) It has been proved _ eating vegetables in childhood helps to protect you against serious illness in later life. A. if B. because C. when D. that 3.(09上海)It is not immediately clear _the financial crisis will soon be over. A.since B.what C.when D.whether 4.(06江苏)We havent settled the question of _

10、 it is necessary for him to study abroad. A.if B.where C.whether D.that,2019/7/29,that/what/which,he said at the meeting astonished everybody present. he said so at the meeting astonished everybody present. (08北京)The companies are working together to create they hope will be the best means of transp

11、ort in the 21st century. I read about it in some book or other.Does it matter _ it was?,What,That,what,which,2019/7/29,what 相关句式转换,我们尽我们所能来解决这个问题。 1.We did _ we could to solve the problem. 2.We did all _we could to solve the problem. 他不再是以前的那个人了。 1.He is no longer _ he used to be. 2.He is no longer

12、the man _ he used to be. 众所周知,他很诚实。 1.It is known to all _ he is honest. 2._ is known to all is that he is honest. 3._ is known to all, he is honest.,what,what,What,that,that,that,As,2019/7/29,原先是学校的地方建起了一家医院。 1.A hospital was set up in _ used to be a school. 2.A hospital was set up in the place _ u

13、sed to be a school. 3.A hospital was set up in the place _ there used to be a school. 4.A hospital was set up _ there used to be a school.,what,where,which/that,where,2019/7/29,wh-ever/no matter wh-,1.He will believe whatever others say. ( ) 2.Whatever decision he made, I support it. ( ) 3.Wherever

14、he goes,there are crowds of people waiting to see him. ( ) 4.Send it to whoever is in charge of it. ( ),判断下列句中哪些wh-ever可换为no matter wh-,anything that,anyone who,2019/7/29,who/ whom whoever/ whomever,1.I wonder _ will leave the room last. _ leaves last ought to turn off the light. 2.(08浙江) _wants to

15、stay in a hotel has to pay their own way. A. Anyone B. The one C. Whoever D. Who 3.Sarah hopes to become a friend of _ shares her interest. A.anyone B.whomever C.whoever D.no matter who,who,Whoever,2019/7/29,1.We all thought _ a pity that we had missed the lesson. A. so B. such C. it D. that 2. One

16、of the men held the view _ the book said was right. A. what that B. that which C. that what D. which that 3. You may have one of these; in other words, you may have _ you choose. A. whichever B. what C. no matter what D. no matter which,Practice time,2019/7/29,4. After three hours climbing , they re

17、ached _ they thought was the place theyd been dreaming of . A.what B.which C.where D.that 5. - I saw your neighbor break your window with a basketball. - _ made me nearly mad. A. That he broke it B. What he broke it C. He broke it D. His break it,2019/7/29,依据下题尝试写出含有2-3句名词性从句的短文,在我国, 随着越来越多的人拥有车辆,交通

18、事故经常发生在我们身边。你班就这个话题展开了讨论。请你根据下面的提示,写一篇短文 1.事故原因:违反交通法规,超速驾驶、酒后驾 车等 2. 事故后果:财产损失、人员伤亡等 3. 措施或建议:加强教育、增强安全意识等 注意:词数:120左右。请勿逐条翻译 参考词汇:交通法规 traffic laws and regulations: 安全意识 awareness of safety 赔偿compensation.,2019/7/29,One possible version: In China, more and more people own their cars and traffic ac

19、cidents happen frequently, which has a bad effect on the whole society. In view of the existing situation, we held a heated discussion on it. We all share the opinion that the cause of accidents is mainly due to careless drivers who dont follow the traffic laws and regulations. Could you imagine wha

20、t will happen for a heavy drinker if he drives his car at a high speed? The injuries and possible deaths will give him an unforgettable lesson, let alone the compensation to be paid. It is obvious to us that crowded roads lead to traffic accidents as well. In conclusion, we suggest that people should make sense of traffic law and regulations and strengthen their awareness of safety.,2019/7/29,随着社会经济的发展,环境问题日益严重。某国际环境保护组织正在发起一项保护地球的活动,请你写一篇演讲稿,号召人们树立“保护地球,从我做起”的意识。内容包括以下要点: 1.地球作为我们唯一家园的重要性,并指出地球面临的问题及其原因; 2.号召大家共同努力使我们的家园更加美丽; 文章要有感染力;词数:120左右,2019/7/29,Thank you!,


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