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1、版權與你 息息相關 COPYRIGHT CONCERNS YOU,吳凱詩 高級律師 知識產權署 Maria K Ng Senior Solicitor Intellectual Property Department,背境 Background,版權保護始於 1.7.1912 Copyright protection began on 1.7.1912 本地化及全面現代化的版權條例於 27.6.1997 生效 Localised, comprehensive and modernised copyright law came into operation on 27.6.1997,版權的本質

2、Nature of Copyright,無形資產 Intangible property 保障表達形式,並非意念 Protects form of expression Not ideas,擁有版權的資格 Qualification for Copyright Protection,開放主義 Open system,版權作品 (一) Copyright Works (1),原創文學作品 Original literary works 戲劇作品 Dramatic works 藝術作品 Artistic works 音樂作品 Musical works 在生之年 + 50 年 Life of au

3、thor + 50 years,版權作品 (二) Copyright Works (2),聲音紀錄 Sound recordings 影片 Films 廣播 Broadcasts 有線傳播節目 Cable programmes 製作後50年 50 years after work is made,版權作品 (三) Copyright Works (3),排版 Typographical arrangement of published edition 首次發表後25年 25 years from 1st publication,註冊 ? Registration ?,不需要 Not requi

4、red,版權啟事 Copyright Notice, 擁有人 , 第一次出版年份 Owner, year of first publication 不是強制性 Not compulsory 有意保護其版權 Intends to protect its copyright,擁有權 Ownership,作者 - 第一擁有人 Author - first owner,僱員作品 Employees Work,僱主為版權人 Employer as owner 在受僱期間製作 Made in course of employment,委託作品 Commissioned Work,合約決定權屬 Owners

5、hip depends on contract 專用特許使用權 Exclusive licence to use,受版權所限制的作為 Restricted Acts,複製 Reproduction 向公眾發放 Issue to the Public 公開表演 Public performance 廣播、有線傳播 Broadcast, Cable programme 改編本 Adaptation,何謂複製 ? What is copying ?,不只限 “複製文本” Not limited to “hard copies” 包括電子方法貯存 Includes storage by electro

6、nic means 傳真、掃描、下載至硬磁碟、列印 fax, scan, download to hard disk, print 包括手抄 includes copying by hand,複製多少才算侵權 ? When will copying constitute infringement ?,整項作品或實質部份 Whole or substantial part 質與量 Quality & quantity 沒有規定的比例 No prescribed %,間接侵權 (一) Secondary infringement (1),於業務中、在知情下管有侵權品 Knowingly posse

7、ss infringing copies in business 民事及刑事責任 Civil and criminal liabilities 2000年知識產權 (雜項修訂) 條例作澄清 Clarified by the Intellectual Property (Miscellaneous Amendments) Ordinance 2000 不論業務是否經營侵權品 Regardless of whether business deals in infringing copies,間接侵權 (二) Secondary infringement (2),2001年版權(暫停實施修訂)條例草

8、案 Copyright (Suspension of Amendments) Bill 2001 刑事條文返回修訂前的情形 Criminal provisions revert to pre-amended position 除:電影、電視劇、音樂錄音錄象製品、電腦程式 Except : Movie, TV drama, music recording, computer program 修訂後的民事條款不變 Amended civil provisions remain unchanged,法定允許行為 (一) Statutory Permitted Acts(1),(a) 基本因素 Pri

9、mary consideration 沒有抵觸版權人正常利用作品及亦不損害其合法權益 Does not conflict with normal exploitation of work nor prejudice legitimate interest of copyright owner,法定允許行為 (二) Statutory Permitted Acts (2),(b) 特定目的 Specific Purposes 研究及私人研習 Research and private study 批評、評論 Criticism & review 教育 Education 圖書館 Libraries

10、,研究及私人研習 Research & private Study,研究者或學生公平處理 Fair dealing by researcher or students 是否公平就須考慮 Whether any dealing is fair depends on 處理的目的 purpose of dealing 作品的性質 nature of work 處理的量與質 quantity and quality dealt with,批評、評論 Criticism & Review,公平處理 Fair dealing 確認聲明 Acknowledgement,為教學目的 For purposes

11、of instruction,老師或學生在教學過程中複製 Copying by teachers or students in the course of instructions 在合理範圍內 To a reasonable extent 不能作機印 Not by reprographic means,為考試目的 For purposes of examination,擬出試題 Setting of questions 容許複印程序 Reprographic process allowed,教育機構 (表演) Educational Establishments (performance),

12、活動過程中 Course of activities 觀眾- 學生、教師、與活動有關連人士 Audience - pupils, teachers, persons connected with activities 表演者 - 教師、學生 Performers - teachers, students 若表演者並非教師、學生,必須為教學用途 If performers not teachers/students, for instruction purpose only,教育機構 (放映) Educational Establishments (playing of work),放映聲音紀錄

13、、影片 、廣播、有線傳播節目 Playing of sound recording, film, broadcast, cable programmes 為教學目的 For instruction purpose 注意使用條款 Note conditions of use,教育機構紀錄廣播 Recording of Broadcast by Educational Establishment,教學目的 Educational purpose 確認作者聲明、其他創作努力 Acknowledge authorship and other creative effort 非圖利 Not for ga

14、in,教育機構 (翻印複製) Educational Establishments (Reprographic copying),合理範圍 Reasonable extent 為教學目的 For instruction purpose 若有特許計劃授權複製,不適用 Not applicable if authorization for copying available under licensing schemes,圖書館館長製作複製品(一) Copying by librarians (1),Copyright (Libraries) Regulations 簽署聲明 : Signed d

15、eclaration : 複製本作研究、私人研習 Copies required for research /private study 繳付複製的費用 Pay photocopying fees,圖書館館長製作複製品 (二) Copying by librarians (2),期刊內的文章 Articles in periodicals 限於一篇文章 Limited to one article 同一篇文章不可超過一份 Only one copy of the article,圖書館館長製作複製品 (三) Copying by librarians (3),其他已發表的作品 Other pu

16、blished works 合理部份 Reasonable proportion 1份摘錄 - 不超過4000字 超過1份 - 每份不超過3000 字 總數不超過8000字 但不超出作品的10% Single extract, not more than 4000 words Series of extracts - not more than 3000 words/extracts total not more than 8000 words In any case, not more than 10% of work.,特許機構 Licensing Bodies,香港作曲家及作詞家協會 T

17、he Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong Ltd. (CASH) 錄音製品播放版權(東南亞)有限公司 Phonographic Performance (South East Asia) Ltd. (PPSEAL) 香港版權影印授權協會 Hong Kong Reprographic Rights Licensing Society (HKRRLS),網上教學 Web-teaching,基本因素,合理範圍,教學目的: Primary consideration, reasonable extent, for instruction purpose

18、s : 把第三者作品上載至學校內聯網 Upload third party copyright works to school intranet 下載網上作品至硬磁碟 Download works on internet to hard disk 列印網上作品 Print out works on internet,超文本連結 Hypertext Link,表層連結 - 一般可接受 - 但建議先獲批准 Surface link - generally acceptable - but advisable to obtain prior consent 其他 - 須先獲批准 Others - p

19、rior consent required,影印書藉 Copying of books,官津學校獲協會授權 Government and Subsidised Schools obtained HKRRLS licence 須遵守協議條款 Comply with term of licence 版權印影授權協會未能包括報章 HKRRLSs licence does not cover newspapers 基本因素,合理範圍,教學目的 Primary consideration, reasonable extent, instruction purposes,進一步資料 Further information,知識產權署網頁: Website of Intellectual Property Department : www.info.gov.hk/ipd 熱線電話 Hotline,:2803 5860,謝 謝 與 答 問 Thank you and Q & A,


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