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1、5 Inspiring movies,5部励志电影,Cast Away,Cast Away,Publicity slogans is: At the end of the world, he started his journey. 宣传标语是: 在世界的尽头,他开始了他的新旅程。,The film gives a person the feeling the biggest is the last few minutes of the film scene, Chuck standing at a crossroads, confusion among looked at 4 to dist

2、ant highway, he didnt know where his future. 这部电影中给人感触最大的就是电影的最后几分钟场景,查克站在一个十字路中央,迷茫的看着4个通往远方的公路,他不知道他的未来在何方。,In our life, we can not. but we had everything must have is to live long. 在我们的一生中,我们可以什么都没有,但我们内心唯独必须要拥有的就是对生存的渴望。,Rosso Come IL Cielo,Profile:,A blind children was, how to become famous thr

3、oughout Europes voice cutting master? but was born with, and will love the movie Kearney, because an accident, he must always and dark, only to the government has set the blind man by the special schools, and yet all these setbacks in school until he find an old radio to change a new world to him. h

4、owever, the life of rekindled hope was for the blind the dream.,简介:,一个从小失明的孩子,如何成为闻名全欧洲的声音剪接师?米可出生于托斯卡尼,从小就热爱电影,因为一次意外,让他必须永远与黑暗为伍,只能到政府规定的盲人的特殊学校就读,然而这一切的挫折直到他在学校找到一台老旧的收音机开始转变,一个崭新的世界为他而展开。然而这个生命中重新点燃的希望却被主张盲人不该拥有梦想的校长硬生生地打断。即使不被认同,米可仍是朝着梦想迈进,他的热情逐渐感染周遭的同学,引导着他们重新定义视障者的梦想与能力。,Dream Girls,Little Mi

5、ss Sunshine,Classic quotations:,Olive mother to her most used to say a word is: “do you own , do you want.“ Olive妈妈对她最常说的一句话就是:“做你自己,做你自己想要的”.,“We are the losers ; it is pitiful reality. many times we cant accept ; because there is still rampant desire. then we would like to spend a lot of time to c

6、onvince himself : we are the winners!“ “我们都是失败者;这就是惨淡的现实。很多时候我们没有办法接受;因为还有狂妄的欲望。于是我们总要花费大量的时间不停地说服自己:we are the winners!”,Homeless to Harvard,Profile:,A about Liz Murrays comment today, a good inspirational the film. Liz was born in the slum, from beginning to bear family and parents taking drugs, a

7、lcohol mother suffers from a schizophrenic. the poor need to go out for a mistake Liz, in the corner of the city life, suffering endlessly. as to slow growth, Liz know, there is only to be able to change its,简介:,一部关于丽兹的真人真事,一部感人至深的励志影片。 丽兹出生在美国的贫民窟里,从小就开始承受着家庭的千疮百孔,父母酗酒吸毒,母亲患上了精神分裂症。贫穷的丽兹需要出去乞讨,流浪在城

8、市的角落,生活的苦难似乎无穷无尽。 随着慢慢成长,丽兹知道,只有读书成才方能改变自身命运,走出泥潭般的现况。她从老师那里争取到一张试卷,漂亮的完成答卷,争取到了读书的机会。从现在起,丽兹在漫漫的求学路上开始了征程。她千方百计申请哈佛的全额奖学金,面试时候连一件像样的衣服也没有。然而,贫困并没有止住丽兹前进的决心,在她的人生里面,从不退缩的奋斗是永恒主题。,Perfect,Dont close your eyes They may not open What if they open Would you be alive Everyone falls But not everyone rises

9、 Why dont you get up And rise again for me,What if the world were a little more perfect Just stop crying or would you take the leap What if the world were a little more perfect Would you open your eyes and blink again for me for me.,What about friendship What about friends You said the whole world w

10、as against you And it all had to end What about love What about family What about all that you have to live for,What if the world were a little more perfect Just stop crying or would you take the leap What if the world were a little more perfect Would you open your eyes and blink again for me for me

11、. It isnt easy here without you Why did you leave me What am I supposed to do without you.,What if the world were a little more perfect Just stop crying or would you take the leap What if the world were a little more perfect Would you open your heart,What if the world were a little more perfect Just stop crying or would you take the leap What if the world were a little more perfect Would you open your heart and blink again for me for me. for me,Thank you!,


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