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1、谈高三教学,2009年7月8日 杨 琦,难易适中 没有偏题和怪题 英语着重考查考生的综合语言运用能力,命题所选材料来自主要英语国家的报纸杂志,语言原汁原味,体现跨文化交际意识,符合考生的生活经验、学习特点和认知水平。 设题力求科学、严谨、公平,主观题适度体现开放性,激活考生的思维,能给考生较大的发挥空间。另外,命题在稳定试卷结构、考查要求、试卷难度等基础上,突出考查主干知识,兼顾一定的知识覆盖面与考点分布。试卷难易度适中,基本上以中档题和基础题为主,没有偏题和怪题。,单项填空题:注重应用, 避免单纯考语法。 突出主干知识、重点知识的考查,兼顾一定的知识覆盖面与考点分布,特别注重在语境中考查学生

2、的语言应用能力,避免单纯考查语法知识。本大题所选语料在注重地道性的同时突出试题的时代性,如第29题是关于最近在全球爆发的H1N1问题,第34题则是关于海军建军60周年的话题。本大题还适当考虑到对文学及构词法知识的考查。,短文填词:新题型体现课改新理念,所选文章内容涉及如何写好一篇英语短文。设题严格按照考试说明的要求,重点考查学生在整体语篇理解的基础上,综合运用英语语法、词汇以及正确拼写单词的能力。本题语言材料贴近学生学习实际,同时对学生的写作方法也有一定的指导意义,在考查学生综合运用语言能力的同时,渗透了基本学能(写作方法)的培养,充分体现了课程标准的新理念。,书面表达:开放性强 学生有话可说

3、 今年的书面表达设计具有一定的创新性,主要体现在以下几个方面:适度的开放性减少了学生翻译、摘抄原句的可能,但同时题材以考生的认知水平和生活经验为基础,让绝大部分学生有话可写,能较好地检测学生自由表达、学以致用的能力。 独特的呈现方式:设题以“笑脸人”张开双臂的方式呈现主题和要点,这种少有的思路图提示方式,包含了写作方法的指导以及控制性的内容要求,有利于体现学生个性特长和思维的灵活性,完全渗透了新课程培养学生情感、态度及价值观取向的理念。,1普通高中英语课程标准(实验) 2普通高等学校招生全国统一考试考试大纲(英语课程标准实验版) 3福建省普通高中新课程教学要求 4 2009年普通高等学校招生全

4、国统一考试福建省英语科考试说明 我省普通高中新课程英语教学实际,The computer programs are a puzzle to me. The more I think of them, the more questions I think of _.(省质检22) A. ask B. asked C. being asked D. to ask The children all turned _the famous actress as she entered the classroom.(全国30) A. looked at B. to look at C. to lookin

5、g at D. look at _not to miss the flight at 15:20, the manager set out for the airport in a hurry. (福建32) A. Reminding B. Reminded C. To remind D. Having reminded, Could you please buy me an MP 4 as well as a digital camera, Mum? You can choose _, not both, my dear.(省质检28) A. each B. any C. either D.

6、 none Could I speak to_ is in charge of International Sales please? (全国24) A. who B. what C. whoever D. whatever She brought with her three friends, none of _I had ever met before. (全国28) A. them B. who C. whom D. these,-How amazing it is that astronauts are exploring outer space! -Its a challenge,

7、I guess, _ man against nature. (福建23) A. of B. for C. by D. about Everybody was touched_ words after they heard her moving story. (全国34) A. beyond B. without C. of D. in,2009-4省质检完形填空; 2009福建高考完形填空; 2009全国高考完形填空; 阅读(福建) A B C D E,Not only has Harvard given me an extraordinary honor, but the weeks of

8、 fear and nausea Ive experienced at the thought of giving this commencement address have made me lose weight. A win-win situation!,模块,新课改的词汇。 基于明确的教育目标,围绕特定的内容主题,所形成的相对独立完整的学习单元。 模块=单元 新课改的最大特色 一纲多本的选择,模块复习如何进行?,2008cloze,在新课程背景下 教材是落实新理念的载体 合作学习、自主学习。 发现法、建构法, “把学习的过程还给学生”。 资源丰富。选择空间越大越好。,制 定 备 考 方

9、 案 1英语高考的变化不大 ; 2 给学生正确的知道;, Is there any water in the basin? _(None, Nothing). Is there anything in the basin? -Who is in the office? -No one. It is not the size of the box that counts, but _ it looks like. A. that B. what C. because D. how,None,Nothing,that counts., Where did you meet Mr. White? I

10、t was in the library _ he worked. It was in the library _ we met. When was the boy born? It was on January 30_ he was born. It was on January 30 _ his father left home.,where,that,that,when, the point where. the case where the situation where Can you think of a situation_ you can use this phrase? I

11、cant use this phrase in any situation_ you can think of.,where,that/which,制 定 备 考 方 案 1英语高考的变化不大 ; 2 给学生正确的指导; 3考试说明和高考真题; 4 课标和复习方案;,词汇,课标的3500,说明3200-3300 语法 词、句等24项 How about Christmas evening party? I should say it was success. A. a; a B. The; a C. a;不填 D. the; 不填,2008高考单选,功能 社会交往等11项 Im terribl

12、y sorry I broke your glass. _. A. Thats right B. Bad luck C. Sorry D. You can forget it,功能 社会交往等11项 Id like to take a weeks holiday. _, were too busy. A. Dont worry B. Dont mention it C. Forget it D. Pardon me,功能 社会交往等11项 -Excuse me, do you have the time? -_ A .Yes , I do B. Of course, I have C.A qu

13、arter to ten D. No problem,话题,I am living a hard life now. My parents are hard on me. At school I work hard, listening hard to all my teachers and having plenty of hard homework to do. I wish I could not only work hard but work smart.,hard,制 定 备 考 方 案 1英语高考的变化不大 ; 2 给学生正确的语料; 3考试说明和高考真题; 4 课标和复习方案;

14、5 方案和实际;,听力试题 听力部分的试题采用教育部考试中心统一命制的试题。 2008 2009,听力文本听力适应反复听研究设题,单项填空 着重考查语法和词汇知识在特定语境中的应用,要特别注意语境的设置,并保证主干知识的覆盖面。本大题难度值控制在0.60左右。,如何做好书面表达,1. 词汇关 2. 语法关 3. 不遗漏要点。 4. 表达精确。,我对高考复习的认识,1 要让学生了解词汇量,以往有考纲词汇,现在福建省考试说明词汇。 2 阅读是考试的主旋律,所以复习时应该把阅读作为重头戏。 3 完形填空是语言知识+词汇辨析+语篇分析的题目,做、讲、要围绕语篇,词汇。 4 15题的单选应该在阅读中培养

15、。不求面面俱到,但求重点突破。 5 听力要确保每次考试都有。Mp3要发挥作用。,写作,福建省2009高考写作 福建省2008高考写作 体现新课改:从100个词到120150个词 2009试卷除了对每道题型做一个难度系数,还把整卷难度值设定为0.60左右 。 易、中、难 352,0.7,0.3-0.5,0.5-0.7,英语只能是英语 新课改后高考试卷仍然有课改前的东西。 英语听说读写 短文填空(2009福建考试说明) It was such a cold afternoon that we stopped playing. It was such a book that I couldnt pu

16、t it down.,关键词,1 重视、明确、信心 2 持之以恒、积少成多 3 阅读、阅读、阅读 4 规范、准确、漂亮,When I am down and, oh, my soul so weary. When troubles come and my heart burdened be. Then, I am still and wait here in the silence until you come and sit a while with me.,You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains You raise me up to walk on stormy seas, I am strong when I am on your shoulders You raise me up to more than I can be.,YOU,


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