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1、,任务型阅读理解 解题分析,阅读理解题通过不同的体裁和题材,要求 考生从文章主旨大意,查找具体细节;根据上 下文猜测词义;理解作者意图和态度;把握 文章的基本结构;从文章字面和深层理解的 角度等方面全面考查考生判断推理、分析归纳、 逻辑思维、概括总结等能力。 2005浙江省英语高考新增加了任务型阅读, 此题考查学生运用语言“做事”的能力,符合 目前英语教学改革的方向。,一、总体分析,近几年高考阅读理解主要设题为: 1.文章的话题; (Topics) 2.文章的中心思想; (Main Ideas) 3.文章的细节; (Details) 4.文章的结构; (Organization) 5.文章的寓

2、意; (Implication) 6.词义.语义的猜测; (Conjecture) 7.文章的逻辑推理.判断(Deduction),二、考点分析,(1)理解主旨要义; (2)理解文中具体信息; (3)根据上下文推测生词的词义; (4)作出简单判断和推理; (5)理解文章的基本结构; (6)理解作者的意图和态度。,三、考查内容,1.信息含量加大(文章题材与体裁各异)。 2.文章难易搭配适度。 (句子难度合理,但读速要求提高) 3.较好利用构词法,恰当增加生词的数量。 4.各种考查方法分布合理,今年又增加了 一篇阅读新题型(6篇文章,25道题, 多侧面考查考生,理解推理题目增多。),四、考题动向,

3、五、阅读理解解题方法,做阅读理解的时候要熟悉高考英语设问的角度,尽量进入角色,使得高考英语设问的风格在我们考前就知道,并能分析题干、选项与原文的关系。高考试题干扰项的编制水平很高,它们往往与原文某几个词或语句在形式、结构上很相似。有些干扰项似乎合情合理,但只有分析到语篇内容才能判断正误。这就是好的复习方法。,(一)细节理解题的解题思路及技巧,细节理解题属直接解答性问题,是阅读理解题中最简单的一种,多数属中低难度的送分题。但由于高考所占的比例很大,应特别引起注意。 此类题目的出题形式很多。例如: 1.Which of the following statements is true false?

4、 2.Which of the following is (not) mentioned? 3.The writer states 4.The author mentions that 5.What time does the writer think is? 6.How manyHow muchWhereHowWhy?,做细节题具体方法与步骤如下:, 略读材料,大概了解原文,掌握中心或主旨。 按文章的体裁,作者写作的组织模式及有关的信息词,如for example,first,second等预测应该到何处寻找自己所需要的事实。 将自己精力放在寻找你所需要的细节上,快速通篇跳读,眼睛自左至右,

5、自上而下呈Z形扫视,直到找到细节出处,待找到含细节句子时,放慢速度,仔细核对比较内容,直至找到答案。 请看04年浙江卷57题、58题、59题、62题、66题、73题、75题,湖南卷C篇(65题),(二)阅读理解中猜词悟意的途径,判断某些生词有没有进行精确猜测的必要。 根据词性和词法作出判断。如: It pictures the life of Shanghai workers. 根据句中的同义、反义、同等、同位关系作出判断。 Unlike his brother, who is a handsome man, John is quite homely. 根据文中对某一生词的直接或间接解释来弄清

6、该词的 含义。如: A calendar is a timetable of the days, weeks, months of a certain year. 根据因果关系猜测词义 。如:She felt miserable, for her parents both died weeks ago. 靠常识和经验来推测语意。,词义猜测类题型常见的设题方式有:,1.The word _could best be replaced by_. 2.Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word_. 3.By_the writer

7、means_. 4.In the _ paragraph, the word “_“ means (refers to )_. 5.The underlined word _ is closest in meaning to _. 04年浙江卷69题,河南卷74题,湖北卷第56题 04广东卷第58题,江苏卷62题,(三)如何做主旨大意题,做此类题目时,首先要搞清是问某一段还是全文的大意,可利用文中主要信息来把握文脉,进行综合归纳,概括文章的主题。如有标题,标题中的蕴含的信息往往是关键信息。另外,任何一篇文章都是围绕某个主题展开的,因此,许多文章中最明显的特点之一是有一个反复出现的中心词,即高频

8、词,也叫做主题词。抓住了它,便容易抓住文章的中心。 04年全国卷1(河南等)E篇中major出现过八次,尽管其词性、词义有所不同,但它就是关键词。04年湖南卷C篇66题。,(四)如何做推理判断题,此类题的特点是让考生根据已知的文字或事实,推断出没有直接表达的内容。推断的内容包括作者的态度、某个人物的情感、事情发展的原因或结果等,常用词有:infer, imply, suggest, conclude等词设问。要做好此类题,必须找准文章中提供的相应文字信息,特别是关键词语,把握作者的观点、态度或写作目的,借助上下文的逻辑关系来判断,并能领会文字的弦外之音。也可借助常识或文化背景来判断。 注意调整

9、自己的思维模式,使之与作者的思维模式相吻合,千万不要以自己的中国式思维去衡量英美人的观念及生活习惯。 04湖南卷63题,04河南卷B篇Fair way。,1.以词汇和语法为突破口,加强基础知识。 (高中学生应该有3500多个英语词汇。) 2.增加阅读的广度,多看课外英语读物。 (读点英语报刊杂志与各种英文说明) 3.提高阅读速度,学会扫视、跳读、纵式 阅读。(7分钟内能完成300字左右的 文章,并能解答附带的题目。) 4 .根据不同的文章和体裁,运用灵活的 阅读技巧。,五、备考策略,任务型阅读分析,2005年高考英语浙江卷阅读理解50分,共六篇短文,其中新增加任务型阅读一篇,分值10分。 任务

10、型阅读这一题型注重考查学生运用目的语做事的能力,为主观性题目。省招办有关负责人介绍,今年英语卷内容和结构上的调整,只是形式上的微调,体现了在重视“双基”的基础上,发展交际情景下的语言综合运用能力的教学理念。这样的测试形式,能够考查学生运用语言“做事”的能力,符合目前英语教学改革的方向。,一、任务型阅读 Task-based Reading Comprehension,这一题型貌似简单,似乎只是阅读 理解然后查找所需的信息就可以了。 其实,远非如此。,理由如下:,第一、这一新题型属于主观试题。 这说明英语高考在增加主观试题,减少客 观试题。这是全球语言测试的大方向。 第二、这一新题型属于信息收集

11、整理 (information gathering),并不是语言 层面的考查,而是语言运用层面的考查。 第三、这一新题型并非简单的阅读理解,而是要 求获得与信息有关的信息。,第四、大纲样题显示,新题型不仅考查直接信息 的理解与获得,更考查对间接信息的获得。 第五、样题显示,新题型不仅要求获得信息,还要 求科学地表述信息。 第六、新题型同时打破了原有的分值比例,代表一 种方向。 所以说,“任务型阅读”新题型是考查学生阅读信息材料、收集整理直接与间接信息、科学表述信息的能力。,二、如何做任务型阅读,1.概览全文 概览全文的目的是了解文章的主要内容和基本结构,以便在解题时快速找到答案所在的方向,也就

12、是用最短的时间了解文章的主题,了解什么地方有什么信息,答题时就可以直奔该部分。概览时最好用笔在文章的中心词下划线,使之醒目,各段中的中心名词,如概念名词、事物名词或任务名词等,会提示各段的话题,使我们易于找到答案,迅速答题。 (例子如下),任务型阅读模拟题1,_61.Greg loves drums and his favorite is classical music. _62. Robert plays the violin, his favorite style of music is country music. _63. James loves the sound of the dr

13、um and he likes rock. _64. Harry says the best instrument is the piano. He likes to listen to opera. _65. Kevins favorite instrument is the guitar and his favorite style of music is jazz.,A. He loves to listen to drums. He says hes not a player, just a listener. He claims to like rock. B. He is viol

14、inist, so of course its natural that he should favor the violin. He prefers country music. C. His favorite is the guitar. However, he hasnt played for years, so he keeps hoping to start again. His favorite style of music is classical music.,D. He says jazz is his favorite music. He goes to listen to

15、 jazz every Friday evening. He also likes opera, heavy metal, classical but jazz is the best. He plays the piano, but his favorite instrument is the guitar. E. He claims the piano is more versatile than any other instrument. He loves to go to see a performance. He says opera has everything, color an

16、d spectacle and theatre and great music. F. He played drums when he was at primary school, and now he plays drums with his friends at weekends. They have a band. His favorite style of music is classical music.,解题步骤: 让学生看清题干答题要求,概览全文约1-2分钟,首先了解到本题主要内容是music,结构是Greg等5人喜欢不同的乐器。进行快速阅读时用笔在文章中找出中心词:drum,

17、violin, rock, piano, jazz, guitar等,并在下面画线,以利快速选项。,概览文章后,一个一个地分析问题,分析一个做一个,而不要一口气把所有问题都看完了,更不要把全部文章逐字逐句地读完再来做题。这样做法的第一个弊病就在于阅读的盲目性,造成宝贵时间的浪费;第二个弊病就是你在阅读中会遇到很多的生词,而这些生词很可能是你回答问题时根本涉及不到的,但你却会被它们搞得晕头转向,影响了你答题。 所以我们强调分析试题的重要性。通过分析试题,可以看出问题的类似以及答题的需要哪些方面的信息。,2.试题分析 (参考模拟题1),试题分析如下: 1)阅读答题说明,看清试题类型,明确试题要求。

18、 浙江省样卷题和模拟题1都要求是六选五,每选一个要和61、62、63、64、65中 Greg等5人分别的爱好相符,在A,B,C,D,E,F六个选项中对应选正确的五个,其中有一项是多余的,否则无法完成此题。 2)仔细阅读每段文章,找出关键词。 关键词也并非一定就选一个,尤其是在问题里没有任何容易辨认的词时,可以确定1-3个关键词,因为参照词多,找起来就快,而且准确,也避免了一个关键词有时会把我们引入歧路的危险。例如模拟题1的63题,James 喜欢 drum ,而还要选 rock.,参照词是sound和like,这样选择答案A的内容。再将关键词listener加以核实,选其正确答案就比较有把握。

19、,3)排除盲目性。在阅读中会遇到很多的生词,而这些生词很可能是你回答问题时根本涉及不到的,有些生词可以通过上下文猜出,如模拟题2中的bellboy, customs officer,模拟3中obesity等生词虽然没有学过,但通过上下文,完全可以猜出。碰到生词别慌张,先放在一旁再说,通过内容推断。有些生词与答题根本没有关系。 4)防止干扰。选项中,命题者往往设置在两段和两段以上的选项中,有相同或类似的内容。在答题时要十分注意,必须仔细阅读,加以区别,排除干扰,以免造成答题错误。比如模拟题1中的C和F中都有一个共同句:His favorite style of music is classica

20、l music.而区别在于drums这个关键词。,5)复现率较强的词句要十分重视,应加以比较和判断。 例如模拟题3中obesity在61-65题目中就反复出现五次,A-F内容中又多次出现,其实它有英语解释(very fat 肥胖),因此一看到生词不要慌张。 不过,师生在复习迎考中,对新出现的题型不必过分紧张,更忌搞“题海战术”,“为语言而语言”,“为技能而技能”,而应注重语言基础知识和基本技能的灵活运用,并在此基础上,重视英语阅读和写作能力的培养。,模拟题1答案,_61.Greg loves drums and his favorite is classical music. _62. Rob

21、ert plays the violin, his favorite style of music is country music. _63. James loves the sound of the drum and he likes rock. _64. Harry says the best instrument is the piano. He likes to listen to opera. _65. Kevins favorite instrument is the guitar and his favorite style of music is jazz.,F,B,A,E,

22、D,任务型阅读模拟题2,阅读以下材料,根据下面各小题的要求,从以下A到F选项中选出相应的选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。 61.Rich is a bellboy. _ 62.Marti is a receptionist. _ 63.Joseph is an operator. _ 64.Charlie is a customs officer. _ 65.Kim is a weatherman. _,Yes, Madam. It gets lots of sun in the morning. Now, the switch for the bedside lamp is over here

23、. The panel at the head of the bed has a radio and a wake-up alarm. Ive written out a prescription for you to take to the hotel clinic. Better still, Ill take it myself and have someone from the clinic bring the medicine to you. So far as I can see, youre a bit run down, overworked.,C. Yes. You will

24、 find all the information about the hotel on the information card in your room. The bellboy will show it to you. If you have any questions, just dial “9” on your phone. That is our manager. He is at your service 24 hours a day. D. We interrupt this regularly scheduled program to bring you the follow

25、ing bulletin from the United States Weather Bureau. A severe weather alter is now in effect for all of southern Ohio and Indiana. A violent storm front is moving in a north-northeasterly direction.,E. Your forms seem to be in order. Ill keep your health declaration and return your customs declaratio

26、n. Please keep them with you and be prepared to surrender them when you leave Singapore. This hotel has very good telephone services. There are three different types. First theres international direct dial service. It offers you a direct telephone service to more than 100 cities in the world. 参考答案:A

27、 C F E D,任务型阅读模拟题3,_ F 61.The suitable heading for the paragraph is “Medical advances and obesity”. _A 62. The suitable heading for the paragraph is “Obesity growth in the U.S.” _ B 63. The suitable heading for the paragraph is “McDonalds French fries”. _ C 64. The suitable heading for the paragraph

28、 is “Big meals and obesity”. _ D 65. The suitable heading for the paragraph is “Computer and obesity”.,A. Georgia is the home state of corn bread, barbecue, peach pie, and a whole lot of really fat people.-21.1 percent of the states population, to be exact, is obese (very fat). Ten years ago, the co

29、rn bread, barbecue, and peach pie were all just as good as they are now, but only 9.5 percent of Georgians were obese. What changed? Obesity is skyrocketing in every age group, in every race, in both genders, and in every state of the union. The most obesity region in the country remains the south-

30、four of the five, but the spectacular recent growth in obesity is nationwide, led by Georgia but followed by New Mexico, Virginia, and Vermont. In 1991, a little over 12 percent of the country was obese; by 1999, it was almost 20 percent.,B. Well, one thing that has changed is the portion sizes as f

31、ast food joints like McDonalds. In 1970, McDonalds offered one size of French fries; today that size is called “small”. Eventually, it introduced a new size and called it “large”; today that size is called “medium”. There is a new larger size, but you dont have to settle for that-you can always “sup

32、ersize it” and go a step beyond large. Therefore, bigger portions dont necessarily translate into bigger meals. When portions were small, you could buy two orders of fries and eat them both; now that portions are enormous, you can buy one supersized order and share it with your family.,C. People are

33、 eating more fries these days, and there comes a question: Do big meals cause obesity or does obesity cause big meals? Did McDonalds decide on purpose to fatten us up or did its market research reveal that bigger customer s were demanding bigger portions? My money is on the latter. After all, McDona

34、lds was just as greedy in 1970 as today, so if we had wanted supersizes back then, wed have gotten them.,D. Well, what else has changed? Heres the thought: do the scientific advances result in it? Ten years ago, you couldnt read a magazine without walking to the newsstand or at least to the mailbox;

35、 today you get anything from the same chair where you work. Chat with friends and do half your shopping. Do these facilities make us fat? The facts suggests otherwise: Obesity tends to be highest in states where computer ownership are lowest, and that is true even after you control for income. Furth

36、ermore, increases in obesity highest in states where computer ownership are lowest. So, the evidence goes against the computers seem to keep us trim- maybe because they are so interesting that we forget to eat, or maybe because we burn calories in silent rage every time the system crashes.,E. Likewi

37、se, incomes have risen, but that cuts both ways. As we get richer, we can afford more food, but we can afford better quality food. And better quality health clubs. On net, there is no statistically significant correlation (in either direction) between changes in income and changes in obesity.,And th

38、ere is one plausible story: the 1990s saw the coming of drugs like Pravachol that can obviously prolong your life. With medical advances like that, who need to be thin? Certainly obsesity is bad for you, but it is not as bad as it used to be. The price of obesity (measured in health risks) is down;

39、so rational consumers will choose more of it. 参考答案:F A B C D,任务型阅读模拟题4,_61.This jacket will give you the greatest protection in bad weather. _62.You can remove the hood of this jacket when you feel hot. _63.This jacket makes more noise when you run than any other jackets. _64.You cannot buy this jac

40、ket at the moment. _65.This is suitable as a fashion jacket, too.,A. Fine Form $119.99 Features Concealed hood(兜帽); front and back reflective trim; two side pockets. Evaluation This is an ideal jacket specially designed for the running market. It is heavier than some of the other models, but its cer

41、tainly the best one to be wearing in the midst of a storm. Due to the weight, you tend to be in a sweat when youre running, which it struggles to clear. It is expensive but well finished throughout. The hood is bulky when rolled away in the collar and would be better unfastened.,B. High Flyer $49.99

42、 Features Reflective piping; half-body lining; two side pockets. Evaluation If you want light and quiet, this is your jacket. The material must be one of the lightest around. It has a soft, cotton-like feel which cuts down on the usual noise of the jacket rubbing against itself. But while water init

43、ially beaded and fell off the jacket, in a heavy downpour it can become quite damp inside. However, it did dry out again particularly quickly. If youre worried about price, this is a good option.,C. Run Riot $79.99 Features Concealed hood; reflective piping; side pockets. Evaluation Their new materi

44、al, Vortex, is extremely light, fully waterproof and seems to breathe pretty well. Rather than just a warm-up jacket, this really is a model we felt you could train in. The all-round vents help the body breathe, and though the mesh lining was sometimes damp after a run, the outer material wasnt. (NB

45、 The jacket is not on sale until next season.),D. Storm-trooper $119.99 Features Reflective trim on body and sleeves; elasticated Velcro cuffs; thick collar. Evaluation Despite its appearance, Storm-troops weatherproof material has a soft feel. However, although the large back vents help air circula

46、te, it doesnt keep you perfectly dry inside, and the fleecy collar doesnt help. Nevertheless, everyone who ran in the jacket liked it a lot. In fact, it looked almost too good to go out running in. The one curious thing is the color. Despite the reflective elements, near-black is a strange choice fo

47、r a winter jacket.,E. Arlo Blockout $99.99 Features Double storm flap, at front; adjustable Velcro straps on sleeves; hood rolls away into collar. Evaluation As the dropped tail, slightly heavier material and storm flaps show, this is not specially a running jacket. That doesnt mean you cant run in

48、it. You can ,although you feel and hear it a lot more than the others. The water-proofing is excellent, but it struggles to allow any air circulation on longer runs. But if you intend to do more than run in the jacket, this is the one for you. 答案:.A 2.F 3.E 4.C 5.D,F. Fine World $84.99 Features Refl

49、ective piping on back of shoulders and logo on collar; detachable hood; two side pockets. Evaluation Fine World set out with the intent of finding a fully waterproof, breathable material and affordable price. It has largely achieved that with a coated nylon which is fairly light, reasonably quiet and certainly keeps out water. Where


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