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1、1 经济开发区 _,economic development zone,cut back on production,削减生产,把所有的死树都砍倒,cut down all the dead trees,2,cut away (from sth) 切除,砍掉,剪去 cut back (on) 削减,缩减,减少 cut down 砍倒,降低(价格); 减少的量,缩减 cut in 插嘴,插进来说;超车;干预 cut off 切断(电力、煤气、自来水等), 停止的供应; 使分离,使隔绝;使电话中断 cut through 剪段;凿穿 cut up 切碎, 把切成小块,3,4 遵循往常的辩论程序 _

2、,follow our usual schedule for debate,5 回收利用废物 _,recycle the waste,6 贪婪的商人 _,greedy businessman,7 依靠父母供给衣食 _,rely on ones parents for food and clothing,8 put the tiger in danger of dying out _,使得老虎濒临灭绝的危险,9 做某事是某人的责任 _,Its sbs responsibility / duty to do sth.,10 be responsible for sth. 对某事负责;是的起因 ta

3、ke the responsibility to do sth. 承担起做某事的责任,11 环保产品 _,environmentally- friendly products,12 经营这些工厂的人们 _,the people operating the factories,13 给病人的胃动手术 _,operate on the patients stomach,15 原材料 _,raw material,use up,用尽,(物)用完,耗尽,run out,(人)用完,run out of ,16,17 打扫干净,收拾整洁 _,clean up vi & vt.,18 把印/压在上; 使某

4、人铭记 _,impress sb. with sth. impress sth. on/upon sb.,be impressed by/at/with 对留下深刻印象,wait in a queue for 排队等候 queue (up) (for sth.) (人/车等)排队等候 jump the queue 插队,夹塞,19,20 采取措施做某事 _,take some measures/steps to do sth.,21 跳出,选好;认出,辨别出 _,pick out,22 从到变化不等 _,range from to range between and ,23 四处打听 _,as

5、k around,24 环境保护 _,environmental protection,25 太阳能 _,solar energy,26 酸雨 _,acid rain,27 全球变暖 _,global warming,28 二氧化碳 _,carbon dioxide,under way 在进行中,在航行中 under repair 在修理中 under construction 在建设中 under discussion 正在讨论中 under examination 在被检测 under test 正受检测 under consideration 在考虑中 under development

6、 在开发(研制)中 under attack 正在受到攻击 under investigation 尚在调查之中,“把看作”表达法种种 regard as consider as/to be look on/upon as have/keep as treat as think of as ,31 关于,至于 _,in / with regard to,32 喜欢/感谢做某事 _,appreciate doing sth.,33 逃避某人的责任 _,hide from ones responsibility,34 战胜挑战 _,overcome the challenges,35 尤其,特别 _,in particular,36 对担心,挂念;关注,关心 _,be concerned about/over/for,就某人而言,as far as someone is concerned,37 be absorbed in _,全神贯注于,沉醉于,be buried in be lost in 埋头干,38 自由发言 _,open the floor,39 尽自己的职责 _,do ones part,40 排放 _,let off,


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