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1、,新起点大学基础英语教程 读写教程 教学课件 BOOK ONE,Unit Twelve,Text A Banking Service,Text,New words,Main ideas,Detailed Understanding,Text-related Exercises,Pre-reading tasks,Additional Resources,Pre-reading tasks Discuss the following questions in class.,1. What services can banks offer? 2. What do you know is the d

2、ifference between a checking account and a savings account? 3. What can people do if they open a checking account?,HOME,New Words and Expressions,HOME,service account checking account deposit customer charge monthly,fee cent withdraw loan individual repay plus vault,certificate marriage passport jew

3、el automatic teller automatic teller machine cash,service n. 1. something done to help or benefit another or others服务,效劳 e.g. Do you need the services of a doctor? 2. department or branch of public work, government employment, etc. 政府部门,服务性事业 e.g. He used to work in the Diplomatic Service. 3. benefi

4、t, use, advantage 益处,用处 e.g. Can I be of service to you in any way?,NEXT,4. system or arrangement that supplies public needs, especially for communications 公共设施,(公共设施的)运转 e.g. He was in charge of the bus service. v. to maintain or repair (a car, radio, machine, etc.) after sale 保养,修理(汽车 ) e.g. You n

5、eed to have the car serviced regularly. 【近】maintain,BACK,account n. 1. a reason given for a particular action 理由 e.g. He didnt give any account for this matter. 2. a formal banking, brokerage, or business relationship established to provide for regular services, dealings, and other financial transac

6、tions 账户 e.g. checking account 美国 活期存款账户 3. a precise list or enumeration of financial transactions账,账目 e.g. The accounts show we have spent more than we received. vt. to consider as being 认为;看作 扩展 account for 解释,说明,BACK,deposit v. 1. to put or store for safekeeping 存储,委托保管 e.g. He always deposits m

7、oney in the bank. 【近】save 【反】withdraw 2. to pay part of the money that is or will be owed 预付定金 e.g. We should like you to deposit a quarter of the price of the house. 3. (especially of a liquid, a river) to leave (a layer of matter on) (水中等)沉积(物质等) e.g. When the Nile rises it deposits a layer of mud

8、 on the land.,NEXT,n. 1. money that is stored 存款,定金 e.g. The shopkeeper promised to keep the goods for me if I left deposit. 2. layer of matter left 沉淀 e.g. A thick deposit of mud covered the fields after the flood went down. Exercise 汉译英: 1. 他今天上午往银行里存了1,000美元。 2. 现在留下定金我们就可以为您保留这个房间。 Key: 1. He de

9、posited 1,000 dollars in the bank this morning. 2. We can keep the room for you if you leave the deposit now.,BACK,customer n. 1. one that buys goods or services 主顾;购买货物或享受服务的人 2. (Informal) an individual with whom one must deal 【非正式用语】 家伙;必须与之打交道的人 e.g. a tough customer 强硬固执的家伙,BACK,charge v. 1. to

10、 ask as a price; ask in payment 要价,收费 e.g. He charged me fifty cents for this book. 2. to accuse; bring against 控告,指控 e.g. He was charged with murder. 3. to put electricity into 为充电 e.g. Please charge the battery. 比较 the difference between charge and accuse: 当两词都当控告指控讲时, charge 常组成词组 charge sb. with

11、 sth., 而accuse 则组成词组 accuse sb. of sth.。在大学英语四级考试中曾出现下面的选择题:,NEXT,He was _ with theft. A. accused B. blamed C. punished D. charged Key: D n. 1. price asked for goods or services 收费,价钱 e.g. You should pay the hotel charges before you leave tomorrow morning. 2. accusation; statement that a person has

12、done wrong 控告,指控 e.g. He was arrested on the charge of theft. 3. amount of electricity put into an accumulator, contained in a substance, etc.电荷,充电 e.g. The battery is on charge now. 扩展 chargeable adj. 可充电的,BACK,monthly adj. 1. occurring, appearing, or coming due every month 每隔一月发生、出现或来临的 e.g. a mon

13、thly meeting 2. continuing or lasting for a month 持续或连续一个月的 e.g. They will have a monthly trip. adv. once a month; every month 每月一次;每个月 e.g. He comes to Shanghai monthly. n. a periodical publication appearing once each month 月刊;每月出版一次的刊物 e.g. This magazine is a monthly.,BACK,fee n. 1. a fixed sum ch

14、arged, as by an institution or by law, for a privilege 费 e.g. a license fee 执照费 tuition fees 学费 2. a charge for professional services 业务报酬 e.g. a surgeons fee 诊费 v. 1. to give a tip to 付给报酬;给小费 e.g. The money is used to fee the lawyer. 2. (Scots) to hire【苏格兰】 雇佣 e.g. The boss feed ten boys.,BACK,wit

15、hdraw v. 1. to pull or draw back 抽回 e.g. to withdraw money from the bank 从银行中取钱 2. to take back (a statement, an accusation, an offer) 收回 e.g. He refused to withdraw the offending expression. 3. (to cause) to move back or away 撤退,使退出 e.g. The general withdrew the troops from an exposed position.,BAC

16、K,loan n. 1. something lent for temporary use 借出物 e.g. The dictionary is a loan, not a gift. 2. a sum of money lent at interest 贷款 e.g. I asked the bank for a loan. 3. an act of lending; a grant for temporary use 借 e.g. He asked for the loan of a garden hose. 4. a temporary transfer to a duty or pla

17、ce away from a regular job 借调 e.g. Tom is an efficiency expert on loan from the main office. v. to lend 借 e.g. He loaned 100,000 yuan for buying the house.,BACK,individual n. 1. any one human being 个人,个体 e.g. The rights of the individual are very important. 2. (colloq.) person 人 e.g. any individual

18、adj. 1. of one person or thing 个人的 e.g. individual rights 2. characteristic of a single person, animal, plant or thing 独特的 e.g. an individual style of speaking,BACK,repay vt. 1. to pay back 偿还 e.g. He repaid the debt last year. 2. to give back, either in return or in compensation 报答 e.g. He repaid h

19、er kindness with blows. 3. to make a return or compensation for 回报 e.g. The company will repay hard work with bonuses. 4. to make or do in return 回复 e.g. repay a call 回电话,BACK,plus prep. 1. (Mathematics) increased by the addition of 【数学】 加 e.g. Two plus two is four. 2. added to; along with 加上;附加 e.g

20、. Their strength plus their spirit makes them formidable. adj. 1. positive or on the positive part of a scale 正的,正数的 e.g. a temperature of plus five degrees 零上5度的温度 2. added or extra 附加的,额外的 e.g. a plus benefit n. 1. 【数学】 正号,加号,正数 2. a favorable condition or factor 有利的情况或因素 e.g. The clear weather wa

21、s a plus for the golf tournament.,BACK,cent n.(货币单位)分;分币 vault n. 1. an arched structure, usually of stone, brick, or concrete, forming the supporting structure of a ceiling or roof 拱顶 2. a room or space, such as a cellar or storeroom, with arched walls and ceiling, especially when underground 储藏室;地

22、下室;地窖 3. a room or compartment, often built of steel, for the safekeeping of valuables 金库,保险库 e.g. a bank vault 银行的金库,BACK,certificate 1. a document testifying to the truth of something 证(明)书 e.g. a certificate of birth 出生证明 2. a document issued to a person completing a course of study not leading t

23、o a diploma 结业证书 3. a document certifying that a person may officially practice in certain professions 执照 4. a document certifying ownership 凭证 vt. 1. to furnish with, testify to, or authorize by a certificate 用证明书证明 e.g. We should certificate our education level when we want to find a job.,BACK,mar

24、riage n. 1. the legal union of a man and a woman as husband and wife 结婚 2. wedlock 婚姻生活 e.g. Their marriage life is very happy. 3. a wedding 结婚仪式 e.g. My sisters marriage took place at ten oclock today. 4. a close union 紧密的结合 e.g. “the most successful marriage of beauty and blood in mainstream comic

25、s” (Lloyd Rose) “主流喜剧中血和美的成功结合”(劳埃德罗斯) 扩展 marry v. 娶,嫁,和结婚,BACK,passport n. 1. an official government document that certifies ones identity and citizenship and permits a citizen to travel abroad 护照 2. an official permit issued by a foreign country allowing one to transport goods or to travel through

26、 that country 过境通行证 3. an official document issued by an allied foreign government to a ship, especially a neutral merchant ship in time of war, authorizing it to enter and travel through certain waters freely 中立船证 4. something that gives one the right or privilege of passage, entry, or acceptance 引

27、荐物或保证物, 保障 e.g. Hard work was her passport to success.,BACK,jewel n. 1. a precious stone; a gem 玉石 2. a small natural or artificial gem used as a bearing in a watch 钻石 3. a costly ornament of precious metal or gems 金银首饰 4. one that is treasured or esteemed 被珍惜或尊重的人 e.g. He is a jewel in our company.

28、 vt. 1. to adorn with jewels 把用宝石装饰 2. to fit with jewels 把用宝石镶嵌 扩展 jewelry 珠宝的总称,BACK,automatic adj. 1. acting or operating in a manner essentially independent of external influence or control 自动的 e.g. an automatic light switch 2. self-regulating 自动调节的 e.g. an automatic washing machine 3. acting or

29、 done without volition or conscious control; involuntary 不由自主的 4. acting or done as if by machine; mechanical 机械的;机械般的 e.g. an automatic reply to a familiar question n. an automatic machine or device 自动装置 e.g. an automatic firearm,BACK,teller n. 1. one who tells 叙述者 e.g. a teller of tall tales 讲述令人难

30、以相信的故事的人 2. a bank employee who receives and pays out money 出纳员 3. a machine, as in a bank, that automatically conducts personal financial transactions in response to a clients use of a coded card 银行柜员机 e.g. automatic teller machine 自动取款机 4. a person appointed to count votes in a legislative assembl

31、y 计票人,BACK,BACK,cash n. 1. money in the form of bills or coins; currency 现金,现钞 e.g. Have you any cash? 2. payment for goods or services in currency or by check 支付金额 vt. to exchange for or convert into ready money 兑换或把换成现款 e.g. Can you cash this postal order for me now? 扩展 cash in 靠赢利;赚钱;利用,Text A Ba

32、nking Service,1. Banks offer many different services. 2. The most common banking service is the checking account. People deposit, or put, their money in the bank and then they can write checks to buy things. The customer usually pays the bank a service charge for a checking account. There is not alw

33、ays a monthly fee, but then customers pay 10 or 20 cents for each check that they write.,NEXT,HOME,译文,Text A (continued),3. Another banking service is the savings account. People can deposit some of their money which they do not need right now in a savings account. They will leave the money in the b

34、ank and withdraw it when they need itnext month or next year. Because the money will stay in the bank, the bank can use the money. It will pay interest on the savings account.,NEXT,BACK,译文,4. Loans are another important banking service. A bank can loan money to businesses and to individuals. The ban

35、k always charges interest on loans. The borrower must repay the loan plus the interest. The interest on loans is always higher than the interest on the savings account.,Text A (continued 2),NEXT,译文,BACK,Text A (continued 3),5. Banks in the United States usually have safe deposit boxes. These boxes a

36、re in the vault at the bank. Customers can rent the boxes from the bank for a small fee each year. They can keep their important papers, such as their birth certificate, marriage certificate, or passport, in their safe deposit boxes. Some people keep gold, silver or jewels there.,NEXT,BACK,译文,6. Ano

37、ther important banking service is the automatic teller Machine (ATM). Many banks have machines outside the bank so that the customers can get their money any time they want it, day or night. Customers can deposit or withdraw and get cash any timeif they have money in their accounts.,Text A (continue

38、d 4),HOME,译文,BACK,1. 银行提供许多不同种类的服务。 2. 最常见的一项银行服务业务是支票账户。人们将钱存入银行,然后买东西的时候用支票支付。通常支票账户顾客需要支付银行服务费。顾客不必按月交纳服务费,但每开一张支票要支付10或20美分的服务费。,BACK,课文译文,银行服务,3 还有一项银行服务业务是储蓄账户。人们可以将眼下不用的现金存入储蓄账户。他们把钱存在银行,在需要的时候下个月或者明年再将其取出。因为钱留在银行,银行就可以使用。银行会向每个储蓄账户支付利息。,BACK,课文译文,4 贷款是另一项重要的银行服务业务。银行可以将钱贷给公司或个人。通常银行对贷款收取利息。借

39、款人要同时归还本金和利息。贷款利息通常高于储蓄利息。,BACK,课文译文,5 美国的银行通常都有保险箱。这些保险箱在银行的地下室。顾客每年向银行支付少量的费用就可以租用这些保险箱。他们可以将出生证、结婚证或护照等重要的文件存放在他们的银行保险箱里。有些人将金、银或贵重珠宝存在那里。,BACK,课文译文,6 还有一项重要的银行服务是自动取款机。许多银行都将这些机器安放在外面。这样顾客无论白天黑夜都能随时取到钱。只要他们账户里有钱,顾客就可以随时存入或支取现金。,BACK,课文译文,offer v. 1. to hold out; put forward 提供 e.g. I have been o

40、ffered a job in Japan. 2. to attempt; give signs of 企图(暴力,抵抗等) e.g. They offered no resistance to the enemy. 3. to occur; arise 出现,发生 e.g. Take the first opportunity that offers. n. statement promising to do something or give something 提议 e.g. an offer of help 提议帮助,BACK,need n. 1. a lack of somethin

41、g required or desirable 需要 e.g. crops in need of water 需要水的庄稼 2. something required or wanted; a requisite 必需品 e.g. Our needs are modest. 3. necessity; obligation 必要;义务 e.g. There is no need for you to go. Modal verb. to be under the necessity of or the obligation to 必须要 e.g. They need not come. v.

42、to have need of; require 需要;想要 e.g. The family needs money. 扩展 need doing 表示被动含义, 类似用法的词还有:require、want等表示需要的词。,BACK,Phrases consisting of charge free of charge: no payment required 免费 e.g. Food and fruit here are free of charge. in charge: in command or in a position of responsibility 主管,看管 e.g. Ma

43、ry was in charge of the babies in this room. take charge of (somebody/something): to take over control or responsibility for somebody or something 负责,看管 e.g. Mr. White will take charge of the school next semester. Exercise 汉译英:1.汤姆管理着这家公司。 2.这家公司由汤姆管理。 Key: 1. Tom is in charge of the company. 2. Thi

44、s company is in the charge of Tom.,BACK,birth certificate 出生证明,certificate n. written or printed statement, made by somebody in authority, that may be used as proof or evidence of something 证书,证明书 e.g. a marriage certificate 结婚证 Exercise 汉译英:学位证书,BACK,Key: degree certificate,so that so that 引导的是目的状语

45、从句。 e.g. Tom studied hard during the holiday so that he could pass the make-up exam. so that 还可以引导结果状语从句。 e.g. He got up so late this morning that he missed the train. Exercise 汉译英: 1. 那时为了能够养活整个家庭, 杰克工作很努力。 2. 他花光了所有的钱,以致于不知该如何面对自己的父母。,BACK,Key: 1. Jack worked very hard so that he could support the

46、 whole family at that time. 2. He spent all his money that he didnt know how to face his parents.,中国人民银行,Peoples Bank of China,中国银行,中国工商银行,中国人民建设银行,中国农业银行,中国交通银行,美国花旗银行,储蓄所,信用社,英国渣打银行,Standard Chartered Bank (HK),Citibank,Bank of China,Industrial and Commercial Bank of China,Peoples Construction Ban

47、k of China,Agricultural Bank of China,Communications Bank of China,Saving bank,Credit union / cooperative,HOME,Services typically offered by banks Although the type of services offered by a bank depends upon the type of the bank and the country, services provided usually include: Directly take depos

48、its from the general public and issue checking and savings accounts Lend out money to companies and individuals Cash checks Facilitate money transactions such as wire Issue credit card Online banking Storage of valuables, particularly in a safe deposit box,HOME,Main Ideas,Fill in the blanks with app

49、ropriate words according to the passage. Banks offer different services: customers can open either a _ account or a _ account or both according to their need. They can _or_ cash any time from the _ teller machine. Businesses and individuals can _ money from the bank but they must repay it plus the _ which is always_ than that on savings _. Besides, customers can _a safe deposit box from the bank to keep important or _ things


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