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1、亚青会口语培训 王云 新东方(南京)学校,Greetings 问候语,Hello everybody, welcome to Nanjing! 大家好,欢迎来到南京! Nanking!,Greetings 问候语,Hello everybody, welcome to Nanjing Asian Youth Games. Allow me to introduce the city of Nanjing to you. 各位好,欢迎来到南京亚青会,请允许我为您介绍一下南京市的概况。 Nice to meet you. Where do you come from?/Where are you

2、from? 您好,请问您来自哪里?,Greetings 问候语,Good morning! Can I help you? 早上好!请问有什么我们可以帮助您的? Good afternoon! Do you have any problems I can help you with? 下午好!请问您有什么需要我们帮助的? Nice to meet you. Where do you come from?/Where are you from? 您好,请问您来自哪里?,Welcomes & Farewells 欢迎与告别,Nice to meet you. I wish you a happy

3、visit. 见到您很高兴,祝您参观愉快。 Nice to meet you too. Me too / likewise 区别 Welcome to Nanjing Asian Youth Games. / Thanks for your visit. 欢迎您前来南京参加青奥会/谢谢您的参观。,We are very honored to provide you with our services. 很荣幸可以为您提供服务。 Have a safe trip. Take care. 一路平安,多多保重。 Catch you later. See you around.,Welcomes &

4、Farewells 欢迎与告别,Words of Thanks 表达谢意,We appreciate your understanding. 谢谢您的理解。 Appreciate for coming today. Excuse me. Thank you. 劳驾您让一下,谢谢! Excuse me vs. Sorry Get out of my way. (粗鲁) Thank you for your support. 感谢您对我们工作的支持!,Apologies表示歉意,Excuse me. Please wait a moment. 不好意思,请您稍等片刻。 Please hold on

5、 a second. (American way) We will try our best to fulfill your requests to your utmost satisfaction. 您的要求我尽力而为,希望这样能让您满意。,Sorry to keep you waiting. 对不起,让您久等了。 A formal apology (Im sorry = Its my fault.) We are sorry for the inconvenience. 因我们的原因给您带来不便,请见谅。 We will continue to improve our services.

6、Thank you for your patience. 我们会不断改进我们的服务,请多包涵。,Apologies表示歉意,Dos & Donts,Excuse me. The smoking area is over there. 对不起,吸烟处在那边。 Please keep quiet in order to hear me more clearly. 为了大家能更好地听取我的讲解,麻烦各位保持安静。,There is a garbage can, you can discard garbage there. Thank you for your cooperation 那里有一个垃圾箱

7、,您可以把垃圾扔到那里,谢谢您的配合。 Garbage can vs. Rubbish bin Ladies and children first. Thank you for your cooperation. 女士和孩子们优先,谢谢各位的配合。,Dos & Donts,We understand your feelings. Please kindly wait a moment, we will provide the services you require as soon as possible. 我们非常理解您的心情,请您稍候,遵守秩序,我们会尽快为大家提供您需要的服务。 Pron

8、unciation of “feelings” Acronym: FYI, TGIF,The public restrooms are free of charge and are marked by male and female signs in various areas around Olympic sites. These restrooms are sanitary for infant use. 很多地方会有一男一女标识,都是免费的公共厕所,宝宝使用也很卫生。,语言翻译用语 Translation expressions,Tip: 电话常用:Hold on, please. 生活

9、常用:A moment, please. 其他:Just a moment. Just a minute. Just a second. 公共电话:public phone 是公用电话, pay phone 也是(投币式)公用电话;而公用电话亭则是telephone booth;outside line 是“电话外线”,而extension 为电话(内线)分机。,五、紧急事件处理用语 V. Emergencies,(一)遇到走失儿童或老人 1. Lost Children or Seniors 1、(走失儿童)小朋友你好,我是志愿者,你的爸爸妈妈呢?你知道他们的联系方式吗? (Lost chi

10、ld) Hello, Im a volunteer. Where is your daddy or mommy? Do you know how to contact them?,应急事件处理用语 V. Emergencies,2、(走失老人)先生您好,您需要协助吗?需要我联系您的亲人吗? (Lost seniors) Excuse me, sir, do you need help? Do you need me to contact your relatives? Tips: Contact : get in touch with Emergency Contact (person),应急

11、事件处理用语 V. Emergencies,(二)突发事件用语 b. For Sudden Events 1、(停电)请大家保管好自己的随身物品,然后根据保安和工作人员的指示,循着应急指示标识有序地撤离、疏散。 (Power failures) Please keep an eye on your belongings and pay attention to the security guards and staff. Follow the signs and evacuate in an orderly fashion. 万能句: Calm Down Watch your belongin

12、gs.,应急事件处理用语 V. Emergencies,(二)突发事件用语 b. For Sudden Events 2、(火灾)请大家不要惊慌,不要乘坐电梯,从安全通道有序离开。 (In case of fire) Please dont panic. Dont take the elevator. Evacuate in an orderly fashion through the fire escapes. order : 秩序 do sth in good order 有序,应急事件处理用语 V. Emergencies,(二)突发事件用语 b. For Sudden Events 3

13、、(人群拥挤)前方非常拥挤,请大家不要惊慌,双脚站稳,或抓住身边的牢固物体。 (Crowds) Its extremely crowded in the front, please do not panic. Stand firmly on your feet or grab hold of solid objects near you.,Tips: Extremely比very更极致 Stand firmly on your feet = stand still Grab: grab a seat, grab a spoon, grab a cab,应急事件处理用语 V. Emergenci

14、es,(二)突发事件用语 b. For Sudden Events 4、(寻衅滋事)请注意您的言行,我们将联系安保人员前来处理。 (Disturbances) Please watch your words and actions, or we will contact a security guard to resolve this matter. 不要过分:Please dont go too far.,应急事件处理用语 V. Emergencies,(二)突发事件用语 5、(涉及民族宗教)您好!我们非常尊重您的信仰和习惯,很抱歉有些习俗我们不是很了解。只要在我们的服务范围内,我们会尽量满

15、足您的需求。如果我们暂时达不到您的要求,我们也会记录下您的需求和联系方式,并向上级汇报,不断改进我们的服务,请多包涵。 (Regarding race or religion) Hello! We respect your beliefs and habits; please forgive us if we misunderstand your customs. Within the realm of our services, we will do all we can to satisfy your needs. If we cant meet your requirements at

16、this moment, we will take down your requests and your contact information and forward it to our supervisor. We hope to continually improve services.,应急事件处理用语 V. Emergencies,(三)灾害性天气 . For Bad Weather 1、(雷雨天气)今天是雷雨天气,请不要穿着淋湿的衣服靠近高压变电间、高压电线和孤立的高楼,不要站在空旷的高地上或大树下,不要接近金属物体;不论什么地方,都要将收音机、电视机关上,停止使用移动电话。 (

17、Thunderstorms) Theres a thunder storm today. Please do not stand by the substation, high voltage pole or high-rise while wearing wet clothing. In addition, dont stand in high places or under any trees, and keep away from metal objects. Wherever you are, please turn off your radio, TV and mobile phon

18、e.,Tips: 天气预报的英语表达方式: sunny晴天 cloudy多云 overcast阴天 light rain 小雨 moderate rain 中雨 heavy rain 大雨 rainstorm暴雨 thunderstorm雷雨 fog雾 hail 雹 typhoon台风 tornado 龙卷风 hurricane 飓风,应急事件处理用语 V. Emergencies,(三)灾害性天气 . For Bad Weather 2、(高温天气)今天天气非常热,请注意防暑降温。 (For hot weather) Its very hot today, please be sure to

19、 stay cool. 空调 和 电扇 air-conditioner cooler,应急事件处理用语 V. Emergencies,3、(台风天气)今天有台风,行走时请。特别注意高处坠落物体,尽量不要骑车。 (Typhoons) Theres a typhoon today, please watch out for falling objects and try to stay off bicycles.,Tips: Stay cool; Keep calm. Watch out, look out! Watch out for the stone! Stay off: 相当于keep o

20、ff 如: Stay off the grass.勿靠近草地。 Stay off the wine. 不要喝酒。,应急事件处理用语 V. Emergencies,(五)其他事项服务用语 . Other 1、(不属于服务范围的事项)很抱歉,我们不提供寄存服务,请您谅解。 (Requests unrelated to our department services) Im sorry we do not offer bag check service.,Tips: Bag check service: Check in 寄存/托运/入住登记, check out 提取/结账离店 Check, pl

21、ease. 买单。 check up 体检 check with 与核实/商量 please check the correct answer. (cross - X) corresponding box(blank),应急事件处理用语 V. Emergencies,(五)其他事项服务用语 . Other 2、(无理投诉和要求)如果你愿意的话,我们可以联系上级,确认此规定确实没有做任何改变。 (Unreasonable complaints or requests) If you wish, we can contact our supervisor to check if this regu

22、lation has changed. 我们的一切行为都是按照规定: according to on the basis of,应急事件处理用语 V. Emergencies,(五)其他事项服务用语 . Other 3、(涉及其他方面的投诉)您可以打12315消费者投诉热线,我也会把您今天的情况进行记录,相信这对我们消费环境会是很好的改善,谢谢您。 (Complaints in other fields) You can dial 12315 for the consumer complaint hotline. We will make a record of your complaint

23、today. This will help to improve our service, thank you,Tips: The consumer complaint hotline 投诉中心 / 投诉及建议 Make a record of 感谢所有向你提意见和建议的人!This will help to improve our service.,应急事件处理用语 V. Emergencies,(一)应对媒体 A. The Media 1、对不起,为了不妨碍服务工作,记者采访有统一安排。 Im sorry, we are busy at the moment so we are not t

24、aking any questions from the media. Overall arrangement will be made for all journalists. 2、我会记录下您的采访信息,联系负责媒体的同事,他们会尽快和您取得联系,谢谢。 I will take down your information and contact my colleagues who are in charge of media relations. They will get in touch with you as soon as possible, thank you.,应急事件处理用语

25、 V. Emergencies,Tips: Excuse me与Sorry用法确有分别。英国语文学家 Michael Swan在其名著Practical English Usage曾把这两句话细分。 Excuse me通常在说或做可能令人不悦的事情之前使用;而Sorry在说或做这种事情之后使用,表示歉意。 Excuse me通常在要打扰别人或要打断别人谈话,或要吸引别人注意时使用。,应急事件处理用语 V. Emergencies,Tips: Take down, write down Be in charge of Be responsible for Get in touch with yo

26、u. Stay in touch. Out of touch out of 形象思维,特殊服务用语 For Health & Safety Service,医疗服务For Medical Service,1、您哪里不舒服? What seems to be the problem? 2、我们这里有温度计,可以提供给您先测一下体温 We provide thermometers here to take your temperature.,常见的病症: 头晕 dizzy 昏厥 faint 恶心 nausea 羊癫疯 Epilepsy 腹痛 stomach ache 心脏病 heart attac

27、k 发热 running a fever 中风 stroke 流血 bleeding 晕车 car-sickness 腹泻 diarrhea 呕吐 vomit,医疗服务For Medical Service,3、我们已拨打了120急救热线,马上会有医务人员前来提供服务。 We have called the emergency hotline 120. The medical staff will come to help you in a moment. 4、不要紧张,我们这里有创可贴,可以帮您清洁一下伤口,简单处理一下。 Dont worry, we have band-aids here

28、. Let me clean the wound for you.,特殊人群服务The Disabled,1、您好,我是亚青会志愿者,需要我帮助您吗? Hello. Im with the AYG Volunteers Service. How may I help you? 2、(对盲人)现在我为您带路,请抓住我的胳膊,不用紧张. (The blind) Let me lead you the way. Please hold my arm tightly and relax.,特殊人群服务The Disabled,3、(对盲人)往下的台阶共有两个,慢慢走。 (The blind) Ther

29、e are two steps down, take your time. 4、(为肢残人士推轮椅)我们要出发了,请您准备好,放下手闸。 (Pushing the wheelchair for the disabled) Were ready to go, please get ready and release the hand brake.,附 录:,Case 1 (案例02) A: Excuse me! B: Yes, sir. How can I help you? A: I just found that my wallet is gone. Maybe it is left on

30、my seat. Can I go inside to look for it? B: Im very sorry sir, but the gymnasium has already been cleared. Nobody is allowed to enter. You can go to the Lost Property Office for help. Case 2 (案例06) A: It is a great time here and thank you for your help! Here is a small gift for you. B: Thank you ver

31、y much! It is really nice of you! And this AYG volunteer badge is for you. Thank you for your support and understanding!,Case 3 (案例18) A: Excuse me, are you the volunteer here? B: Yes, sir. How can I help you? A: I just found that the battery of my camera doesnt work anymore. I think I need to buy a

32、 new one. B: Dont worry, you can buy the battery at the convenient shop over there. A: The problem is, I cant speak Chinese. So I will be grateful if you can help me buy a battery there. I can pay you some extra for thanks. B: Sorry, sir. Id like to help you but I really cant. It is not allowed to g

33、et contact with or accept cash from audience or journalists. But I can report this to my head officer and ask them to handle this. A: Ok, thank you.,Case 4 (案例19) A: Excuse me, can I enter this area? It is a great position for photography. B: Im sorry, this is the verification zone. Journalists are

34、allowed to stay in this area. There is an area especially for photographers over there. Thank you for your cooperation. A: Ok, got it. Case 5 (案例32) A: Excuse me, you witness the whole accident right? Could you please tell me what is going on? B: Im sorry sir, I am not allowed to take interviews. Yo

35、u can contact the medical manager for details.,Case 6 (案例39) A: What happened! B: It seems that the lift is stuck between two floors. A: What are we supposed to do! B: Just calm down. We could press the emergency button and call the emergency number for help. Case 7 (案例40) A: Help! Help! B: What hap

36、pened? How can I help you? A: I just twisted my ankle. It hurts so much! Please take me to a doctor. B: Im sorry for that but its better for you to stay here and do not try to move anymore. I will call a doctor here to take care of you. A: Thank you so much!,Case 8 (案例54) A: Hi! Can you do me a favo

37、r? B: Yes, what can I do? A: You know I am a super fan of XXX. Can I get into the court? I just want to take a photo with him! B: Im sorry, but audiences are not allowed to get in. Do you have his photo or something? I can try to ask for a signature for you. A: Ok, understood. Case 9 (案例59) A: Excus

38、e me, how can I get to Zone 2? B: It is in this way, sir. B: Oh, sir! Im sorry I just made a mistake. This is the way to Zone 12. Zone 2 is in that direction. Sorry for that. A: Ok, thank you!,Case 10 (案例71) A: Hey girl, how can I get to the diving hall? B: Just go straight and turn left at the seco

39、nd crossing. Youll find a grey building on your right hand side. That is the place. A: Im not quite sure about it. Can you take me there? B: Im sorry, sir. I have to keep my position. I can draw you a map if necessary. A: I just want you to take me there (grabbing the volunteers hand). B: Sir! Please mind your behavior and keep distance! This is extremely inappropriate! A: Im sorry.,谢谢 Thank You 新浪微博:王云Roger,


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