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1、如何準備中高級GEPT,國立中和高中 郭慧敏老師 November 30, 2009,中高級題型介紹,Listening,人,Which person is working here? Who would be most interested in the product advertised?,事,What is the woman doing? What are the speakers discussing? What does the woman ask for? What was the man satisfied with at the Royal Hotel? What does

2、 the doctor think about the mans effort to lose weight?,時,時,分 When will it take off? A. At ten A.M. B. At eleven ten A.M. C. At three P.M. D. At five P.M. What time of day is this announcement being made?,時,星期 順序 A. First press a button to select a drink. Then take the drink from the dispenser. B. F

3、irst insert coins into the slot. Then, take C,時,How long/ How often How often does Mary exercise? Once a week. Twice a week. Three times a week. Every day.,地,地點/問路 Where do you think this conversation is taking place? Where are the speakers? Where is this announcement being made? next to / across fr

4、om/ take the first left/ on the right,Where did you go on your vacation? The room is vacant. We flew to Miami. It was a great vacation.,原因,According to the man, why hasnt he been able to sleep? Why does Brians boss suggested a new working arrangement? Why did the man telephone the woman?,比較,價格 身高 體重

5、 溫度高低,推斷,What can be inferred about the woman? (A) Her house is very small. (B) She thinks the city is exciting. (C) Her job is very difficult. (D) She lives outside the city. What does the man imply the woman should do?,聽力計分,Reading,詞彙和結構/短文填空,Word form Word choice Verb (tense) Modifiers Pronouns P

6、repositions Transitional word/ conjunctions,詞彙和結構-Word form,Government Experts _ the stock market to do better in the coming month. (A) expectable (B) expect (C) expectation (D) expectant,During the experiment, a constant temperature of 28 C was _ while the amount of sunlight was gradually increased

7、. A. maintained B. performed C. continued D. expanded,詞彙和結構-Word choice,Register early if you would like to attend next Tuesdays - on project management. (A) seminar (B) reason (C) policy (D) scene,詞彙和結構-Word choice,My boss _ to Australia next month to open a new business. (A) travels (B) has travel

8、ed (C) is traveling (D) has been traveling,詞彙和結構-verb (tense),This proposal for a new high speed train _ because the cost is too high. A. rejected B. has rejected C. had been rejected D. will be rejected,詞彙和結構-verb,If you happen to drive _ my house, stop in for a cup of coffee. (A) over (B) by (C) u

9、p to (D) around,詞彙和結構-prepositions,Short passage E-mail Letter,短文填空,短文填空,Large animals have relatively smaller brains than small ones. As we move from small to large (26) , from mice to elephants or small lizards to komodo dragons, brain size increases, but not as fast as body size. (27) , bodies gr

10、ow faster than brains, (28) large animals have low ratios of brain weight to body weight. In fact, brains grow only about two-thirds as fast as bodies. Since there is no reason to believe that large animals are consistently less intelligent than their smaller relatives, (29) concluded that large ani

11、mals require (30) brain to do as well as smaller animals. If this relationship is not recognized, the mental power of very large animals, such as dinosaurs, will be underestimated. 26. A. brains B. mammals C. reptiles D. creatures,Ms. Monica Eisenman 555 King Street Auckland New Zealand Dear Ms. Eis

12、enman: I am - to confirm our offer of part-time 141. (A) pleased (B) pleasing (C) pleasant (D) pleasure employment at Western Enterprises. In your role,短文填空,閱讀理解,Short passages E-mail Letters Posters Faxes Memos Tables Charts Indexes Advertisement,閱讀理解,In public service lectures, fire fighters not o

13、nly teach about fire prevention, escape plans, and the use of fire extinguishers, but also warn people never to go back into a burning building for any reason. Many people die each year from breathing smoke after rushing back into their homes to save valuables. When people who have lost their homes

14、in a fire are asked what items they most regret losing, most reply “family photographs.” Baby pictures and photographs of weddings, friends, relatives and vacations are often impossible to replace. Fire fighters recommend that people make copies of their important photographs and documents and ask a

15、 friend to keep them for the family. An alternative is to keep photographs as well as other valuables in a safety deposit box at a bank.,The word “manage” in paragraph 1, line 6 is closest in meaning to (A) correct (B) attract (C) handle (D) regulate,閱讀計分,Writing,1.描述照片 2. 回覆書面,1.中譯英,2. 英文作文,3. 要求陳述

16、意見,英文作文 說明:請依下面所提供的文字提示寫一封約一百二十字(8至12個句子)的英文信。信可以是一個完整的段落,也可以分成兩段,請書寫在寫作能力測驗答案紙標示的位置上。評分重點包括內容、組織、文法、用字遣詞、標點符號、大小寫。 提示:除了實體書店網路書店外,越來越多人逛書展(book fair)瀏覽或選購自己喜歡的書籍。請寫一篇文章 (1)說明書展的好處。 (2)你最喜歡看哪一類的書籍,並說明理由。,中高級寫作範例,Writing Test Question Sheet This test has two parts: Chinese-English Translation and Ess

17、ay Writing. You will have a total of 50 minutes to complete the test.,Part I: Chinese-English Translation (40%),Translate the following Chinese passage into an English passage. Write your answer on the Writing Test Answer Sheet. 隨身聽最大的好處就是讓人可以隨時隨地聽音樂和廣播節目。無論在慢跑或等公車時,你如果覺得無聊便可以聽音樂以消磨時間。甚至想開大音量,也不會影響他

18、人。但是有的醫生卻開始擔心,如果養成長時間聽隨身聽的習慣,聽力受損的人會越來越多。,Part II: Guided Writing (60%),Write a letter of 150-180 words in an appropriate style according to the following instructions. Write your answer on the Writing Test Answer Sheet.,Leading English Magazine Has the Following Positions Open,- reporter - secretar

19、y - editor - computer programmer - translator Interested candidates please send resume and cover letter to: Formosa Features Magazine 36 Sanmin Road Yungho City, Taipei Fax: (02)2345-9876 E-mail: ,You are Kevin C. Liu. You notice the above advertisement in the newspaper, and you are interested in on

20、e of the positions. Write a letter of 150-180 words in response to the advertisement. In your letter you should first introduce yourself and then provide detailed information regarding the following: 1. which position you are interested in 2. why you are interested in the position 3. why you feel yo

21、u are qualified for the position 4. your expected salary 5. when you could start,Kevin C. Liu No. 20 Dali St., 3F Chungho, Taipei April 3, 2000 Formosa Features Magazine 36 Sanmin Road Yungho City, Taipei Dear Sir/Madam: _ Sincerely, Kevin C. Liu,Speaking,測驗題型說明 TOEIC口說測驗 題數:共11題 測驗時間:約20分鐘,99年的改變,閱

22、讀能力測驗題型:主要修訂內容 文章長度 內容的複雜性 文類的變化,題型改變,第三部分:閱讀文體,學生的背景,是否通過中級英檢?通過分數如何? 是否參加其他英檢測驗,如TOEIC,分數如何?,教學資源:聽力,News: BBC, CNN, National Public Radio H : (speeches) http:/ H : http:/ Randalls ESL Cyber Listening Lab : http:/www.esl- 滬江網 :,教學資源:閱讀,Reading Poetry: A checklist of things to be considered (from t

23、he writing center of George Mason University in Fair fax, Virginia) http:writingcenter.gmu.edu/resources/handouts/readingpoetry.pdf Cobuild Condordance: collocation http:/www.collins.co.uk/Corpus/CorpusSearch.aspx,教學資源:口說,Oxford University Press: Pronunciation (Flash Exercises) : http:/www.phon.ucl.

24、uk/home/johnm/eptotd/tiphome.htm American English Pronunciation Practice: http:/www.manythings.org/pp/,教學資源:寫作,Guide to Grammar and Writing: http:/ment.edu/grammar/index.htm Common Errors in English: http:/www.wsu.edu/brains/errors/errors.html Cambridge Dictionaries Online: http:/dictionary.cambridg

25、e.org/define.asp?key=am*3+0,英檢教學資源,語言訓練測驗中心 http:/www.lttc.ntu.edu.tw/ 2. 參考字表 http:/www.lttc.ntu.edu.tw/academics/wordlist.htm 全民英檢學習網站 http:/www.gept.org.tw,學習小組,分組 指派作業 模擬考 Make the best of this study group! 訂定共同討論時間,小組討論,分享討論: What have I learned? 彼此合作並相互支持: What problems do I have? 彼此監督並相互鼓勵: D

26、ont be absent! Are you learning a lot? 一起練習: oralquestions & answers,自學計畫,字彙、片語 文法 閱讀 聽力 口說 寫作,合作學習計畫,Listening Reading Writing Speaking,情境模擬,學習的根本就在解出考題 (1) 考試都是由考題組出 (2) 考試可以提升緊張感 (3) 使用考題能掌握自己知道什麼或不知道甚麼,2. 不要害怕面對分數 (1) 分數是一種指標,用來了解自己的理解度與熟練度,以及目標完成度 (2) 既然要考試就要多考幾次,不僅熟悉考場氣氛,還能找出自己的弱點 (3) 同儕競爭,形成壓力,長長久久的學習法:,利用新聞英語聽說讀寫一氣呵成 每日三十分鐘,每周五天 聽:聽並抄下重點 說:與partner分享一則新聞 讀:找出一篇相關報導 寫:閱讀news寫出150200字的短文,文體不拘:narration, description, exposition, argumentation,分享的喜悅,


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