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1、写好段落的三个标准,一、段落的统一性,一个段落应该只说明一个问题,或一个问题的某一方面;应该只叙述一件事情, 或一件事情的某一个阶段。也就是说,一个段落内的各个句子必须从属于一个中心,任何游离于中心思想以外的句子都是不可取的。,一个好的段落应该具有统一性。统一性就是一个中心思想统领整个段落。每个细节都应支持主题句,不应有无关的细节。为了支持主题,要尽可能多地提供细节,但又要避免滥用细节。 下图是一个有统一性的段落的结构图。 主题句(topic sentence) _Supporting Sentence 1 _ Supporting Sentence 2 _ Supporting Senten

2、ce 3 _ Supporting Sentence 4,例文:Millions of years ago, Australia was linked to Asia by a land bridge. Then an earthquake caused the land bridge to sink. The sea rushed in, and Australia became an island. Later, this island became a British colony. Many animals that once wandered back and forth acros

3、s the land bridge were left in Australia. And kangaroos were among them. Though they were killed off by large animals in other places, they were about to survive in Australia.,这一段讲的是远古时期的澳大利亚,当时连人类都没有,但然不必提它后来沦为英国的殖民地的事了。此句应删掉。,二、段落的完整性,一个段落的主题思想靠发展句来实现,如果只有主题句而没有发展句来进一步交待和充实,就不能构成一个完整的段落。,In my Eng

4、lish study, I have many difficulties. My first difficulty is that my vocabulary is not large. The second difficulty I have is that I can not write well. The third difficulty is that my listening comprehension is not good enough. Now I have a plan to study English well.,主题句:I have many difficulties.

5、发展句:具体说明困难 My first difficulty; The second difficulty ; The third difficulty . 结尾句: Now I have a plan,篇章结构:,分析: 本段落看似完整,有头有尾。但由于缺少实质内容即对学英语的困难的原因的分析,文章显得空洞无物;此外,结尾句讲到了plan,具体内容有没有交待,给人留下话好像没说完的感觉。 修改如下:,In my English study, I have many difficulties. The following are some of them. My first difficult

6、y is that my vocabulary is not large. As a result, I can not read fast and understand well. As I am coming to middle age, it is not so easy to keep many new words in mind quickly.,过渡句,分析词汇量小的害处,进一步分析问题的原因,The second difficulty I have is that I can not write well. As I have been very busy with my wor

7、k which really doesnt need any foreign language, I seldom have a chance to write something in English. The third difficulty is that my listening comprehension is not good enough. This is because I had little training in listening while I was at college.,造成这一问题的原因,造成这一问题的原因,To get over these difficul

8、ties, I have worked out a plan. I plan to read one or two pages of English, such as China Daily, 21st Century English or some easy novels, in order to memorize the words on the one hand and keep in touch with the current news on the other.,主题句,具体措施-1,表明目的,I will try to keep a diary in English and pr

9、actice writing at least twice a week. And finally I will try to listen to English cassettes two or three days. I believe that so long as I practice, I will be able to read, write, and understand better.,具体措施-2,具体措施-3,结尾句,表明态度,三、段落的连贯性,连贯性包括意连内在的逻辑型;和形连使用过渡词语、过渡句等方式。两者常常不可分割。只有形连而没有意连,句子之间没有内在的有机联系;反

10、之,只有意连而没有形连,有时行文就不够流畅。,如何取得连贯性的建议 1)使用同一时态 如果随意而毫无理由地改变时态,那么不管作者连句的技巧多么高超,段落也不可能取得连贯性。在写作时,可以使用现在时或过去时。选用哪一种取决于作者处理材料的方式。,2)使用某种逻辑顺序 常用的逻辑顺序有: 1)时间顺序 2)空间顺序 3)重要性顺序 4)熟悉度顺序,3) 使用连接成分 使用某些连接词和短语,重复某些关键词,可以大大增加段落的连贯性。某些连接词、短语和关键词可以起粘着物的作用,把各部分连接起来,使句子间的关系更加清楚。,连接成分主要有以下三种: a连接词语 b代词: 代词用于提醒读者注意其先行词,以此

11、把有关的部分连接起来。 c重复关键词语,示范段落 Until recently daydreaming was viewed as a waste of time Or it was considered an unhealthy escape from real life and its duties But now some people are taking a fresh look at daydreaming And it may be that more people are suffering from a lack of daydreaming than are sufferi

12、ng from too much of it,连接词,连接词,连接词,连接词,示范段落 Until recently daydreaming was viewed as a waste of time Or it was considered as unhealthy escape from real life and its duties But now some people are taking a fresh look at daydreaming And it may be that more people are suffering from a lack of daydreami

13、ng than are suffering from too much of it,代词,代词,代词,示范段落 Until recently daydreaming was viewed as a waste of time Or it was considered as unhealthy escape from real life and its duties But now some people are taking a fresh look at daydreaming And it may be that more people are suffering from a lack

14、of daydreaming than are suffering from too much of it,重复关键词,重复关键词,重复关键词,开始陈述 to begin with,to start with,lets begin with, first of all, in the first place,above all, at first 1. I thought today was going to be really bad. To start with, it was raining, and rainy days make me sad. 2. I dont agree tha

15、t animals should live in the zoo. To begin with, / First of all they have no freedom 3. At first, I thought it might be a dog, but I cant see a dog. 4. I thought today was going to be really bad. To start with, it was raining, and rainy days make me sad.,如何做到行文连贯?其中的一个技巧就是恰当使用连结词。只有恰当使用了语句之间的连接成分,才能

16、使全文结构紧凑。,顺序列点 / 显示事件的先后顺序 firstly / secondly / thirdly;first / second / third, then, next, after this, after that, before this, before that eg. 1. First I need your name and address. Second, whens your birthday? 2. He even handed out advertisements at a local supermarket. Then he told the teachers a

17、t school about this problem. 3. At 8 oclock I have math. I dont like math. Then at 9:00 I have science. Next, at 10:00, I have history. 4. After that, they went to the Outdoor Pool where there was a giant octopus.,表示 “另外, 还有” whats more, besides, also, in addition, still, as well as No, I cant have

18、any pets because my mother hates them. Besides, out apartment is too small. Also, pigs need a lot of love. Still, its a great place to visit Im lucky to be here for my six-month English course. Predicting the future can be difficult as well as embarrassing.,结束陈述 finally,lastly,in the end 1. First cu

19、t up three bananas,three apples and a watermelon. Next put the fruit in a bowl. Then put in two teaspoons of cinnamon and a cup of yogurt. Finally mix it all up. 2. He thought about going to Greece or Spain, but finally decided on Canada.,提供例子 like Some champions, like the golfer Tigerwoods, make bi

20、llions of dollars a year. such as All the restaurants have famous food from Holland, such as cheese. for example Lillian Li, for example, said that the best way to learn new words was by reading English magazines. for instance Its true that some ads can be very useful. For instance, they can help yo

21、u to compare two different products lets say And receiving gifts isnt always easy, either. Lets say your grandmother give you an orange sweater.,表示转折关系 1. but She used to be short, but now she is tall. He has 46 soccer balls and 32 volleyballs. But he doesnt play sports. 2. however However, life wit

22、h a pig isnt always perfect. 3. instead In Sweden, people dont need to spend too much money. Instead, making a meal is enough. 4. on the other hand On the other hand, people who are stressed out and angry might have too much yang in their lives. 5. on the contrary The young man didnt enjoy his old j

23、ob. On the contrary, he finds the new job very interesting. 6. while William Ritchie loves the wallet, while his classmate Gina Ardelles loves the watch.,换一种方法表述 1. In other words 2. That is to say 用于陈述事实 1. In fact I love it. In fact, I think its probably my favorite. 2. To tell you the truth,显示资料来

24、源 according to According to an ancient Chinese legend the emperor ShenNung discovered tea when he was boiling drinking water over an open fire. 改变话题 by the way Id like to start a snow globe collectors club. By the way, whats your hobby? as for As for homework, 95% students do homework everyday.,对一个话题进行总结 In short In short, the film was the best Ive ever seen. All in all In a word,


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